“These people are quite good in level and equipment, but why haven’t I heard of this Guild?” Aqua Rose looked at it for a long time, but couldn’t see which Guild these people belonged to.

The Strength displayed by Demon Skeleton War General is amazing.

Not only the Strength is great, but the speed is also very fast.

Even if Cola is allowed to fight it, it will feel difficult.

Although these people don’t have the superior Defense Power and Strength like Cola, these people make this kind of thing possible through the coordination of three or four MTs and more output restraints.

And the output of these people and Healer are also very good.

Almost everyone can cause more than a thousand damage to Demon Skeleton War General, and the HP of Demon Skeleton War General will slowly drop. It is only a matter of time before Demon Skeleton War General is killed.

Common’s Guild can’t do such a thing, generally only the well-known Big Guild can do it.

But the well-known Big Guild in the Virtual Game world, she knows, not at all, she has heard of such a Guild.

“Look, that Demon Skeleton War General seems to be a companion of summon!” Cola looked at the Demon Skeleton War General standing in the middle of the square and roaring loudly. Monsters all around began to gather in the square, and their expression became Some dignified.

Other people were surprised when they saw this scene.

Didn’t expect the boss in the city still has this hand. If so, it would be difficult to kill the Demon Skeleton War General.

After all, dealing with a High Lord is already spare no effort, and random monsters can be the last straw to crush the camel.

At this time, everyone understands why Shi Feng had to clean up all the way before, instead of avoiding it.

“This BOSStoo awesome, unexpectedly attracted a High Lord!” The Flying Shadow in the deep scene looked at the fuzzy silhouette flying from a distance, and sweat started on his forehead.

Suffering Banshee, Undead Creature, High Lord, Level Level 44, HP 17 million.

Although Suffering Banshee has a lower HP than Demon Skeleton War General, Suffering Banshee is the Magic System monster. The threat to team players is a great length stronger than Demon Skeleton War General.

At the moment Suffering Banshee appeared, with a scream of startle, more than a dozen players fell into a state of chaos and their bodies were unable to control themselves, as if they had lost their mind. The team is in a state of extreme danger.

“Let’s go over and take a look.” Shi Feng looked at Suffering Banshee who was starting to kill, laughed and said.

Aqua Rose doesn’t know that these people are normal, because these people are not originally from the well-known Guild, but a new Guild named Undescending Light.

Undescending Light is Guild of Twin Towers Kingdom.

Twin Towers Kingdom is close to Star-Moon Kingdom, so Shi Feng also knows a lot about Twin Towers Kingdom.

Undescending Light is only a new Guild, but it also performed very well in the fight for Twin Towers Kingdom. It just took over ten cities in the hands of First-Rate Guild Emperor Light and occupied Twin Towers Kingdom. The third Major City is also one of the Guilds in the alliance with Hidden Shadow, but Undescending Light is stronger than Hidden Shadow.

In God’s Domain, it is difficult for little Guild to survive, so we have to work together.

Undescending Light is different from Hidden Shadow. Ten years later, it has developed into First-Rate Guild, occupying half of the Twin Towers Kingdom, and even occupying a lot of cities from other Kingdoms. No less than Ouroboros’ real Big Guild at that time.

Guild Master Hidden Sins Heart of Undescending Light is also a famous expert in God’s Domain, ranking one of the twelve elementalists in God’s Domain. In addition to the Peak expert of Hidden Sins Heart, Guild also has several Tiers. 5 Expert, even Ouroboros and Emperor Light at the time were not willing to offend Undescending Light.

It can be said that Undescending Light has cast a Legendary in Twin Towers Kingdom.

From a nameless Guild, without any background or backing, it only took a few years of trifling to become a huge monster in the Virtual Game world. It also made the veteran First-Rate Guild jealous, and its difficulties , Only those little Guilds really understand.

Shi Feng did not expect to meet these people from Undescending Light so soon.

“Are you acquainted?” Fire Dance asked in surprise.

She knows Shi Feng’s character very well. I will not offend others. She is proud of being an expert and she doesn’t bother to grab the boss. If she really wants to grab the boss, she can wait until those people wiped out. Now it’s going to pass, and it’s probably acquaintance.

“Be sure.” Shi Feng didn’t know how to answer this question.

On the former life, he did know these people from Undescending Light, but these people from this life Undescending Light didn’t know him.


In the huge square, in addition to dozens of bone warriors, there are also two High Lords. This is simply a destruction blow to the 100-man team. .

“Separate the two bosses and Ranger will kite those mobs.” Hidden Sins Heart of Team Leader shouted loudly, not at all. Because of the presence of two High Lords, the confidence collapsed, but he was extremely calm. Commanding the battle.

“Guild Master, that Suffering Banshee’s AoE Magic is so powerful, it has killed eight of us.”

“Qianyou, you come with me, first suppress that Suffering Banshee, the others first attack the Demon Skeleton War General with all their strength!”

Faced with Suffering Banshee’s shadow burst attack, Hidden Sins Heart had no choice but to rush towards Suffering Banshee with someone.

Suddenly, it was seen that Hidden Sins Heart was the main player. Ten players used the magic field Magic Array and directly locked Suffering Banshee in a purple Magic Array.

“Shrink the scope of Magic Array!” Hidden Sins Heart looked at Suffering Banshee who was rebelling, and said repeatedly.

Suddenly ten people manipulated the Magic Array, which made the Magic Array begin to become smaller, and finally closed Suffering Banshee in a small purple ball, unable to move even a little bit.

“Guild Master, look at someone over there!”

“Why would anyone come here?”

The calm and calm Hidden Sins Heart can’t help it at this time Panicked.

In order to actually kill the Demon Skeleton War General, they can’t even use the most precious magic field Magic Array, and now they have no time to deal with any accidents.


“This Guild is really amazing, even the Intermediate Grade magic field Magic Array can be taken out.” Aqua Rose glanced at the purple sphere floating in the air. Seeing this Magic Array level at a glance, I couldn’t help being surprised.

At present, God’s Domain can get Basic Magic Array and it is already very difficult to deal with. Intermediate Magic Array can be counted on one’s fingers in the entire God’s Domain.

An unnamed Guild can be taken out and the background out of the ordinary can be seen.

“This friend, if you are interested in these two High Lords, not equal to me, how about the drops evenly?” Hidden Sins Heart loudly shouted.

Although not many people came here, there were only twenty people, which was much smaller than them.

But twenty people can come here, the strength must be extraordinary.

I haven’t seen the trend of Shi Feng and the others, so I just abandon the High Lord, but he is unwilling, so I just give it a try. After all, facing two High Lords, even if the opponent team is not strong Weak, also impossible to deal with two.

“Guild Master, they seem to be members of the Zero Wing Guild!”

“Zero Wing, no way, isn’t that the first Guild of Star-Moon Kingdom?”

Suddenly there was a fluke of Undescending Light everyone, and their faces became gloomy at this time.

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