“Twenty days?”

Shi Feng is not surprised by the fact that there will be punishment for failure to complete. After all, God’s Domain is back with opportunities and risks. On the contrary, the penalty for twenty days is already very small.

If you are known by those Tier 5 Peak experts who are on the former life, I am afraid that each and everyone will break their heads.

After that, Shi Feng didn’t think of other things either, and began to paint Magic Array in his own sea of ​​Vitality.

At this time, Shi Feng didn’t know whether it was Luck or misfortune.

Luck is because when he received the blessing of the world, he was in a special space full of eternal air. It can be said that this is a huge help for him in depicting the Magic Array. When it is not good, because his current Vitality is already There is no shortage of controlling the body, and naturally it is impossible to stabilize the broken bridge.

Also in other words he not at all four hours to complete this Magic Array of Soul……

But helpless, the effect of eternal air made Shi Feng describe the Magic Array of Master Level, simply with no difficulty, clearly not at all, to study carefully, but the entire Magic Array is the same familiarity that has been seen many times. It is completely in one go when portrayed.

For a while, it depends on the completion of the Magic Array of Soul, which is improving with the speed visible by naked eye.


In less than an hour, Shi Feng completed 16% of this huge Soul Magic Array. It can be predicted in four hours that it can definitely reach 40%, even if the Grandmaster Level Magic Array has to be described later. When the speed is greatly reduced, reaching 40% is not difficult.

Less than an hour and a half later, Shi Feng’s completion rate reached 35%. The speed of simply made him unable to believe it.

Seeing Shi Feng completed the first Grandmaster Level Magic Array, the completion of the Soul Magic Array jumped from 35% to 38% in an instant.

“Is it improved so much at once?” Shi Feng glanced at the completion degree, which was also startled.

Previously completed a Master Level Magic Array, the completion rate could not even increase by 0.5%. Now I just completed a Grandmaster Level Magic Array, which increased by nearly 3% in one go, and the Grandmaster Level Magic Array is due to the eternal atmosphere Under the effect of this, not at all is much slower than the Magic Array of Master Level.

“The Broken Bridge was three hours at most without my stability. Now there are less than 20 minutes left. It seems that I can only try to portray a Grandmaster Level Magic Array.”

Although Shi Feng guessed that the broken bridge can be stable for three hours, it is only a prediction. For insurance, portraying a Grandmaster Level Magic Array is the limit.

The entire soul Magic Array is huge, but the key is the more than a dozen Grandmaster Level Magic Arrays, especially the six core Grandmaster Level Magic Arrays.

Originally, Shi Feng wanted to portray more Master Level Magic Arrays around, so that the core Grandmaster Level Magic Array could play a greater role, but time is obviously not allowed.

Now I just gritted my teeth and portrayed the second core Grandmaster Level Magic Array first.

I saw time passing by one minute and one second. After ten minutes, Shi Feng finally finished the second core Grandmaster Level Magic Array.

The completion rate of Magic Array of Soul Soul jumped directly from 38% to 41% in a short period of time, which is considered to have completed the completion rate stipulated by the System.

Immediately, Shi Feng chose to complete the construction and did not continue.

System: Player Magic Array is 41% complete, and the most basic requirements are completed. The sea of ​​Vitality will start to reconsolidate according to the constructed Magic Array. Does the player confirm whether it has begun to condense?


Shi Feng did not hesitate, although there is still more than an hour, but if he dies halfway, the reconstruction of the sea of ​​Vitality will become a joke.

I saw that after Shi Feng chose, the Magic Array engraved in the depth of one’s soul also worked.

Although the entire Magic Array is incomplete, as System said, the entire soul Magic Array can barely operate.

With the reconstruction of the sea of ​​Vitality, Shi Feng also feels that his brain is refreshed like never before, and his thinking activity is good, and Vitality’s reaction speed is also good, which is obviously much more than before.

After more than 20 seconds, Shi Feng discovered that he did not know when his Vitality Sea turned from the original fuzzy phantom state, obviously a lot.

This kind of solidity is like condensing from a mist state to a liquid state.

It seems that there is little change, but the density has changed qualitatively.

Even if it is still an illusory state, Shi Feng obviously feels that his thinking speed has been more than three times faster. As long as Vitality is concentrated, the surrounding time seems to be three times slower, which is not comparable to the previous one.

“Too strong!” Shi Feng looked at his newly constructed sea of ​​Vitality, and couldn’t help but slap his tongue. “Could it be that the former life and many Tier 5 experts are so crazy about rebuilding the sea of ​​Vitality, so condensed In the real sea of ​​Vitality, even if my Vitality level is only new to Tier 5, the speed of soul improvement is probably faster than Tier 5 Peak.”

At the moment, his Vitality level is indeed Tier 5 Basic Grade, but the strength of his soul is unmatched by Vitality’s expert who reaches Tier 5 Peak.

I saw that when Shi Feng opened his eyes again, everything about all around became different.

The range of Vitality Perception has been expanded from hundreds of yards to more than 500 yards. The five senses have undergone a qualitative change, and the body feels more flexible and sharp than ever.

Even the broken bridge that collapsed to the left, less than two meters away, was almost stabilized without Shi Feng’s deliberate maintenance.

Moreover, the previously weak Vitality has become more abundant than ever.

“It seems that if you want to pass the trial, there should be no problems.” Shi Feng looked at the broken bridge in a semi-stable state, and couldn’t help but laugh.

In the past, he had to deliberately maintain the broken bridge in order to ensure that the broken bridge does not collapse, but he also took careless efforts. Now he does not need to maintain it at all. He only needs to build the broken bridge wholeheartedly. Vitality stimulation is a lot less.

Since then, Shi Feng also started to build bridges, but this time the bridge building was obviously much easier than before, and Shi Feng’s forward speed was also fast.

In less than three days, Shi Feng completed one third of the journey.

This Shi Feng not at all means to stop. After all, the eternal air in this special space is very good. Here, he can not only further deepen his understanding of Magic Element, but also get to know his own The sea of ​​Vitality, from time to time, I can also verify the body of magic power in my imagination.

So Shi Feng not at all hurriedly left, but went on going all the way.

As he continued to approach the fuzzy land, Shi Feng gradually realized that the construction of the broken bridge must be more and more detailed, otherwise it would be difficult to sustain it in Dark Space.

After walking for nearly four days, Shi Feng found that he could no longer walk after reaching more than half the distance.

This kind of inability to walk is not because the Vitality cannot be supported, but the broken bridge constructed by various Magic Elements has been unable to support. If the broken bridge cannot be further qualitatively changed, it is basically impossible to support him. On top.

“It seems that I can only get there.”

Shi Feng looked at the land that was already clearer in the distance, a pity secretly.

Because he can feel that as long as he can walk to that piece of land, he should be able to give him a great help, but with the current he wants to make the broken bridge produce qualitative changes, it is obviously impossible, even if it is costing The same goes for a month or two.

After that, Shi Feng chose to withdraw from this special space.

PS: The New Year is about to come, and the old cat is here to tell you two good news. The first good news is that the next volume is the finale of the book. These years are almost finished -_-||.

The second good news is a hidden benefit for readers. If you are interested in the rumours of some characters in this book, or other accidents in God’s Domain world, you can add the w public x number Tianyun old cat, you can watch For some content that cannot be shown in the book, after all, there are a lot of restrictions on the website, and some things are really impossible to write. It can only be a small benefit for readers who love this book.

At the same time, the old cat is here to wish everyone a Happy New Year in advance!

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