Shi Feng’s words are like a drop of water falling into the ocean of Silent. Although it cannot cause any ups and downs on the ocean, the ripples of the water droplets are echoing on the surface of the water.

At the moment Shi Feng finished inquiring quietly, whether it was Gentle Snow or Aqua Rose, a strange color flashed in their calm eyes.

This strange color is not excitement or excitement, nor is it the feeling of someone who has found an understanding.

It’s just a little surprised.

I wonder why Shi Feng knew about this.

Soon this strange color vanishes in the pupils of the two, restoring the darkness and silence of the past.

Aqua Rose and Gentle Snow just glanced at each other, Aqua Rose turned and looked towards Shi Feng, with a hint of indifferent Smile hanging on the beautiful pretty face.

“Sure enough, you can’t hide anything from Guild Master. It’s not clear how long we two lived in that world.”

“But according to our calculations, it should be 80 years Right.”


“Eighty years?”

Shi Feng couldn’t help taking a breath, and even his brain was numb.

He thought that Aqua Rose and Gentle Snow should have lived in that special world for a long time. Ten or twenty years is not impossible.

But eighty years…

Many people’s lives are only eighty years, and Aqua Rose and Gentle Snow have been fighting each other every day during these eighty years. After that, I think about it only to send cold shivers down one’s spine.

After eighty years of time spent alone, the loneliness is unimaginable, and normal people may go crazy.

However, Aqua Rose’s words are incomparably plain, as if they are telling other people’s things, and have nothing to do with them…

“Eighty years…” Shi Feng Jing Looking at the two of Aqua Rose and Gentle Snow quietly, their eyes are incomprehensible. “No wonder I look at you like watching a monster.”

Seeing Aqua Rose and Gentle Snow At first glance, he felt that the two were inhumane.

Listening to Aqua Rose now, he understands everything.

80 years of crazy fighting and fighting like a day, this fighting experience is said to be the best in the world. Compared to his ten years of fighting experience in God’s Domain, it is not worth mentioning. Not to mention that the two are still geniuses.

Today, he is just like a baby compared to Aqua Rose and Gentle Snow in terms of combat level.

A baby who wants to see through the mind and level of an adult is simply a joke, not to mention that the two are the Grandmaster of the battle among adults.

This makes Shi Feng not knowing whether to be happy or helpless…

“Guild Master, Muxin of the Sword of Frost Heaven just contacted.” Just when Shi Feng was in a daze , Liang Jing on the side suddenly said, “Muxin said that today we will let us Zero Wing go to the Imperial Capital of Fire Dragon Empire to gather. The maximum number of people allowed is only 20 people.”

“It seems that they finally It’s about to start.” Shi Feng was not too surprised about this, because Duan Han Shan had said before that the Sword of Frost Sky would start to move soon. “Did you tell you about their plan?”

“Say it.” Liang Jing nodded, with a slightly gloomy face, said, “Guild Master, are we really going to participate in this operation of Frostsky Sword?”

“If I can, I don’t want to, but Frostsky The price of the sword is really hard to refuse.” Shi Feng said with a bitter smile.

The three upper-level districts reserve places. This is not a beautiful thing that can be encountered every day, that is, those Super Organizations will go desperately when they encounter it.

Not to mention that this time the upper-level quota has another big use.

Gentle Snow and Aqua Rose seem to have gained 80 years of combat experience in that special world, giving them an inhuman combat level, but they also have huge drawbacks.

On the surface, the two have lived in a special world for eighty years, but the real situation is that only a few days have passed by the outside world, not a real experience.

At the moment they left which special world, their brains were like downloading 80 years of memories in the same tone, and all the brains poured into the deepest part of the brain, whether it was for the brain or the body The burden is beyond imagination.

On the former life, the players who had lived for two or three years came back, but some problems slowly appeared, and then they lay in the hospital for a full month and couldn’t move.

Because digesting these memories extremely depletes the player’s Vitality, which is not so good.

While Gentle Snow and Aqua Rose have lived in it for eighty years, he can’t imagine what a huge backlash will be in the future.

For the safety of both of them, he must take both of them to the upper zone.

Although the Level S Nutrient Fluid stored in Guild has a great restore effect on people, there are too few supplements to the brain’s vitality. It must have a potion that greatly helps the brain’s vitality. It is possible to alleviate such losses.

As far as all Potion he knows, even Life Elixir does not have a very good effect on Vitality restore. The most that Life Elixir can do is restore Common’s Vitality loss. This kind of brain response in one breath Exceeding the limit value causes things like CPU overheating and scrapping, which is probably useless at all.

The only possibility is the upper zone.

As a special area created by Green God Corporation, the upper area has too many unknowns, such as the Level S Nutrient Fluid circulating on the market, or the more precious Life Elixir, but Green God Corporation has long been Potion that’s all eliminated.

“Guild Master, but the ambition of the Frost Sky Sword this time is too great.” Liang Jing couldn’t help but said, “Anyone who is not careful, our Zero Wing may be finished…”

“What are they going to do?” Shi Feng asked strangely.

“Their goal this time is to become the twelve Big Guild of God’s Domain!” Liang Jing said almost word by word.

These twelve Big Guilds are not simply what the player said.

These are the twelve Big Guilds recognized by the War God Temple in the entire God’s Domain continent!

And if the player Guild can become the twelve Big Guild of the God’s Domain continent, it will be able to enjoy many privileges in the entire God’s Domain continent, and can even be stationed in one of the Empires in the God’s Domain and be enshrined in the Empire.

An empire’s offering!

This alone is enough to open up other Super Organizations far, and it can be said that the major Super Organizations must compete.

It is not easy to compete for this position. A series of conditions need to be met to be eligible to compete.

First of all, we must compete for the top ten rookie Guild each year. After becoming the top ten rookie Guild, we can compete for the twelve alternate seats, but because this is the first time God’s Domain Guild has started to compete, and it is At the end of the year, the competition for twelve alternate seats began, and this year War God Temple announced that there were six vacant seats.

So as long as the current Player Guild satisfies the conditions for participating in the twelve alternate seats, they can directly compete for the six twelve alternate seats.

Just because the Zero Wing background is not enough, Shi Feng simply did not consider it.

There are four conditions for participation in the twelve alternate seats.

First, hand in two thousand units of Seven Luminaries Crystal Stone to War God Temple.

Second, in fifty Kingdom’s Royal Capital and twelve Empire’s Imperial Capital, both have Guild Encampment and reach 4-Star Guild level at the same time.

Three, have more than one thousand Tier 3 profession players.

Fourth, own thirty towns in Guild.

At present, these four basic conditions can be said to be very demanding. They are not something Common Guild can think about. Only those powerful Super Organizations can barely manage them. Common Super Organizations may not work.

According to the information they obtained from the Heavenly Secret Pavilion, God’s Domain competed for twelve alternate seats. There were nearly 20 Super Organizations and Super-Guilds that exclusively participated in, each of which was Real giants want to grab a seat from it, and the tragic degree can be imagined…

“It is no wonder that the Sword of Frost Sky will be offered such a high price.” Shi Feng was also shocked.

On the former life Frost Sword stood out from the top ten rookie Guild, and finally became the twelve candidate Guild, and climbed to the twelfth Guild’s position.

Now that the Sword of Frostsky has not fully developed yet, it can be said that the probability is very low to compete for the alternate seat so early. I am afraid that the Sword of Frostsky is also a dead horse for this matter.

“Guild Master, if we become the foreign aid of the Frost Sky Sword, any Guild who confronts the Frost Sky Sword will probably treat us as a mortal enemy…” Liang Jing explained worriedly.

The fight for the twelve alternate seats is a success!

Currently Zero Wing’s situation is not optimistic.

On the one hand, Star Ring Guild glare like a tiger watching his prey, on the other hand, there is a new Super Organization that was developed later. In Beastman Empire, there is an extreme danger of the Sacred Heart.

If they are provoking some giants in God’s Domain, their Zero Wing will probably not have to mix in God’s Domain in the future.

“Although it’s dangerous, this is also our Zero Wing’s chance. It would be a shame if we let it go.” Shi Feng shook the head, “You tell Fire Dance and the others, and we will prepare it immediately. In the past!”

It is extremely dangerous to grab the twelve alternate seats, but once successful, foreign aid can also be recognized by the War God Temple, and thus get some of Guild’s most basic privileges.

For example, Guild’s right to enter and worship the city!

It may not be possible for one country to worship, but one city and one region can be worshipped to Guild. This is why many Guilds are rushing to be foreign aid in the former life.

PS: Thank you AlephZero for giving another 40,000 reward! Survival of the fittest S rewarded 10,000! 20000 rewarded by SCP-0019! 10,000 rewards on eleven!

(I counted yesterday’s rewards in the morning and found out that I still owe five chapters -_-||. The old cat still wants to die. The limit of a day is four shifts, and the remaining two shifts are owed. I can only pay it tomorrow…)

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