
You can search for “Reincarnation of The Strongest Sword God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

As the mid-air Violet Cloud opens, Lu Xingluo in front of the resident gate is also a complexion ashen.

didn’t expect Nine Heaven Dragon Cloud to lose unexpectedly, and still lose so badly.

This time not only didn’t make Zero Wing good-looking, but it made their imposing manner plummet, making him never know how to respond to Violet Cloud.

In fact, it was not just Lu Xingluo who was surprised by this, but all the Great Influences present were also amazed.

The terrifying of Nine Heaven Dragon Cloud is clear to everyone, but the strength of Violet Cloud is more terrifying, and even everyone at the scene suspects that, let alone a Nine Heaven Dragon Cloud, at this time it is two or three Tier 4 If an expert rushes forward, I am afraid it will be difficult to please Violet Cloud.

“Is this the strength of Zero Wing’s?”

“Awesome! Awesome! Even Star Ring and the major Super Organizations should converge one or two times.”

At this time, Violet Cloud’s demonstrated strength is obviously quite comfortable. In other words, even if the number of Tier 4 experts in the wild Zero Wing side may not be as large as the Star Ring side, but the situation is five to four. Under the circumstances, Star Ring and the major Super Organizations cannot have an advantage, and may even be at a disadvantage.

“Good job!” Indestructible War Heart looked at the Violet Cloud standing in the air, and couldn’t help but praise, “Now there is one less Tier 4 expert on the Star Ring, even if Lu Xingluo turns his face, we are here The chance of saving lives is even greater!”

Illusionary Speech on the side is also nodded.

This battle is of great significance to them now. If Lu Xingluo doesn’t handle it well, when the time comes, they will be ridiculed by people all over the world. After all, Lu Xingluo’s ambitions are too great, and I totally intend to borrow this chance. It became the general existence of the top five Super-Guilds, but was intercepted by Violet Cloud at the 1st Step.

If it weren’t for facing everyone now, Lu Xingluo would have vomited blood on the spot.

Just when everyone thought Lu Xingluo was going mad, Lu Xingluo laughed surprisingly.

“Okay! Very good! It’s worthy of being one of the Zero Wing’s Peak experts, and the strength is amazing.” Lu Xingluo looked at the mid-air Violet Cloud and laughed and said, “Okay, we will let go now.”

“Guild Master?” Sword Demon, who reached the Tier 4 profession, was also taken aback. Didn’t expect Lu Xingluo to release the people altogether, “If we let them go, they might be even more unscrupulous!”

“It’s okay.” Lu Xingluo glanced at the side Sword Demon, and said disapprovingly, “Let it go.”

When Sword Demon heard it, he could only let his subordinates release all the members of the Zero Wing and Big Guild.

For a moment, Midsummer Allure, Sword Shadow, Mu Lingsha, Tsing Yi Alone, and the others each and everyone were released. From beginning to end, the people from Star Ring and the major Super Organizations did not stop them, just aside. Watched quietly.

“Is it so simple?” Indestructible War Heart looked at Mu Lingsha and the others who were released, the whole person was also taken aback.

He didn’t believe in Lu Xingluo’s words at all. It is really hard to imagine Lu Xingluo actually abiding by the agreement. Those who don’t say anything further will let everyone caught.

But at the same time that Midsummer Allure, Mu Lingsha and the others were released.

“Escape! Fire Dance Group Leader, run away! This is a trap!” Midsummer Allure yelled as he was unchained.

However, Midsummer Allure hasn’t finished talking yet. Just look at the Star Ring station as the center. In midair, a 3-layer Magic Array appeared, and a Magic Formation world covering a range of more than two thousand yards was instantly unfolded. The players in the Magic Formation world, except for the members of the Star Ring and the major Super Organizations, all felt their bodies sank.

Even the Indestructible War Heart of the Tier 4 profession feels that its attributes are falling crazily, and it has been dropping by 30% before it gradually stabilizes.

“Escape? Do you think you can escape if you came today?” Lu Xingluo looked at the people of Zero Wing and the Big Guild, said with a sneer, “I have let go of the people, but don’t say I don’t. Abide by the agreement, as to whether you can go out today, this is another matter. By the way, I can remind you that this Magic Formation world is the Master Level Magic Formation world, not to mention that you are Tier 4 profession, that is the upper position. The Legendary monster is here, don’t even think about going out.”

Lu Xingluo’s words weren’t finished yet, just watch the three NPCs flying out of Xingluo’s station, looking down at the Zero Wing three Big Guilds present. As for the Starry Sky Domain unfolded by Violet Cloud, it was instantly suppressed. The forty-fifty code range is enveloped by the more powerful Berserk Magic Domain.

As these three NPCs appeared, everyone present couldn’t help being sucked in a breath of cold air.

Victor Palome (Elder), Tier 4 Sorcerer, Level Level 160, HP 180 million.

Savilon Claire (Vice-Group Leader of the Secret Knight Group), Tier 4 Sky Knight, Level Level 160, HP 330 million.

Kabara Mette (Group Leader of the Secret Knight Group), Tier 4 Element hunter, Level 1 Level 62, HP 270 million.

“Three Tier 4 NPCs! How is this possible!”

The Great Influence members present looked at the three NPCs, each and everyone was dumbfounded, and couldn’t believe it was true.

Although they have heard before that the NPC of the Star Ring Joint Secret Hand Society has captured the top of the Zero Wing three Big Guild, but they think there is only one Tier 4 NPC, and now three people have emerged. Battle strength simply can destroy the entire Heavenly Spring city!

The 50-year-old Kabara Met with a crystal ancient bow on his back looked towards Lu Xingluo, nodded: “Xingluo Guild Master, you did good this time, we will follow the agreement after the secret hand meeting To help you control the tower of the secret covenant.”

“many thanks Mette Group Leader.” Lu Xingluo’s smile became brighter when he heard it.

His goal this time, from the very beginning, is Zero Wing Three Big Guild’s Fire Dance and the others, let Nine Heaven Dragon Cloud fight, just to give the secret hand time to activate the Magic Formation world, after all The Magic Formation world is quite dynamic, and only the battle between two Tier 4 professions can conceal such magic power fluctuations.

So for the winning or losing of Nine Heaven Dragon Cloud, he never cared about it from the very beginning.

“This Lu Xingluo is so cruel! This is planning to wipe out the Peak battle strength of Zero Wing Three Big Guild in one breath!”

“It seems that the Zero Wing three Big Guilds are over this time, and the three Tier 4 NPCs. This battle strength may be able to ramp up the entire Twin Towers Kingdom.”

Everyone present at this time also understood. This is simply a dead end set by Star Ring for Zero Wing Three Big Guild. As long as the Peak battle strength of Zero Wing Three Big Guild is completely destroyed, Zero Wing Three Big Guild It will be completely finished, and there will be no possibility of confronting Star Ring and the major Super Organizations.

Fire Dance, Indestructible War Heart, Illusionary Speech, Violet Cloud and the others are also slightly darkened.

“How is this possible!” Looking at the three Level 160 Tier 4 NPCs in midair, Indestructible War Heart couldn’t help but feel a little desperate. “How could Lu Xingluo invite so many Tier 4 NPCs?”

According to the information they received, there was only one Tier 4 NPC who captured Mu Lingsha at the time. It was originally thought that with him and Illusionary Speech the two could entangle this Tier 4 NPC. Later, Fire Dance and Violet Cloud were both involved. People come to fight against Star Ring and Tier 4 experts of major Super Organizations.

Now let alone facing the Tier 4 experts on the Star Ring side, the three Tier 4 NPCs in front of you are enough to make people have no fighting intents, and in the world of Master Level Magic Formation, they can’t even escape. …

However, when the members of the Zero Wing Three Big Guild did not know how to face the three Tier 4 NPCs in front of them, the leader of Kabara Met also glanced at everyone present at the Zero Wing Three Big Guild.

“Catch me all the Zero Wing’s members. As for everyone else using Soul Magic to kill, I want to let that Black Flame know what will happen if I dare to provoke our secret hands club!” card Barra Mette could not help but secretly meet Elder and Vice-Group Leader instructed on the side.

“Group Leader, don’t worry.” Elder Victor Palome laughed said, “None of them Zero Wing’s want to run!”

And Kabara Mette’s words also surprised everyone present.

“Are these NPCs coming for Zero Wing?”

“Crap! What exactly did Zero Wing do? To make NPC forces want their lives?”

At this time, let alone all the Great Influences present, the Indestructible War Heart and Illusionary Speech are also dumbfounded. The NPC forces’ actions on such a large scale are actually just for revenge on Black Flame?

However, I have not waited for Indestructible War Heart and Illusionary Speech and the others. From this amazing news, came back to his senses, and Kabara Mette also acted to rush to Violet Cloud and Fire. Dance and the others.

“Zero Wing! This time, you did your own evil.” Lu Xingluo looked at the three NPCs of Kabara Mette who were about to do it, and couldn’t help laughing in his heart, “I didn’t do anything! “

Originally, he still felt a little bit tricky about the Zero Wing Three Big Guild, but he didn’t expect that Black Flame would provoke the secret society in Dragon Heart City, so that the secret society would take the initiative to come and join him. He was going crazy at the time. .

Now that the three major Tier 4 NPCs of the Secret Hand will take action, there is no more chance for destruction. The next thing he has to do is to take over Zero Wing’s everything after Zero Wing.

When the three of Kabara Met rushed in front of Fire Dance and the others, Fire Dance and the others also had the consciousness of a death fight. When the two sides were about to do it, a sword light suddenly arrived.

Directly slashed towards the leader of Kabara Mette, the speed is as fast as lightning.

However, Kabara Mette is not a Common Tier 4 NPC, and the reaction is extremely fast. The ancient bow in his hand is directly used as a weapon, and a backhand shot down on the sword light.


With a loud sound, the space burst directly, spreading all around dozens of yards.

Kabara Mette himself flew hundreds of yards away, and a million-point damage appeared on his head……

“The secret hand will meet you so brave! I did not trouble you in Dragon Heart City, but you dared to come to my Zero Wing’s site. It seems that you are like Sabrid, and feel like you have a long life!”

And before everyone reacted, a cold voice came from a distance, and everyone in the room couldn’t help turning their heads and looking around, wondering if the sword repelled Kabara Mette. who.

In the crowd, a man wearing a black cloak and holding a golden blood-stripe long sword came out. The terrifying power came out like a Ghost God.

“Black Flame?!”

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