Although Brexit’s words were plain, but after each word was connected, it echoed the entire space like thunder, which surprised everyone present.


Lina couldn’t help but look at the picture in the video again, her heart could not be calm for a long time, and her breathing became heavy.

Because there is nothing in the screen within a thousand yards radius, except sand or sand, but after careful observation, you will find that there are tons of trees piled up in the woodland beyond the thousand yards…

Many of these trees are pulled up by the roots, and many are broken into dozens of pieces.

If you move the distance farther, you will find that the so-called sandy land is simply the center of a large forest, as if something has smoothed the area.

“How is this possible!” One of the Tier 3 Peak Great Mage was shocked, “There is almost no Magic Element flowing in that sandy land!”

Tier 3 Peak Great Mage reminded that Lena and the others woke up and couldn’t help being sucked in a breath of cold air.

They even forgot, even if it’s a recorded battle video, it’s actually a recording Magic of God’s Domain. It can clearly record the situation at the time, not only what happened in the space, but also The magic power of the space will also be clearly recorded, allowing the player to analyze the battle situation in the area.

And they turned out to be videos in the real world, completely ignoring the flow of Magic Element that should have existed…

“Is this made by Zero Wing’s?” Lena Looking at the big forest turned into Desert, he couldn’t help asking.

With a radius of 1,000 yards, and the use of Magic can make all the Magic Elements in the area be consumed, it is difficult to do even Tier 4 Destruction Spell, let alone the known Tier 4 The profession is only Black Flame.

“Yes, it was done by Zero Wing’s. According to the news that came later, that person should be called Aqua Rose, the Vice-Guild Master of Zero Wing Guild. The specific strength is a mystery.” Odin nodded , Slowly said, “But from the scale of Magic, you can think of her as a Tier 4 wizard who masters the Destruction Spell, with destructive power about ten times that of Black Flame’s.”

This way?”

“Isn’t that Zero Wing a Quasi Super Influence that just emerged?”

With Odin’s simple analysis, everyone in the fantasy myth is silent. For a long time, I couldn’t believe it was true.

Never mind a Tier 4 wizard, didn’t expect still a wizard who masters Tier 4 Destruction Spell.

If this is the case, then this matter is much more serious than imagined.

Because a wizard who masters the Great Destruction Spell is enough to destroy an NPC Major City, at this stage, on offensive and defensive warfare, simply is the existence of Invincible.

No matter how many people you have in your resources, it will be solved by a Tier 4 Destruction Spell. If one can’t be solved, then come to the second…

Yes, that’s it Simple, rude and unreasonable!

“But…we really…do that?” Lena couldn’t help but ask.

As one of the five Super-Guilds, being provoked on such a stage is a great humiliation to the fantasy myth. If the fantasy myth does not do something, I am afraid the whole world will look down on their fantasy myth. .

“Of course not.” Odin suddenly smiled, “This account must be settled, but not now. On the contrary, I have to learn God’s Vestige.”

“Learn God’s Vestige?” Lena couldn’t help being surprised.

God’s Vestige is just a Super Organization that’s all. What can they learn from the myth of fantasy?

“Master Odin is right, we have to learn God’s Vestige Guild’s method.” Two eyes shined as well. “We are going to publicize this matter so that all Guilds will know this. Something, maybe after this matter, Zero Wing can assist Frostsky Sword to get a seat, but Zero Wing and the people of Frostsky Sword don’t know that the real Doomsday is after they got the seat!”

God’s Domain The twelve candidate Guild seats on the mainland are occupied by the capable.

That’s right! It is for the capable.

If it is a Guild who turns the tide of the battle with his personal strength, then waiting for this Guild’s is destruction!

And after this time, the name Zero Wing will also be completely on the stage of the world.

A Guild who has all five Super-Guilds under his feet, this is not only a matter of their fantasy myth, the other four Guilds will not sit idly by.

Because in this world, their five Super-Guilds must never have such an existence!

“Very well, you will be responsible for this matter.” Odin looked at Brexit who was already comprehension, satisfied and nodded, and vanish was in the crowd immediately, as if never Existed too general.

Soon after that, the Big Guilds of the entire arena received an amazing news.

Zero Wing defeated the fantasy myth, and the fantasy myth lost five resource sites!

Even the battle videos of the five resource sites were completely released. Black Flame killed the sand with one move, Gentle Snow strangled more than 30 Peak Tier 3 experts with one move, and Aqua Rose was a Magic. Destroying a resource land, Holy Spear Demon Race was defeated by Violet Cloud, and Thunder Ray War Hammer was teamed up with Insta-kill.

The Sword of Frost Sky has become the biggest dark horse in this seat match!

The breaking news of each and everyone shocked all Big Guilds in the arena in an instant.

“FALSE! This is absolutely FALSE!”

“How long has it been until the people of Zero Wing and the Sword of Frost attack the fantasy myth, how could it end so soon?”


“Tier 4 Sorcerer! How is this possible!”

For these sudden news, all the Big Guilds in the competition were dumbfounded. Each and everyone couldn’t believe it was Really, but these combat videos cannot be faked, especially the terrifying background shown by the fantasy myth, which is simply desperate.

But such a powerful fantasy myth was finally defeated, and it was not in the hands of some Super-Guild, but a foreign aid, Zero Wing, who had only recently emerged.

“Isn’t that Zero Wing saying that there is no background?”

“Who are you?”

each and everyone Super Organization One Time is full of curiosity and incomprehension about the Guild of Zero Wing. It is clear that Zero Wing is a little Guild without a backstage, but a Tier 4 Sword Emperor appears, and there is even a suspected Tier 4 wizard, which makes How dare people believe?

As for the players in the audience, they were also stunned by these things.

Each and everyone did not expect that when Shi Feng was fighting the fantasy mythology, amazing battles were also staged in other places. Each and everyone regretted it and didn’t even watch it.

As for the strength shown by Zero Wing, the top executives of the Big Guild, Galactic Alliance and War Spirit Uprise present, were very upset. It was only a while since we had not seen each other, Zero Wing has reached such a high level. .

“Tier 4! This is the real Strength!” Purple Eye watched the scene of Shi Feng fighting against Bakusha and the others, with a scorching desire in his eyes, “As long as I become Tier 4 Profession, Guild can truly go to the world!”

At this time, it is not just Purple Eye’s thinking. Many Great Influence experts in VIP viewing rooms also have strong desires and ambitions for Tier 4 profession, each and everyone will try their best to promote Tier 4 after the tournament.

In a short time, a wave of promotion to Tier 4 was set off!

On the arena, God’s Vestige and Saint Law Palace, the two Big Guilds, were hated and shocked.

The alternate seat that was originally available at hand, but now a strong competitor has emerged, so that the two Guilds have to find a way to grab more resources, or else they can’t keep it. The existing advantages last until the end.

But the fish and dragon who received the news felt excited and excited like never before.

He really didn’t expect that the helpers Hong Xinyuan invited will be so powerful that they will bring the Sword of Frost Sky back to life and have a chance to win a seat.

However, in order to secure a seat, after becoming the Top-5 Guild on the 17th island, Yulong Qijue took people to other islands for the first time, frantically grabbing resources from other islands.

For the entire arena, God’s Vestige, Saint Law Palace, and Sword of Frost are all three Guilds fighting frantically everywhere. It can be said that the three Guild’s were killed and injured, and it continued until the bell of the battle rang. , Echoing throughout the arena.

Announce the complete end of the battle for the twelve alternate Guild!

With the end of the tournament, each and everyone huge holographic screen appeared above the island.

The Guild Point accumulated on all islands is recorded on the holographic screen.

Myriad myth, points 12610

Myriad God Temple, points 3920


Heavenly Dragon Palace, points 4550


Underworld Empire, points 13350

God’s Vestige, points 5230


Saint Law Palace, points 5180


As the name of each and everyone Guild appeared, the members of the Sword of Frost Sky were also nervous, because in the final battle, the three of them Guild’s points were very subtle , And even afterwards, Shi Feng personally took action to capture other resource areas, allowing the people of the Sword of Frost Sky to wear resource Emblem.

Although these resource sites were taken by other Guild Ambush in the middle of the journey, they will generally be retaken quickly. In the meantime, Gentle Snow and Aqua Rose were even allowed to wander the Guard around the major resource sites to prevent others. Guild comes to Ambush.

“Must work!”

Muxin looked at the each and everyone Guild name displayed on the big screen, and he was very nervous.

This battle against Frost Sky Sword can be said to be a matter of life and death, because at the end of the fight, the remaining number of Frost Sky Swords was less than 2,000. Elder was killed by six, two Elders. And Yu Cangda Elder also died in battle, this loss is not small.

Shi Feng is not very calm about this, because he did not expect that God’s Vestige and Saint Law Palace, the two Big Guilds, would join forces with other Guilds in secret to conquer together. He also kept moving to various islands in the middle, even It also asked Aqua Rose to destroy eleven resource sites, which suppressed other Guild’s thoughts of taking the opportunity to grab.

Now Zero Wing has exhausted its cards, exposing a lot of things in the eyes of the Great Influence. If the Sword of Frost Sky is not in position this time, then Zero Wing’s Luke will be difficult to go.

I saw that after more than 20 Guilds were displayed, the name of the Sword of Frost Sky finally appeared on the big screen.

Sword of Frost Sky, points 5260.

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