“So this is your real trump card?”

Illusionary Speech Looking at the message in hand, I felt for a moment that I didn’t recognize Shi Feng in front of me.

First it was the Teleportation Hall, then the Secret Covenant Tower, and now it is a small mobile fortress. The hidden secrets are not to mention one by one, but one more amazing.

She doesn’t know whether Shi Feng is still hiding more amazing secrets and trump cards, just waiting for those enemies to drill into the set, so that these enemies will become Zero Wing’s stepping stones.

Fortunately, the Crimson Emperor Guild did not oppose Zero Wing now, or the result would simply be unimaginable.

“Almost.” Shi Feng laughed, “I wonder if the two of you are interested?”

For the small mobile fortress, he is very greedy, but Now there is no design creation, but not many materials.

Now that I have come to this step, I can just grab the two Big Guilds with rich wealth.

Illusionary Speech took a deep breath, turned his head and looked towards Shi Feng, and said: “Let’s talk, what do you want to do?”

The Indestructible War Heart on the side is also nodded, thinking Let’s listen to what Shi Feng’s plan is.

“You have also seen the basic information of the small mobile fortress.” Shi Feng faintly smiled, “but wanting to create the small mobile fortress is very amazing. It can be said that even if you hollow out the Big Guild, I can’t come up with so many resources.”

Illusionary Speech and Indestructible War Heart are also not denied.

Although Shi Feng did not show them the materials for making small mobile fortresses, this kind of terrifying Sky Fortress, even a fool understands that the cost of making it must be very high, definitely not the major ones at this stage. Super Organization can imagine.

“I don’t need you to pay for the small mobile fortress, but you two will each pay 2 million Mana Crystal and 5 million gold coins as the dominant shares of the Secret Covenant Tower. How about it? “Shi Feng explained, “When the time comes, we can charge other players additional fees as long as we completely occupy the tower of the secret agreement, such as two additional Mana Crystals or one gold coin, when the time comes you two Each family accounts for 25% of the income.”

“Of course, before that, I still need the full assistance of your two Guild’s, otherwise this kind of thing is difficult to accomplish.”

Both Illusionary Speech and Indestructible War Heart fell silent for a while.

Because of what Shi Feng said, it is really amazing. If this is done, it is really a full-scale war with the major Super Organizations of God’s Domain East Continent, and there will be no easing room.

Of course, if it is done, then their two Big Guilds will also stand on top of God’s Domain East Continent.

It can be said that this is a total gamble!

As for the silence of the two, Shi Feng was not surprised at all.

Because he intends to do this from the very beginning, only to guide that’s all to the two Big Guilds in order. Otherwise, the two Big Guilds might find it difficult to accept his proposal, and Zero Wing cannot really Become a giant in God’s Domain.

Only when you truly control the tower of the secret covenant, Zero Wing can continuously give birth to a large number of Tier 3 professions. After all, a complete Tier 3 inheritance can only be used nine times at most, and in other words, it can be used by nine people at most. , It will be scrapped later, and a new complete Tier 3 inheritance is needed.

So all Great Influence and players need to constantly explore the Secret Covenant Tower.

It’s just a short period of time to take advantage of some complete Tier 3 inheritance, and more Tier 3 professions than other Guilds, which will not make a Guild a qualitative leap.

Only by completely occupying the Secret Covenant Tower, can we truly have a solid foundation to dominate a party in God’s Domain.

Now that the two Big Guilds see some preliminary completed plans, the two Big Guilds’ confidence in Zero Wing’s will also increase a lot.

After hesitating for a while, the two contacted Xiang at almost the same time and began to discuss the issue of cooperation this time, as well as the price offered by Zero Wing.

Now Zero Wing gives two choices, and these two choices must be made now.

One is to give up further cooperation, and simply gain some advantages in the Secret Covenant Tower. Later, the Secret Covenant Tower will no longer have a relationship with the two Big Guilds and become the focus of other Super Organizations. .

The second is to further occupy the Tower of the Secret Covenant and become an enemy of all the Super Organizations of God’s Domain East Continent. It has become the famous East Continent, resources and Tier 3 profession will continue to be defeated ever since. The dissolution of Guild is also normal.

This is a real gamble on everything!

And after discussing for more than ten minutes, Illusionary Speech and Indestructible War Heart also hung up communication almost at the same time, each and everyone looked towards Shi Feng.

“Guild Master Black Flame, your big bet this time, our Crimson Emperor decided to gamble, but we also have a condition here.” Illusionary Speech slowly said, “If you don’t agree to this condition, neither will we The law follows.”

“Brother Black Flame, we are the same here.” Indestructible War Heart also said with a bitter smile, “You played too much this time, we really dare not follow Go down.”

“Let’s talk about it, you two.” Shi Feng is not surprised, this kind of gamble is really a life bet.

However, the corresponding chance of betting on life is not available to everyone. In order to increase the hope of survival, the two Big Guilds will have ghosts only if there are no conditions.

“Our two Guild’s requirements are estimated to be the same.” Illusionary Speech also showed a helpless wry smile at the corner of his mouth. “If Zero Wing does not succeed this time, it is to give up half of the silver wing city’s revenue.”

The Indestructible War Heart beside it is also nodded.

The two Guilds paid this time not because of cracking a joke. If they really lose, then they are dead, but if they have shares in Silver Wing City, that many can stick to it.

“This is okay.” Shi Feng said almost without hesitation.

Since he invited the two Big Guilds to join, he naturally also has to give the two Big Guilds a more stable retreat. Otherwise, who would take this risk?

Know that Crimson Emperor and War Spirit Uprise, the two Big Guilds, even if they only gain some advantages, they are still the giants in God’s Domain. Even if they occupy the secret covenant tower, they are only further in their position. Other Super Organizations are strong, but they still cannot compare with the top five Super-Guilds.

And Shi Feng’s simply stunned Illusionary Speech and Indestructible War Heart.

In their view, the Silver Wing City is the last retreat for Zero Wing, and it is also the only main source of income for now. I am afraid it will be the same in the future. It can be said that as long as the Silver Wing City is fine, Zero Wing can always be good. To survive, Shi Feng agreed without the slightest hesitation…

However, the two didn’t know, whether it was Silver Wing City or Stone Forest City, Shi Feng simply didn’t care about it.

Small mobile fortress is king!

Even if this thing fails, in the end he can only get a small half of the materials for the small mobile fortress.

You must know that a small mobile fortress in the former life is to take three main Guild cities. No one wants to change them, let alone a Basic Grade city?

Then Illusionary Speech and Indestructible War Heart represented that their Guild and Shi Feng signed a Guild Contract. During this time, both Big Guilds will assist Zero Wing and pay 2 million Mana each. Crystal and 5 million gold coins, and Zero Wing will use all the proceeds of the silver wing city as collateral for this operation. If it fails, the two Guilds will each hold half of the proceeds of the silver wing city.

With the Guild Contract coming into effect, Illusionary Speech and Indestructible War Heart are also deeply sighed in relief.

I have to say that this is definitely the most terrifying and craziest gamble they have ever participated in in their lives. There is no one at all.

“Brother Black Flame, what are we two Guilds going to do next?” Indestructible War Heart looked towards Shi Feng and couldn’t help asking.

Now that the contract is signed, all matters after the two Big Guilds will be dispatched by Shi Feng.

And he is also very curious, what exactly does Shi Feng plan to do with the power of the two Big Guilds?

Be aware that even if he doesn’t know the manufacturing cost of the small mobile fortress, the price is definitely not three or five Super Organization, which can be obtained now, otherwise the major kingdoms and empires will not move. The fortress is so scarce.

“Currently, there is not much you can do. Now you two Big Guilds only need to block the tower of the secret covenant. At the same time, let a small number of cronies explore the places below the 30th floor and get some Tier 3 inheritance. Just get some Tier 3 inheritance.” Shi Feng thought for a while and said slowly, “In addition, you two Big Guilds try to organize a 100-Man Peak expert group and go to a place with me.”

“100-Man’s Peak expert group?” Indestructible War Heart couldn’t help but be speechless.

So many Peak experts, that is, their two Big Guilds are combined, I am afraid they can’t be organized, and it would be nice to have seventy-eighty people.

“Can you tell us where to go?” Illusionary Speech is also eyebrow slightly wrinkled, Peak expert is Guild’s pillar, and so many Peak Experts come out, it is a great burden on Guild’s.

Shi Feng is also laughed, without any secret, said: “Human forbidden land destruction mountain range!”

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