“Well, why did they come here.” Aqua Rose looked towards the Undescending Light people who came by, and couldn’t help but jokingly said, “I don’t want to grab the equipment.”

“If they rush Rob, I don’t mind giving them a ride.” Fire Dance pulled out Thousand Transformation from his waist, laughed said.

Although the people of Undescending Light are quite strong, she alone is enough to kill these people of Undescending Light.

And she also looked forward to the people from Undescending Light rushing over.

Before in Dark Arena, she had a lot of insights, and she just can give it a try.

“They shouldn’t be so stupid, and they should be able to see the gap between our two sides.” Shi Feng couldn’t help laughing as everyone was gearing up.

Hidden Sins Heart is also the future God’s Domain Elementalist. If you don’t even have this vision, it is impossible to lead Undescending Light into the First-Rate Guild of the famous Twin Towers Kingdom.


“Thank you for your previous help. If you hadn’t stopped the two High Lords in time, none of us would be alive.” Hidden Sins Heart walked over and said thank you. There is also a trace of respect in it.

The other experts of Undescending Light looked at the people of Zero Wing at this time, with a trace of worship in their eyes.

Especially when facing Fire Dance, that heavy oppression, simply makes people breathless.

If they fight, they may be Insta-killed instantly.

“It’s nothing.” Shi Feng shrugged, saying it doesn’t matter.

“If you are looking for High Lord, we can help with this matter.” Hidden Sins Heart said actively, “Along the way we came, we met many High Lords, but these High Lords The Lord’s location is a bit concentrated, and when dealing with one, it is likely to attract another.”

Said Hidden Sins Heart, he sent the locations of the High Lords to Shi Feng.

“Thanks.” Shi Feng was delighted when he saw the map sent over.

There are a total of seven High Lord’s coordinates, which allows them to save a lot of time to find.

“I can help,” Hidden Sins Heart said.

“I think you shouldn’t tell me the position of the High Lord solely when you come here. Just tell me if you have anything.” Shi Feng couldn’t help but laugh when he saw Hidden Sins Heart’s hesitant to speak. .

The Hidden Sins Heart in the past was the existence that made him look up. I don’t know how many little Guilds want to hug the thighs like Undescending Light. Now seeing Hidden Sins Heart seems to be asking him for help.

This makes Shi Feng very emotional.

When Hidden Sins Heart heard Shi Feng say this, he seemed to breathe a sigh of relief: “Actually, I am here, besides wanting to thank you, I also want to ask Zero Wing Guild for one thing, although I know it is abrupt , But I don’t have a better choice now.”

“Guild Master, do you really want to say it?” The Undescending Light executive on the side was astonished. “If you say it, they won’t help us. As soon as it leaked out, we would be miserable.”

“Do you think we still have a chance now?” Hidden Sins Heart couldn’t help but sighed, and there was a deep sense of powerlessness in his eyes.

He wouldn’t do it if possible.

But he really can’t think of a better way. Now he can meet Zero Wing Guild and see the strength of Zero Wing Guild. This makes him think it’s a chance, perhaps the last chance. , And only dead horses can be treated as living horse doctors.

The other senior executives of Undescending Light are also silent, and they can’t refute them if they want to refute them.

But this made Shi Feng curious.

If Hidden Sins Heart just came to get closer to him, he can understand it, but if someone like Hidden Sins Heart is proud, he must put hope on a stranger, which shows that things are very Serious, so serious that Hidden Sins Heart feels desperate.

As for Hidden Sins Heart’s character and character, he is very clear, and he never bows his head easily, even if he started a war with the First-Rate Guild. Doing things is very empathetic, not at all. It’s very heavy, or else I wouldn’t have risked Guild’s delisting and fight the First-Rate Guild with allies.

God’s Domain is just a game. It is impossible for someone like Hidden Sins Heart to bow their heads.

“I want to sell several plots of land in Twin Towers Kingdom. I sell these plots of land at a 10% discount to the market price. I hope Zero Wing Guild can use gold coins or equivalent Top Grade equipment to buy Come down.” Hidden Sins Heart hesitated for a while before finally opening the mouth and said.

“Do you sell plot of land?” Shi Feng felt very strange. When did Hidden Sins Heart become the person who promoted plot of land, “If it is garbage plot of land, we Zero Wing will not Yes.”

“At this point, you can rest assured that they are all plots of land in Snow Field City that have a great appreciation value.” Hidden Sins Heart said and took out several land deeds in Snow Field City. To prove.

“Crap, these places are all plots of land close to Underground Arena, Adventurers Guild, Auction House, and War God Temple. Are you crazy and sell them now?” Blackie saw land deed Later, could not help but be surprised.

Nowadays, the potential plot of land in NPC’s major cities has long been bought. Even if you have money, it is difficult to buy. With the popularity of God’s Domain, more people will enter God’s Domain in the future. , The price of plot of land in these NPC major cities will also skyrocket.

I am afraid that in less than half a year, the price of these plots of land will be at least several times higher, especially in Snow Field City, the city of Twin Towers Kingdom Ranked 3rd.

But Hidden Sins Heart is sold now, simply crazy.

“They are indeed good plots of land, but why should they be sold to us Zero Wing?” Shi Feng asked.

Twin Towers Kingdom, like Star-Moon Kingdom, is a medium-level Kingdom. Although Snow Field City is not as good as White River City’s status in Star-Moon Kingdom, Snow Field City is ranked 3rd. , I don’t worry that plot of land can’t be sold, or it’s very popular.

“This…” Hidden Sins Heart was silent for a while, sighed said, “It’s not that I don’t want to sell, but no one dares to buy.”

“This is Why? Obviously it can be doubled in the future, why would someone not buy it?” Aqua Rose also surprisedly said.

Don’t talk about Twin Towers Kingdom Ranked 3rd big city, even Ranked 2nd ten’s city potential plot of land is also very popular. She used to get the plot of land for Candlelight Trading Company, she also specialized I went to other Kingdom and Empire and bought several places. I know very well how popular these plots of land are.

“Because they don’t want to offend Super-Guild King’s Return.” Hidden Sins Heart helplessly said.

Everyone at Zero Wing heard Hidden Sins Heart say so, and suddenly became silent.

King’s Return is the veteran Super-Guild, which is not comparable to the half-Super Guild Dragon Phoenix Pavilion, and the base camp of King’s Return is not far from Star-Moon Kingdom and Twin Towers Kingdom Glorious Light Empire.

Shi Feng is startled.

each and everyone small Undescending Light Guild can provoke Super-Guild King’s Return, no matter how you think about it, I feel impossible, and Super-Guild like King’s Return wants to destroy the current Undescending Light But with no difficulty, there is no need to do such a thing.

Hidden Sins Heart gritted his teeth and said, “I don’t want much of these five plots of land. I only need 13,000 gold.”

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