silver wing city, Zero Wing Residence.

With a ray of light Hua Blink in the secret room, Shi Feng’s figure gradually appeared. Compared with the usual login to God’s Domain, Shi Feng felt a little stun in his head. This stun lasted for a few seconds. It was only relieved afterwards, and everything in front of me felt completely different.

If the previous God’s Domain looked like an extremely clear real picture in the player’s eyes, then the current God’s Domain is real in the player’s eyes, or the difference between the two is the reality that the player feels. , Not at a level at all.

“This kind of realism is really nostalgic.” Shi Feng felt his own situation, and a smile could not help showing from the corner of his mouth.

After the God’s Domain System leveled up, the player’s feelings seemed to be not at all different, but for Shi Feng, who had been in God’s Domain for ten years, it was a qualitative difference.

There was always a gap between the body and the brain in God’s Domain before, not as good as the body in reality. Now this gap is completely vanish.

The difference is 99% and 100%.

What is the difference between this change for Common player, not at all, but for expert players, especially those reaching Realm of Micro, the gap is big.

Just like Human and Orangutan, the genetic difference is only about 1%, but the difference between the two is as different as heaven and earth.

The battle in God’s Domain is no better than the real fight, because the real body is weak in all aspects, and many skills can’t be reflected. It’s like a child holding a Broadsword in a kilogram. , Physique is just that, it is impossible to wave Broadsword normally.

But what if the Constitution of the body can easily swing Broadsword?

You can imagine how terrifying the destructive power is, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as The earth shook and the mountain quivered.

After that, Shi Feng walked out of the secret room of the resident, and prepared to go to the office to sort out the information after the big level up.

As Shi Feng walked out of the secret room door, a Tier 3 NPC male guard guarding the secret room door was in a panic, like a frightened novice rabbit, and quickly stood up straight. Look respectful.

“My lord, good morning!” The Tier 3 NPC guard respectfully saluted Shi Feng.

“Good morning.” Shi Feng looked at the Tier 3 NPC guard Fret, just silently nodded, with a playful smile on his mouth, “I’m finally here, I don’t know afterwards What will the Great Influence of God’s Domain be messed up?”

After the great level up of God’s Domain System, the biggest change is not the reality, but the NPCs and monsters in God’s Domain.

Whether it is an NPC or those monsters, they will have their own thinking after the system is up.

Yes, thinking, not intelligence!

The so-called AI intelligence is just data that has been designed for a long time. It can respond reasonably to the player’s words and deeds. Not at all thinking this thing. Generally, only NPCs above Tier 5 have a little thinking.

But now no matter how weak monsters and NPCs have thoughts, this has changed God’s Domain greatly.

Because from a certain angle, these NPCs and monsters are no different from real Humans. When the time comes player, whether you are fighting monsters or fighting NPCs, they will become more daoist. PK is the same.


Correctly speaking, it will be more troublesome than daoist PK, because the monsters and NPCs in God’s Domain have long been used to fighting, and even those monsters and individual NPCs have been fighting since they were born, fighting for more than ten years. , Even in twenty-thirty years, the rich combat experience is not comparable to that of Common players who have entered God’s Domain for one or two years…

But these are not the biggest influences on God’s Domain player.

What really affects players is the behavior changes of those NPCs and monsters. When the time comes, not only will NPC hunt monsters in the wild, but also compete with players for various Quests and resources of the Adventurers Guild. It even includes precious resources and opportunities for promotion.

The occurrence of such things as the former life makes each Great Influence grow bigger for a while. The resources that could be monopolized by the Great Influence cannot be monopolized at once, and even the NPC and Monsters rob most of…

Of course, this change is not without benefits.

For those players who do not join any forces, they can team up with those NPCs to do Quest, so that Solo player has a lot of living space. Not to mention, the previously unreachable resource equipment, now also has chance Can get.

As Shi Feng left in the underground hall, the Tier 3 NPC guard Frederick who was guarding the door of the secret room was also deeply sighed in relief.

“Today’s adults are so strange, they usually don’t talk to us guards, but today they would say good morning to me.” Frey, wearing silver and white mail, looked at the silhouette of Shi Feng leaving, his eyes Zhong is full of doubts, “Does your lord notice that I am lazy, so he deliberately warns me?”

Thinking of this, Frette shivered.

“No, I must not be lazy in the future. Such a good job is hard to find in the entire Star-Moon Kingdom. If I lose this job, I will definitely be treated as a laughing stock by my former colleagues. “Frete couldn’t help but wake up, and he stood straighter.

Others in the underground hall saw Shi Feng’s NPC guards, and they also privately discussed Shi Feng’s strange performance today.

Because Shi Feng used to be always aloof and remote, he would never say a word to them. Simply is the representative of cold and Heartless. Today’s Shi Feng gives people a spring breeze. a feeling of.

This sudden change made the bodyguards in the underground hall feel uneasy for a while.

At this time, not only were these NPCs feeling confused and uneasy, the players of the entire God’s Domain were also surprised and confused.

In a frenzy discussion on God’s Domain forum.

“Why are those NPCsimply talking about our players privately, just like living people?”

“What’s that? My NPCPersonal Guard is actually because My wife is injured and needs to be taken care of, so I have to take a day off today…”

“You probably did not go to the Adventurers Guild. Now those NPCs have started to pick up the Association Quest, and even hook up with the beautiful women of my team. Go to Quest…”

For a while, God’s Domain players were greatly puzzled by the changes in the NPC. Some felt novel, some felt speechless, but More is joy.

Simply unheard-of such an intelligent NPC, it seems that it has really come to Other World, especially when I hear those NPCs talking about their players, and the experts in the players, they are simply better than them These players need to be excited and excited.

Even some well-known expert players have fan groups and envy those Common players.

But for the Great Influence of God’s Domain, it is not so interesting.

Such a sudden change, simply killed some Guild’s life.

Because the level up of God’s Domain System not only makes NPCs more thinking, the monsters in the wild have also become more difficult, especially the monsters above Lord, who have rich combat experience. simply is more expert than expert.

A Lord can sling the Tier 2 expert of the same level, and a High Lord can even compete with the experts of the Tier 3 profession…

These are nothing, really The terrifying thing is that the fixed Dungeon is gone…

In God’s Domain, Dungeon is the stable equipment and source of materials for the Great Influence. Quild will not go to Punitive Advanced Dungeon, but through farm Low Level Dungeon to obtain various materials.

This approach is not only for the small Guilds, but also for the major Super Organizations. After all, land clearing Advanced Dungeons, dealing with those difficult Dungeons, will definitely damage the team members and cause the level to fail. Rise and fall.

So each and everyone adopts a conservative method to obtain materials. Only one land clearing team is allowed to fight the difficult Dungeon, so as to ensure that the first-line weapon equipment and materials can be obtained, while Ensure that there are a lot of basic materials for the land clearing team to use.

It is completely different now.

All fixed dungeons are all vanish missing. The dungeons that can be seen today are all random dungeons that appear in various areas of God’s Domain. There are difficult and simple dungeons, and they can only be attacked once. If you find that you don’t go to the strategy for the first time, it is easy to be taken first by others.

Such a sudden change not only made the little Guilds stupid, but also the major Super Organizations felt big.

How should Guild develop from now on?

The Adventure Groups in God’s Domain felt even more uneasy.

Resources have decreased, and third-party Great Influence NPC forces have appeared among the contenders. You can imagine how fierce the competition will be in the future. This fierceness is far greater than any System update, when the time comes I am afraid that the major Super Organizations will remove their disguise and start real fights and contests.

silver wing city, Zero Wing Residence Guild Master office.

“Guild Master, everyone is here.” Liang Jing looked at Shi Feng who was sorting out God’s Domain information and stepped forward and said.

“Are Aqua Rose and Gentle Snow also here?” Shi Feng couldn’t help asking.

Although Aqua Rose and Gentle Snow and the others have been out of the Space-Time maze for a while, they are in a very special location and cannot communicate at all, at most they can only contact them in reality.

“Here, it’s just…” Liang Jing looked at Shi Feng, the expression on his face stopped.

Shi Feng some strangely said: “Just what?”

Liang Jing quietly said: “Maybe it may be my illusion. When I saw them just now, always I feel that they are very strange…”

PS: Thank you for the 160,000 fake laughter!

(You are a bit too cruel! The only one chapter left by the old cat is gone, and then the old cat will have all the codes to make up for today’s reward owed o(╥﹏ ╥)o)

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