Broken space, endless darkness, the entire Special Grade Battle Room is shrouded by these, not to mention the players of the Tier 3 profession, they are the players of the Tier 4 profession, and they cannot survive for a long time in such a space. .

And everyone in the Tianyan Adventure Group in the audience was also dumbfounded. Each and everyone stayed on the spot and did not come back to his senses from this terrifying scene.

“It’s just a sword, how could there be such a large destructive power?”

“Is he really a Tier 4 player? Such a formidable power, even those Tier 4 I’m afraid it’s very difficult for NPCs to do it!”

“With such terrifying strength, I couldn’t find out any news before. Is he who are you?”



After Silent for a while, everyone in Tianyan Adventure Group looked at the completely destroyed space, and the shock in their hearts was beyond words. Shi Feng was no longer underestimated before, each and everyone had just Deep fear.

A thousand yards will be wiped out with one blow!

Such terrifying battle strength can no longer be compensated by the number of players. Only the extremely powerful Tier 4 NPCs can match it.

“Is he so strong?!”

Yuluo looked at the endless Dark Space, with incredible rays of light in his eyes, such a sword, even It’s Group Leader Angelica Teresa’s full strength attack, which I’m afraid they can’t match.

And Group Leader Angelica Teresa exists in Tier 4 Peak, and it is also the top-5 powerhouse in Meteorite City. In addition, NPC is far stronger than player in weapon equipment and attributes. For one thing, the player is extremely difficult to match Tier 4 NPC of the same level, let alone Angelica Teresa who exceeds Tier 4 Peak.

But Shi Feng’s current attack definitely surpasses Angelika Teresa’s all-out effort…

“Group Leader!”

“The Group Leader won’t be unstoppable, right?”

After a while, the lower-class people present on the wind-driven day reacted and quickly searched for the silhouette of the lion’s heart in the endless Dark Space. .

Such a sword is definitely the most terrifying sword among the players they have ever seen. The formidable power is probably not as powerful as those Tier 4 NPCs, even the lion’s bloody Defense heaven defying, at this time they don’t have much confidence to survive.

I saw that after everyone looked for it for a while, the broken space was gradually restored, and two figures could be seen vaguely, but one of the silhouettes seemed very embarrassing.

“Very good, the Group Leader is still alive!”

“I know that the Group Leader can resist. After all, the Group Leader is the Iron Wall of the City of Fire. Give a trick to Insta-kill.”

Everyone in Tianyan Adventure Group saw the silhouette of the lion’s heart, and everyone was excited.

It’s just that the lion’s heart is boiling blood while standing on the battlefield, but he doesn’t have the slightest joy or excitement. On the contrary, he has deep fear and happiness.

“It’s too dangerous. If I hadn’t gotten the Ring of the Wind Wall, I’m afraid I would have been killed by one move.” Lionheart glanced at his HP bar with blood, and couldn’t help but shake his head and smile. .

At this time, his HP is only less than 6 million left. It seems that a lot is left, but in fact, it is completely dependent on the Passive Skill of the Ring of Wind Wall.

Because the Passive Skill of the Ring of the Wind Wall, the Guard of the Wind, can weaken the life damage by 35%, even in the face of Tier 5 attacks, it can also completely weaken the damage by 35%, which is also the Wind Wall The Ring is the strongest and the only Skill.

Unlike other equipment, although there are various damage reductions, which are far more than those from the Ring of Windwall, they are hidden. The upper limit of the damage reduction is generally Tier 4, damage After reaching Tier 4, the reduction effect will be sharply reduced, and after Tier 5, it can be almost ignored.

However, the Ring of the Windwall is different. The Skill says clearly that even in the face of Tier 5 attacks, 35% of the damage can be reduced by 100% without any discount.

On the other side, Shi Feng paled a lot after he swung Holy Devour.

“Swing this sword, is it still too reluctant?”

Shi Feng felt that he was consumed more than half of the Vitality in an instant, and he was also amazed.

At this time, he has already used the magic power of Epic Level to 110%. It is still very difficult to use Holy Devour to mobilize magic power. It is difficult to imagine the third sword, Divine Extermination. What is the level to be used.

Tier 5?

Tier 6?

“But it’s not bad, at least now you can use a complete Holy Devour, so that you can deal with it even in the face of a half-step Demon King.” Shi Feng could not help but put away the Abyssal Blade. Yijian is still very satisfied.

The magic power tactics require extremely high magic power. Although the magic power has undergone a qualitative change, the improvement effect it can bring to the Magic Skill is far inferior to the magic power tactics.

Now it seems to be true.

Under his full strength attack, this sword is already comparable to the Tier 5 profession’s blow. The only drawback is that it consumes a lot of money. Under normal conditions, he can only swing a sword. But as a hole card, this is enough.

And just as Shi Feng savored the Holy Devour that he just waved, the lion’s heart boiled over.

“Brother Black Flame, your sword is really ruthless. If it weren’t for my recent improvement, I’m afraid I can’t stop your sword.” Lionheart looked at Shi Feng with blood, endure Can’t help but tune said with a smile.

At this time, he has no contempt or underestimation for Shi Feng, but only deep respect.

A player who can use this move is definitely already standing in the Peak of the entire God’s Domain. With this, it is enough to make everyone respect.

Because in God’s Domain, strength is everything, and no fraud can be made. The steps to reach this step are all through thousands hammers, hundred refinements.

“The Lionheart Group Leader is humble. It is the Lionheart Group Leader’s ability to block this sword. It is not luck.” Shi Feng also looked at the Lionheart and said with blood, “Now one The sword agreement is over. As agreed, on the side of Meteorite City, I will only supply you Tianyan Adventure Group.”

“Then many thanks. As for Mana Crystal, please don’t hesitate Don’t worry, our Sky Flame Adventure Group will never let you down, Brother Black Flame.” Lion’s heart boiled, and he couldn’t help feeling a little happy.

As long as Shi Feng only cooperates with them, then Meteorite City will be very easy for them Tianyan Adventure Group.

“Then let’s talk about our specific transaction.” Shi Feng straight to the point said, “I also said before, as long as the Lionheart Group Leader can take a shot, I will I promised to cooperate, but after the cooperation, I still need the Lionheart Group Leader to help you complete one thing.”

“Of course, this thing will not let you do the Lionheart Group Leader for nothing. I can sell Soul Crystal to Tianyan Adventure Group for a price of 150,000 Mana Crystal. I don’t know how?”

“One hundred and fifty thousand?” The lion’s heart is bloody. My heart moved, “I don’t know what’s the matter?”

Before he offered a price of 200,000 pieces. In fact, he was very reluctant to Tianyan Adventure Group, but Soul Crystal is too important, and it was also their battle after Tianyan Adventure Group. With the protection of other main cities, he only offered a sky-high price of 200,000 yuan.

If it can be reduced to 150,000, it would be much easier for them Tianyan Adventure Group.

“Help me kill a BOSS.” Shi Feng said with a smile.

In addition to his test of the blood of the lion’s heart, he wanted to try the formidable power after the magic power reached 110%, and he also wanted to see whether the blood of the lion’s heart could resist Live Tier 4’s young dragon blow.

If there is no one to resist the Tier 4 young dragon blow, it is useless to attack the Tier 4 young dragon.

Now that the lion’s heart’s blood has clearly reached this point, with the help of Heavenly Dragon’s Sacred Breath, you can challenge the Tier 4 young dragon without any suppression and restraint.

“Kill the BOSS?” Lion’s heart was a little puzzled. Didn’t expect Shi Feng’s request to be so simple, “Is this BOSS strong?”

“Very strong. “Shi Feng didn’t hide it, “That’s a Tier 4 young dragon!”

“Tier 4 young dragon?” Lion heart could not help being sucked in a breath of cold air, so he thought of it immediately What, “Could it be that Angelica-sama wants to challenge which one?”

“Yes, that’s the one.” Shi Feng nodded, “In fact, this pair of Lionheart Group Leaders You are also good. After all, Meteor City has been promoted, and it can attract more players and resources. When the time comes, the Skyflame Adventure Group will also grow.”

Lion’s blood is nodded.

In fact, he also wants Meteorite City to grow and promote directly to the High Grade main city, but because it is too difficult to challenge Tier 4 young dragons, so Angelica’s expedition, their Skyflame Adventure Group not at All join, after all, their Tianyan Adventure Group has only two Tier 4 professions, and they have not had time to stabilize their advantages.

If you rush to Punitive’s Tier 4 young dragon, which has a high failure rate, it will definitely reduce the advantage of Tianyan Adventure Group, so he did not go with it.

“I don’t know what Lionheart Group Leader do you mean?” Shi Feng said.

Before he had no hope of attacking Tier 4 young dragons, because the battle strength of Tier 4 young dragons is comparable to Tier 5 profession, and even better than the half-step Demon King demon lord, even if It is useless if he can use Holy Devour, after all, he is impossible to use Holy Devour infinitely.

But if there is a lion’s heart, it will be different.

If you can block Tier 5 from being undead by one blow, you can withstand a blow from Tier 4 young dragon.

“Okay.” The lion’s heart boiled over for a while, but he gritted his teeth and agreed. “But Brother Black Flame, when I get to the front, our Tianyan Adventure Group has some advantages, so it is impossible to do our best. To help you, the most is to send a 100-man.”

Shi Feng’s concern about the lion’s heart and blood, became silent and said with a smile: “This is enough, as long as Tianyan Adventure Group can provide Two Tier 4 professions will do, let alone one 100-man.”

“I don’t know, when will we act?” Lionheart asked with blood.

Raiders Tier 4 young dragon is very important, team organization and various preparations, it takes a lot of time.

“It is not in a hurry at the moment, I am afraid it will take a few days.” Shi Feng shook the head, “When the time comes, I will notify the Lionheart Group Leader of you.”

Three A Tier 4 profession to challenge the Tier 4 young dragons, even if there are a large number of Tier 3 professions to help out, it is still not enough, but fortunately, in the ancient God’s Domain, you don’t need players to find a place of inheritance. Next, you only need to let Dormant Thorn and the others go. Class Change Tier 4, as long as he can be in more Tier 4 professions, his chances of winning will be greater.

“Okay, so that I can also prepare more fully here.” The lion’s blood is sighed in relief.

After that, Shi Feng signed a contract with Lionheart. Tianyan Adventure Group bought a Soul Crystal for 150,000 Mana Crystals, and also bought a drop of Water for 30,000 Mana Crystals. of Soul.

In the first transaction, Tianyan Adventure Group bought 20 Soul Crystals and 50 drops of Water of Soul, which cost a total of 4.5 million Mana Crystals, which is much more than that of God’s Domain. Super Organizations must have money.

At the same time, Shi Feng made a lot of money, and he was in a good mood.

Because this not only completed the 8 million Mana Crystals needed to make the small mobile fortress, then only 2 million magic ore and 30,000 Magic Crystal Stones were needed, and I also found the Tier strategy. 4 The possibility of a young dragon.

Leaving the Tianyan High Grade Hotel Shi Feng looked at the 4.5 million Mana Crystals in the inventory and couldn’t help but smile.

“The money is all here, and it’s almost time for Dormant Thorn to go to Class Change.”

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