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Thousands of Legendary Sacred Plastic Monsters flying in the sky, plus each and everyone’s huge body over ten meters high, are completely obscured by the clouds and the sun. From the mobile fortress, it seems as if darkness is approaching, and they fly under the pressure of black. Bump over.

In addition, millions of Sacred Plastic Monsters on the ground moved forward, making the whole earth tremble. The spectacular scene is that the players patrolling the mobile fortress are a little bit shy from ear to ear.

This scene is like a dark giant beast, opening a big mouth to the mobile fortress, wanting to swallow the mobile fortress in one bite.

“This Beast Emperor really can’t be underestimated. It is obviously just a puppet of Evil God, but it can make so many Legendary monsters. Even if we don’t make a move, I am afraid that Zero Wing will not be able to resist for long.” A middle-aged man with a gold armor and five meters on the back of Linggu snake looked at this scene, grinning said with a smile, “Now we want to teach Zero Wing a lesson. There is no chance now. .”

Although the golden armor giant was only talking about Common, his deep voice made the space tremble faintly.

If Shi Feng is here, he will startled if he sees the golden armor giant.

Because this middle-aged man is a genuine Giant Clan, and he is also a Tier 4 Berserker of Level 13 and Level 3. Just standing there, the power radiated by nature makes the space all around feel incomparable heavy.

“That’s right, but it’s a good thing to not expose our strength and reduce the consumption of the Black Knight group.” The candle wind shadow on the side looked at the sacred sculpture hiding the sky and covering the earth. The army is completely indifferent, “And don’t forget that our main purpose this time is the prison of Heavenly Spring City, to rescue the ineffective kid in Qiyuan, and clean up the Zero Wing only incidentally.”

“Yes, I hope that Magicate in Heavenly Spring City can let me move my muscles and bones.” The giant golden armor nodded, can’t help but look forward to Magicstrate in Heavenly Spring City.

And the chat between Zhu Fengying and the giant golden armor made the short-haired beauty Fei Ye dare not say a word, and his eyes were full of shame.

Because it should be her job to protect and rescue Qiyuan, now it’s her job to let both Elder and the Vice-Group Leader of the main group come over. This is her serious dereliction of duty. After returning, none of them Well, she might be kicked out of the list of key training. After all, Qi Yuan is not only a genius with a hundred ghosts alone, but with such a high status, even Elder Zhufengying would not dare to wait.

At this moment, while moving the Indestructible War Heart and Illusionary Speech and the others on the wall of Fortress City, looking at the sacred plastic army hiding the sky and covering the earth, I can’t help but take a breath.

Although I have known for a long time that there will be more than one million sacred plastic army and more than 1,000 Legendary Level sacred plastic destroyers, but after seeing this terrifying scene, I still feel a little frightened.

Let’s not talk about the millions of sacred plastic army on the ground, that is, the thousands of sacred plastic destroyers in the sky. It’s probably not a problem to break through the Defensive Magic Array in NPC cities.

Although the defense of the fortress is higher than the defense of the city, the mobile fortress is no better than the fixed fortress. After all, the mobile fortress sacrifices a part of the defense power for the convenience of movement. It may be no problem to block these Legendary plastic destroyers, but it can I don’t know how long it will block.

Once the Defense barrier is destroyed, then these Legendary Level plastic destroyers will be a carnage without any suspense to the current player expert. Even their Tier 4 professions can’t stop them because of the difference in numbers between the two sides. It is too big, simply not on the same level…

“Everyone prepares! As long as these Sacred Plastic Monsters have entered the attack range, they will attack with all their strength!” Indestructible War Heart looked at the sacred plastic army that was getting closer and loudly shouted, “Remember! Any reservations! At first, spare no effort! Only the sooner we get rid of these Legendary Sacred Plastic Monsters, the greater the probability of our victory!”


Zero Wing three Big Guild experts who have been preparing for a long time on the city wall, looked at the black plastic destroyers, and swallowed their saliva.

In this battle, winning or losing depends on the time. Whether they killed the plastic army before the Defense barrier was broken, or they were killed by the plastic army after the Defense barrier was broken.

This is a race completely against the Defense barrier Duration!

And at the top of the City Lord Mansion.

“Guild Master, they are here.” Fire Dance looked at the sacred plastic army less than a thousand yards apart, and reported to Shi Feng a little nervously, “At this time, we are less than a thousand yards apart. Do you attack now?”

“No, wait a minute, let them get closer.” Shi Feng shook the head.

The mobile fortress is a genuine fortress base, but it has enough twenty six large magic Elf cannons and eight magic charging towers. The firepower is much stronger than the Guild city.

And such terrifying firepower also has a fatal flaw, that is, it consumes Mana Crystal too much.

The large Elf cannon requires 6,000 Mana Crystals per shot, and the Cooldown Period is one minute.

The magical charging tower is even more ruthless, one shot requires 20,000 Mana Crystals, and the Cooldown Period is 3 minutes.

It can be said that when the cannon fires golden ten thousand taels, it is all real money!

Even if he is rich and imposing, he has more than five million Mana Crystals, but he can’t just lose out.

Only a thousand yards away, for the Tier 4 Legendary plastic destroyer, it takes less than three seconds to appear in front of the Magic Defense barrier of the mobile fortress. Thousands of plastic destroyers face the Magic Defense. On the barrier, he raised the giant sword and other weapons in his hand, and gave him crazy hammering and slashing.

For a while, I saw a roar coming from outside the mobile fortress. Space Cracks were everywhere, and the Magic Defense barrier was trembling. Players in the entire fortress could clearly feel the terrifying strikes.

Outside the mobile fortress, this series of terrifying strikes spread over tens of thousands of yards.

“This attack is simply too powerful! If it is replaced with the Defense barrier in Guild City, I am afraid it will be broken as soon as the wave goes down.” The golden armor giant standing on the demon snake also slightly smacked his tongue.

Thousands of Legendary monsters attacked at the same time, feeling that most of the sky was broken.

Such terrifying power, even Tier 5 Destruction Spell is only this!

The Feiye on the side also ordered nodded. If this wave of attacks continues, the NPC’s main city-level Defense may not be able to eat, let alone a mobile fortress.

However, after watching a wave of offensives, whether it is the lonely crowd of Hundred Ghosts on the scene, or the three major Guild Members of Zero Wing on the city wall, they all watched for a while.

“All right?”

“Is it all right?”

In the face of such a terrifying attack, let alone a crack in the Defense barrier at this time, even the magic power of the barrier is terrifying smoothly. It is obvious that the attacks of thousands of Legendary plastic destroyers are far from reaching , The limit value of Defense Magic Barrier fortress.

At the Fire Dance of City Lord Mansion, the beautiful eyes are also wide open.

“This Defense is too heaven defying!”

Because she can clearly see the energy consumption of Magic Barrier here, after this wave of attacks, the consumption of Magic Barrier is not even 1%, only about 0.01%…

If you say that 0.01% of energy is consumed in one second, it takes about 10,000 seconds to consume the energy, which is 166 minutes, which is nearly three hours. The magic power of Magic Barrier can be supplemented to supplement the Cooldown Period. Replenish 100,000 Mana Crystal at a time for 30 minutes.

Also in other words, as long as the Mana Crystal on their side is enough, thousands of Legendary monsters in front of them, no matter how they attack, will be impossible to break the defense of the mobile fortress……

“The defense effect is really good.” Shi Feng looked at the consumption value and was a little surprised. Didn’t expect the defense of the mobile fortress to be so powerful. No wonder that even Tier 5 profession attack can be resisted, but his face is not at all showed it, but instead looked towards Fire Dance and said, “Below the notification, now start testing the large magic Elf cannon!”

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