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System: Congratulations to the player for obtaining the Ancient Rock City City Lord Token. Do you want to bind the City Lord Token? Once the City Lord Token is bound, the player will become the controller of Ancient Rock City and get all the permissions of Ancient Rock City.

Shi Feng chose to bind this not saying anything further.

System: If the binding is successful, the player will get all the permissions of Ancient Rock City within four hours. The player must not leave the Ancient Rock City within a thousand yards radius. If the player leaves or is killed, the binding will be automatic Cancellation, binding cannot be performed within one day.

“Four hours?” Shi Feng also looked at it, and was slightly surprised, “Have you reached the main city of Guild?”

Generally, after obtaining the City Lord Token in a Guild city, the binding time will be different according to the level of the Guild city. The four-hour time is simply the same as the Guild main city.

Because of the main city-level cities, the binding time is only between four hours and six hours.

“Guild Master, what’s wrong?” Fire Dance noticed Shi Feng’s strangeness, and asked curiously.

“Nothing, but I didn’t expect this Ancient Rock City to be special.” Shi Feng glanced at the angry ten thousand zhang Beast Emperor, lightly said with a smile, “Anyway, we have to wait here for four hours. We Just go to Evil God Secret Realm and have a look.”

“Black Flame, you won’t be proud of it for long. Even if you get Ancient Rock City, it’s useless. Evil God Secret Realm is not something you can condemn. Without my means, then Evil God Secret Realm you just want to go in. It’s as hard as heavenly ascension, you don’t even want to get any of the things inside!” The Beast Emperor looked at Shi Feng with a sneer, “On the contrary, I will give the method of entering the Evil God Secret Realm to all your enemies, even outsiders. Those people in the world, just watch how they stand and take away all the treasures in Evil God Secret Realm from you!”

After getting Ancient Rock City, Shi Feng can indeed resist many forces, but the Beast Emperor knows one thing more clearly, that is, the forces of the outside world have regarded Zero Wing as a thorn in the eye.

As long as the army of the outside world arrives, not solely Star-Moon Kingdom, even the Beastman Empire will not be spared. When the time comes, the outside world forces will certainly snatch the Evil God Secret Realm from Shi Feng, and Shi Feng can’t even do anything.

However, Shi Feng directly ignored the words of the Beast Emperor, and took the Zero Wing to the station of the Hand of the Sacred Heart.

Although the entire Ancient Rock City is in ruins, and the residence of the Hand of the Sacred Heart has become a flat area, the Guild Warehouse is set up on the basement level and 2-Layer underground, so the Guild Warehouse of the Hand of the Sacred Heart is one point Nothing.

For this, Shi Feng and the others simply cleaned the Tier 3 NPC and a Tier 4 NPC in the guard warehouse, and then opened the Guild Warehouse of the Hand of the Sacred Heart.

After opening the Guild Warehouse of the Hand of the Sacred Heart, everyone at Zero Wing was about to see their saliva flow.

The Guild Warehouse, which is the size of two stadiums, is filled with various items. It is completely covered with gold coins. Mana Crystal is just like a hill, piles and piles. According to a rough calculation, there are three gold coins. There are more than ten thousand gold, Mana Crystal has reached more than 4 million, and the accumulation is not much worse than Zero Wing.

“We are rich! Guild Master, we are rich!” Fire Dance looked at the entire warehouse and couldn’t help but excited. “I was worried about the sudden expansion of Guild, and the buildings in Big Guild cities needed various level up transformations. Both gold coins and Mana Crystal are a little nervous. Now that you have these gold coins and Mana Crystal, you don’t have to worry at all.”

The opening of Zero Wing City does bring a lot of income to Zero Wing, but compared to Zero Wing’s, it is still not enough. This is also a headache for Fire Dance to manage Zero Wing.

Because of the opening of Zero Wing City’s, in order to maintain law and order, Zero Wing City had to recruit a large number of NPC guards and try to make 30,000 people full.

Zero Wing City is the main city. All aspects of treatment can be lower. However, if you recruit a Tier 3 NPC above Level 150, the cost is not low. To maintain daily expenses only, almost one Tier 3 NPC per day Five gold coins are required.

Many 30,000 Tier 3 NPCs, that is 150,000 gold coins.

Yes, it costs 150,000 gold coins a day!

At this time, the weapon equipment of those NPCs is not added, nor the cost of those Tier 4 NPCs, just pure Tier 3 NPCs.

So after the opening of Zero Wing City, Zero Wing’s spending has skyrocketed, and there are not many gold coins in the previous inventory.

But it’s better now, there are more than 300 ten thousand gold in one go, and Zero Wing’s warehouse has been enriched a lot.

Looking at the happy Fire Dance, Shi Feng also resisted not telling Fire Dance one thing, that is, the construction of Ancient Rock City later, I am afraid that all the money will be spent, and even more…

“Guild Master, come and see, this is the Seven Luminaries Crystal Stone!” Blackie opened a huge treasure chest that was tall for one person, and the two eyes lit up and said, “This amount is more than 50,000 units. simply has more inventory than our Zero Wing’s.”

Before Shi Feng left, Blackie took over a large number of Quests that collected Seven Luminaries Crystal Stones, so he was particularly concerned about Seven Luminaries Crystal Stones, and now the number of Seven Luminaries Crystal Stones in Zero Wing’s inventory is only 30,000. It’s just a unit. This is because it monopolizes the great valley of extremely ice, or else there are not so many Seven Luminaries Crystal Stones at all.

But in the warehouse of the Hand of the Sacred Heart, there are 50,000 units of Seven Luminaries Crystal Stone at once, which is definitely a fortune.

“What is that, Blackie, come and see me, so I will let you know what wealth is!” Cola in the distance pointed to the treasure chest piled on several hills in front of him, “My The treasure chest on the side is full of materials of Epic Level and above. It is roughly estimated that there are more than 300,000 pieces. The Lesser Legendary Level materials are more than 20,000 pieces, and the Legendary Level materials are more than 3,000 pieces.”

When everyone heard it, even Shi Feng who was present was stunned.

Kingdom’s treasure trove is probably just this too!

It can even be said that Common’s Kingdom cannot reach this level. At least Advanced Kingdom can have so many Rare Materials.

The Beast Emperor who was tied up together is complexion ashen with blood red with two eyes.

These materials are all things that he managed to save a little bit by occupying each and everyone Kingdom through the army of sacred plastics, destroying many NPC cities, and now they are all cheap Zero Wing…

After that, Shi Feng handed over the warehouse finishing work to Blackie, ready to ship all these things to Zero Wing City’s warehouse, and Shi Feng took Fire Dance and the others to a secret room in the underground 2-Layer.

Although this secret room is not big, only the size of a basketball court, the dark door in the center of the secret room makes Fire Dance and the others feel an unprecedented oppression, even if it is a magic power like Fire Dance. Experts who have reached more than 110% feel that every step is extremely difficult after entering the secret room. After stepping into the three to four steps, it can be said that they can’t even move their feet. Common Tier 4 profession will come in, I am afraid that every step will be required. and everyone is on the ground, unable to move forward at all…

“hahaha, I said long ago, just rely on you people, don’t even think about tainting the Evil God Secret Realm.” Beast Emperor looked at the Fire Dance and the others in Action Hard, then looked towards Shi Feng and couldn’t help but said with a big smile, “Even if you are Tier 5 in Black Flame, there is no special means, don’t even want to go in!”

For Evil God Secret Realm, not to mention the Peak Tier 4 expert. In fact, even if he is a protected Evil God believer, it is difficult to enter Tier 4 Peak.

This is also the reason why he is certain that even if Shi Feng knows about Evil God Secret Realm, he still can’t do anything about Evil God Secret Realm.


Shi Feng looked at the laughing Beast Emperor, and stepped into the secret room with one foot.

If you are interested in the biography of some characters in this book, or other accidents in God’s Domain world, you can add the w public x number Tianyun Lao Mao, and you can see some content and easter eggs that cannot be shown in the book.

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