
You can search for “Reincarnation of The Strongest Sword God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Wind is in the city, Zero Wing headquarters.

Shi Feng is standing in front of the gate of Zero Wing headquarters. At this time, the Zero Wing headquarters has undergone great changes.

Previously, the small square in front of the building was still very empty. Now it is overcrowded. You can see many young men and women standing there each and everyone, either waiting in line for testing in the lobby, or doing various tests in the small square. The various preparatory activities and the prosperous scene before are simply more spectacular than the headquarters of the major Super-Guild.

Shi Feng hasn’t walked a few steps, and you can hear these young men and women. Each and everyone is talking about Zero Wing’s. It’s not about Zero Wing City’s training environment or Ancient Rock City’s heaven-shaking battle. Let Zero Wing has become recognized as the best Guild in God’s Domain, and his eyes are full of expectations of joining Zero Wing’s.

However, Shi Feng hadn’t even reached the entrance of the hall when he saw a long haired man in his thirties suddenly coming over.

Long haired man looked at Shi Feng in sportswear, and said kindly: “This Little Brother, you also come to join Zero Wing’s!”

“Me? Join Zero Wing?” Shi Feng looked at the long haired man in a daze.

Although the long haired man in front of me looks Common, Life Aura is very strong, which is completely comparable to some horizontal master level.

However, before Shi Feng could say anything, the long haired man opened his jacket and saw a six-wing Emblem logo pinned on the T-shirt, which shows that it is an insider of Zero Wing’s.

“I see Little Brother, you are not simple.” The long haired man showed the Six Wing Emblem from time to time, pointed to the long queue not far away, and said with a smile, “You see there are so many people in line over there, Waiting for you to get the ticket in line, I don’t know when to wait, but I am Zero Wing’s inner member, but I have a special quota on hand, and I can recommend one person to pass the first test directly.”

“What do you mean?” Shi Feng asked curiously.

“I think you are not simple, so I plan to recommend you, but after you become Zero Wing’s inner member, you must join our squad, don’t know how?” The long haired man looked at Shi Feng and said seriously , “Our squad is not simple. Although it has only been established not long ago, it is already a second-tier team at Zero Wing. It is only a first-tier team away from the first-line main team!”


When Shi Feng heard this, he couldn’t help sweating.

Completely didn’t expect Zero Wing’s. All the major teams, all the digging people have come here.

If he is not Zero Wing’s Guild Master, I am afraid he will be fooled by the long haired man in front of him.

Because Zero Wing is the main force, as long as the team led by Tier 4 profession is a second-line team, they are qualified to attack the Hard 100-Man Dungeon of Level 150……

“Why don’t you believe it?” The long haired man looked at it and said proudly, “Do you know who our Group Leader is? It will definitely scare you to say it!”

Just when Shi Feng was wondering who the team Leader Group Leader of this weird man was, he heard the sound of fighting in the hall suddenly, and there was a bang, as if someone’s big Iron Hammer threw the ground.

As for this kind of rumbling, whether the long haired man or the other Zero Wing Members present, they seem to be accustomed to it. They didn’t feel any surprise at all. On the contrary, the newcomers who have just arrived are very curious. each and everyone can’t help but walk over to see what happens.

“Don’t look at it, it’s nothing to surprise the mobs.” The long haired man looked at Shi Feng who felt a little strange, and said indifferently, “It’s just another group of Super Organization experts who came to our Zero Wing to provoke me. I believe it. It will be cleaned up by Master Lei Bao in a while.”

When Shi Feng heard this, he couldn’t help but ask: “Is Zero Wing a lot of this situation recently?”

“I had it before I joined, but there have been a lot more recently.” The long haired man was helplessly nodded, “These Super Organizations can’t understand the development of our Zero Wing, and we have no choice but to take our Zero Wing in God’s Domain, so now They all ran to our headquarters to make trouble. If we asked Zero Wing to take out a part of Zero Wing City’s plot of land and sell it to them, I heard that there were five or six God’s Domain Super Organizations that came here exclusively today. Among them, the Super- in God’s Domain. Have you heard of the Guild fantasy myth.”

“Everyone from the fantasy myth is here today. The team leader is still the Fang Family’s Eldest Miss. The Fang Shi and Eldest Miss are ruthless characters. Not only are they long appearance like a heavenly immortal, they are also strong. It’s not a human being. To deal with Master Level experts, one punch is a trivial matter. I’m afraid it’s only our Fire Dance big sister that can compete with her.”

When talking about Fang Shihan, the long haired man couldn’t help but shivered, obviously he was very afraid of Fang Shihan.

However, after talking for a while after the long haired man, I watched the door of the lobby on the first floor suddenly opened, and a group of people came out. Each and everyone looked angry, but they saw Fire Dance and Lei Bao and coming out. The others, after looking at the injured Master Level experts beside them, there is also a half-step Inner Energy Grandmaster expert, just glaring fiercely at Fire Dance and the others.

“You, Zero Wing, wait! Don’t think that the major Super Organizations in God’s Domain can’t do anything to you. In reality, no one can do anything to you!”

“Don’t cooperate with us! You will only encounter more troubles with Zero Wing in the future!”

I saw the representatives of the major Super Organizations, each and everyone watching Fire Dance and the others yelled loudly, even getting more and more proud.

Master Level expert now has Zero Wing helpless, but there is always a Super Organization that can invite Grandmaster Level experts. The future will be those large consortiums in the upper area. Maybe they will take action. After all, Zero Wing’s is too big too big.

Solely now, the major Super Organizations have received a lot of news that some upper-level forces are investigating Zero Wing, and they are obviously very interested in Zero Wing. When the time comes, Grandmaster Level experts come over to find trouble. I’m afraid it’s just Sooner or later the question.

As for Fire Dance and Lei Bao and the others, their faces are not so good at this time, because they also know that the Battle of Ancient Rock City will definitely alarm many forces in the upper zone. When the time comes, there will definitely be a Grandmaster. Level’s expert came to ask for trouble.

Maybe these Grandmaster Level experts on the surface can’t do what Zero Wing does, but if the door is blocked every day, Zero Wing’s face may be lost, let alone other means.

However, when the representatives of the major Super Organizations were proud, Fang Shi Han in the crowd came step by step. With cold eyes, the surrounding temperature seemed to drop by more than ten degrees, which made long The haired man was panicked.

The long haired man couldn’t help but looked towards Shi Feng and said: “Little Brother, what happened to her before, did you? How do I feel that she is walking towards you?”

The young men on the side each and everyone looked towards Shi Feng, whispering about it, wondering if Shi Feng is who, it could make a Great Beauty so concerned.

“I probably didn’t do anything to her.” Shi Feng was slightly surprised when he saw the Fang Shi letter that came by. After thinking about it, he said, “The most is to kill her elders in front of her and let her go. That’s it, apart from this I shouldn’t have done anything else.”

As Shi Feng finished speaking, the long haired man became stupid.

I never thought that Shi Feng was such a cruel person. Even the Eldest Miss of Fang Family dared to do this. If Fang Shi didn’t work hard, there would be a ghost…

However, the next moment saw Fang Shi’s letter walking to Shi Feng’s, watching Shi Feng quietly and speaking softly: “The two of us, can we find a place to have a good talk?”

For a while, not only was the long haired man standing blankly on the spot, but the other men present almost stared out.

What the hell is this?

If you are interested in the biography of some characters in this book, or other accidents in God’s Domain world, you can add the w public x number Tianyun Lao Mao, and you can see some content and easter eggs that cannot be shown in the book.

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