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Zero Wing City, Zero Wing Residence.

After Shi Feng went online, immediately handed over Guild’s related matters to Liang Jing and Nether Orchid, especially the Mana Tier 3 armor set manufactured.

A total of more than two hundred sets are all handed over to Nether Orchid, and I find a way to secretly gather a group of Tier 3 experts who can wear these Mana armor sets, so that Zero Wing will undoubtedly have more hole cards.

The improved Tier 3 Mana armor set, although not the same as the real Tier 3 Mana, is only reduced by 15% in attribute improvement. The Tier 3 player wears the set and is still comparable in battle strength Tier 4 profession, against the Tier 4 Legendary monster of the same level.

In addition, Shi Feng also handed the supreme treasure of fire to Melancholic Smile, so that Melancholic Smile could get as many Mysterious Flames as possible, and made Mysterious Flame seeds to be rewards for professional members such as Alchemy and Forging of Candlelight Trading Company.

This will not only enrich the production capacity of Candlelight Trading Company, but also attract other Lifestyle Players to join.

After all, for many Lifestyle Players, Mysterious Flame has greatly improved the success rate of production, and it is also a great help to promotion.

Melancholic Smile was shocked after receiving the supreme treasure of fire, and then she was deeply excited.

She is also very greedy for Mysterious Flame, but the powerful Mysterious Flame is too difficult to find. Even if she finds it, she won’t be able to absorb her own things, and the Mysterious Flame she uses now is nothing but Tier 2. Mysterious Flame, the two Tier 3 Mysterious Flames stocked in Guild have not yet been absorbed by the Lifestyle Player.

And the supreme treasure of fire undoubtedly solves this trouble, not to mention, it can also create various Mysterious Flames through various flames.

Even Melancholic Smile can already see that the Lifestyle Players who come to Candlelight Trading Company to apply will be crowded with the stores of the major Candlelight Trading Company. When the time comes, whether it’s rushing to build a Chilong airship or another mobile The fortress no longer has to worry about the shortage of talents and manpower.

At the same time, because of the return of Gentle Snow and Aqua Rose, Zero Wing has no shortage of Peak battle strength Guard. Shi Feng also asked Fire Dance to start secretly collecting Seven Supreme Treasures, looking for various clues about Seven Supreme Treasures.

For Seven Supreme Treasures, Shi Feng is not only collected for Quest, but more importantly, Seven Supreme Treasures has various heaven defying auxiliary strengths, which are not only great for personal help, but also for Guild’s.

Before because of the low player level and weak strength, the probability of being able to contact Seven Supreme Treasures is not great, and he is slow to find it alone. Now that there are more and more Tier 4 professions, the chance of contacting Seven Supreme Treasures is also higher. Many, plus the strength of Zero Wing’s now is not what it used to be.

After this period of development, the number of Zero Wing’s Tier 3 members has reached more than 50,000, and the number of Tier 3 experts is no less than the number of Super Organizations, let alone the number of Tier 4 professions.

In addition, there are more and more forces cooperating with Zero Wing, especially the complete addition of the Sword of Frost Sky. Now Zero Wing’s influence in God’s Domain East Continent has been greatly improved. The current Zero Wing, in addition to being able to protect itself, has the confidence to expand outwards, so that all major Super Organizations have to retreat.

So now to start collecting Seven Supreme Treasures, it is not an impossible thing, and in order to make the overall strength of Zero Wing’s further, we must also collect Seven Supreme Treasures.

Because only the collection of Seven Supreme Treasures can show the real Strength of Seven Supreme Treasures, produce qualitative changes, and even suppress the abyss.

If Zero Wing can have this Strength, when the time comes, even if the top five Super-Guild are completely enemies, or facing the invasion of the other world, Zero Wing will not be afraid.

After Shi Feng finished all this, he also chose to directly send to Xinghui Fortress, intending to pass the trial of Sacred Dragon with all his strength, so that Zero Wing can sit firmly in the Western Continent. When the time comes, even the world is sealed Unraveling and starting the battle between the two worlds, Zero Wing has the confidence to protect itself in the face of the impact of the forces of the other world.

Western Continent, Xinghui Fortress.

As the summon Magic Array at the top of the tower of summon lights up, Shi Feng also appears in the summon hall of the tower of summon.

Standing on the top of the tower of summon, the situation of the entire star fortress is taking in the entire scene.

At this time, the Star Fortress is already incomparable compared to when it was first opened. Not only is the number of players coming to the Star Fortress extremely large, each and everyone is the weakest Tier 3 profession, and you can even see Tier 4 expert. on the street.

Singlely Shi Feng feels it roughly and finds that there are more than ten Tier 4 profession experts in the entire Xinghui Fortress, which can be said to be better than Zero Wing City.

If it weren’t for the Sacred Dragon garrison, even with the assistance of the Divine Will and Empire, I’m afraid it would not be able to suppress the players who came to the Star Fortress, let alone the large number of NPCs and NPC forces who came to the Star Fortress , Each and everyone is glare like a tiger watching his prey.

But each and everyone was afraid of the strength of the silver Sacred Dragon, and had to quiet down in the Xinghui Fortress, secretly waiting for the chance to seize the Xinghui Fortress.

However, Shi Feng didn’t look much, and went straight to the summon hall of the summon tower, where the silver Sacred Dragon usually rests.

As for the Star Fortress, as long as you can pass the trial of Sacred Dragon, no one can move the Star Fortress. On the contrary, if you can’t pass the trial of Sacred Dragon, it is impossible to defend the Star Fortress. Done.

After all, it’s not only the player powers that are staring at the Star Fortress, but also the extremely powerful NPC powers. These NPC powers even have Tier 5 NPCoversee, which is not something that the current players can fight against. Only Sacred Dragon Can hold.

After that, Shi Feng walked into the wide summon hall, and saw a smaller version of the silver Sacred Dragon, only more than ten meters tall, lying quietly sleeping there.

At this time, the silver Sacred Dragon Level has reached 1Level 64, which is a level stronger than the aura when it was just liberated. Compared to Shi Feng’s Great Dragon in the ancient God’s Domain Execution, I don’t know how much stronger.

Even exclusively facing the power of the silver Sacred Dragon in front of him, it made Shi Feng feel a little strenuous. If the Common Tier 4 profession comes over, I am afraid that he will not be able to get close to the silver Sacred Dragon.

Looking at the silver Sacred Dragon whose strength is completely restored in front of him, Shi Feng further realizes that Sacred Dragon is Sacred Dragon. It is not something that Human race can provoke. The silver Sacred Dragon in front of him is only Tier 4 Legendary and can still be confronted. Tier 5 profession, even defeating Common Tier 5 profession.

Tier 4 profession In front of Tier 4 Sacred Dragon, simply ants!

“Little Human, you are here.” The silver Sacred Dragon Eyre Blake lying in the hall of the tower of summon, looking at Shi Feng who walked in, golden’s dragon eyes with a trace of satisfaction said, “It seems that you have already Are you ready to challenge the trial?”

“Yes, under the respected Saint Dragon Pavilion.” Shi Feng nodded.

At present, he has reached the bottleneck in both the body of magic power and the level of Vitality. I am afraid that it is impossible to break through in a short time. If he wants to improve his strength, that is to obtain a Legendary Level weapon equipment, but this is obviously impossible. It is not a short time to gather every piece of Legendary Level weapon equipment, which requires a lot of manpower and time.

“Okay! Now that you have the confidence to challenge, then I will take your challenge according to the previous contract, but I make it clear that you only have three chances. If you fail the trial three times, you and my contract That’s it.” Silver Sacred Dragon Eyre Blake couldn’t help but stood up, slowly said, “As for your challenge, it is also a trial passed down by our Great Dragon Clan. It was originally a trial set for our Great Dragon, but since you want to Become my companion, then at least you have to pass the test of the Tier 4 young dragon!”

“A test for Tier 4 young dragons?” Shi Feng couldn’t help but be slightly confused.

Although he has long known that the trial of Sacred Dragon is not simple, in his opinion, the bottom line must reach Tier 4 profession. Now it seems that he still underestimated the trial of Sacred Dragon.

How powerful is the Tier 4 young dragon. It is an Invincible of the same level. It can fight the Tier 5 profession, but the trial is set to face the Tier 4 young dragon…

“I will send you to the Dragon Temple, remember that you cannot use any external items there, you can only pass through with your own strength, if you die inside, you will naturally be sent back.”

silver Sacred Dragon Eyre Blake couldn’t help but chanting the dragon language spell. Shi Feng suddenly produced a divine mark all over his body. In less than five seconds, Shi Feng was also caught by countless golden divines. The mark package instantly turned into a white glow and dissipated in the summon hall, as if Shi Feng had never been to the summon hall. Only the silver Sacred Dragon Eyre Blake lay down and fell asleep.

The teleported Shi Feng also felt his eyes sway, and suddenly the countless rays of light before him turned into a towering temple.

This temple is more than ten kilometers tall, just like a huge mountain range, even the Great Dragon looks extremely small here, let alone a Human.

After Shi Feng walked into the huge gate thousands of meters tall, an ancient and deep voice suddenly echoed in Shi Feng’s mind.


“No, you are not Human. It’s really interesting. The little fellow of Eyre Black sent you here for a trial.”

As the voice echoed, Shi Feng saw that an extremely huge phantom gradually appeared in front of him. This Great Dragon phantom was thousands of meters tall. Shi Feng felt a suffocation just wherever this phantom appeared.

Even Shi Feng has a feeling of facing Tier 6 Spiritual God.

“It seems that the little fellow of Eyre Blake is very optimistic about you, and even let you come to the trial.” Great Dragon phantom stared at Shi Feng, said with a smile, “According to the ancient contract, since Eyre Blake has sent you here, so you are ready to accept the trial. You may not pass this trial, but as long as you complete it, it will be of great help to you. You must cherish it!”

Speaking of Shi Feng, he feels that the scene in front of him has completely changed. He is now a broken bridge. He is on the broken bridge. The broken bridge is completely shrouded in gray mist, and he can only vaguely see the distant front. There is a piece of land.

When Shi Feng was shrouded in gray mist, Shi Feng stayed there.

Eternal air!


Accordingly speaking, it is the eternal air of fog!

At the moment of being shrouded in gray mist, Shi Feng felt an unprecedented refreshing feeling. Countless inspirations are constantly emerging from the depths of the brain, and the operation of the Magic Element all around is also unprecedentedly clear.

After that, Shi Feng heard a deep voice in his brain, which was the voice of the Great Dragon phantom before.

“Use Magic Element to repair the broken bridge. As long as you can repair the one third distance, even if you pass the trial, remember that you only have three days at the beginning. You can stay here for every three hundred meters of repair. One day, if you run out of time and you have not repaired the journey to one third, your challenge will fail!”

As the sound reverberated in his mind, Shi Feng heard the collapse of the broken bridge not far behind him. When he looked back, he found that the broken bridge behind him was continuously collapsing. With this collapse speed, it was obviously impossible. After three days, at most a few hours, the entire Broken Bridge will be completely vanish, causing him to fall into the endless darkness below…

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