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“Enter Secret Realm at this time?”

Cold Glint Shi Ying looked at the SHI Feng to enter the second realm entrance to the hall, suddenly, did not understand what the shi feng was thinking.

Nowadays, the WORLD NPC army doesn’t have long time, I am afraid I will start pouring into god’s domain east note, in the face of such a war, don’t say a zero wing, ten Zero Wing is very difficult to resist Intrusion outside World.

Must have a large number of Player Expert, together with the World’s Great Influnce and NPC army, or wait for them to die.

At this time, even if the Cold Glint poetry does not do any investigation, you understand the Great Influnce of God’s Domain East Continent. Now I am now doing the preparation of Player Expert, if they don’t start now, when the the Time Comes will definitely fall behind.

How does I have time to enter Secret Realm Land Clearing?

But seeing Zero Wing a SECRET Realm that Zero Wing in the Cold Glint, it is also speechless, and it is the arrangement of the SECRET REALM with a white and the Others, after all, Zero Wing Other high levels have no objection, and a new natural nature should not be published.

is only Cold Glint poetry, I don’t know, Fire Dance and The Others has already reminded Shi Feng, but Shi Feng still did.

Because no one is more clear than Shi Feng, God’s Domain’s Kingdom and Empire Battle, or a larger world dispute, the number of Expert Player does not work, but truly dominate the war, or peak Battle Stregth!

In a war, thousands of Tier 3 Professional are more than a Tier 4 Professional, and hundreds of Tier 4 Professional are not comparable to a Tier 5 Professional.

Especially in the case of both npcbattle stregth, Player’s Peak Battle Streg is especially important. If there is no powerful PEAK Battle Stregth to dominate the battlefield, then more Tier 3 Player Expert participants, there is no meaning, Because it can’t stand it.

So, the more now this is a nervous moment, the more you want to upgrade Peak Battle Strenge, or the shi feng will not prepare a two-day Potion, and go directly to Evil God Secret Realm.

With the Cold Glint poetry and the Others Each and Everyone entered the Evil God Secret Realm, Shi Feng also walked from the other side of the ladder passage into Secret Realm, directly Vanish’s control hall of City Lord Mansion, only There are several Tier 4 NPC guards.

Evil God Secret Realm, after the people entered, I feel a buffer Stun, and the eyes are dark. After more than ten seconds of persistence, this feeling is slow, appearing in a PRIMORDIAL JUGLE.

“What is this ?!”

Yue white looks in front of a Jungle, and the small mouth that is watching is almost unclosed.

For a few Dungeon Teams and Secret Realm, you don’t know if Land Clearing said that Secret Realm has long been familiar with the second SECRET Realm, and it is also confident that you can cope with all kinds of situations. The situation is definitely a whitehead.

The entire Secret Realm is like a dark night, only one of the bloody moon can be light.

and the trees in Jungle have Severage Hundred Meters, some or even thousands of meters high, the outside wood is here, Simply is a baby, as for them, these Players are not more to say, completely with the antity Almost big.

But this is still nothing, Naked Eye visible, foot foot has more than 100 Lendary Monster, the real Monster is more than people, more than a dozen groups, the head is Level 160 or more The upper Legendary Monster, the exuded power is more than the top of the outside Legendary Monster.

Evil Blood Beast, Evil Living Creature, Legendary Level, Level 1LVEL 53, HP 350 million

evil blood chasing, evil energy living creature, upper Legendary Level, Level Level 160, HP 80000 million

and more letting of white murmine, these Lendary Monster, these Level 150 have discovered them, but at this time, Each and Everyone stood there, as if they were examined, they were general, and they also came out from time to time. Obviously these Monster communicate with each other, NOT AT AL is anxious.

is just a little frightened in Pen, also feels the power of Evil God Secret Realm.

Even if the white Not at all deliberately feels the Magic Power status of Evil God Secret Realm, the Magic Power is high, and every breathing is like drinking water. It is generally not said, and the rule of Magic Element is unprecedented. It is clearly a lot more than a City Lord Mansion.

even makes the bastard, if you have been staying here, I am afraid for how long it takes, her Magic Power’s body can be further, even impacting in the whole fantasy myth, extreme Rare people Breakthrough 115%.

“Some of the space here, the physical activity is obviously compressed here.” Cold Glint’s poetry is active after the event, and it is Slightly Frowned, “We want to fight with the front of these MONSTERs.” I am afraid it is difficult … “

It is already a little desperate, if it is limited, it is limited to ten dead life, let alone feel the Magic Element rules to improve yourself.

Fire Dance is also moving a few times, instantly appear three after, SPEED, Tier 4 Professional can barely capture, then Nodded, Slowly Said: “is indeed, but it is also acceptable. “

“Can you accept the range?”

Pad is white looking at Speed ​​as a ghost Fire Dance, but also looking at it.

To know her Magic Power’s body, Breakthrough to 105%, but here is active, simply is like a body, and the body cannot move at all, let alone leave AfterImage as Fire Dance. .

However, it is not just Fire Dance, Zero Wing other people are also active, although they feel the oppression of the air, but the activities of the body are obviously able to withstand, and the impact on Battle Stregth is not very big.

The puman, etc. who added it in a time, it is also to look at it, even the Cold Glint poetry is also dark.

“Are they doing Monster?”

A fire dance even, after all, is the Group Leader of Zero Wing Main Tiri, but the other human what the hell is what?

To know that their Vice-Guild Master Cold Glint is in this space, Battle Stregth has also been influenced, but Zero Wing’s more than 60 Tier 4 Professional, obviously affected without Cold Glint Poetry, especially Violet Cloud, Gentle Snow, Aqua Rose, and completely unaffected it …

and in Shi Feng arrived, slightly after a few things, Slightly Smile: “This Evil God Secret Realm is really a good place, full of powerful Magic Element, if there is no enough to Magic Element rules The powerful strength control will be suppressed by the space here. If you can adapt to the space here, whether it is Breakthrough for the Magic Power, it is also a great help. “

Originally, he also thinks through the environment of the ancient GOD’s Domain to enhance everyone, but now there is now, the space in Evil God Secret Realm is a natural training ground.

Don’t do any training, Solely now fights with Monster, allowing Player to become more familiar with Magic Element, because these MAGIC ELEMENT running rules are not just clear visible, but can personally clearly feel To, you only need to make more contacts and feelings through the battle.

But with Shi Feng’s appears, Ton Time All Around Legendary Level Monster is like being irritated, and Each and Everyone has become extremely vigilant.

and as one of the body is more than forty meters, wearing exquisite armor, hand holding Lance of the evil blood chasing hunter issues angry ROAR, all Monster present directly on the field.

“Damn! How do they rush?” Cold Glint’s poetry is a big head.

Single oriented is not an opponent, facing hundreds, the scene is also on the scene, but Impossible pulls all MONSTER, after all, Shi Feng is not MT, but an output, high intelligence In front of Monster, the high output does not absorb aggro, and only the MT will be pulled by MT.

“is quite smart, I plan to take someone else, do you concentrate me?” Shi Feng glanced at the evil blood beast soldiers from All Directions, and could not help but Slightly Smiled. “Unfortunately, Aoe is useless!”

said that Shi Feng is not hidden, directly Imposing Manner broke out, and the Chenggedian instant is unfolded, and all the evil blood beast soldiers and evil blood chasing people.

and shi feng have an instant, Cold Glint poetry and the Others looks at it.

Because Shi Feng Simply at this time is like GOD, let them all breathe, and this Imposing Manner is not for them, but naturally spilled …

As for the evil blood beast soldiers in the distance, the cultivation of the evil blood will also decrease, the action is 50%, and even the evil blood, the enemy, the beast, is very hard, compared to When the Shi Feng was launched, I didn’t know how much it was, I didn’t know how much it was.

If you are interested in this book, you can pay attention to the W-Zhuang Tianyun old cat, you can see some of the little eggs in some books.

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