Meteor City, Sky Flame High Grade Hotel.

Tianyan Adventure Group, as a force that can rank among the top three in Meteorite City, Tianyan High Grade Hotel is almost becoming one of the iconic buildings of Meteorite City. Not to mention 19 layers of buildings, it still occupies The largest plot of land on the main commercial street of Meteorite City is the size of a stadium.

And the Sky Flame High Grade Hotel has the best resting environment in Meteorite City. Because the price is relatively fair, many players and NPCs will choose to live in the Sky Flame High Grade Hotel every day. Popularity can be ranked in Top-10 on the entire main street.

A petite girl, Assassin, who has reached 1Level 31 and dressed in black clothed Epic Equipment, walked directly to the top floor of the Sky Flame High Grade Hotel, and walked slowly to a person sitting at the desk. In front of the powerful man who is collating information.

And this middle-aged man who is not angry and prestigious is the Group Leader of the Tianyan Adventure Group, a lion with a heart of blood, known as the fiery lion.

“Group Leader, I have found the person you mentioned. It is Cleric Yuluo from the Knight group.”

“All the news comes from her, and not long ago, she Another message was released, saying that there was a small Auction House meeting held at Auction House. It was not intended to be consigned at Auction House, but to sell five Soul Crystals, which was less effective than 50 drops of Water of Soul.” black clothed The female Assassin took out a memory crystal and gave it to Lion’s heart to boil. “There is a record of her image in it. Besides, she should only be entrusted with this matter. The real seller should enter the Meteorite with the Knight regiment. The five people in the city also have their video records. The man with the black cloak at the head is determined to be Tier 4 Sword Emperor, but I have not found any information about him in the nearby main city.”

“you did good.” Wearing a blood-red light armor, a lion heart with a level of 1Level 33 boiled blood, looked at the image in the memory crystal, slightly nodded, then looked towards the several Vice-Group Leaders sitting in the hall, and asked plainly “What do you think about this matter?”

“This simply wants to oppose our Tianyan! Our asking price is not low anymore, and it has given the Tier 4 Sword Emperor the face, But they didn’t give us Tianyan Adventure Group face at all!” A cold and gloomy man standing by the floor-to-ceiling windows said a bit of ice-cold saying, “I think it’s necessary for these Outsiders to know about it. City gangsters must know how to measure! And the treasure of increasing Tier 4 Class Change success rate must not be obtained by other forces in the city!”

The other three Vice-Group Leaders present were also slightly nodded. , I agree with this cold and gloomy man.

Although Vice-Group Leader is icy and unfriendly to the world, he is very loyal to the Sky Flame Adventure Group and Group Leader. The most important point is that the Vice-Group Leader has been promoted to Tier 4 profession black Dark Traveler. The assassination is definitely the number one player in Meteor City, and their Skyflame Adventure Group is already the number one player in Meteor City in terms of Peak battle strength.

This is a great opportunity for their Tianyan Adventure Group to completely control Meteorite City. How could it be possible for other forces to suddenly rise?

Now that a few Outsiders are so shameful for them, it must be a lesson.

Even Tier 4 Sword Emperor is useless, because Chasing the Wind is a Top Grade Hidden Class, not to mention, it is the inheritance of special magic power tactics, hidden in the shadows, against Tier 4 The Defense profession has a great chance one strike certain kill, let alone a Tier 4 Sword Emperor.

“Let’s go over and talk to him first. If both of us agree on a good price, then everyone is happy. If we don’t agree, it’s not too late for us to break.” Blood thought for a while and said.

He also agrees with the idea of ​​chasing the world.

Especially Soul Crystal can strengthen the soul of a player. It is necessary to know whether the soul is strong or not, but it is of great help to learning things, even if it can only strengthen a little, when the time comes Class Change Tier 4 Profession is definitely helpful to learn Tier 4 Magic Skill.

For this thing, their Tianyan Adventure Group must be in their own hands, and they must not be obtained by other forces in the city.

As the lion’s heart boiled, the four Vice-Group Leaders present were nodded by default.

“Chilan, please check immediately, where the Sword Emperor is now, I need to know right away.” Lionheart boiled blood and looked towards the black clothed female Assassin and said.

“Group Leader, you still don’t know my style of doing things?” The black clothed petite girl Assassin said with a smile proudly, “When the Group Leader said you wanted to investigate this news, I had already targeted The Tier 4 Sword Emperor has long been staring at their every move. Now that Tier 4 Sword Emperor has arrived at the Auction House, it looks like it is planning to rent an auction room and hold a small auction.”

“Okay!” The lion’s heart boiled and looked at Chi Lan with satisfaction, “Chi Lan, you and Zhu Feng will follow in secret for a while, and then I will come and meet the Tier 4 Sword Emperor for a while. Take a look at what he is coming from. He can’t even find out any news.”

In fact, he is also full of curiosity about this Tier 4 Sword Emperor.

Because the Tier 4 profession is extremely rare in the entire God’s Domain, according to their Tianyan Adventure Group, there are quite a few main cities, and there are no two Tier 4 professions, and most of the main cities are here. Now there is only one Tier 4, and there are two or three Tier 4 professions in the main city, all of which are populous cities.

Now I have become a Tier 4 profession. I don’t want to find a way to take charge of the main city, expand the main city’s power, and even run to other main cities. It’s simply incredible.

“Yes!” Chi Lan and Zhufeng Tianxia both said respectfully.

Meteor City, Auction House.

As the great trading city of Meteorite City, Auction House can be said to be the most prosperous place in the entire Meteorite City. Compared with the Royal City’s Auction House, Auction House is much bigger than the Royal City’s Auction House. There are also many buyers and sellers. , Even the rare magic ore in God’s Domain mainland is sold in groups, and the price is still cheap.

A set of two hundred yuan, only 49 Mana Crystals are needed!

If this is in the outside world, I am afraid that it will be robbed crazy, because the magic ore is an associated mine, and the chance of appearing is not high. The price of God’s Domain mainland is almost 30 silver coins, and It’s still very rare…

“Unfortunately, I can’t go back and forth between the two worlds, otherwise I can definitely make a profit, so that Zero Wing will never lack resources and funds in the future.” Shi Feng looked at the Auction House. The Item sighed in my heart.

According to Elderly, only ten people can enter at a time. Those who enter for the first time do not need to pay a price. It can be said that it is completely free, but if you want to enter the second time, you need a price.

If the price is lighter, it’s okay to say, if the price is too big, I am afraid that the number of times he can come in for transactions is absolutely very limited.

Although this is not the case, it cannot be handed over to others, but the ancient God’s Domain is too involved. If accidentally leaked, all the Super Organizations in the entire God’s Domain continent, I am afraid that something will not be done. , Unless Zero Wing is eliminated, or this resource is under their control, there will never be a third way to choose.

After that, Shi Feng spent 500 Mana Crystals to rent a small auction hall, and can sit up to two 100-Man. This amount is for the Great Influence of the entire Meteorite City. That’s enough.

After Shi Feng’s arrangement was completed, after the entire auction hall, when preparing to wait quietly for the Great Influence of Meteorite City to come, a powerful and strong perseverance, wearing blood-red light armor, carrying a The man with the blood-stripe Knight’s great shield also came over.

With the appearance of this man, the whole auction hall also became silent for a while, each and everyone looked at this man in surprise, not solely player, or NPC, full of this man Worship and awe.

“Crap! The fiery lion! It turned out to be a daoist!”

“He is too handsome! He is much handsomer than the posters of Tianyan, but he is like this Why did the influential figure come here?”

“Isn’t it because of the news from the previous small auction.”

Everyone did not discuss the appearance of the lion’s heart’s blood. Spiritedly, I am curious that such an influential figure actually appears here personally.

“The Group Leader of Tianyan Adventure Group! Did he come here in person?”

Even Yuluo, who had just arrived, looked at the lion’s heart as he walked into the hall. , It’s also a small mouth open wide, I can’t believe this is true.

It’s not that she was shocked by the mobs, but that the blood of the lion’s heart is really amazing. Being able to start from scratch in such a cruel world, defeated several Big Guilds and became the top three in Meteorite City. Power, this achievement can be said to completely surpass their Heaven’s Vault blade.

Because on the interstellar continent, various living resources are extremely tight, Common civilians cannot compare with the Big Guild, which has various resources, because these Big Guilds are backed by an influential figure that has a resource. , The resources and privileges possessed are not comparable to those of the Big Guild on Earth.

With one sentence of these influential figures, a player can immediately go to the core area to live in the core area from the civilian area where he can barely eat, eat and drink well, and be able to act casually in reality and appreciate the openness. Wonders of the universe.

It can be said that this alone can easily defeat a civilian player without any background.

Lion’s blood is just a common civilian. It’s amazing to be able to do this step. It’s simply a Hero Legendary character among civilians. If you put it in God’s Domain, you can definitely become The existence of a hero.

I saw the influential figure of the Meteorite City, step by step walked to Shi Feng’s. For a while, everyone in the room couldn’t help but be full of Shi Feng, a player wearing a black cloak. Curious, Shi Feng felt very uncomfortable for a while.

“You are the one who sells Soul Crystal.” Lionheart looked at Shi Feng quietly, and said directly, “I am the Group Leader of Tianyan Adventure Group. I think you have heard it.”

“Of course I have heard it, it can be said to be like thunder piercing the ear.” Shi Feng did not deny it, and asked plainly, “I don’t know what’s the matter with you.” “

Lion’s bloody information, he has learned through Yuluo, the absolute one Overlord, the strength is terrifying, not only has mastered the domain, but also reached the 2nd Step level, immersed in the game The depth is not comparable to the players on the God’s Domain mainland. Even in the intelligence, the lion’s bloody control of magic power is already at the High Grade Master level, only one step away from the Grandmaster.

In addition to the special ancient inheritance profession, Demon Blood Knight, it is definitely the strongest defense among the players, and it is completely a monster.

It is precisely because of such terrifying Defense that Tianyan Adventure Group has attacked many powerful BOSSs. Even the Legendary BOSS of Level 120 has even killed several. That’s why the players in Meteorite City are called the Iron Wall of Meteorite.

“This is not a place to talk, not equal to me. How about finding a place to sit down and talk?” Lionheart scrutinized Shi Feng with blood, and was surprised and disgusted with Shi Feng’s special status. Solution, but this kind of surprise was quickly put aside, some are just basic respect for a strange Tier 4 expert.

“Yes.” Shi Feng nodded, looked towards the empty place not far behind the lion’s heart, and asked softly, “Are they both going together?”

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