
You can search for “Reincarnation of The Strongest Sword God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

in midair As Shi Feng chanting started the spell, two summon Magic Arrays also appeared in midair. In less than a second, two silhouettes appeared in midair.

With the appearance of these two silhouettes, everyone in the audience felt an unprecedented oppression rise in the mind.

“Two Personal Guards from Tier 4!”

“How did he do it?”

Looking at these two silhouettes, the Great Influence members present couldn’t help being sucked in a breath of cold air.

There are many people who have direct NPC guards in God’s Domain, but those who can have Tier 4 Personal Guard can be counted on one’s fingers in the entire God’s Domain.

Because it is more difficult for NPC guards to advance to Tier 4 than players, even if they are Adamantite Rank guards, their success rate for promotion to Tier 4 profession is less than 25%. If they fail once, it takes a month. In order to be promoted again, and will not increase the slightest success rate.

But Shi Feng unexpectedly summon two in one breath…

The two Personal Guards are not others, they are Kite and Anna.

It’s just because the two have been busy promoting Tier 4 profession, in order to make them feel at ease to promote Tier 4 profession and leveling promotion, so Shi Feng is not doing any summon. After all, NPC promotion to Tier 4 profession, compared to player promotion Tier 4 profession is more troublesome, and the success rate is lower.

Fortunately, the potential of the two is extremely high. Now they have been promoted to Tier 4 profession, and their Level is also a great length more than Shi Feng. Kite’s Level has reached 1Level 46, and Anna has reached 1Level 49, not at all. How much is the difference between the three of the secret hands? There can even be no difference.

Because in the Tier 4 profession, as long as the difference in NPCLevel is not more than ten levels, there will not be much difference in Basic Attribute, Lesser Legendary Item level weapon equipment and control of magic power, and learn Tier 4 Magic Skill number, these things are the things that can cause qualitative changes.

As for the appearance of Kite and Anna, even stupid people understand at this time that the situation of this war has been completely reversed.

Now that the major Super Organizations such as Star Ring do not have the Master Level Magic Array to suppress the Zero Wing three Big Guilds, the original Tier 4 profession is less than the Zero Wing three Big Guilds, so they can only rely on the secret hand meeting. Tier 4 NPC.

But now that two Tier 4 Personal Guards, Kite and Anna, appear, they can just withstand the Tier 4 NPCs of the Secret Society, and Tier 4 Magistrate from Heavenly Spring City will probably be there soon to help. This is equivalent to Star Ring. When the major Super Organizations have no advantage at all, on the contrary, Zero Wing has three more Tier 4 professions.

Don’t look at it, there are only three people, but for the major Super Organizations such as Star Ring, it is enough to despair.

Because there are tens of thousands of Tier 3 experts on the field, it is basically impossible to be the opponents of the three Tier 4 professions. It will only be a downturn, and Heavenly Spring City has been blocked for a long time, except for the Teleportation Hall, the player cannot be used at all. The departure of other teleportation items is quite detrimental to the current Star Ring.

At this time, Lu Xingluo also looked embarrassed, didn’t expect Shi Feng actually reversed the situation, and even made them fall into a desperate situation.

“Xingluo Guild Master, what should we do now? If we kill now, I’m afraid our side…” Boundless Distance also looked towards Lu Xingluo and asked in a low voice, looking anxiously.

This time the plan is all Lu Xingluo organization, they just came over to help call it, after all, Lu Xingluo has repeatedly promised that this time they can definitely win Zero Wing, when the time comes their major Super Organizations will share Zero together. Wing Three Big Guild and Secret Covenant Tower.

Now that God’s Vestige hasn’t come to share the Zero Wing, they have already lost a Nine Heaven Dragon Cloud, and now even he himself and Silent March will also lose…

“I understand.” Lu Xingluo was also helplessly sighed, “I originally thought that these methods were enough to win Zero Wing, but I still have to ask them in the end.”

“I beg them?” Upon hearing Boundless Distance, he suddenly looked towards a team of dozens of people not far away, “Could it be…”

He has heard a lot about the mysterious Guild of Hundred Ghosts Walking Alone. This Guild doesn’t care about anyone, but the five Super-Guilds act alone against Hundred Ghosts, and I don’t know why they are somewhat dreaded.

Didn’t expect Lu Xingluo to have such a deep connection with Hundred Ghosts.

“Yes, that’s them.” Lu Xingluo nodded, then looked towards the handsome young man headed by this team, loudly said, “Brother Qiyuan, I bother you to take action and get out afterwards. The conditions you said, our Star Ring can do All promise!”

“Okay! We are waiting for you, Star Luo Guild Master. You have waited for a long time.” The handsome young man was also happy to say with a smile, “Since Star Luo Guild Master, you have considered and understood, we Hundred Ghosts Going alone will naturally not look at it.”

“Then many thanks, brother Qiyuan!” Lu Xingluo is also sighed in relief.

Because at this time, he was really forced into a desperate situation by Shi Feng. You must know that this is not the outside world, but in Heavenly Spring, and it is also on Zero Wing’s site, whether they are fighting in Heavenly Spring. When he died, he was arrested by Shi Feng and the others, and he would eventually be imprisoned in Heavenly Spring City, for at least a few days or as many as ten days.

This is something he absolutely cannot bear!

And now that Hundred Ghosts are willing to intervene alone, then everything will be easy.

Because he knows too well that the methods of these people and the terrifying forces behind him are not comparable to the current God’s Domain Super Organizations.

The conversation between the first two of Star Ring’s resident sites also made each Great Influence bizarre. They didn’t understand how Lu Xingluo, the Star Ring’s Guild Master, would beg this handsome young man. After the handsome young man agreed, it was obvious. The expression is much more relaxed.

“Who are they? Lu Xingluo would beg them?”

“You are ignorant, that’s a hundred ghosts alone! didn’t expect Star Ring actually cooperated with a hundred ghosts alone, this Star Ring Guild is also very awesome, I heard that the hundred ghosts alone are even the top five Super- Guild has to give face, and I dare not find trouble with these people because they have defeated many famous experts of the five Super-Guild, and even take the initiative to evasion one or two.”

Many forces on the scene didn’t know anything about Hundred Ghosts alone, but some people who knew the inside couldn’t help but explain it. So many people present could understand the out of the ordinary Hundred Ghosts alone. .

However, on the other side of Indestructible War Heart and Illusionary Speech, the faces of the two of them are not very good.

“Damn it! How could Hundred Ghosts work alone with Star Ring?” Indestructible War Heart looked at the handsome young man who had agreed, his eyes full of unwillingness.

After the Hundred Ghosts appeared alone in God’s Domain, their Guild Master received an astonishing secret message, and then warned them not to actively provoke the Hundred Ghosts alone, or it would be unimaginable.

Originally, for the Hundred Ghosts to participate in this conference, he thought that the people of Hundred Ghosts alone wanted to challenge some experts before they were willing to come, but didn’t expect planned to cooperate with Star Ring…

Illusionary Speech on the side is also very unwilling. It could have used the opportunity to make Star Ring and many other Super Organizations hit hard, but now even the five Super-Guild are afraid of the Hundred Ghosts walking alone, and they are willing to keep the Star Ring. If you want to move Star Ring down, you will be the enemy of Hundred Ghosts alone.

I saw that after the handsome young man responded to Lu Xingluo, his eyes turned to Shi Feng in the distance, and he said loudly: “Guild Master Black Flame, this Star Ring is also considered to be an intersection with us alone. I don’t know if it’s possible. For the sake of face, let them go today. If Zero Wing wants to help in the future, I will help Qiyuan.”

As Qi Yuan finished speaking, the members of Great Influence in the room couldn’t help looking towards Shi Feng in midair.

Now that Hundred Ghosts are involved in this battle alone, this matter can be big or small for Zero Wing. Although Star Ring and the others are released, you will miss a chance that severely damaged Star Ring, but you will also gain the favor of Hundred Ghosts alone. It’s not a big loss. After all, Hundred Ghosts are alone, but even the Big Five Super-Guild can’t don’t give face to the mysterious Guild. It’s good to get a favor.

“Face? Favor?” Shi Feng glanced at Qi Yuan and couldn’t help but laughed, “Before Star Ring was going to send me Zero Wing Three Big Guild into a dead end, why didn’t you stand up at that time? Now Star Ring is in desperate Situation, but you stand up and say let them go. Do you think your face is very valuable? What can you do if I don’t give it to you?”

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