
You can search for “Reincarnation of The Strongest Sword God 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

For Sabreid’s drop item, Shi Feng thought about various possibilities. Even the legendary item with broken drops is not impossible. After all, there are really not many chances to kill the Dragon Heart City Tier 4 NPC. .

If Sabred hadn’t taken the initiative to provoke, but stood in the city, he could say that there was no chance at all.

Because the Magic Array of Dragon Heart City can bless NPCs in the city, unless this Sabrede completely violates the rules of Dragon Heart City, as long as he dares to Execution Sabrede in the city, other NPCs in Dragon Heart City absolutely Rescuing Sabrede, even in the moment of his Execution Sabrede, he can save Sabrede.

Not for anything else, just because Tier 5 NPC can become a world in one thought. Don’t watch the Group Leader Shera of the Holy Star Knight fly over slowly, but it is simply not too easy to do this kind of thing.

At this time, Shi Feng looked at the crystal mirror in his hand, and he had various speculations about the identity of Sabred.

Because the Item in front of me really shouldn’t be a minor character like Sabrid, the Item can be obtained.

Shi Feng glanced at the other three crystal mirrors and dark crystals around him, and couldn’t help but say with a smile: “On the former life, it’s rumored that the world mirror can only be obtained by completely dominating an Empire. It turns out to be in a Tier 4. In the hands of the NPC, if you say this, no one will believe it.”

The mirror of the world!

Also known as the Mirror of Space, it is a complete relic of the ancients, and it is not an Item that can be made by the current God’s Domain.

Because these things are all made by Ancient Spiritual God, even imitation is almost impossible.

This thing is also the heritage of the major Empires!

If you don’t completely control an Empire, the player is basically impossible to gain.

Of course, the mirror of the world that Sabrid got is incomplete, because the mirror of the world set is 12 mirrors, plus a control core, it can be regarded as a complete mirror of the world, with the Heaven Sealing lock world, the ability to transfer the universe.

Heaven Sealing here is different from those of Magic Formation, which is as simple as blocking a world. Instead, the entire area is self-contained, just like a Small World.

In this Small World, don’t break even the Tier 5 profession, as long as you enter the scope of this Small World, your strength will be greatly reduced. Ten percent of the battle strength will not be able to play two or three. As for Tier 5 and below, let alone said.

Moreover, the coverage of the world is extremely wide. There is no problem with blocking several large maps below.

As long as the forces in the world have no Tier 6 God Level, no one can do anything in that area. Even if the Tier 6 God Level expert takes action, the battle strength is greatly reduced in this world.

This is why even if some Super-Guild have a digital Tier 6 God Level expert, they cannot win the Peak First-Rate Guild’s which has only one God Level expert oversee.

Although the realm of the world at this time is incomplete, and without Sealing Heaven Locking Earth, it can completely become the world by itself, but it is an invaluable treasure for any power now, and it is more precious than the Legendary Item.

Because even if the world is incomplete, it has many incredible effects. For example, the simplest is to be able to transfer a city to any place where coordinates are set.

For example, it is set in the core Magic Array of Guild City, and is bound to Guild City. You can directly promote a High Grade Guild city to a Guild city at the main city level.

If the complete world is bound to a Guild city, there is no problem in promoting it to a High Grade main city. You must know that an Empire’s Imperial Capital is just a High Grade main city, above the Holy City. Can be counted on one’s fingers throughout God’s Domain.

As long as a Holy City is not a Tier 6 God Level, it cannot be attacked!

As long as you go, it will be dead end, no matter how many Tier 5 is, it is useless.

Because one of the necessary conditions for promotion to Holy City is to have a world guard, even if it is just a Tier 5 profession oversee, it does not make sense to come to as many Tier 5s.

At this time, Sabrid drops such a treasure, how can he not be shocked and surprised.

“Although I don’t know if this Sabrede is who, but now I have the world, I can slightly change some development plans.” Shi Feng looked at the world, and many thoughts came to mind. .

Although the realm of the world is incomplete, the effect that can be exerted is still amazing. Even if a Holy City cannot be created now, it is not hopeless to create a main city of Guild.

And if a Guild has a main city of Guild at this stage, it is really amazing.

Let’s not talk about the vast area that can easily accommodate a population of 10 million. In terms of area, it is three times the size of a High Grade city. In terms of Defense, there is no problem blocking Tier 4 profession.

The most important point is that at the level of the main city of Guild, except for the forbidden area of ​​life and the forbidden area of ​​Human race, God’s Domain can be stationed anywhere. There is no need to worry about the many problems of not being able to guard the tide of beasts or monsters.

As Shi Feng was considering whether to bind the Guild city to the realm of the world, two Big Guild messages came in his ears.

“Guild Master Black Flame, the person you want, our two Big Guilds have already gathered in Dragon Heart City.” Ming Zhen Changzui said anxiously, “I don’t know when you will come to receive it?”

“Is it so fast?” Shi Feng looked at the time, and only half a day passed.

Know that Dragon Heart City is still blocked, and it is not easy to travel to and from Dragon Heart City if you can no longer use resident teleportation, let alone a large number of Lifestyle Players.

Originally, he expected to wait two days, but now the two Big Guilds only took half a day to get them all done. This efficiency is simply nothing.

“Of course.” Mingling Changzui is also proud to say with a smile, “Guild Master Black Flame, don’t forget that our two Big Guilds are focused on developing on the Sea Territory. There are some means for this.”

“Okay, I’ll be there soon.”

Shi Feng nodded, immediately put away the world, and left the Travelers Store directly to receive the people from the two Big Guilds.

Twenty thousand Tier 3 experts and thousands of Profession Class experts. Although there are quite a few people, both Wu Lao and Ming Tin Chang Zui understand Shi Feng’s thoughts, so they are not at all received in Dragon Heart City. Instead, they choose to be outside of Dragon Heart City, where they can be handed over in secret, without worrying about exposing Shi Feng’s intentions.

“Guild Master Black Flame, we have brought all the people here. After half a month, these people will listen to your orders, and they will also set up Contracts. They will never tell you anything you want them to do.” 酩酊Chang Zui pointed to the tens of thousands of people in the valley, said with a smile, “Now that the contract is completed, I wonder when our two Big Guilds can go to the tower of the world?”

At present, they are very anxious for the small fortress on the fourth floor of the tower of the world. If you occupy it early, you can find the place of Tier 4 inheritance, otherwise they will not spend a lot of money to gather these people so quickly. Dragon Heart City.

Shi Feng looked at the eager drunkenness and the thousand lives standing by, also smiled and said: “You can go to the fortress now. I have already told Yuluo that Yuluo is the Honorary Knight. They will always be staring at the blood and secret hands in the tower of the world. As long as the secret hands will dare to make any changes in the tower of the world, they will definitely not be able to run. You can just do it.”

“Then many thanks Guild Master Black Flame.” After hearing the drunk, two eyes shined brightly, “I have an urgent matter, so I will leave first.”

Thousands of life also resigned, obviously planning to leave and rush to the tower of the world.

As the two left, there was only a group of two big Guild Members who were at a loss, each and everyone looked at Shi Feng quietly, wondering what Shi Feng wanted them to do next.

“Everyone, come with me, I am afraid you will be busy during this time.”

Shi Feng glanced at the tens of thousands of people present, nodded, and directly led everyone to a nearby island that had been reserved for a long time, and set a blockade on the island’s magic field. Not only was it impossible to contact the outside world, but at the same time Under the cover of the blocked magic field, the player cannot log out unless they leave the blocked Magic Formation world.

Three days later, on a deserted island around Dragon Heart Island.

Solitary Nine Extreme flew all the way to Shi Feng, who was depicting the core Magic Array in a mountain-like steel fortress. His face was very exciting and said: “Group Leader, I just got the news from Dragon Heart City, Star Ring The Big Guild and God’s Vestige are ready for action, shall we go now?”

After Shi Feng finished the last core Magic Array, he was deeply sighed in relief.

“The speed of their action is quite fast.” Shi Feng also lost said with a smile, “Okay, I’ve got everything done on my side, you can ask Dormant Thorn to organize it, let’s go back to East Continent now! “

“Yes!” Solitary Nine Extreme nodded, his eyes full of excitement.

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