With the long sword in Shi Feng’s hand on the battlefield, it took a moment to see Shi Feng forming countless bright starlights around him. Compared with the Sword Light Samsara used in Tier 3, there is Magic Domain assistance at this time. Formidable power is more than doubled.


I saw in midair. Numerous starlights directly shattered the fallen petals. The commander of more than a dozen demons was too late to resist, so he flew out a hundred yards. In addition, each and everyone HP is visible as naked eye drops a great length, even standing up is a bit hard…

“Too…strong! A blow to fly that many demons Commander, he won’t really come from Holy City!”

“Tier 4! Crap! This power is definitely Tier 4 profession, he is Tier 4 Sword Emperor!”


“While Strength is in the Tier 4 profession, I am afraid he is also a powerhouse!”

Everyone at the scene was stunned for a while, completely didn’t expect Shi Feng and the Common The others can even fly more than a dozen demon leaders with one move, and they are the genuine Tier 4 Sword Emperor, which can rival the existence of Tier 4 Great Devil.

“Yuluo, your fellow is too strong, no wonder you are so excited, didn’t expect that he turned out to be Tier 4 Sword Emperor, this kind of strength is placed in our city, it is definitely Top-5 … even the first three.” Female Oracle Liang Yun looked at Shi Feng in the distance, and she was also surprised. She didn’t expect Yuluo’s companion to be so strong.

Tier 4 profession!

This is what their players have been pursuing. Unfortunately, it is too difficult to be promoted to the Tier 4 profession. She has even tried it once, but ultimately failed.

At present, the Tier 4 profession players known in the main city are just three trifling players. Each of them is a giant in the main city, and they are not comparable to their Tier 3 professions.

At this time, let alone Liangyun, I just know Shi Feng’s Yuluo and the beautiful eyes are wide open, I can’t believe this is true.

Tier 4!

She has also improved a lot in this World, but Tier 4 profession is still a huge threshold. Unless she can go further, she can only wander in Tier 3 and will never be able to rise to Tier 4 profession.

But Shi Feng’s Level is only 1Level 27, even before entering this incredible world, is it already Tier 4 Sword Emperor?

However, when the Human side was extremely shocked by this, Great Devil Naimen Carlo had a solemn expression, staring at Shi Feng as if watching a monster.

“Who the hell are you?” Great Devil Naimen Carlo couldn’t help but ask, with a trace of fear in his eyes and asked, “You are a Heaven’s Children impossible to have such a Strength!”

After the Shi Feng imposing manner broke out, let alone the demon leaders present, even his demon Marquis felt depressed, and even his magic power within the body was greatly suppressed and was able to play The battle strength that comes out is at most 60% of the usual.

In the domain of the Tier 4 profession, not to mention the strength being suppressed by 40%, even if it is suppressed, Chengdu is already extremely hard, but Shi Feng can do it.

“You can’t control this.” Shi Feng didn’t care about Great Devil Naimen Carlo’s question at all. Instead, he said with a smile, “Now I only give you two paths, one is us Then hit it down, telling life and death, and the other one is that you are taking your person, hurry up and don’t let me see it, or I won’t forget it like I did before!”

After Shi Feng finished speaking, the audience was even more silent, especially Yuluo and the others, whose mouth was about to grow into a type 0.

“Is he crazy?”

“Even if he is a Tier 4 Sword Emperor and threatens a demon Marquis so much, this Naiman Carlo will never let him go!”

“It’s over, that Naimen Carlo will definitely fight us all!”

The devil has always been so arrogant in God’s Domain, he doesn’t even see any living creature in his eyes. Even the Great Dragon Clan is the same, let alone the noble Marquis of bloodline.

In this case, even their Group Leader Angelica Teresa would not dare to do so.

Because Naimen Carlo is really difficult to deal with, it is also a well-known figure when placed in Tier 4 Demon. One of the candidates for the future Demon Lord, otherwise he will not be the commander of the demon army. official.

At this time, I saw Great Devil Naimen Carlo’s face is very ugly, and everyone has clearly felt the magic power of all around. Berserk is about to rise, and a big battle is about to begin…

“Let’s go!”

Naimen Carlo stared at Shi Feng, clenched his fists, almost twisted the corners of his mouth to say it, as Naimen Carlo finished speaking, he turned around in an instant. Carlo vanish was in front of everyone, and only a group of demons looked at each other in blank dismay.

“Let’s lie! Go away?”

“What the hell is this?!”

Everyone in the room looked at Carlo who left directly, each and everyone was dumbfounded.

You must know that even with the help of Tier 4 Sword Emperor like Shi Feng, they still can’t change the fact that they are at a disadvantage here, but Carlos Naimen went so far as to leave. It is not like a self-confession. Noble demon.

The Group Leader Angelica Teresa of the Knight group present could not help but look towards Shi Feng somewhat strangely. Didn’t expect Shi Feng’s words to have such a powerful deterrent.

“Is the Great Devil here so smart?” Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Naimen Carlo who was leaving with surprise.

They know that Shi Feng has the Book of Darkness, not only can summon demons come out, but they also have a great suppression power on demons in ordinary battles, even Tier 4 Great Devil, which is why those demons rule The reason for unable to withstand a single blow.

But Shi Feng knew what was going on when he was there.

Book of Darkness has absolute strength control over the devil. Although Carlos Naimen didn’t know that he had the Book of Darkness at this time, he was instinctively afraid of the Book of Darkness. One move repelled the power of more than a dozen demon leaders, making Naiman Carlo full of fear for him.

Living creatures such as demons are very smart, especially after the System is turned on and level up, this kind of living creatures hardly do things that are uncertain.

Even if Naimen Carlo is a great length stronger than he is now, but because of such a trace of fear and jealousy about Book of Darkness, he dare not go to war at will.

As the devil left, everyone present was deeply sighed in relief, and each and everyone began to sort out the wounded Healer team, but more people were each and everyone standing with blond hair and red eyes. In front of Knight, the expressions on each and everyone’s faces were indescribable and unwilling.

Because the female Knight at this time has a lot of HP left, but Vitality and soul are on the verge of collapse, which can be clearly felt even in the Tier 3 profession.

“Group Leader!”

“We are to blame for our incompetence, so that the Group Leader had to use the Holy Blood to chant, and even forcefully activate the master’s skill of Sword Saint.”

“Damn it! In this operation, someone in the city definitely leaked secrets. Otherwise, Naimen Carlo, how could he send an army to encircle us!”

Whether it is an NPC or some players, each and everyone looked sad, obviously full of awe and love for this female Knight.

Because NPC is different from player, resurrection from death is very hard.

“Sister Liangyun, what shall we do now? The Group Leader will definitely not be able to support it!” Yuluo frantically used the restore technique on the female Knight, but the restore technique can only restore the damage to the body, not Restore vitality and soul damage.

Group Leader Angelica Teresa is their only hope to live in the main city, because in this World, no matter whether it is an NPC or a player, it’s not so good, because this World is completely It is the weak are prey to strong, which is not known how many times more cruel than God’s Domain.

It is also because of Angelica Teresa that she can live well until now, but now…

“No way, the backlash of the Holy Blood Aria is too powerful, solely Group Leader is already great after using it once, but afterwards it uses the Forbidden Technique, which consumes a lot of Vitality. At this time, even if it is Tier 4 High Priest, I am afraid there is nothing to do…” Liangyun as Oracle also shook the head , His face was indescribably gloomy.

However, when the two Tier 3 Healer professions, Yuluo and Liangyun, were at a loss, Shi Feng, who watched all this from a distance, was indescribably surprised and shocked.

“She turned out to be Angelica Teresa?” Shi Feng looked at Vitality’s extremely ailing female Knight not far away, and couldn’t believe this for a while.

“Group Leader, what happened to her?” Solitary Nine Extreme looked at Shi Feng who was surprised, and asked strangely.

In his opinion, there is nothing in God’s Domain that can shock and surprise Shi Feng, but at this time it is surprising that an NPC is surprised.

“Don’t you usually go to the library to take a look at the history of God’s Domain?” Shi Feng gave Solitary Nine Extreme a white look and said silently, “She is the Angelica Teresa, Known as Martial Goddess, one of the two Elders who founded the Fire Dragon Empire!”

“She is the founding Elder of one of the four ancient ancient countries?” Solitary Nine Extreme couldn’t help but look. towards Angelica Teresa.

God’s Domain’s four ancient ancient countries. Human civilization can survive. There are only four ancient empires. Rumor has it that the founding emperor possesses unimaginable power, while Fire Dragon Empire can continue to this day. It is all thanks to the two Elders of Fire Dragon Empire. These two Elders are the Spiritual Gods. Otherwise, Fire Dragon Empire will not escape Dusk of the Gods and continue.

“But looking at her now, she seems to be dying…” Dormant Thorn couldn’t help but whispered, “Could she be having same given name and family name?”

“no! She should be that person.” Shi Feng is very affirmed, “Holy Sword Blood Moon ranks sixth in God’s Domain famed sword, and it is said that Elder, the founding nation of Fire Dragon Empire, holds it by Angelica Teresa. The name may be the same, but the weapon is difficult to be the same.”

God’s Domain’s 36 famed swords are the only ones, and the holders are all celebrities in the history of God’s Domain, or just It is because these celebrities hold these swords that these swords can be the only ones, and the name moves the entire God’s Domain.

“What should I do now? If she dies, will it greatly change the history of God’s Domain?” Solitary Nine Extreme asked anxiously.

Up to now, although he doesn’t know whether it is really God’s Domain Ancient Era or not, if it is not good, if it is true, then the result is very bad.

However, just after Solitary Nine Extreme finished speaking, Shi Feng’s heard a system mechanical icy beep.

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