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“10 MILLION NPC Army?”

shi feng looked at the specific intelligence from the Fang Shi letter, and it was also quite shocked.

Inside God’s Domain, he has experienced the battle of Kingdom, and has experienced the battle between Empire. The two Kingdom’s battle, the number of NPCs in one country is about million, and the battle is working for a month. It is all kinds of attack and defense, which can compete for one inch land for one inch land.

Because Kingdom wants to promote Empire, one of the ways is to expand the territory, which is why it is going to fight.

and the war of Empire is two Empires, the number of NPC participants can reach Five-Six Hundred Wan, the total NPC number is 10 Million.

Under the eyes are just the way in the WORLD dozens of army, there is 10 million, and simply has gathered the two EMPIRE’s strength.

“With these NPC army’s speed, up to two hours, you can reach the most inordant steel lion of Twin Towers Kingdom, now I have already with Fire Dance with 800,000 Tier 3 Expert and 50 Tier. 4 Expert rushed over, it should be arrived in more than a while. “

“As for the farthest border city Leizheng now with aqua Rose station with seventy thousand tier 3 Expert and seventy Tier 4 Expert, and the red Thorn Fortress as a traffic tour is led by Gentle Snow Millions Tier 3 Expert and 100 Tier 4 Expert rushed over, as for those free player, it is estimated that it will come to these three places soon. “

“Currently, based on the survey of our side, there is no many foreign Player to join this battle. The battle IT ShouldN’t BE is so troublesome to other Empire, just concentrate on dealing with NPC army.”

Border Paradise is generally only small teleportation array, the number of Players that can be transmitted is very small, facing the Sudden hit World NPC army, Fang Shi is only able to bring the team.

It is also very understood by this shi feng. After all, Player Impossible is like NPC army, you can always be stationed in the border, Player needs to level, need to improve Weapon Equipment, Impossible has been in Kingdom, generally It is set the return of the city to the nearest NPC city, riding a mount all the way.

“The command will rely on you first. I will soon rush to support.” Shi Feng looked at the time.

an hour!

An hour of time, with his speed, absolutely can be arrived.

At present, Cherlai is only the core MAGIC Array bunker of the poor. It is also the most critical step. As long as it is successful, the Cang Lei is completely completed.

A Mysterious-Iron Rank’s aircraft boat is in a city defense, but it is not a small help, even more than two Tier 5 Professional of two and three common.

With the Shi Feng finished, it also hangs voice communication and starts full of the final core MAGIC Array.

The last core MAGIC Array consists of the Magic Array of three high grade grandmaster levels, and complexity can be said that Basic Magic Array Grandmaster cannot be completed.

and Shi Feng although the promotion MAGIC ARRAY Grandmaster, the original this Step cannot be completed.

but because the Vitality level reaches Tier 5 peak, the active level of the brain is compared to Tier 5 Intermediate grade, it is a Great Length, and get an ancient god inheritance, three high grade grandmaster level magic array It is a pretty ancient Magic Array, and some of the Magic Array in Ancient God Inheritance has the same intention, so that three high grade grandmaster level Level Magic Array that cannot be carried out will become possible.

“has failed three times, it is the last Magic Power integration. It is reasonable to say that MAGIC Array should be fully perfect, but the last Magic Power is not integrated. What is the control of Magic Array? “Shi Feng looked at the core MAGIC ARRAY on Design Creation, and the heart is also unbero.

Core MAGIC Array He is a successful insulation, but it is no success since the last Magic Power is injecting the last Magic ARRAY to activate Magic Array. This kind of thing is definitely the first encounter.

Normally, as long as MAGIC Array is completed, after implanting Magic Power, Magic Array will naturally activate, unless MAGIC Array has a problem, there will be a problem that the failed failure will occur.

“Guild Master, I always feel that the whole core MAGIC ARRAY is very strange.” The melancholic smile on the side looked at the core MAGIC Array, and suddenly, “Obviously three MAGIC ARRAY respectively guides a magic element of the outside world, but finally forced The three MAGIC Element are blended into one. Three Magic Element have their own characteristics, how can I force integration into one? ”

Today, Magic Array Grandmaster is just a step, because you don’t have to fight, you can have more research to Grandmaster Level Magic Array.

At first, she was very strange, but Design Creation said so, she is not good to refute, and now I can’t activate Magic Array, indicating that Magic Array should have problems.

and shi feng have been laughing: “Magic Element has its own operational rules, forcibly integrated of course Impossible, but this Magic Array is Very Difficult to DEAL with DEAL WITH, but the first Magic Element first Working, in the moment of scattering, guiding by Magic Array, allowing three Magic Elements that are scattered in the law, form a new operational rule before the RESTORE operation law, this new running rule, also There will be no effects of Magic Element itself, although short, this Magic Array is indeed successful. “

“This is it?” Melancholic Smile was also shocked.

Because in her opinion, Magic Element is unable to change, just like Player forbach Magic Element, the Magic Element Formidable Power that can be played is weak, because Magic Element can resist Player Stregth So Player will take the initiative to follow these Magic Element after promoting Tier 4 Professional, not forced guidance.

As the Melancholic Smile exposes the surprised look, SHI Feng suddenly thinks about it.

“so what’s how it is, it is the truly use of the Destruction rules!” Shi Feng’s face couldn’t help but show a versatile.

Originally, he has been desperate on the final level of Divine Extermination.

Because he makes all arrone Magic Power becomes its own Magic Power, it is based on his Vitality level. The higher the Vitality level, the wider range can affect the range of Magic Power. But this is not a way of using World Rule.

The last sword Divine Extermination can have the DESTRUCTION, it is entirely because of the effects of the established complex Magic Array operation.

is white, he can use Cang Saint to give him the Destruction Rule Magic Array, or it can be integrated into a variety of combat Skill and Magic Power, it is indeed a preliminary control rule, but he is not true. How is the Magic Array for the DESTRUCTION rules running.

But now Shi Feng is understood.

The essence of Destruction rules is not to let Magic Element Vanish, but thoroughly spread the solid operation rules of Magic Element, so that Magic Element completely lost its original effect.

So he wants to completely control the DESTRUCTION rules, reach the ultimate, not borrowing the guidance of the Destruction Spell, but uses its own Vitality, naturally forcing the MAGIC ELEMENT operation.

Of course, it is very simple. It really wants to do it very difficult, because this not only needs extremely powerful Mental Power, but also needs to accurately reverse operation of different Magic Element, so that it can be perfectly stagnant MAGIC ELEMENT. The operation of the Equivalent to Magic Element rule.

Thinking here, Shi Feng also finally understands why the core MAGIC Array cannot be successfully activated.

“Is original Magic Power intensity Too Weak?”

shi feng looks at the core MAGIC ARRAY that has already been launched, can’t help but burn a smile.

Magic Power is white, it is to manipulate MAGIC Element’s Stregth. No Magic Power naturally cannot manipulate Magic Element, just like people do not have strengthening.

Want to dissipate the rules of MAGIC Element itself, this requires extremely powerful strongth, liquid Magic Power is unable to support, at least Magic Power that needs to be solid.

The shi feng is adjusted to all MAGIC POWERs, constantly concentrated, and finally in the core MAGIC POWER in the palm of the palm Condense, directly in the core MAGIC ARRAY.


With a sound, the core of the Cherlaky Boat is like a living, all arrone, endless Magic Power, also starts Moved Towards core MAGIC Array gather, let the Cheroya air boat beat the power furnace began to beat stand up.

system: Congratulations to Player successfully produced Mysterious-Iron Rank Cangley, got Forging Experience Point 100 million, get Experience Point Level +2.

At the same time, there is also a corresponding improvement in the field, and the PLAYER that is involved in the manufacture is also improved, but there is only a lot of Experience Point, which does not have this owner.

But compared with the Experience Point, there is only a Cangley aircraft boat in Human’s Heart.

Full length of 500 meters, the maximum number of people is 300, forty door high grade magic guide ELF cannon, each high grade magic guide ELF cannon has Tier 5 entry, twirky MAGIC CRYSTAL gun , Can prevent attack, there are Tier 5 entry, with tier 5 profession is difficult to destroy, the main gun Formidable Power reaches Tier 5 Intermediate Grade, flying Speed ​​comparable to tier 5 hyperdinary level Level Flying Mount.

twin tower kingdom, steel lion fortress.

On the steel city wall with Forty-Fifty Mi, it gathered more than 300,000 Level 150 Tier 3 NPC, and Each and Everyone Equipment is a Dark Gold Level Armor Set of Level 150 or more. It is the elite army of Twin Towers Kingdom, with nearly 30 Tier 4 NPC standing the city, a year of nearly 60 male Knight, is Level 200 Tier 4 Sky Knight, wearing a Lesser Legendary Item Armor Set The power is completely not lost to the real tier 5 professional.

In the core manipulation room of the fortress, more than 20 Tier 4 Magic System Npchanting, maintaining the Magic Array of the entire fortress, and is different from the consecutive fortress MAGIC ARRAY, and set up 3 -Layer Large Defensive Magic Array, even if the Tier 5 Professional is unable to destroy, the most is the energy that consumes a point.

Fortress is standing around the Magic Cannon tower, there are thirty, in addition, there is a large number of LARGE damage on the city Wall, with a number of more than six hundred.

The sky is also suspended in the sky, one of which is also a Bronze Rank’s aerial boat, and the other air boats are high grade bloom boats, which can barely follow the Tier 4 Professional war.

In addition, there is a flying mount of more than one hundred three Tier 4 on the sky, and the scene is very spectacular, and it is definitely not possible.

The number of Players gathered more than two million, so that the entire steel lion is crowded.

Just this moment, all Players in the steel lion in Pécis, but there is no feeling relaxed and excited.

Because the Tier 4 NPC of the Tier 4 NPC, the number of Tier 4 NPC seen in Solely is more than 500, and there is also a variety of siegers on the ground. WEAPON.

is not a giant bombing car, which is mobile high grade magic cannon, and there are thousands of tens of thousands, while the World NPC army is over, more than 50 air boats, Bronze Rank’s air boat foot There are six ships, others are also high grade bloom boats, plus more than 500 Tier 4 flight MOUNT, which will take the whole sky …

Battle Stregth’s disparity, even some Player, where to watch the player, Each and Everyone, is asked in Complexion IS Gloomy.

and in the official forum of Twin Towers Kingdom, such fighting live is even more blowing the entire Twin Towers Kingdom’s Player.

“Is this the truly WORLD battle?”

“We twin Towers Kingdom can really hold?”

Although many Players in Twin Towers Kingdom have learned some of the battle in Empire, the information obtained is more portable, or some pictures, there is no clear understanding, for the country’s things, There is always a feeling of A Matter of No Concern to Oneseelf, but after seeing this scene, there is a sense of despair.

, especially Player standing in the steel lion, this moment is really understood, what is the battle of Kingdom and the World of WORLD, can be said that it is not a Player’s battle, this is a real battle.

I saw a commander in the World NPC army waved, and the war WEAPON on the Term Term is also, or the in the sky of the spaceboat and the flight MOUNT, the black pressure is poured to the steel lion.

“All Defense is all open! Everyone is preparing to fight!” The commander of the Presses the Presses, Sky Knight, Selier, also raised the long sword, high shouts.

All NPCs on City Wall is not driving the Magic Cannon Tower is Large destroy, or it is to open the arrow, Magic Professional has changing Chating.

The battle between the two sides is the beginning of the sky, and the whole sky is turned into a fire season. Various Rumbling Sound echoes the entire land and the sky, so that all Players in the fortress felt a low voice.

Fang Shi Letter Looking at everyone on City Wall and said using ambaggame Magic: “Everyone doesn’t panic, according to the original plan, all the CITY PROFESSION, the Close Combat is in the original Defense location collection, If Magic Barrier is broken, you really play the strength, all Melee Class has resistant to prevent those outside the World NPC from destroying the core MAGIC Array until the Magic Barrier Restore! As long as we can keep going, those outside World NPC will be lost by us sooner or later! “

Defensive Magic Array is not Invincible, in the face of such a powerful offensive, is broken is a problem with sooner or later, but the defense barrier that the fortress is not fixed, just take time, just those East Continent, Player main The role is to resist the outside world NPC destroy core MAGIC Array, and during the time, it is as possible to kill World NPC.

With Fang Shi, the Player present is calm, and some confidence is gave birth.

NPC wants to resurrect, more difficult than Player, it is impossible in this war, and their Player is different, and it will live quickly. If there is a Healer Professional to resurrect, then some Experience Point That’s all.

However, Fang Shi did not have three or four minutes after the Fang Shi, and everyone heard the sky, suddenly came from a broken voice, which is the Magic Barrier, which is a plug, in this brief moment, thoroughly .

“Pioneer! Chong!”

Outside the World in In Midair once again ordered, the Tudon time has long prepared, the World Tier 3 NPC army is like crazy, generally rushing to the steel lion, as for Tier 4 NPC is directly from the air To the core of the fortress, the Tier 4 NPC in the Pressession of the Pressee is also rampant.

“Use the Magic Formation” to save me Tier 4 NPC! “Fang SHI letter looked at hundreds of NPCs and hundreds of flight MOUNT, but also quickly ordered,” All Melee Class wants to put those Tier 3 npc gives me outside! “

With the fang shi letter, Zero Wing has long prepared the Master Level Magic Formation boundaries, directly dividing the outer world NPC and hundreds of flight mount into more than ten combat areas, let these Tier 4 Battle Streg is not close to the City Lord Mission halfway, while tier 4 excert also cooperates with Twin Tower Kingdom’s Tier 4 NPC against these Tier 4 Battle Stregth.

As for the remaining Tier 3 Expert, the Tier 3 NPC on City Wall is used in CITY WALL, and the invasion of the WORLD TIER 3 army.

The whole steel lion is in a time, the sound of fighting, personal war, group war, and killing sound echoed.

Tier 3’s EXPERT Player faces the NPC of Tier 3 Professional, it has a gap between Level and Equipment, but the combat level and team cooperate, it is not causing some, plus the number of points, can be said to be I have to come, the death and injuries are two eight points, NPC die, Player will die, which is absolutely earned for Player.

But in the battle of in Midair, TWIN TOWERS KINGDOM is absolutely unfavorable.

Do not say the number of space boats and flying mount, the number of quantities of Tier 4 Professional is unable to make up, even if there is a Magic Cannon tower, there is no use.

and at the scene if it is not 170level Fire Dance, Violet Cloud, Skywalk Overflow, a Level 180 Tier 5 Pioneer Team Leader, High Grade Master Level, is already broken in the Magic Formation Trend of High Grade Master Level. .

As for other Tier 4 Expert, in addition to a few combat level to reach the expert, Realm of Vacuum, can follow the foreign Tier 4 NPC, one-to-one battle, other Micro-level Tier 4 Expert is not the opponent of World Tier 4 NPC .

“Tier 4 Professional’s number of gaps is too big, no wonder the big super Organization in Empire is fault to fail, in this way without more than ten minutes, the core MAGIC Array of City Lord Mansion may be broken …”

Fang Shi, after the Tier 4 Archmage of Level 180, I was still in the distance of more than 10 Tier 4 NPC, and the heart was also helpless.

She is facing two or three Level 180 Tier 4 NPC, but also to Cola and Bai Yu and the Others MT, with Skill and Skill, short-term anti-10 Tier 4 NPC Question, but outside World is more than 500 Tier 4 Professional, there is Tier 5 Professional Oversee, a Kingdom wants to resist such a big army, fundamental impossible …

Time to see a little bit of a drop, Tier 4 NPC of Twin Towers Kingdom was killed, Tier 4 Expert killed more than 20 people, and the world’s Tier 4 NPC was six, of which three The name is also fang shi, and the Tier 4 Professional present is desperate.

“Kill! We must not refund in the first battle!” Fang Shi-like people looked at the meta of Imposing Manner, could not help from Angrily Roared, “Even if it is dead! Also let these other World’s NPC pay more enough price ! “

For the steel lion, the Fang Shi is not much accidental.

The gap between the two sides is huge. If you want to win, you only have to fight, through a sub-city defense to consume the World’s NPC army, and the first battle is the largest Battle Strength that twin Towers Kingdom can take.

If this battle, you can’t let the world’s NPC has a lot of consumption, and then consume these NPCs more difficult.

However, the Fang Shi is finished, and the outside world sits on the commander of the Bronze Rank speedboat, and suddenly emits the Terrifying of Incomparable, envelopes the entire steel lion fortress, so that all Player is not Living your heart, the body is heavy, obviously this commander is not intended to look down, ready to personally fight.

“Level 200 Tier 5 GRAIL KNIGHTS?” Fang SHI letter looked at the commander coming from in Midair Step by Step, with a touch of dignity.

Because the power of this Tier 5’s commander is significantly better than the Tier 5 Pioneer Team Leader, but also holds a Legendary Level Broadsword in his hand, I am afraid it is also row in Tier 5 Professional. PEAK’s existence.

If this existence is directly, they will be able to crash instantly …

Many Players on this place are also doubts, this city defense has announced the end.

Tier 5 of the Level 200, the Tier 5 commander of the outside, is coming to the sky, and when you are going to do it, the sky in the distance suddenly comes from a harsst Rumbling Sound.

It is still not equal to the place where the sound to the looked toards, just seeing a bright blue figure like electricity appears over the sky.

With this championship, the audience is a Player, or NPC, Each and Everyone are shocked.

“speeding boat ?!”

“This is a speeding boat?”

Because this aerial spring is too huge, even the Bronze Rank in the whole length of the BRONZE RANK, in front of this blue giant beast, it is like a baby, and this blue giant beast sole is floating in the air. Let All Around’s space faintly distorted. The Magic Power of the entire steel lion is even more unconsciously gathered towards this blue Giant Beast, even the Magic Domain in Tier 5 Professional can’t control these gathering past Magic Power …

and with this blue giant beast slowly dropped, a man wearing a black cloak came out, and the entire steel lion was boiling.

“Guild Master! You can be coming!” Fang SHI letter looked at the figure on the Giant Beast, some did not say good luck.

Originally, it will arrive before the war, but now it’s so long, Shi Feng arrived …

“not good means you have been waiting.” Shi Feng is very apologized to see the Fang Shi Letter and the Others, and then turn to the entire Outside the World NPC army said with a smile, “but the next thing, Give it to me! “

If you are interested in this book, you can pay attention to the W-Zhuang Tianyun old cat, you can see some of the little eggs in some books.

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