
You can search for “Reincarnation of The Strongest Sword God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

For the system prompt, Shi Feng chose to be promoted to Zero Wing City because he was not saying anything further.

System: It takes 500,000 gold coins and 200,000 Mana Crystals to advance to the main city. Do you choose to pay?


Shi Feng was not surprised by this. He had already prepared the gold coins and Mana Crystal needed for promotion in inventory.

The moment Shi Feng agreed to pay, the inventory of 500,000 gold coins and 200,000 Mana Crystals disappeared, and a series of System prompts were heard again.

System: After payment is completed, all players in Zero Wing City will be teleported out of the city in 3 minutes. The estimated promotion time is two hours.

Zero Wing City Regional System Announcement: Zero Wing City will be promoted to a major city-level Guild city. After 3 minutes, all players will be forcibly teleported out of Zero Wing City. Players in the city are required to prepare for delivery.

However, Zero Wing City, with a population of less than 1 million left, suddenly bursts of exclamation and unbelievable doubts from the streets.

“What’s the situation? Promoting to the main city?”

“Zero Wing City is not even a High Grade large Guild city, how can it be promoted to a major city-level Guild city?”

“Promoted to the main city-level Guild city, what exactly did Zero Wing do?”


As for the promotion of Zero Wing City to the main city, the free players and Great Influence members who were active in Zero Wing City stayed for a while.

Especially the members of Great Influence, I feel that System is simply cracking a joke with them.

Common player may not know what the main city is, but as a member of the Great Influence, it is very clear how difficult it is for a Guild city to be promoted to the main city, even to be promoted to an Intermediate Grade city. Not only need to spend a lot of manpower and material resources, but also continue to operate Guild City, enhance the visibility of Guild City, but also enhance the Defense level of Guild City and so on.

It is not possible to do one or two things at all.

While Zero Wing City announced in Zero Wing that it did not conduct much external activities and increased the entrance fee significantly. The prosperity and popularity of the city have declined greatly, not to mention being promoted to the main city, it is impossible to become an Intermediate Grade city.

Now suddenly telling them that Zero Wing City will be promoted to the main city of Guild, how dare you believe it.

However, even if you don’t believe it in Zero Wing City’s player, the system’s time countdown did not stop. It just passed quietly by one minute and one second. Until 3 minutes later, all players in Zero Wing City’s were directly transferred to Zero Wing. Outside the City, each and everyone really understood when they stood stupidly outside the city, all of this turned out to be true…

And this amazing news soon reached the ears of the Great Influence of Star-Moon Kingdom, and everyone and everyone couldn’t help but be shocked.

When the major Super Organizations of God’s Domain have not even been promoted to an Intermediate Grade Guild city, Zero Wing has already brought out the main Guild city. I have to say that this is amazing.

“Guild Master, what did you do?” Liang Jing, who received the news in Silver Wing City, couldn’t help contacting Shi Feng and asked, “Why was Zero Wing City promoted to the main city?”


Nowadays, the popular silver wing city is one great length away from being promoted to High Grade large Guild city. It is hard to imagine that Zero Wing City, which has no spirit of who, will be promoted to the main city of Guild first.

At present, not only is Zero Wing’s weapon equipment extremely scarce, but the income of Guild towns is also diminishing. Especially after confronting the major Super Organizations, various economic blockades, even the silver wing city with the Teleportation Hall, are due to pressure. Due to the pressure of the major Super Organizations, many Adventure Groups dare not enter the silver wing city.

If it weren’t for getting a large amount of gold coins from the Crimson Emperor and War Spirit Uprise before, they would probably not be able to support the Zero Wing now. After all, maintaining the consumption of Guild City is far more than before the System level up. Too much, the sole NPC guard is a lot of money, as well as the maintenance cost of various city buildings and the city Magic Array, which is absolutely no cost before the system level up.

Now because of the Battle of the Secret Covenant Tower, God’s Domain’s major Super Organizations have lifted their Zero Wing’s blockade, but the suppression is still there. It is obvious that they hate Zero Wing, and the major Super Organizations distribute God’s Everywhere in the Domain, even if they Zero Wing can occupy the Secret Covenant Tower, it will take a long time to have enough manpower to conquer the Quartet.

In the eyes of the major Super Organizations, Zero Wing does battle strength heaven-shaking. Even the top five Super-Guilds can’t match it. However, Zero Wing can only stick to this point and still cannot change it, so the major Super Organizations do not. Fear of Zero Wing, should the suppression be followed by economic suppression.

And if a Guild has a main city, it is really amazing.

Let’s not mention that the main city-level Guild city is much larger than the Guild city. It can easily accommodate 10 million people. The high-end buildings that can only appear in the main city are not comparable to the Guild city.

And the key is not this. As long as the Guild city reaches the main city level, it means absolute security. The number of NPC guards that can be recruited exclusively can reach 30,000, and it has the authority to control a domain.

This permission is very difficult to deal with in God’s Domain, which means that 30,000 guards can go out of the city to fight, which means that the entire map is completely controlled by the main city of Guild.

It can be said that as long as they have the main city of Guild, their Zero Wing can completely open up the Zero Wing City, allowing NPCs to enter casually, and those NPC forces still dare not make trouble. Now for a Guild city, there is nothing more than this It’s important.

“Secret.” Shi Feng laughed, “But you can also prepare for it. After the promotion to the main city is completed, I will also fully open the Zero Wing City, and will also build the Teleportation Hall in the Zero Wing City. Connect Heavenly Spring City and Zero Wing City together. You will have to manage Zero Wing City at that time, and the Silver Wing City will be managed by Melancholic Smile.”

“Let me manage Zero Wing City?” Liang Jing was slightly surprised, “But isn’t Melancholic Smile always in White River City? Wouldn’t it be more convenient for Melancholic Smile to take over Zero Wing City directly?”

Shi Feng shook the head, slowly said: “No, after the promotion of Zero Wing City, I plan to transfer Zero Wing City to a neutral map, which is far away from Star-Moon Kingdom. Melancholic Smile is in Star- Moon Kingdom is already busy managing Candlelight Trading Company. Impossible is taking care of Zero Wing City. It would be nice to take care of Silver Wing City.”

As a High Grade Master Blacksmith, Melancholic Smile usually not only manages Candlelight Trading Company, but also attack Grandmaster Blacksmith. If you add a Guild main city, you may be too busy even if you don’t sleep. After all, Guild main city is different In Guild city, the busyness of the two is completely a heaven and a earth.

Even solely recruiting 30,000 NPC guards is enough to keep one person busy enough to vomit blood, let alone allocating daily tasks to these NPC guards, and adjusting the weapon equipment configuration of these 30,000 NPCs at all times. Those NPCs you did good, the strength is improved, the position can be promoted, etc…

As the Leader of a Guild on the former life, he knows too well how tired it is to manage a main Guild city.

On the former life, it was precisely because he was distracted to manage Guild’s many problems, and he had to improve his innate talent at the same time, so that he was not high in the innate talent, and he could not even be promoted to the Tier 4 profession, so in this life, he It is to leave these things to other people and concentrate on improving oneself, otherwise he is also impossible to have the current battle strength.

“Would you like to transfer Zero Wing City?” When Liang Jing heard it, her breathing became a little quicker.

A Guild main city alone is amazing enough. If they can transfer the Zero Wing City to other Neutral Maps, then their Zero Wing can make a fortune.

“Well, so you have to be prepared too. I am afraid it will be very busy afterwards.” Shi Feng nodded, with a glimmer of expectation in his eyes.

Currently, Zero Wing has three Big Guild cities, namely Stone Forest City in the Dark Night Empire, and silver wing city in the Beastman Empire. Finally, it is located in the Star-Moon Kingdom, the original Guild city, Zero Wing City.

The locations of Stone Forest City and Silver Wing City are very important and cannot be moved easily. Because Stone Forest City wants to prevent the invasion of the dark Great World, the Silver Wing City is a barrier to stop the plastic army, so the two cities Both impossible to move.

The only thing left is Zero Wing City. The value of being stationed in Star-Moon Kingdom is already low, and there is no need to contain other forces. It can be said to be the best choice.

In the next two hours, a brand-new Zero Wing City also appeared in the eyes of everyone again.

But before everyone was watching, Shi Feng had already arrived at the core control room of City Lord Mansion, poured 5,000 Magic Crystal Stones into the world, and moved Zero Wing City to Level 140. The Neutral Map, so that all the players who have not had time to appreciate Zero Wing City’s, each and everyone are all on the spot…

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