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Haitian City, Upper District.

Along with a luxury suspended sedan slowly falling in front of the gate outside the upper zone, a man and a woman walked off the sedan, which could not help attracting the attention of hundreds of teenagers and girls waiting to be tested.

The man and woman who came down from the car are not others, they are Shi Feng and Muxin, but at this time these young girls each and everyone are looking at Muxin, each and everyone’s eyes are full of differences and doubts .

“Why did the heir of the giant stone consortium suddenly come to the upper zone of Haitian City?”

“Does she want to transfer to the upper zone of our Haitian City?”

“Impossible, I heard that this Muxin Eldest Miss Vitality breakthrough recently has obtained Level 1 permission in the upper area of ​​Yuantian City, plus the full support of the giant stone consortium, and the support of the basic level supervisor. Even entering the middle-level area of ​​Yuantian City is not without hope. How come we come to the upper-level area of ​​Haitian City?”

For the sudden appearance of Muxin, the young girls present were all discussing spiritedly, and they didn’t understand how Muxin’s influential figure came here.

Muxin doesn’t care about these teenagers who talk about themselves, as if these people simply don’t exist.

“There are too many people here in the upper area of ​​Haitian City who come to test, simply ten times more than those in the upper area of ​​Yuantian City…” Shi Feng looked at these young girls with a slight heart. Surprised.

There were only a few dozen people who took part in the test in the upper area of ​​Yuantian City last time. It is hard to imagine that the gap in the upper area of ​​Yuantian City would be so big.

“There are indeed more people in the upper zone of Haitian City than in the upper zone of Yuantian City, and the construction time was earlier.” Muxin shook the head, looking towards hundreds of young girls waiting quietly in the distance, He explained, “However, these people are not talents cultivated within the Green God Group, but people born in the upper zone of Haitian City. This period is the annual test period, so there are so many people coming to test. .”

“According to the test, some consortiums will even determine the future successor of consortium and daily resource allocation based on this result. For these young girls, this period is probably the most competitive period.”

Speaking of this, Muxin’s gaze is also a little helpless.

Because of this kind of competition, Kerui didn’t have a very good relationship with her since she was a child. There was competition everywhere. Compared with the outside world, I don’t know how cruel it is.

“so that’s how it is, it’s no wonder that these child each and everyone’s body Constitution are amazingly strong.” Shi Feng looked at these young girls and was also sighed.

I have to say that the children in the upper zone are amazing. They are not comparable to the young girls from the outside world. Just pull one out, and I’m afraid you can hang any expert below the Martial Arts Master.

With such a body Constitution since childhood, the future potential is much higher than that of children who have been trained since childhood. If you enter God’s Domain, it will be even more powerful. Promoting to Tier 4 profession is probably a trivial matter. It is completely possible to impact the Tier 5 profession.

At this time, Shi Feng really understands why Tier 4 and Tier 5 expert that many of the major Super Organizations of the former life are listed. These young girls in the upper area do not know how many Tier 4 experts they can bring. .

“Let’s go in, too.” Muxin looked at the time and couldn’t help but said, “If the road to Vitality opens up like the last time, it would be difficult for us to go in and find the girl you mentioned. After all, we are now Is a resident of the upper zone of Yuantian City, not a resident of the upper zone of Haitian City.”

Shi Feng was also nodded to this, and directly followed Muxin into the upper area of ​​Haitian City.

Although the identity of the upper zone is common to all upper zones, you can enter and exit at will, but each upper zone is like an independent existence, and there is competition with each other, and even some Quests issued by the major upper zones are different The upper zone is engaged in various contests and competitions, so everyone in the upper zone is somewhat hostile to the people in the other upper zones.

Under normal circumstances, a person from an upper zone will not go to another upper zone. It is normal for one to fail and even cause some fights.

As for the fact that Muxin and Shi Feng walked directly into the upper zone, the hundreds of teenagers and girls present were also envious.

Because the people who can enter the upper zone after they reach the age of twenty are those who have truly obtained the identity of the upper zone, unlike each and everyone who is still struggling to enter the upper zone.

“Who is that man in the end, can he follow Muxin, the heir of the Giant Stone Consortium, and even let a genius like Muxin lead the way?”

“Maybe it is the child of a big boss in the middle-level district. Otherwise, how can someone like Muxin do such a thing?”

“Damn it! It’s so enviable. If I were the son or nephew of a Vitality Master, I don’t need to struggle here to get the identity of the upper zone. You can even live in the middle zone directly. Exercise in your big villa!”


At this time, some teenagers in the room looked at Shi Feng, who had already entered the upper zone, with a deep jealousy and envy in their eyes. Although they are all children of the big consortium that everyone envy outside, they are in this upper zone. There is nothing here at all, only those who live in the middle-level area are the real bosses, the existence that makes them look up to.

After entering the upper zone, Shi Feng found that there are indeed more people in the upper zone of Haitian City than in the upper zone of Origin City, and it can even be said to be more prosperous.

On the street, not only the tall buildings stand in great numbers, but also the Vitality training house which is not available in the upper area of ​​Yuantian City.

The entire Vitality training house is not big, it occupies only the size of a basketball court, and it’s no more than two stories high in a large room, but it’s crowded with people outside. These people have children from major consortiums. There are also talents cultivated within the Green God Group, and you can even see some heirs of large consortiums lining up outside.

This kind of scene is completely invisible in the upper area of ​​Yuantian City.

Even Muxin, who led the way, couldn’t help but shine brightly and want to enter when he saw this Vitality training room.

But this kind of thing can only be thought of that’s all.

Because the notice outside the Vitality training room is very clear, only those who have an identity record in the upper area of ​​Haitian City and have Level 2 or above are eligible to use it, and people in other upper areas are not allowed to use it.

“Aren’t the upper-level districts uniformly open to all residents who have obtained their status?” Shi Feng looked at these notices and was also surprised. “Why does the upper-level district of Haitian City have such rules? Are people unfair?”

The upper area was originally a special place that valued Vitality very much. There is a training house that can improve Vitality. This can be imagined for the residents of the upper area.

“No way, this Vitality training house is a training resource that the upper area of ​​Haitian City competes for. Therefore, the Green God Group also allows residents of the upper area of ​​Haitian City to use it exclusively. It is precisely because of this that they are willing to come to the upper area of ​​Haitian City. There are more consortium forces than other upper areas.” Muxin shook the head, said with a bitter smile, “If it weren’t for our megalithic consortium’s deep foundation in the upper area of ​​Yuantian City, I am afraid it would have come to the upper area of ​​Haitian City for development. “

Shi Feng was not surprised by this. Although he has not experienced the effect of this Vitality training room, for the upper zone where the Vitality level is everything, the attraction for the major consortiums is indeed huge, even he has some I want to move to the development of Haitian City. After all, his Vitality is now trapped in Tier 4 Peak, and he can’t reach Tier 5.

Even he didn’t use phantom Potion less during this period. After three bottles of phantom Potion, he felt that his Vitality level was still one great length from Tier 5……

However, while Shi Feng and Muxin were chatting, there was a sudden quarrel outside the gate of the Vitality training room.

“Lu Heaven and Earth, don’t go too far! I have already said that my Adventure Group will never join you!”

I saw a white-skinned girl with double ponytails and a light blue tracksuit. Fiercely stared at a man in his early twenties who was not only handsome but also handsome, and said in her eyes Unreliable anger.

As for the girl’s anger, the young man didn’t care at all. On the contrary, a middle-aged robust man on the side with a smile on his face, said slowly: “Ji Luorong Young Lady, you can not agree to my Young Master’s invitation, but you are here in the upper zone. From now on, don’t even think about redeeming any resources with other people. You should be very clear that my Young Master definitely has such a Strength in the upper zone of Haitian City!”


As for the words of this middle-aged robust man, none of the people present dared to refute, and even the girl couldn’t say a word.

Because Lu Heaven and Earth are the current heirs of the Star Consortium. With the influence of the Star Consortium in the upper area of ​​Haitian City, as long as you put it down, you basically want to buy resources from other people. No need to think about it.

The middle-aged robust man looked at the sportswear girl, smiled and said: “Ji Luorong Young Lady, I advise you to listen obedily to our Young Master and join us with the entire Adventure Group, or else in Haitian City You won’t have to stay in the upper zone anymore, because no one will sell you any resources. As for wanting to see your sister, it is even more dreaming!”

As the middle-aged robust man spoke, many of the big consortium children present looked towards this girl with some sympathy.

In the upper area of ​​Haitian City, even those big consortiums don’t want to direct offend the Star Airlines consortium, let alone a person without any background.

If you don’t agree, everyone can foresee that it won’t be long before this girl will be unable to live in the upper area of ​​Haitian City because of the lack of various resources.

But just as the girl was silent, the middle-aged robust man smiled triumphantly, and when everyone present sighed, a low voice suddenly echoed the audience.

“Really? What if I sell my resources to this Young Lady?”

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