“What is he going to do?”

Hidden Sins Heart and the others looked at Shi Feng who rushed towards Demon Skeleton War General, each and everyone was surprised.

High Lord Rank other monsters are not something that the profession of Swordsman can resist. Even if the Berserker, known for its Strength, uses a weapon to resist, the whole person will be knocked off, and most of the HP loss is only two. Just hit it and kill Berserker.


The Holy Sword Thunder Slaying in Shi Feng’s hand blocked the huge battle axe that had fallen from the Demon Skeleton War General.

“With the current attributes, it is really difficult to contend with the High Lord.”

Shi Feng could not help but step back three steps, his hands were a little numb, and his head appeared even more. More than 700 damage.

But for Shi Feng, who turned on Power of Dragon and had a HP of nearly 50,000, 700 damage was not a big deal at all. In a sole battle restore, nearly 500 HP would be restored every five seconds.

With a wave of Violet Cloud Staff, a faint golden protective shield appeared on Shi Feng’s body surface, and cyan-green Power of Life flowed into Shi Feng’s body, and then there was a restore in the status bar. In the state, you can restore more than 1600 HP every 1.5 seconds for 15 seconds.

Shi Feng’s HP is also in restore status in a blink of an eye.

Demon Skeleton War General failed a single blow, and instead fell heavily.

Shi Feng had already seen through the movement of Demon Skeleton War General, his body slammed to one side, while using Abyssal Blade to push away the fallen battle axe, while using Thunder Slaying to stab the armor of Demon Skeleton War General.

An azure glow Blink.

Although Holy Sword Thunder Slaying is not as good as Lesser Legendary Item Thousand Transformation, the equipment is equipped with Magic Conductor, and its sharpness is not much worse than Thousand Transformation, and it easily penetrates hard armor.

The critical damage of -15824 emerged from the head of Demon Skeleton War General.

Demon Skeleton War General hurts, and then roars, the battle axe emits a strange dark-green Nether Fire, crashing to the ground.

Suddenly the ground burst into pieces, and billowing flames rose to the sky, covering a full 15-yard range.

At this time, Shi Feng was also well prepared. He had already jumped over the head of Demon Skeleton War General and used Thunder Slaying’s Skill to call thunder.

The azure lightning fell straight down and hit the blue Nether Fire.

The mutual collision produced a huge impact, Shi Feng avoided the Nether Fire attack and turned to a Silent Steps appeared behind the Demon Skeleton War General, the sword of the Holy Sword Thunder Slaying There was a dazzling fire.

Flame Burst!

In an instant, fifteen dazzling fires burst out behind Demon Skeleton War General.





Demon Skeleton War General head Suddenly, fifteen consecutive damages appeared. Thunder Slaying’s critical strike rate was as high as 50%, and HP dropped more than one million in a blink of an eye.

For a time, Autumn Goose, Hidden Sins Heart and the others were stunned.

each and everyone suck in a breath of cold air, I can鈥檛 believe this is true.

Because they were all stunned by the ultra high damage hit by Shi Feng.

More than one million HP!

A Level 40 Chieftain Monster only has so much HP, and in other words Shi Feng has the Strength of the Insta-kill Level 40 Chieftain Monster!

This is no longer the player鈥檚 Strength, but a Humanoid High Lord.

But Shi Feng didn鈥檛 think at all, because his Strength attribute was originally close to the Chieftain Monster level of the same level. After turning on Power of Dragon, the Strength doubled, which has surpassed the average Lord monster of the same level. Now it uses Ultimate Skill Flame Burst, which can hit more than one million damage. It is normal to kill the Chieftain Monster of the same level with one move.

Otherwise, Super Skill Flame Burst would not be called Ultimate Skill.

The Demon Skeleton War General was also hit hard by Flame Burst, and nearly half of the armor was damaged. The white bone in the armor was broken several times, and the battle strength dropped a little.

“Hit and kill my Demon Skeleton War General!” Shi Feng shouted immediately.

After being hit hard by his Skill, the armor of the Demon Skeleton War General dropped a lot. Not only did the battle strength drop, but even the Defense Power also dropped, so it was easier to deal with.

However, within one minute, the HP of Demon Skeleton War General dropped below 500,000.

Seeing that the Demon Skeleton War General was about to be killed, Shi Feng said again: “Everyone turned to Suffering Banshee, Turtledove, come and fight this Demon Skeleton War General!”

” Ye Feng big brother What is this going to do?” Green Bamboo was a little puzzled.

Seeing that a High Lord is about to be killed, it will be much easier to deal with Suffering Banshee, but it is not a wise decision to think about it.

Not only Green Bamboo is puzzled, but experts like Gentle Thoughtful Rain and Autumn Goose also don’t understand.

But everyone at Zero Wing didn’t hesitate at all about it, and turned directly to Suffering Banshee. Turtledove also exchanged targets with Shi Feng.

But Suffering Banshee can continue to attack Turtledove with a long spear of black mist despite all this.

“Your opponent is me.” Shi Feng appeared in front of Turtledove, and the Thunder Slaying in his hand made several azure sword glow.

p膿ng p膿ng p膿ng!

The black mist long spear that could have severely damaged the player was directly crushed by Shi Feng.

“Is this the number one Guild’s expert in Star-Moon Kingdom?” Hidden Sins Heart saw this scene and felt his heart tighten and his breathing was hard.

This is far more terrifying than the Zero Wing they heard.

It鈥檚 no wonder that the First-Rate Guild Emperor Light in Twin Towers Kingdom is also very afraid of the Guild of Zero Wing, and has given up on the development of Star-Moon Kingdom.

After Shi Feng crushed the black mist long spear, vanish disappeared in silhouette and suddenly appeared in front of Suffering Banshee, surrounded by azure lightning.

Tier 2 Forbidden Technique Flash Start!

Attack Speed 鈥嬧€媔ncreased by 500%, damage increased by 400%, lasting 3 seconds.

Suffering Banshee hasn’t reacted yet, more than a dozen azure glow blooms on Suffering Banshee’s body.





Just in the blink of an eye, Suffering Banshee鈥檚 The aggro value is transferred to Shi Feng’s.

But even if the aggro is transferred to Shi Feng, it is of no use. Suffering Banshee is the Magic System monster, even if it is the High Lord, the strength alone is not as good as the outburst of Shi Feng, just want to cast a spell It was interrupted by Shi Feng with a sword.

For 3 seconds, Suffering Banshee just couldn’t use half of Magic. Instead, he lost millions of HP.

At this time, Fire Dance also appeared behind Suffering Banshee. An Ambush pierced the back of Suffering Banshee’s head and directly made Suffering Banshee stun for 2 seconds, followed by Tier 1 finishing technique five Starburst Qi Slash .




Five values 鈥嬧€媔n a row, no worse than Shi Feng Basic Attack with Berserk Skill enabled How many.

And Suffering Banshee was beaten to lose his temper. HP dropped like flowing water. When it dropped to 30%, Suffering Banshee was also completely angry. With a scream, in the sky appeared. A huge black Magic Array.

Suddenly everyone felt that the strength of the body was sucked away.

“Not good, absorb the Magic of player Stamina at this time!” Fire Dance immediately noticed his abnormality.

If the player does not have Stamina, even if the battle strength is strong, it will not be able to exert any battle strength, especially for the expert player.

With the current Stamina absorbing speed, their Stamina will be absorbed in less than 30 seconds. When the time comes, they are just lambs slaughtered at will.

“courting death!” Shi Feng was already prepared, and he used the Absolute Time of Ring of Time to immediately block the magic power fluctuations in this space.

Although it can only freeze other monsters in High Lord Rank for less than ten seconds, it is enough to interrupt the activation of magic power.

Suddenly the huge black Magic Array in midair began to slowly dissipate because there was no supply of magic power.

When everyone in Undescending Light saw this scene, they really understood how overestimate one’s capabilities they wanted to kill High Lord in South Lake City.

Time slowly passed, and the HP of Suffering Banshee and Demon Skeleton War General finally dropped below 100,000.

Shi Feng turned on Divine Grace Bestowed by the Heaven at this time, which greatly improved the Luck attribute, first solved Suffering Banshee with Thundering Flash, and then a Flame Thunderstorm killed the Demon Skeleton War General. The greatest effect of Divine Grace Bestowed by the Heaven.

I saw Suffering Banshee and Demon Skeleton War General fall to the ground after some struggle, bursting out an Item.

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