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Group Leader Eagle’s words were to make the Tier 4 expert who was idle on the scene agitated, and he wished to rush to kill the seven people in front of him.

Currently, the Alliance’s price for the Tier 4 native expert can be rewarded with a full 300 points for one kill. If you kill with a curse, the contribution can be raised to one thousand points.

A thousand points of contribution, not to mention the players who live in the civilian areas, is a great asset to the players in the prosperous areas.

If one thousand contribution points are converted into income to calculate, it is the highest income of a Common person living in a prosperous area for ten years.

Yes, the Star Alliance is so fierce against the Tier 4 native Bounty!

This also shows the Star-Land Alliance’s determination to win this God’s Domain continent.

This is not the key. Alliance contribution points can be exchanged for money, but money cannot be exchanged for alliance contribution points. Alliance contribution points can be exchanged for many items and resources, which cannot be bought by money.

The seven Tier 4 professions in front of me are definitely a huge wealth. Even if they are evenly divided, they will have a lot of money.

However, Qi Yuan never responded to the words of the Group Leader Yingzhun, but stared at the crowd wearing a black cloak, with eyes like Star Moon. Even if he was surrounded by hundreds of Tier 4 battle strengths, he was still surrounded by Master Level Magic. Array suppressed, the man still serene, his eyes were gloomy and cold saying no.

“Guild Master Black Flame! You really make it easy to find below!”

Qi Yuan directly ignored everyone present, just staring at Shi Feng, almost every word, every word was full of endless anger and killing intent.

Since the Battle of Heavenly Spring, although he was saved and not locked up for more than ten days, his reputation in Guild has also been greatly damaged. From the top three peerless genius, he now has to run to complete some chase Killing Tiger Flash Tier 4 expert, etc., these are simply not easy Quests.

He hated Shi Feng a lot about this, but after the world channel was opened, he never found any Shi Feng’s information, nor did he have any chance to start, thus regaining his honor.

But today, maybe God was moved by him and caught Shi Feng upright.

However, Shi Feng has a completely indifferent attitude towards Qi Yuan’s resentment and resentment. Looking at Qi Yuan coming out, he said flatly: “It turned out to be the Qi Yuan Group Leader who walked alone for a while. No, Qiyuan Group Leader has improved a lot.”

At this time, Qi Yuan was obviously much stronger than when he encountered him in Heavenly Spring City.

Not only has Level rise to Level 145, the key is that the breakthrough of magic power has a 100% limit, and the degree of completion is definitely not lower than that of Tefehaliya.

The most important thing is that in addition to his Epic Level armor set, Qi Yuan even has at least three Lesser Legendary Items. In addition, he has mastered the domain and reached a very high level on Realm of Truth. The battle strength is much stronger than those Common Tier 4 NPCs.

It can be seen that the name of peerless genius, a lonely ghost, is definitely worthy of its name, without any falsehood.

“Yes! Thanks to you Guild Master Black Flame!” Qi Yuan is also gnashing teeth, “Just take advantage of today, not equal to me…”

Just when Qi Yuan was about to propose a fight against Shi Feng, Berserker Feiye, who had been following Qi Yuan, quickly pulled Qi Yuan’s sleeves and whispered: “Qi Yuan, don’t mess around! He! His strength is completely monster-level, and Elder also told you that he can’t be an enemy of Black Flame yet!”

Because Qi Yuan was locked in Heavenly Spring City, not at all saw the battle of the Secret Covenant Tower with his own eyes.

Let’s not talk about Shi Feng alone at that time, he killed thousands of weakened Tier 4 Legendary sacred plastics into a river, like cutting melons and vegetables, and Shi Feng’s hidden methods are extraordinary.

Even now there is Master Level Magic Formation suppression, but she has also seen Shi Feng use a very strong Domain world, and it would be good if the battle strength suppressed by the Legendary Sacred Plastic Monster can be half.

The last time Fengying Elder directly admitted the plant, in addition to the threat of a mobile fortress, more reasons were out of fear of Shi Feng’s hidden means, so he chose to compensate.

Although they have a large number of advantages now, they cannot be said to be better than Shi Feng and the others.

Following Feiye’s reminder, Qi Yuan gradually calmed down.

“I got it!”

Although he can’t wait to kill Shi Feng directly, he is no longer what he used to be. He can be willful anymore. Feiye follows him. In addition to protecting, he now has the responsibility of supervision.

If he disobeys Fengying Elder’s order, as long as Feiye reports it, no matter whether he kills Shi Feng or not, there will be no good results afterwards, and he will even be marginalized.

As Qi Yuan finished talking with Feiye, his eyes turned to the distant Group Leader Yingzhun again.

“Eagle Group Leader, you lift the Magic Formation world and let them pass!”

As Qi Yuan finished these words, whether it was the Group Leader Yingzhun present or those idle Tier 4 experts, each and everyone froze for a while, and did not react for a while.

“What the hell is going on?” The Sixteen Dreams of Smoke Cloud also opened wide with beautiful eyes.

I don’t understand at all, what a turning point this is.

The anger and resentment that Qi Yuan showed before, even if she was an outsider who could see it clearly, perfectly clear, let alone let them go, without directly attacking the killer, it was already incredible.

Now, instead of speaking directly, let them leave directly.

If she hadn’t clearly felt Qi Yuan’s resentment, and there was nothing false, she would doubt whether Qi Yuan was acting before, but she had a very good relationship with Shi Feng’s.

In fact, let alone Smoke Cloud Sixteen Dreams who felt surprised and puzzled, Shi Feng himself also felt stun for a while, wondering if Qi Yuan was out of anger and said the wrong thing for a while.

“Qiyuan Group Leader, what do you mean?” The wild man Yingzhun also asked Xiang Qiyuan inexplicably, “We have used so much manpower and material resources to chase them down, and now everyone is catching them. Arrived, but let them go?”

It is not easy to besieged and kill Tier 4 experts of major Super Organizations in God’s Domain. Now all major Super Organizations are thieves, and it is getting harder and harder to kill those Tier 4 experts.

From the more than a dozen people on the Primary Stage, to now hundreds of Tier 4 battle strengths are needed to block these people.

There are a total of seven Tier 4 experts in front of him. This is a huge sum of money, and he wonders if Qi Yuan is crazy.

Qi Yuan also clenched his fists and said without a doubt: “Yes, let them go.”

The affirmative words of Qiyuan also made Smoke Cloud and Sixteen Dreams deeply sighed in relief, although she didn’t understand why, and she didn’t know who Qiyuan was in front of her.

But it seems that Qi Yuan should be the Team Leader in this hunting team.

Since the Team Leaders have all spoken, they should be fine.

It’s just Smoke Cloud’s sixteen dreams sighed in relief, but as the leader of the Free mercenary team, Ying Zhun seems to have not heard Qiyuan’s order, and has no intention of letting people go.

“Sorry Qiyuan Group Leader, I can’t listen to your words. I don’t know what your relationship is with this Guild Master Black Flame, but it’s not easy for me to raise a group of brothers. Besie these people in the Magic Formation realm. If you let them go, my brothers will have to drink West North Wind!” Yingzhun looked at Qiyuan and said with a smile, “Since Qiyuan Group Leader, you don’t If you are willing to do it, then let us do it, when the time comes Qiyuan Group Leader If you feel uncomfortable, you can also close your eyes and go aside. We will not make your friends feel pain, and this battle will be over soon. !”

“I support Boss. Even if you are the Team Leader of Qiyuan Group Leader, I will listen to you, but I have to ask whether the weapon in our hands is acceptable.”

“Yes, Qiyuan Group Leader, if you don’t think you can see it, just watch it from the side.”

The idle Tier 4 players and the Tier 3 expert with Tier 4 battle strength present at this time, each and everyone are nodded in agreement.

These players rely on Bounty for their livelihoods, and they can finally get a big vote and let them give up directly. Simply cracking a joke.

It can be said that at this time it is the heavenly king Lao Tzu who is here, so don’t let them let go.

When Qiyuan heard these people say this, he felt an urge to vomit blood for a while.


When did Laozi and Shi Feng be friends?

Of course, vomiting blood and returning to vomiting blood, Qiyuan is still very happy to be deep in one’s heart. I wish these idle mercenary make a lot of noise, so that even if the above blames him, there is no way to say that he is not good, but he can be killed here. Shi Feng.

Although Qi Yuan feels a little uncomfortable not being able to avenge himself, it is a good thing to watch Shi Feng get killed.

This Feiye is eyebrow slightly wrinkled, didn’t expect these mercenary simply crazy.

Really treat monsters like Shi Feng as Tier 4 experts of the indigenous Super Organization. They can kill the ATMs they play at will, without any detailed investigation, only money in their heads.

“You have seen Feiye, it’s not that I didn’t let people go, but they didn’t want to. I have nothing to do.” Qi Yuan pretended to be angry and said, “These mercenary don’t have me as a Team Leader at all. , So I said long ago that I am not suitable for leading these mercenary. After this Quest, you can talk to Fengying Elder.”

“Forget it, let’s go!” Feiye didn’t bother to care.

The instructions given to them are very simple, that is, don’t be an enemy of Zero Wing now. As for those idle mercenaries, they can’t control them, so they can’t be blamed for negligence.

Immediately, Feiye took the member from Guild and withdrew directly aside, not participating in the matter here.

“Okay!” Yingzhun looked at Feiye and the others who walked far away, and smiled, “brothers, go! Don’t make our Qiyuan Group Leader feel too ugly!”

Hundreds of idle experts on the field all laughed, each and everyone harboring malicious intentions looked towards Shi Feng and the others.

“These brothers, don’t blame us. We are also forced by life. For all of us, I’m sorry for you!” Yingzhun looked at the seven Shi Feng, who also licked the corner of the lips. The eyes are slowly killing intent.

“Trouble?” Shi Feng also smiled, “It seems that you have made a mistake.”

“Something was wrong?” Yingzhun looked at Shi Feng strangely. Although he also felt that Shi Feng was not right. He was clearly suppressed by the Master Level Magic Array and surrounded by hundreds of Tier 4 battle strengths. Surprisingly calm, “Why?”

“That’s who is the hunter and who is the prey!”

When Shi Feng said that, he immediately unfolded a thought into the world, and instantly enveloped the surrounding two thousand yards, making the original terrifying Magic Formation world suppression disappear, and there is a faint tendency to collapse…

If you are interested in the biography of some characters in this book, or other accidents in God’s Domain world, you can add the public x number Tianyun Lao Mao, and you can see some content that cannot be shown in the book.

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