The lobby on the first floor of the Zero Wing building.

The entire lobby on the first floor is nine meters high, like a small stadium. In addition to the daily reception of outsiders, the lobby also has a coffee shop and rest areas. In addition, there is a virtual battle room for Guild The inner member is here to entertain and rest and visit by outsiders.

Because of this, many people usually gather in the huge lobby on the first floor.

As Muxin and the others walked into the lobby, there were hundreds of-Mans gathered in the lobby, watching the Zero Wing inner member’s PK battle in front of the big screen in the virtual battle room. The scene was very lively. .

“A few, come to our Zero Wing headquarters, do you want to visit, or are there other things?” The receptionist looked at Muxin and the others who entered the lobby and couldn’t help but walk forward and ask.

“My two nieces are very interested in Zero Wing, so I want to take my two nieces to visit here today.” Hong Uncle Smile explained.

“This is no problem.” The receptionist was slightly smiled, and then he took out four identity visiting cards, slowly said, “This is a visiting card, and the floors are limited to 9-Layer and above, 9-Layer and above They are all places that can only be accessed by internal employees. If you have any questions after the tour, you can come to the front desk to consult.”

“Thank you.” Hong Shu nodded took the visit card.

Then the receptionist returned directly to the front desk, allowing the Muxin four to start visiting at will.

“Zero Wing is really Generous. It allows outsiders to visit at will. This saves us a lot.” Kerui took the visit card and was a little surprised by Zero Wing’s approach.

Normal Big Guild headquarters are very strict. Except for entering the lobby on the first floor, no visit is allowed at all.

“Maybe I want to attract more people to join Zero Wing.” Muxin said.

She somewhat understands the Zero Wing’s situation.

Although Zero Wing has flourished in God’s Domain, it is still unknown in the real world. After all, Guild headquarters is finally established, but it is quite lack of talents.

From time to time, let outsiders come to visit, and those outsiders who don’t know Zero Wing’s player can better know what kind of Guild Zero Wing is.

“There are a lot of people here, but unfortunately there is no expert among these people. Even the two people who are fighting have only reached the micro level.” Kerui glanced at the battle screen in the virtual battle room in the distance. , At a glance, you can roughly see the strength of the two players in the virtual screen, and simply commented, “To cooperate with Zero Wing like this, I think we should be more cautious. After all, the future plans involve a lot of things. If you let the outside world think Our Frost Sky Sword can’t even find some decent foreign aid, but we will look down on our Frost Sky Sword together.”

After Kerui finished speaking, the three of Uncle Hong on the side surprisingly did not say anything. Then, each and everyone looked towards several young men and women in the crowd.

“Really didn’t expect, this Zero Wing is really not to be underestimated, and there is such a genius hidden.” Uncle Hong looked at the young men and women in the distance and praised slightly.

“Genius?” Kerui looked at the very common young men and women in the distance, puzzled for a while.

“Young Lady, don’t underestimate those people. Although their temperament is not obvious, they are experts of genuine. Among them, the blue-haired youth is completely restrained. If you don’t observe carefully, I’m afraid I don’t even notice his existence.” Libra, a simple and honest youth who seemed to be weak, explained in a whisper, “In the face of that young man, even I have no full confidence to overcome.”

“How is this possible? When Ke Rui heard this, the whole person was shocked, feeling that Libra was telling a joke.

This evaluation is too high!

Who is Libra?

That is the peerless genius cultivated by their frosty sword. Not only did they master the domain at a young age, but also the brain was born with extraordinary natural talent. The thinking speed was far beyond ordinary people, and it was mastered by those older generations. Domain Monster is not necessarily an opponent.

How can Zero Wing cultivate such an expert?

“They should not be Zero Wing’s member.” Muxin said suddenly after observing for a while.

“No?” Uncle Hong was slightly surprised.

Such a young expert appeared in Zero Wing headquarters, how could it not be Zero Wing’s member?

“I have seen their information. Although they look slightly different in God’s Domain, they are roughly the same. The blue-haired youth should be Number One Person Miserly from the younger generation of Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce. I heard that the Violet Sword is very valued.” Muxin explained.

She is different from secretly managing Guild’s Uncle Hong. She is responsible for Guild’s intelligence collection. She knows more about the Great Influence of God’s Domain than Uncle Hong, especially the younger generation of the major Super Organizations. , That is definitely the focus of attention.

“Why did the peerless genius of the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce come here?” Kerui was full of questions.

The peerless genius of the major Super Organizations are all palm treasures. Each and everyone holds it in the palm of their hand and receives various rigorous training every day. These people will not be allowed to go out at will.

Like Libra, if it wasn’t for Zero Wing this time, Libra would not be allowed to come out.

“This Zero Wing is really Interesting. Not only the peerless genius of the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce came, but the Old Guy of the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce also came.” Uncle Hong said as he said. Looking towards a grim middle-aged man sitting in the corner of the hall drinking tea and resting.

“Old Guy?” Kerui looked strangely towards the location where Uncle Hong was looking, and the mouth couldn’t help but widen.

The man that Uncle Hong looked at was not someone else. It was Duan Han Mountain, the second-generation Number One Person of Duan Family. Duan Han Mountain’s reputation in the industry is not less than that of Uncle Hong.

Or she grew up listening to the stories of these people.

And such an influential figure came to Zero Wing headquarters in person, which is definitely big news.

When Hong Xinyi noticed Duan Han Mountain for the first time, Duan Han Mountain also noticed Hong Xinyi. They looked at each other and they were just laughed.

“Go, let’s go over.” Hong Xinyi said with a smile.

As Hong Xinyuan finished speaking, he walked towards Duan Han Mountain. Muxin and the three obediently followed along, and the atmosphere did not dare to pant.


“Lao Hong, why did you come to Zero Wing headquarters?” Duan Han Shan looked at the approaching Hong Xin ape and greeted him with a smile.

“My two nieces are very interested in Zero Wing, so I will come and take a look.” Hong Xinyuan smiled and said perfunctorily, “but it makes me a little curious, you from the Western Continent Why did Old Demon come here? Now that the two continents don’t communicate very much.”

Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce is mainly active in the West Continent. East Continent has very few industries, just a little business that’s All, no matter what you think of, the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce should not have much to do with Zero Wing.

Duan Han Shan two eyes squinted slightly. He didn’t believe a word of Hong Xinyuan’s words. He stroked his beard and said flatly, “It’s nothing, but we, Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce, come to Zero Wing as a newcomer. Communication training that’s all.”

“You come to Zero Wing for training?”

Hong Xinyuan couldn’t help turning his head and looked towards Duan Han Mountain, his face was completely you Frame my look.

Don’t say Hong Xinyuan at this time, even Kerui on the side thought Duan Han Shan was playing with them. Although she is a newcomer who has just entered the Virtual Game world, she also knows the Dark Blue Chamber of The Commerce background out of the ordinary is not comparable to those of the Common Super Organization.

Zero Wing is just a new Guild that only emerged in God’s Domain. How could it be possible for Guild geniuses to come to Zero Wing for training? Who would believe such a thing?

“Why, don’t you believe it?” Duan Han Shan glanced at Hong Xinyuan, laughed and said.

“If I switch to another Super-Guild, I am sure, but Zero Wing?” Hong Xinyuan shook his head and laughed.

Some of Guild’s actions are indeed confidential and cannot be disclosed to outsiders. However, in his opinion, Duan Hanshan’s excuse is really bad, and it is almost the same to guide the newcomers to Zero Wing’s.

“I know you definitely don’t believe it.” Duan Han smiled happily, then pointed to the virtual battle room not far away and said, “Wait a minute, we Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce There will be a coaching battle with Zero Wing. Since you don’t believe me, what about not equal to me?”

“Bet? How to bet?” Hong Xinyuan couldn’t help but say curiously.

“Didn’t you bring a newcomer?” Duan Han Shan glanced at the Libra standing aside, and said flatly, “I think he is not bad at level, so he will replace it later. The rookie on my side has a battle, but the number of this battle is precious, and I can’t just let you Guild’s rookie. I have to charge five bottles of Level S Nutrient Fluid first.”

Hong Xinyuan almost heard it. Vomiting blood.

Duan Han Shan asked him to do something and work hard, but he also asked for five bottles of Level S Nutrient Fluid, which is simply too shameless!

“Don’t worry first.” Duan Hanshan looked at Hong Xinyuan with a dark face, and then said, “If you win this competition, I will give it back twice.”

“It seems that you are very optimistic about the people on Zero Wing.” Hong Xinyuan was slightly surprised.

Ten bottles of Level S Nutrient Fluid are not a small amount for a Super Organization, enough for a talented newcomer to use the first half of the year.

“That’s right.” Duan Han, nodded, said with a smile, “But if you lose, you have to compensate me for ten bottles of Level S Nutrient Fluid.”

“…” Hong Xinyuan didn’t know what to say for a while.

How do they mean losing on both sides?

Is their Frost Sky Sword’s reputation outside so unbearable?

“How is it? Do you gamble or not?” Duan Han Shan looked at Hong Xinyuan who couldn’t say a word for a long time, and asked some urgency.

However, Hong Xinyuan is not a young and energetic rookie after all. He doesn’t care about the fierce generals of Duan Han Mountain, but instead looked towards the simple and honest Libra.

“What do you think of Libra?” Hong Xinyuan asked.

PS: Thank you Jiang Di for your 50,000 rewards, and Wanwei Jinglun’s 10,000 rewards! There is a fourth update in the evening

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