“It’s started!”

“I don’t know if Black Flame can take down the Advanced resource land.”

“I see, the Black Flame has mastered Magic Domain is the least afraid of group battles, but the myth of fantasy is not easy to provoke. Now the person who is stationed in the Advanced resource area, but the silver Battle Ghost Brexit, his Legion is amazing. I heard that some time ago Killed a Level 110 high-ranking Legendary world BOSS, which caused a sensation in the entire Western Continent.”

“Crap! Is it so strong? Then Black Flame’s is really dangerous. I heard that the upper Legendary monsters are all capable of Magic Domain. In addition, the terrifying attribute is not comparable to the player.”

For Shi Feng 100-man’s actions, the players in the entire arena are very concerned about it, and even discuss spiritedly, it can be said that no one in the room wants to I missed this heaven-shaking battle, and even the factions in the VIP viewing room were not paying attention to other battlefields, watching this battle of Shi Feng 100-man wholeheartedly.

At this time, the people of the fantasy mythology seemed to be ready for the arrival of Shi Feng and the others. Each and everyone Magic Array was formed in the sky, with a radius of 500 yards. The Magic Barrier completely encloses the Advanced Resource and Shi Feng and the others.

Subsequently, the terrifying oppressive force was lowered in the Magic Formation world, and everyone in Shi Feng in the Magic Formation world felt a heaviness. Not to mention, the Basic Attribute also dropped crazily.

“This is…High Grade Magic Formation world!” Muxin looked at the attributes he had dropped, his face was full of astonishment, “How is this possible!”

Magic of High Grade Formation is very rare in God’s Domain, and every set is very precious.

Nowadays, Magic Item cannot be used in Tournament. If you want to use Magic Formation, you need to rely on players to learn.

It’s just that players are very strict in using Magic Formation. To use Intermediate Magic Array exclusively, they need to use 100-Man, and these people have to have more than 20 Magic Array level to reach Intermediate Grade Magic teacher level. There are five High Grade Magic teachers who will do it, otherwise it won’t work at all.

Intermediate Magic Array is the case, you can imagine how difficult is High Grade Magic Array?

But now the myth of fantasy is actually used, simply incredible.

The High Grade Magic Formation world can suppress Peak High Lord, even Legendary monster can suppress it, not to mention the effect on the player.

At this time, the members each and everyone complexion ashen of Frost Sky Sword, originally they were not the Top Grade expert in Guild. Basic Attribute in the major Super Organization teams can only be said to be quite satisfactory, but now Their Basic Attribute has dropped by 30%. How can this be done?

“Is this the background of the fantasy myth?”

“Awesome! Even if Shi Feng mastered the Magic Domain, it would be difficult for Shi Feng to resist Magic Array’s suppression. “


Everyone in the audience looked at the shrouded High Grade Magic Formation world, and each and everyone couldn’t help being sucked in a breath of cold air.

In this battlefield where Magic Item cannot be used, it is absolutely impossible to use an ultimate weapon like High Grade Magic Formation.

Of course, this kind of Magic Formation world that the player independently displays is not without weakness, that is, the player’s magic power consumption. The host of the Magic Formation world consumes quite a lot of magic power, and it is completely hosted by the player. Without the supplement of magic power, it may last less than ten minutes.

But ten minutes for a big battle can already determine the outcome!

Just when everyone was amazed by the means of the fantasy myth, the High Grade resource land also came out of the 100-Man.

The leader is a silver-haired and kind young man, but everyone present knows that this seemingly kind young man is known as the Battle Ghost and is also a leader in the younger generation of the fantasy myth. .

“Guild Master Black Flame, we met again.” Brexit looked at Shi Feng, his tone was indescribable, and he was not in a hurry for a showdown, but rather like chatting .

As Brexit spoke, Muxin couldn’t help but looked towards Shi Feng in surprise.

Silver Battle Ghost Bleshut, this is a great celebrity in God’s Domain. At a young age, he has become the Vice-Group Leader of Legion, who will succeed the influential figure of the monster Group Leader in the future. .

“Do you know him?”

“Well, I met him in the Western Continent before.”

For Muxin’s curiosity and surprise, Shi Feng nodded, not at all conceal, after all, the impact of the first battle in Xinghui Fortress was not small, and many Super Organizations in the Western Continent might know something.

“Guild Master Black Flame, what you said is really Heartless.” Brexit sighed slightly, “The Battle of the Star Fortress was the only humiliation after I entered the fantasy myth, but I still remember it. , But Guild Master Black Flame, you didn’t take it seriously.”

“Humiliation?” Shi Feng smiled, “It shouldn’t be talked about, it’s just that you didn’t succeed that’s all.”


“no! This is humiliation to me.” Brexit shook the head and said very seriously, “I said before, we will meet again, but this time is longer than I expected To be early, although the time is not yet, please allow me to take back a little bit of the humiliation from before!”

As Brexit finished speaking, hundreds of Tier 3 experts behind Brexit A soaring breath erupted from his body, each and everyone was like Demon God coming to the world.

The breath of more than 30 Peak experts caught up with the Tier 4 Legendary monster, making the Frostsky Sword members almost sit on the ground.

“This is…High Grade Battle Array!”

“Are more than 30 Peak experts comparable to Tier 4 Legendary monster?”

” no! This must be an illusion. How could the gap between Guild’s be so big?”

It is not only the members of the Sword of Frost who are present. They feel that they are about to collapse, that is, the Great Influences in the VIP viewing room are all sluggish, and even one Kind of despair rise in the mind.

“Sure enough, the gap is bigger than we thought.”

Indestructible War Heart looked at the 100-man like Demon God, the corner of his mouth couldn’t help but reveal a trace. wry smile.

That’s right!

This is the strength of the five Super-Guild!

The world has always regarded these Super Organizations as the second only to the existence of the top five Super-Guilds, but their Super Organizations are very clear that, except for individual Super-Guilds, their Super Organizations are inferior to the top five Super-Guilds. It’s not 1-Star at all, it can be said that simply is something of two worlds.

This is also the reason why so far, no Super Organization dares to replace the five Super-Guild.

“It’s over! This time is really over! How could the gap be so big?”

Muxin watched step by step come, like more than 30 fantasy myths like a legendary monster Peak expert, his eyes were full of horror, and even his breathing became extremely heavy.

Although I have long guessed that the myth of fantasy is not to be trifled with, all the major Super Organizations have seen are only the tip of the iceberg with the strength of the five Super-Guild, but the real direct is right, didn’t expect It would be so desperate and suffocating.

“Black Flame!” Bursting sand stared at Shi Feng, with a smug sneer at the corner of his mouth, “Last time you unlocked with magic power, hold me a few times to solve it, this time I I will let you know what Strength is called!”

“You couldn’t do it last time, I’m afraid you still can’t do it this time.” Shi Feng looked at the blasting sand getting closer, shook the head .

“You still have a hard-headed mouth when you die, I want to see what you can do this time!”

Bao Sha said, he rushed towards Shi Feng in one step, the speed is fast Like a meteor passing by, the distance of hundreds of yards seems to be nonexistent.

Before everyone from the Sword of Frost could react, Blast Sand was already standing in front of Shi Feng’s. The dagger in his hand turned into a Viper Phantom, biting directly at Shi Feng’s heart.


Shi Feng looked at this scene, shook the head, and then stretched out his hand.


A storm swept across the entire site, rolling up the dust filling the sky.

“How is this possible?!”

Then everyone was stunned, and one looked at the two silhouettes in the dust in disbelief.

I saw that the dagger in Baosha’s hand stopped half an inch from Shi Feng’s heart. I don’t know when Shi Feng’s wrist holding the dagger was grabbed by Shi Feng.

“How is this possible?!”

Bao Sha looked at his captured wrist, and his whole body was dumbfounded.

PS: Thank you book friend 20201114073852229 for the 50000 reward! Qianxue Qianxue rewarded 20000! Book friends 160912180850352 rewarded 10,000!

(-_-||, the extra 1600 monthly ticket will be added tomorrow, and the 50,000 reward plus change over today will be updated tomorrow.)

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