“This is impossible!”

“What happened?”

“I must be dreaming!!!”

Chi Yuke’s Sudden death, for a while, everyone in the foreign aid group who wanted to launch an attack on Zero Wing was frozen on the spot. These people were shocked, sluggish, and fearful.

But one thing is for sure!

That is the scene of Chi Yuke falling to the ground in a daze, which has been deeply imprinted on the deepest part of their brains, and I am afraid they will never forget it in this life.

“Is he a man or a ghost?”

The misfortune of watching the battle in the distance was also stunned on the spot, staring at the already dead Chi Yuke who could no longer die. The shock in my heart could no longer be added, and there was even an idea that this was an illusion.

But disaster heaven knows this is not an illusion, because the terrifying imposing manner that Chi Yuke used to be completely vanish, even the fluctuations of Life Aura and magic power have completely disappeared.

It’s just that the scene before him is totally unacceptable, so the brain chooses an idea that it can accept to deceive itself.

At this time, it is not just a disaster like the expert of Control of Domain. This is the mood of all the experts of Control of Domain, that is, Skywalk Overflow.

Peerless expert!

This represents the existence of God’s Domain Peak battle strength, but now it looks like a dead dog lying motionless on the ground, and the whole battle process…


It should be that even the battle can’t be called, and even everyone present didn’t understand how Chi Yuke hit the sword.

“monster! He is definitely not Human, he must be the monster in God’s Domain!”

“Yes, it must be so, how could the gap between players be possible? So big?”

The foreign aid group members who watched the battle from a distance looked at Shi Feng. For a while, each and everyone couldn’t help exclaiming, completely losing their previous calmness.

“Yes! Everyone, be careful, he must be a monster, not a player at all!”

“In the pre-selection battle, he even risked such a monster. We have to notify War as soon as possible. God Temple can deal with this monster!”

Because the members of these foreign aid groups in the distance are getting louder and louder, the foreign aid group members who were originally going to deal with Zero Wing’s are crazy and agree, thinking How to contact War God Temple to punish Shi Feng, as if only in this way can explain everything and restore everything to the world he knows.

After all, in God’s Domain, even those NPCs have become like Humans, and there is nothing wrong with the monster becoming a player.

“monster?” Shi Feng looked at those foreign aid group members who had been demented, and couldn’t help but lose said with a smile, “Indeed, I am a monster in your opinion, but you are in the eyes of Common player Isn’t it a monster?”

God’s Domain is a game after all. As long as the player keeps leveling up, he can keep getting better weapon equipment, Basic Attribute, physique, reaction speed, magic power control, etc. .

As this series of data continue to accumulate, the player’s battle strength will increase exponentially, and even now it can be so large that these big experts cannot understand it.

God’s Domain is so unreasonable!

Before he was promoted to Tier 4, he faced a peerless expert like Chi Yuke, even he would have to spend some means, but after he was promoted to Tier 4 profession, Chi Yuke was like this Peerless expert is just an ant to him.

Yes, the gap between Tier 4 profession and Tier 3 profession is so big!

The peerless expert looks extremely powerful to outsiders and cannot be an enemy at all, but in the eyes of Shi Feng now, it is just an ant that can be wiped out with a wave.

Even when killing Chi Yuke, Shi Feng just used a Skill to grow to Tier 2 Wind Blade…

And everyone present asked Shi Feng’s rhetorically, for a while I can’t say a word, because all this is exactly the same as Shi Feng said. Isn’t it easy for the Common players to be killed by them, and even the Common players don’t even know what happened.

At this time, the oldest and most experienced North Wind Sanqiu suddenly stood up.

“Guild Master Black Flame, this time we accept the plant. I don’t know how Guild Master Black Flame can let us go.”

North Wind Sanqiu does not understand why Shi Feng did This is so powerful, but the matter has come to this point, they can only give up the siege of Zero Wing’s, and it is the kingly way to save their lives. After all, they are just cooperating with the four Super Organizations.

“Acknowledge?” Shi Feng was slightly surprised, but soon understood the reason.

The death penalty for this pre-selection war is not generally heavy. If you die once, let alone those Control of Domain experts, even North Wind and their peerless experts will be greatly reduced in strength. For a long time, it is basically impossible to catch up with the forefront expert.

“Yes, accept the plant.”

North Wind three autumn nodded.

There is no objection to the people in the foreign aid team. After all, facing a monster like Shi Feng, they really have no idea to fight.

Shi Feng glanced at the silent foreign aid group, and said indifferently: “It’s okay, but you must establish a contract with me, and after you go out, you will kill the same level of the Super Organization behind you. Expert five.”

As Shi Feng finished speaking, the expert of the foreign aid group was also making a lot of noise.

“Guild Master Black Flame, are you too much?” Elf demonic girl eyebrow slightly wrinkled, with a trace of angrily said in his eyes, “If we do as you said, do you think those Will Super Organization let us go in the future?”

They died this time by dropping Fifth Level and resting for a while, but if they provoke the Super Organization behind them, then they won’t be Fifth. Level is so simple, I’m afraid it will be endlessly hunted down, after all, betrayed by collaborators, the face of those Super Organizations is gone.

If these Super Organizations are not severely punished, who will look at these Super Organizations in the future?

“Is it too much?” Shi Feng couldn’t help but smile, “But I don’t think so. In my opinion, you just think that our Zero Wing is good to deceive that’s all. If our Zero Wing is the top five Super- One of the Guilds, do you still think this condition is too much?”

“Guild Master Black Flame, why do you have to assume that?” North Wind Sanqiu took a deep breath and said, “If Zero Wing is really one of the top five now One of the Super-Guild, we probably won’t accept this cooperation, so the assumption is not true.”

“Now we are indeed not your Zero Wing’s opponents, but if we really work together, Guild Master Black Flame, I’m afraid you It won’t be any better. After all, Stamina and mental power here consume a lot. How much can you spell out alone? How much can you have with Zero Wing?”

“Rather than our both sides suffer, Wouldn’t it be better to solve it in another way?”

North Wind’s three-autumn series of words, it can be said that the pros and cons are all clearly stated, let alone the Nether Orchid and Gentle present at this time. Snow and Aqua Rose, even the same Administrators, think this is the best way.

After all, the two sides are not feuds of life or death. For the development of Guild’s, unnecessary losses should be avoided as much as possible so that the future can develop better.

However, Shi Feng shook the head.

“Guild Master Black Flame, do you have to suffer from both sides?” North Wind Sanqiu also complexion slightly changed.

As the peerless expert of God’s Domain and the deputy Alliance Lord of the Fire Dragon Empire Adventurer Alliance, it is very rare to stand up and show weakness. Didn’t expect Shi Feng to be a lunatic.

Elf demonic girl looked at Shi Feng, who did not retreat, and said angrily: “Black Flame, don’t go too far, you have to know that this time we also represent the Super Organization behind us, if Our foreign aids are all wiped out, and those Super Organizations will not let you go. When the time comes, that is not what Zero Wing can bear!”

“What you said is correct.” Shi Feng nodded , Glanced at Elf demonic girl, “It’s just that you all got one thing wrong.”

“What’s the matter?” North Wind Sanqiu looked at a loss and didn’t understand what was wrong.

I saw Shi Feng drew out Abyssal Blade immediately, and the breath of the whole body exploded several times. With Shi Feng as the center, the magic power with a radius of 1,000 yards was also up in Berserk, and the atmosphere was trembling.

“That’s…the difference in strength!”

PS: Thank you Survival of the fittest S for rewarding 10000! 321234999 rewarded 10000! Book friends 20201117121621584 rewarded 10,000!

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