
You can search for “Reincarnation of The Strongest Sword God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Shi Feng’s words were like stimulating Ikui’s soul, and Yikui’s face suddenly became pale.

He was indeed surprised that Shi Feng could block his punch, but he was only surprised that’s all.

Because of this surprise, Shi Feng turned out to be the Inner Energy Grandmaster, and the punch just now seemed fierce and domineering, but he didn’t use his full strength, and only used 50% of his strength. After all, he didn’t get too big. At the end of the law, even Lu Heaven and Earth could not protect him.

But he didn’t expect his retention, but Shi Feng thoroughly used it. It became a joke in the eyes of everyone present, and he simply lost his face at home.

He dignified the Grandmaster. Even the great consortium Patriarch of the Great World class should be polite and treat him as a guest. Those Inner Energy Grandmasters only covered head and sneaked away like a rat when they met him. When has been such humiliation.

“you brat courting death!”

Immediately after Ikui’s footwork changed, he took a step, and his other hand followed him with a punch.

Half Step Bumping Fist!

At this time, Yi Kui didn’t keep any hands, all he thought was to make Shi Feng regret what he just said.

And this time Shi Feng is also the same as before, directly blocking it with one palm, as if not at all found that Ikui’s punch this time was a full strength attack without any remaining hands.

There was a cold smile from the corner of Yi Kui’s mouth.

His 50% strength is indeed not a threat to the Inner Energy Grandmaster. It can be resisted by relying solely on his Strength and Skill, but his full strength attack is different. Even the Inner Energy Grandmaster does not dare Use two-handed hard connection, otherwise the bones will inevitably break, but Shi Feng still doesn’t know the immensity of heaven and earth’s hard connection in the same way.


With a loud bang, the air wave caused by this shock was significantly stronger than before.

It’s just this time that Yi Kui looked at Shi Feng in disbelief, because the result of this time was exactly the same as the result of the first punch, but it was still blocked by Shi Feng’s palm…

For such a result, I Kui was completely confused, and didn’t understand what was going on.

“Am I worried about something wrong, so I instinctively keep it?”

Ikui deep in one’s heart can’t help but have this idea, because only this kind of thing makes sense, or how to explain that an Inner Energy Grandmaster can forcibly block his punch?

However, at this moment when Yi Kui was stunned, Shi Feng not at all gave Yi Kui any time to react. The two-handed shook I Kui’s arms directly, and then stepped out with a palm. It made a crackling sound like a thunder on the ground, directly blasting at Yi Kui’s heart.

The speed of this palm is so fast that I Kui has no time to react. It is like dragonfly touches the water lightly, and it ends in an instant after just touching I Kui.

And Yi Kui didn’t care at all about this, because his body had already formed an instinctive defense. The moment the enemy attacked him, the muscles of his body would tighten, just like steel. Such as flowing water generally resolves the impact of force.

The ability to fight against muscle fleshy body has been trained to be truly rigid and flexible, otherwise it would not be possible to become a Grandmaster.

Inner Energy Grandmaster is good at Skill, and Grandmaster is proud of physical strength. To put it bluntly, it is resistant. If you hit me thousands of times, you can hold it, but as long as you get hit by me, everything It’s all over.


I saw that Yi Kui hit Shi Feng’s palm and didn’t retreat for half a step. His expression remained the same. Looking at Shi Feng quietly, he seemed to be sarcastic that Shi Feng’s palm was simply Cool Breeze’s face not worth mentioning.

No one was surprised by this.

Because Grandmaster Heng Lian is so powerful. It is simply a joke to hurt these monsters by simply relying on their fists and feet. This is why even in the upper zone, the major consortiums are desperate to attract or get close to these people .

“Boy, I admit that your Strength is not small, you can block my fist, but it is impossible if you want to hurt me.” Ikui’s patched clothes, disdainfully said, “On the contrary, Inner Energy Grandmaster like you also has How much Stamina can always support my attack?”

The Inner Energy Grandmaster’s control over the body is indeed exceptional and refined, but on Stamina, it is far worse than the Grandmaster who is known for its body.

A horizontal Grandmaster is no problem with people playing for three days and three nights, but the Inner Energy Grandmaster can support it for half a day.

Because of this, the Inner Energy Grandmaster all yelled that Grandmaster was a tortoise that couldn’t be beaten to death, a group of pure reckless men, the true simple minded and developed limbs.

Muxin, who was watching the battle on the sidelines, also had some worries on his face. Didn’t expect this Heaven and Earth to be so powerful that Henglian Grandmaster could be Steward, and their giant stone consortium cost a lot of money. Please come to a grandmaster to worship Elder as the family’s worship, as a treasure, except for listening to Patriarch, everyone is in awe of this Elder.

But Lu Heaven and Earth treats such a big expert as a subordinate…

When encountering such a monster in ordinary times, the major consortiums can’t wait to avoid it, because if you are entangled by such a monster, even in the upper area, it will be extremely troublesome.

“Is it useless?”

At this time, Shi Feng also looked towards Yikui in a strange way.

Since his Vitality level has improved, he has discovered that in the real world, his own control over the body has soared by a great length, coupled with the improvement of the body Constitution, some skills that were originally only dared to be used in God’s Domain, Now it can be used in reality.

This is why he teases Ikui.

Because he is now curious about his current limit.

When fighting with Ikui, he can block Ikui’s fist with one palm, not just a simple palm, but with 3-layer power, or a simplified version of Six Extreme Swordlight Slash, sword light Three pole chop.

Three strikes in a row on Ikui’s fist in an instant, this kind of palm stroke is extremely small, and the control of the body can be said to exceed the limit of the human body, and naked eye is extremely difficult to distinguish.

Because of this, he was able to block Ikui’s full strength attack. Otherwise, even if his Constitution in the upper zone has improved a lot, he might still have to avoid Ikui’s full strength attack.

And with the palm of Ikui, he also used his current limit.

sword light four poles cut!

The seemingly ordinary palm, but it was the four palms he blasted out with all his strength. The four palms combined into one this move also caused a great loss of Vitality, and I don’t even know if it can be played a second time.

I Kui looked at some stare blankly Shi Feng and couldn’t help but smile.

“Boy! Now it’s time…I…come to clean up…you…”

Yi Kui just wanted to do it, and suddenly felt a tremor all over, and couldn’t help falling to the ground, and his breathing became a little hard, his words became incomplete, and his vision became a little blurred.

Such a sudden change made Ikui feel bewildered, completely ignorant of what happened.

“What did you brat…do to me…?”

I Kui reluctantly raised the head, looking at Shi Feng, his eyes are full of puzzlement, and I don’t understand why Shi Feng is only a palm, so that he can suffer such a serious injury, and even now let him stand up There are some Hard…

As Ikui fell to the ground and slumped, everyone present was shocked.

“Defeat Henglian Grandmaster in one palm?!”

“Who are you in the end?”

At this time, everyone looked at Shi Feng, who was like a passerby, like watching a monster. They even felt that the scene in front of them was too fake. They dignified the Grandmaster and were turned over. Who would believe this?

“I seem to have the impression of this person. Some time ago, two people appeared in Yuantian City at the same time to pass the Vitality Road. One of them was reserved by the Giant Stone Consortium. It is rumored that the person is Zero Wing’s Guild Master Black Flame. Domain Black Flame looks different, but he should be the Zero Wing’s Guild Master Black Flame!”

“No way! He is the Black Flame that let Lu Xingluo, the heir of Star Air consortium, step down?”

Among the crowd, some people who have done some detailed investigations of Shi Feng, at this time each and everyone recognized Shi Feng’s identity, and the whole street was boiling for a while.

Each and everyone did not expect that the mythical Sword Emperor Black Flame in God’s Domain would appear here, and now it is a defeated Grandmaster, simply terrifying.

“Is he the Black Flame the elder sister said?”

Ji Luorong looked at Shi Feng, her mouth open wide, she couldn’t believe it was true. This is the God’s Domain Number One Person in the rumors. Now even the top five Super-Guilds have to deal with it carefully The presence.

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