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Outside the Common residential complex, at the gate of the complex.

“Ten minutes have passed.” Yi Kui looked at the Guangbrain in his hand, and a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. “Mister Wang should be about to do it too.”

He has no doubts about the strength of Wang Profound Nether.

If it wasn’t because the community’s self-discipline battle-type robots were too powerful, he would have liked to run to the sidelines and take a good look at Shi Feng’s frightened and powerless look facing Wang Profound Nether.

After all, facing Wang Profound Nether’s Strength, Shi Feng, an Inner Energy Grandmaster, has no resistance at all, and all he can do is escape.

When the time comes, as long as you clean up Shi Feng, it will be easier to clean up Ji Luorong’s little girl next.

Just as Ikui thought about it, there was a sudden bang in the community.

“Have you done it?”

When Yi Kui heard this, he was also excited. He couldn’t help but approached a few steps in the community. He wanted to confirm, although he also knew that the most visible from him was the corridor of Shi Feng’s house. As for The situation in the house is definitely not visible.

But this is enough for him.

Because he is also very curious that Shi Feng can sustain a few seconds in front of a monster like Wang Profound Nether.

Three seconds?

Or four seconds?

The strength that Shi Feng showed before is indeed better than him, but if he really wants to fight his life, he also has a good chance of winning. After all, Grandmaster Heng Lian not only has a very high defense, but also has a better restore ability than the Common. Too much stronger.

Shi Feng’s palm has certainly caused a lot of damage to him, but it only made him unable to move freely in a short period of time. He needs to adjust his breath to relieve him, not that he cannot fight.

It can be said that Shi Feng’s only advantage facing him is destructive power and speed, but these two advantages will directly become disadvantages in front of King Profound Nether, so facing the time that King Profound Nether can support, maybe It’s almost like his Grandmaster.

For a while, after Wang Profound Nether kicked the door open, he immediately rushed into Shi Feng’s house. The speed was as fast as a ghost, even a Grandmaster like Ikui could not see clearly.

However, it took less than two seconds for Wang Profound Nether to rush in. It was just as if Wang Profound Nether rushed out.

“So fast!”

I Kui looked at the King Profound Nether who appeared at the gate of Shi Feng’s house, and was shocked for a moment.

I never thought that the King Profound Nether was so strong, and the battle was over in one second. This kind of strength is called a monster, and it is not comparable to his horizontal training Grandmaster.

But soon next moment, Yi Kui was stupid.

Because I don’t know when, in front of the gate of Shi Feng’s house, there was a beauty in a nightgown standing, and Wang Profound Nether seemed to be stimulated, and he was just a meal at the Great Beauty in front of him. The torrential rain hits wildly.

Wang Profound Nether’s terrifying power can be clearly felt even from Ikui who is several hundred meters away.




Under this chaotic fist, no one can survive, all he can do is wait for death.

“Is he crazy?” Ikui was also shocked.

If you just clean up Shi Feng and let Shi Feng stay in the hospital for a few months, Lushen Group will not go too deeply into this. At most, it will strengthen the safety of the community and give Shi Feng some compensation.

But if there is a human life, this is the bottom line of the Green God Group in the upper zone. When the time comes, it will definitely pursue this matter until the murderer is found. Even the big guys in the middle zone don’t want to keep it. King Profound Nether even brought them coercors.

But next moment, Yi Kui is about to stare out.

Because the beauty in the dressing gown, faced with Wang Profound Nether’s frantic beating, she was like a okay person, little by little walked to Wang Profound Nether’s body, and a palm was printed on her heart.

Wang Profound Nether, the steel giant, could not help taking two steps back, covering his heart with one hand. It was obvious that this blow made Wang Profound Nether feel extremely uncomfortable. Looking at the beautiful woman in her dressing gown, her eyes were solely full of deep fear.

“Who are you in the end? Why is there such a monster in Shi Feng’s house?”

I Kui looked at Aqua Rose on the outer corridor, his eyes full of disbelief, and he even rubbed his eyes as if he had seen Ghost One.

Wang Profound Nether is such a powerful Grandmaster who is completely at a disadvantage in the hands of a weak woman…

Just when Ikui felt unbelievable, Wang Profound Nether didn’t know what was wrong. He rushed to Aqua Rose again. It can be said that he launched an offensive against Aqua Rose completely regardless of his life or death. There was no escape from other places. intend.

But soon Yi Kui discovered that an extraordinary and refined woman who had come out of the house at this time, wearing a nightdress, three thousand blue silk hanging down her waist and swinging in the wind, under the moonlight, like a fairy Out of the ordinary and extraordinary.

Although this woman does not at all show any power, but her indifferent eyes, also indifferent to all eyes, plus the strange behavior of King Profound Nether.

I Kui can already guess that the woman wearing a nightdress in front of me is also a monster. Because of this, Profound Nether did not choose to break through from the house, but instead chose to make a direct breakthrough.

If you are fighting in a house with a larger space at this time, Profound Nether will face a joint attack by two monsters. Even if Profound Nether is strong, there will probably not be any chance to escape. He can only choose a narrow one. Although the outer corridor will face the risk of front and rear pincers, it is better than the wide space where two people can join direct attacks and can be displayed at will.

But this matter soon became a beautiful fantasy of Wang Profound Nether.

I saw that Gentle Snow had no intention of flanking back and forth at all. He just watched the destroyed gate silently and boredly. Obviously, he felt a bit nerve-racking about the destroyed gate, or it was destroyed. The gate is more important than the king Profound Nether in front of me…

Wang Profound Nether’s series of desperate attacks, in front of Aqua Rose, was like a child’s frolicking. It was easily blocked by Aqua Rose, and one palm after another was printed on Wang Profound Nether’s body. , Wang Profound Nether’s injury is getting worse.

In less than four seconds, Wang Profound Nether turned out to be a little unsteady. Obviously, the continuous accumulation of damage made it impossible for a Grandmaster like Wang Profound Nether to stand up, and even weakened to the level of Master. To the point where you can fight at will, wanting to escape has become a luxury…

I saw that before the king Profound Nether attacked Aqua Rose again, the self-discipline battle-type robot also rushed over.

After the instant identification, the self-disciplined combat robot directly arrested King Profound Nether, and being caught by the self-disciplined combat robot, there was no possibility of any struggle even if it was the Grandmaster.

Ikui saw that the king Profound Nether was captured, and then he saw Gentle Snow in the outer corridor looked towards the direction he was in. Ikui’s hairs stood up, almost instinctively turning around and fleeing, not staying at all.

Having been escaping several kilometers away, Yi Kui couldn’t help but look behind him. The panic in his heart had filled his brain.

“She probably didn’t see me. I was at such a distance and kept hiding my breath. Even if she is a monster, she should be impossible to find out.”

Ikui couldn’t help comforting himself like this, telling himself that all this was an illusion.

Until Ikui completely left the upper area of ​​Yuantian City, Ikui gradually calmed down from the horror that Gentle Snow saw.

“Too terrifying! How could there be such a monster in the world?” When I Kui thought of Gentle Snow’s indifferent gaze, his back was chilled, “This matter must be told by Young Master, like that The monster is not something we can provoke, which two women, simply are not Human!”

While Yikui escaped from the upper area of ​​Yuantian City overnight, Xia Qingying, the director of the basic layer, also brought several supervisors to the residential area where Shi Feng was located.

“I really don’t know that it is the one who is desperate, and even dared to attack the Common residential area.” Supervisor Luo Hanbing looked at the destroyed gate and couldn’t help being slightly frowned.

The attack on the Common house in the upper zone hasn’t happened in the upper zone of Yuantian City for several years. The last time it made them angry at the Green God Group, even though the man just injured someone seriously, he still Not to mention being driven out of the upper zone forever, and being imprisoned for ten years, this punishment is not serious, and it can be seen that the Green God Group was angry.

Now such a thing has happened again. Even if the senior leaders of the Green God Group don’t say anything, they will never let it go.

When Luo Hanbing entered the house and saw King Profound Nether guarded by two self-disciplined battle-type robots, his eyes almost stared.

Wang Profound Nether!

Peerless genius in the upper zone of Haitian City!

You can become the influential figure of the Vitality Master with just one step. Even if a supervisor like him meets, he must be a polite person, and Wang Profound Nether’s personal strength is so strong that he can be placed in the upper area of ​​Haitian City The entire basic level can also be ranked in the top three, and there is a Vitality Master teacher behind him. In the future, this matter of becoming an influential figure in the middle level is simply a certainty.

At this time, let alone the supervisor Luo Hanbing who was surprised to see Wang Profound Nether, even the supervisor Xia Qingying was also surprised.

I originally thought it was a little thief who didn’t know the immensity of heaven and earth dared to do something in the residential area. Didn’t expect it to be the peerless genius in the upper area of ​​Haitian City.

Even Xia Qingying is a little curious about how Shi Feng caught King Profound Nether.

With the skill of King Profound Nether, even she can only be a little bit overwhelmed. It is not a stable victory at all. With such skill, it is not a problem to avoid the self-discipline battle-type robot, and I want to forcibly hold it. Wang Profound Nether couldn’t even do it in seven or eight seconds.

Xia Qingying looked towards Shi Feng sitting in the hall and couldn’t help saying: “You are really a person who can bring people a lot of surprises. The last time you broke the record of the Vitality Road, this was How long will it take you to plant Profound Nether, the king of the upper zone of Haitian City.”

Shi Feng also said with a bitter smile: “Accident, really unexpected. I didn’t expect that the influential figure in the upper area of ​​Haitian City would suddenly shoot me.”

From the time the door was broken, until Wang Profound Nether was arrested, he didn’t do anything at all. He just watched from the sidelines. He didn’t even expect an expert like Wang Profound Nether to attack him.

As for Gentle Snow and Aqua Rose, he doesn’t want to expose it for the time being, so he didn’t deny Xia Qingying’s misunderstanding.

“Let’s go.” Xia Qingying saw what Shi Feng not at all said, and couldn’t help but reminded, “Now that King Profound Nether is arrested, he will definitely be sanctioned by our Green God Group. The teacher behind him has no However, his teacher is very short-handed. He has no way to deal with the sanctions imposed by Profound Nether. When the time comes, he will definitely find your head. Although our side will greatly strengthen security, you must be careful. Recently you It’s best not to leave the residential area casually.”

Vitality Masters who live in the middle area are angry, and their basic level managers will also feel extremely headaches, let alone Shi Feng with Level 1 authority.

“Many thanks to remind the manager.” Shi Feng also nodded.

And shortly after Xia Qingying and others took Wang Profound Nether away, Wang Profound Nether attacked Shi Feng’s in the residential area and the incident was spread like wildfire, even if it was very late at night, the quiet upper zone was quickly spread All over again.

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