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Dark Night Empire, thousand night city.

Although the sky is bright, there is still a few hours from the night, but the city’s street is already full of Player, and more than 70% of the Player on the street are Level 140 or more Tier 3 Expert, just these The face of Expert Player is Each and Everyone lays tension and dignified look.

Because the Dark Night Empire border, the city’s all the way, until the Dark Night Empire of the World NPC Daries, the Dark Night Empire of the army, and has to devel it to the largest border city in the south, where Solely Tier 3 excert More than 8 million, Tier 4 Professional Expert is more than two hundred people, and it is dare to imagine.

Star Ring Station, Guild Master Office.


Lu Tian Lite looks at the Twin Towers Kingdom information you just came to the hand, and the whole person is somewhat.

Outside the World’s NPC, the army suddenly starts an offensive for some Kingdom, which is the most desirable thing in Lu Tian, ​​because with the NPCSTRENGTH of A Trifling Twin Towers Kingdom and Star-Moon Kingdom, Effective Impossible’s NPC Dado .

Because of Kingdom, there is almost no Tier 5 NPC existence, but the foreign NPC army has Tier 5 Npcoversee.

In his opinion, Shi Feng is a dream, you want to hold a fortress, it is also a dream. After all, the World’s NPC army means many, Tier 5 Battle Stregth is a lot, the whole Twin Towers Kingdom is falling down, absolutely The staples on the plate.

To know that East Continent’s major EMPIRE, the Fire Dragon Empire in the four ANCIENT Country really blocks the intrusion of the World NPC army, even if it is the same, it is lost two stresses, only blocks the outside The WORLD NPC’s footsteps, gradually expanded to the battle of the Wild site.

But now Zero Wing not only holds the steel lion fortress, but also holds the Lerach City and Red Thorn fortress, completely block the footsteps of the World NPC army on the border, Simply is like a Fantasy Story.

The five first-rate-rate guild’s Guild Master at the side is also dumbfounded.

did not think that Zero Wing actually did it. It didn’t have five first-rate guild’s support, but Forcibly blocked three places, and even the foreign NPC army caused a small damage.

This kind of Guild and Free Player who participated in the battle can make a big earning from Twin Towers Kingdom, after all, there is no air Streamth interference, and the ground kills Tier 3 npc is too much …

“Guild Master, according to the detailed information of our investigation, the two people of Zero Wing Guild Gentle Snow and Aqua Rose have been promoted to Tier 5 Professional, and this time I can hold three places, it is because Zero Wing has Cang Lei Fei The air boat, the STRENGTH of the air boat put the entire World’s aerial Stregth. “Yi Yi is also quite envious,” if it is not because of the airship, even the Zero Wing has Tier 5 Professional. The guard is absolutely unable to hold! “

“Cang Lei Spaceboat?” Lu Tianwei looked at the battle video of Cherlai, and the TWO Eyes glowed. Direct LOOKED TOWARDS is very strong, “I want to do every way, Must figured this How did Cherlai Air Boat come, as long as we can get one, then in the opposite World’s NPC army, it is no longer a problem! “

Dark Night Empire’s many stresses and urban failures, main reasons are too weak, Defense Magic Barrier breaks, opposite the air Streamth can quickly break the core MAGIC ARRAY, so that the defense power of the fortress and the city will become joke.

and the aerial strengthenthth of Cherlai is too strong!

Not only can the Old Bone Dragon, which can fight the Tier 5 Sacred Domain, can also run the world’s fleet, simply is air combat Divine WEAPON.

, at this time, it is not just that Lu Tian, ​​who saw the big super Organization of Cang Lei, which is also IMMEDIATELY, how is the Zero Wing’s Cangore Air Boat, can pass What method gets such a fashionable Divine WEAPON.

Even the major super Organization in the GOD’s Domain continent in the survey, even the foreign Great Influence, which is exported, is also to investigate.

The countless spoons of each Great Influnce have all infiltrate star-moon kingdom and zero wing, and you want to check all the information of Cherlai.

Among Lu Tianzhi also open BOUNTY, as long as it can get the details and sources of Cangley average, you can reward for 100 million Credit Points, just give Star Ring to a Cangley aircraft boat, star Ring is willing to pay a hundred billion Credit Points to buy.

This Bounty instantly allows the entire god’s domain world’s Player to boil.

Common people earn less than 10 Million Credit Points for a lifetime, can have a absolute rich, which is absolutely rich in Small City, and hundreds of billion Credit Points can become a city. More than 100 billion Credit Points can be more consortium.

star-moon kingdom, star moon royal city.

“Guild Master, this time Star Ring’s Bounty makes our Trading Company’s many Core Member, I can’t help but sell the news of the Cherlai speedboat.” Melancholic Smile took a list. Handed over to Shi Feng, very embarrassing, “many of these people were in the beginning of Candlelight Trading Company, this time …”

Cherlanti air boat manufacturing, need too many people, although there is a lot of confidential agreements, but also have a lot of compensation, but some people can’t help but disclose all the data of the Cherlai, and even Even the Cangley aphockest is from Shi Feng’s, it is all known as the outside world.

and the fire dance of the side is laughing, saying directly: “What are you, you don’t know, this time Cang Rairboboat is inspected in Heavenly Spring, but there are many Zero Wing Member intended. Stolen, if not Blackie they and the Others turned around, I am afraid I have to be stolen. “

Mysterious-Iron Rank’s air boat is not binding, although there is a key to turn on, but you want to put the speed boat into the Epic Level Inventory Space without the need.

“One hundred billion Credit Points, don’t say they, I am also very heartbeat.” Shi Feng Laughd said, “I want to stop being impossible, what we can do is to strengthen guard, after all, this thing Impossible has been Bring on it. “

Mysterious-Iron Rank’s Cangley speed boat wants to use, the minimum requires ten people to manipulate, and individuals can prevent being stolen to a certain extent, but the World’s NPC army does not know when to play Come, when the holder encounters something, it is embarrassing.

“I have let Tier 4 Adamantite Rank guard all-day guards, unless you are not allowed to drive until Guild Master you and our Vice-Guild Master commands.” Fang Shi is also Nodded and Said, ” This is, if someone in Guild wants to steal, you must first resolve Tier 4 Adamantite Rank guards. “

Tier 4 Adamantite Rank’s guard, with Tier 4 Peak Battle Stregth, COMMON two three Tier 4 Expert roots, I can’t help, I can True Battle Tier 4 Expert, at least Realm of Vacuum, Equipment Epic Equipment OK, as for the Tier 3 Professional Player, don’t think about it at all.

“How is it, how is the manufacturing after Cangley average boat and a hot beast?” shi feng could not help asked melancholic smile.

Today, the World’s dispute, facing the World’s NPC army, even the tier 5 profession, can do very limited, want to resist the World’s NPC army, only Cangley speed boat and the fire beast.

“The difficulty of manufacturing the bucket is low, there are not many people needed, and three, only the core Rune and core MAGIC ARRAY have been successfully created.” Melancholic Smile is also a bit. “As for the Cherlan, it is a bit difficult. Although the current material can also manufacture three, because the information disclosure, each Great Influnce is crazy to acquire manufacturing materials, follow-up manufacturing is very problem …”

“Then first make three Cang Lei to the boat, then fully create a hot beast.” Shi Feng thought about it.

At present, the 19th Corps of WORLD is just three places that attacked Twin Towers Kingdom. There is no problem in the five or six places outside the World NPC army, and there is no problem. With a Cangley The flying boat can’t be forth.

requires at least three Cangley aircraft boats to truly hold Twin Towers Kingdom’s border.

“Guild Master, before, Heavenly Secret Pavilion Contact us, saying that we hope that we will take the Cangley speed boat, once they are willing to take out the Hundred Thousand Gold coins and 300,000 Mana Crystal Remuneration. “Fang Shi wrote a support request from Heavenly Secret Pavilion, is very heart-moving,” before we were killed outside World NPC reward, currently the income of Zero Wing City and Ancient Rock City Reduce, if you help Heavenly Secret Pavilion several times, you can alleviate a lot of GUILD’S funds. “

Before Shi Feng In order to get Design Creation, it can be said that Zero Wing’s flow funds are running quickly.

Now Zero Wing In order to develop crazy recruits and strengthen Ancient Rock City, the spending SPEED is not Zero Wing can support it, and you can get Hundred Thousand Gold coins and 300,000 Mana Crystal, absolutely .

“You can be.” Shi Feng thought about it, “But Cangley Spaceboat is now Impossible shot, we are the top of us to send three fire beasts, in addition to Gold Coins and Mana Crystal 20 Magic ELF Stones and One Hundreds of Titan Adamantite Mine, in Addition One hundred units of Seven Luminaries Crystal Stone. “

Cangley Bath is important for the current Twin Towers Kingdom, which is definitely not to leave Twin Towers Kingdom.

and want to hold a fortress or city, with the three fire beasts of Tier 5 Battle Stregth, it is absolutely enough, after all, Tier 5 Battle Stregsth is not much more than WORLD NPC army.

There are three Tier 5 Battle Stregth to hold hard, but they have no problem, but they will definitely have any problems.

“Then I will notify them.” Fang Shi letter Nodded.

Conditions are harsh, but it is better than losing a city or is going well. After all, the disappearance of these places, it means that all kinds of resources are reduced, because Player does not dare to enter those places to collect resources, more Don’t say the resources occupied by Great Influnce.

and all this is also like a Fang Shi letter, Heavenly Secret Pavilion Not Saying Anything Further agreed, and even hoped that Zero Wing rushed over as soon as possible, because the World NPC army has treated, attacked Fire Wings Empire The next NPC city, the most is one or two days.

This shi feng is also the last core MAGIC ARRAY of the IMMEDIATELY.

is just a short half a day, Shi Feng is successfully configured, and then letting Fang Shi with more than 50 meters of War Puppet, the War Puppet of Fire Wings Empire has rushed to Fire Wings Empire.

East Lake City, the gap between the two sides is not small, even if it is a Fire Wings Empire’s Strength, two Tier 5 Professional guards, Tier 4 Professional is more than 500, but the outside world’s NPC army collection Strength stronger, four Tier 5 Professional, more than 1,000 Tier 4 Professional, Tier 3 NPC number reached 6 million.

As for the gap between Player, it is not small. Even if Heavenly Secret Pavilion is else, in the collection of many Big Guild’s Stregth, Tier 4 Professional is more than 400 people, Tier 3 Professional is 10 Million, However, the outside of the World’s Player army is even more powerful, and Tier 4 Professional has more than eight 100-man, and the number of Tier 3 Professional is also not lost.

This battle can be said to be a fainted darkness, fighting for more than a day, among which the existence of three fire beasts, not only the two Tier 5 Professional, but also blocking a Tier 5 Summon beast.

Tier 5 SUMMON MAR 5 SUMMON MOD TIER 5 SUMMON TIER 5 SUMMON TIER TIER TIER 5 SUMMON Trucks have arrived, and the World’s NPC army and the Player army have to choose to retreat, so that the death of both sides is almost four or six, Heavenly Secret Pavilion injury six, outside world injury, but Such a record is also to make the entire god’s domain eleast continent.

Because before this, there is no Empire attack and defense, you can do such a contractual damage, usually, even if they are holding it, the damage is also two eight open, or even one is open.

If you can consume in accordance with the consumption of four or six, for them these local forces, it has a great advantage, and the final foreign army will definitely lose, because both Party PLAYER SOLELY is resurrected, the gap is very Big.

Outside the world, if in In The Wild is dead, you can only resurrect over the exit of the World channel, and the battlefield is very troublesome, and the local player is different, you can directly in the city Temple, Immediately to participate in the battle.

For a time, Many Super Organization of God’s Domain East Continent have invited Zero Wing, I hope Zero Wing can support.

SHI Feng is of course very happy, not only can earn a lot of wealth, but also earn material money to make Cang Rairky boats and inflammatory beasts, but also collect Seven Luminaries Crystal Stone, the only thing is inflammation The consumption of the beast is, Simply is no sale.

After more than a month, the Yan beasts manufactured by Zero Wing are went to the major battlefields, from the three inflammatory beasts of Primary Stage, and went to a battlefield, slowly developed more than more than ten inflammatory beasts. Three or four battlefields, until the last 34 inflammation beasts went to more than ten battlefields, let the whole god’s domain east contract, it has improved a lot.

As for Zero Wing is a big earning, not only let Zero Wing City, Ancient Rock City, Silver Wing City, Stone Forest City has been fully improved, but also let lost Small Town successfully promoted to a city, more than million Zero Wing Member has been promoted in a lost city.

and more than a month, Zero Wing Solely Tier 3 Expert is more than 3 million, during this period, because of the training and cultivation of the Lost City Transcendent Tower, there is Zero Wing City and Ancient Rock City. Environment, promotion Tier 4 Professional Expert number is also more than all Guild, more than two hundred people, can be said to be the breakout period of Tier 4 Expert.

even connects Fire Dance, Violet Cloud, Skywalk Overflow three people create Tier 5 Magic Power’s body, promoted to Tier 5 Professional, let Zero Wing’s Battle Stregth increase, Envy God’s Domain Mainland all Guild.

Because in this Period of Time, the five major super-guilds have also born a Tier 5 Professional, and this is still a collection of all GUILD’s Stregth, which has accumulated all promotion resources that the war contributed to all promotion resources, tailored It is easy to promote, but Zero Wing has born three …

With the help of Zero Wing Support Battle, each Great Influence passes Kingdom and Empire resources, but has born a lot of Tier 4 Professional, gradually following the gap between World Player is reduced, so that the situation in the whole war is slowly turned. God’s Domain mainland.

is just a Star Ring, which is not working with Zero Wing, is not good, Dark Night Empire’s NPC City is abolished, and many years of operation is not, only some resources and Store’s Night Imperial Capital and a few The main city, the other Kingdom and Empire are similar, causing Star Ring to becomes Guild in Super Organization, and many guild member returns to leave …

Just thinking in the GOD’s Domain mainland, this time the World’s disputes can have a Heaven-Shaking War in the eight major main city of Fire Dragon Empire.

Vice Knight Captain, Fire Dragon Empire, front Fire Dragon Empire, Level 200 Tier 5 Dragon Knight, and War God Temple Elder Cuulufee, a half god level, INFLUENTIAL Figure, two people teamed up with a mysterious youth.

The result of the two sides has no three or four rounds, MAGISTRRAKER Corrowi and War God Temple Elder Cuulfride is flying ash, and the entire city is thoroughly thoroughly Vanish from Fire Dragon Empire.

After a five-day time, mysterious youth and several foreign World’s Tier 5 NPC, IMPERIAL CAPITAL CITY LIGHT in Glorious Light Empire, rushed into the Royal Palace of City of Holy Light, kill The emperor of Glorious Light Empire and more than 10 Tier 5 exists, and the city of holy light is also thoroughly thoroughly from the map of the God’s Domain continent. “

Glorious Light East Continent’s Glorious Light East Continent’s Glorious Light EMPIRE, so that the whole god’s domain east continent has fallen into unprecedented panic, and the major super Organization is more dangerous.

, even if the World is fighting, it is some Kingdom being destroyed. An Empire is immunly in the Player’s eyes, because an Empire’s Background is not Tier 5 Professional, that is, several Tier 5 Great Dragon appears, and the most is to hurt an Empire’s bones, it is not possible to make an Empire Destruction.

, especially in the Imperial Capital City of Holy Light, Soleset, which is Glorious Light Empire, enables a Tier 5 Professional to easily face the siege of several Tier 5 Professional, let alone City of Holy Light has more than 10 Tier 5 Professional, which holds the Tier 5 NPC with Legendary Level Weapon and Legendary Level Equipment.

can be said to be Tier 6 Spiritual GOD, and City of Holy Light is also Possible Fight.

But now INVINCIBLE Empire is no longer invincible, even even those who have killed the Player, quite partially fall into the peak deep and hit, and I can’t go online in one month, some or even directly trained …

Ancient Rock City, City Lord Mansion Core Control Hall.

In this large hall, only Shi Feng is standing quietly, using Golden’s soul tries to completely stagnate all Magic Element.

After more than a month, today’s shi feng is not only Level 2, but also through the soul of Golden, let himself slowly adapt, how to force the Magic Element to run, now I don’t have to use the soul of Golden Stregth, Shi Feng can also use the DESTRUCTION OFF Sword, just the consumption of Vitality.

“It seems that unless you can make Vitality Breakthrough to Tier 6, you can’t really control the DESTRUCTION rules.” The shi feng of Golden has retired Shi Feng, watching the space that is full of smashing, can’t help but smile.

For Vitality to enhance Tier 6, he is already speechless.

It was originally thought that Vital Of Soul and Soul Crystal allowed Vitality to continuously improve, even slowly, but he felt that his Vitality seems to reach the limit, regardless of using how much Water of Soul and Soul Crystal Vitality is not hidden at half.

In reality, he passed the Meditation Potion, and the Vitality level in two days finally reached the level of 3-star vitality master, which didn’t know how fast progress was mostly in god’s domain.

Just thinking about how to let his own Vitality Breakthrough to Tier 6, there is a sudden walking outside.

I saw a Mana Crystal recorder and anxiously came in, and the look of the face was a little dignified: “Guild Master, the purpose of MySterious youth, I have already checked it here. “

“What is the purpose?” Shi Feng also asked very concerned.

When Mysterious Youth appeared in Fumago City, he already knew the identity of the mysterious youth.

is the previous Scholar in Ancient Goud Ruins, just the Scholar, which appears in the Fumago City, has a non-small change, and there is any Divine Mark on the face of Scholar in Ancient God Ruins. Imprint, but now Scholar’s eyebrows and cheeks, printed with deep purple’s Divine Mark, and faintly brought a holy taste.

“His purpose should be Seven Supreme Treasures, based on the collected materials and images, what are the dialogue of NPC, and he is collecting Seven Supreme TreasureS.” Fang Shi Letter to the Mana Crystal Recorder, Direct Direct A battle video.

This combat video is the battle of City of Holy Light. At that time, a Tier 4 Assassin was hiding in the distance with Magic Mirror.

In battle, facing the mysterious youth attack, just seeing the emperor of Glorious Light Empire holding a Silver’s EMBLEM, just in front of the space barrier in front of the Glorious Light, let MySterious youth The attack is all blocked.

After seeing Mysterious youth to say a word.

“It’s really empty supreme treasure! I can spare you!”

The emperor of Glorious Light Empire did not promise, with a high space control means and Scholar hit it up, and finally

Scholar takes out the condition to fight, the two sides will soon divide the victory, Tier 4 Assassin saw the situation, and Immediately fled the city of holy light.

“is also looking for seven supreme treasures?” Shi Feng is also brows slightly written.

seven supreme treasures is also what he has been looking for, but now I have found four pieces, respectively, Supreme Treasure, Supreme Treasure, Supreme Treasure, Surreme Treasure, the wind supreme Treasure, Fire Dance and the Others is not easy to find, the remaining three supreme treesures have never been messages.

Didn’t Expect Scholar is also looking for Seven Supreme Treasures.

This is undoubtedly a bad news.

The current Scholar is likely to be due to what restrictions, but this restriction is undoubtedly lifting, or Scholar will not kill Tier 5 NPC now, even Emperor of Glorious Light Empire. Imperial Capital gives it, then let him deal with him, just the problem of time morning and evening.

“GUILD MASTER, you have made me find the two weapon, I have made people find it, especially the WEAPON called Steel Breaker, spent a Lesser Legendary Item WEAPON and protect The letter changed to. “Fang Shi letter said from Inventory, I took out two long swords, and said a distressed.

Two long swords can use the Level 180 EPIC Weapon, although it is true for the current Tier 4 Expert, but Shi Feng is willing to exchange with the Lesser Legendary Item level, absolutely a big loss.

“Good! Very Good!” shi feng looked at two long swords, ecstasy.

Steel Breaker of the Day Blue, a dark Black’s night.

For the defeated behavior of the Fang Shi, he is completely inexplicably, because Lesser Legendary Item WEAPON does not have more than ten Legendary Level Weapon, let alone God’s Domain Ten Great Legendary Weapon SWORD of solid.

After Scholar suddenly appeared in the Feijiao City, he thought how to improve his strength, else, in front of Scholar, I am afraid that life is difficult, but now he has some CHANCE.

and shi feng took two long sword instantaneous, and the ear thought of the SYSTEM prompt.

system: Discover all Sword of Solomon’s fragmentation, do you want to fully fuse Sword of Solomon?


If you are interested in this book, you can pay attention to the W-Zhuang Tianyun old cat, you can see some of the little eggs in some books.

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