“Damn it! It was really escaped by the Heaven’s Children!”

“This is over! What should we do? How should we explain to that adult?”

Bottomless The three dark young dragons flapping in the storm in Abyss looked at the Space-Time whirlpool that Shi Feng left, their eyes were full of surprised and angry and panic, and even their voices were trembling and helpless.

“The inheritance was stolen by Heaven’s Children. It has completely deviated from the original plan. The adult knew that he would definitely not let us go. Now we can only run away, otherwise we don’t even want to live… …”

“It can only be so. I hope that the expert will only focus on which Heaven’s Children because of anger, so that we may survive a little bit more.”


As the headed dark young dragon spoke, the other two dark young dragons quickly reached a consensus, flapping their pitch-black wings, and flying away with Shi Feng’s anger and taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune in their hearts. This piece of Bottomless Abyss.

On the other side of the Space-Time vortex, Shi Feng didn’t know anything about it, and with a trance before him, he returned to the resident secret room of Silver Wing City.

“It’s finished!”

“Tier 4! The real Tier 4 profession!”

Shi Feng couldn’t help but watch all around rushing forward The liquid magic power swept across the body, constantly restoring the thin magic power and haggard Vitality of the body, as if the whole person had been reborn, and there was indescribable excitement and excitement in my heart.

In this brief moment, the goal that has not been achieved in the former life has not only been achieved.

He is also the Tier 4 profession created by Hidden Class Sword Blade Saint Class Change. In terms of Basic Attribute and Magic Skill, he has completely exploded the Common Tier 4 profession.

In God’s Domain, it is already the powerhouse of genuine, which makes all NPCKingdom exist in awe.

Just as Shi Feng was overjoyed about this, the system’s cold alert sound suddenly came from his ear.

System announcement: God’s Domain System will perform a major level up, and will start the return of data update Hero. All players will log out within 30 minutes. The estimated update time is one day.


System announcements were made three times in a row. For a time, both the player in God’s Domain and Shi Feng were shocked.

“System level up?”

“How is this possible?!”

Shi Feng looked at the System displayed in his eyes very puzzled After reading the announcement, his eyes were deeply puzzled and puzzled.

In God’s Domain, there are many system updates, but there are only two major system updates.

The first major level up was three years after God’s Domain opened.

At that time, there were already a lot of Tier 4 professions in God’s Domain, and Tier 3 professions were everywhere. There were even players trying to attack Tier 5 professions.

But how long has God’s Domain been opened now?

And God’s Domain’s system level up was also the major event that Shi Feng remembered most, and even shocked the entire world, making God’s Domain a virtual reality game truly become The only game and entertainment in the world.

If the system update before God’s Domain is a process of continuous self-improvement of the world, then the system level up is a big change in God’s Domain, completely Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth, not the same The Virtual Game that everyone imagined is completely beyond everyone’s imagination.

The player is no longer a player. In God’s Domain, it is just a special group that’s all.

Neither NPC nor monster in God’s Domain exists like a daoist. They have their own lives, have their own character, have their own lives, and exist in order to survive.

These make the entire God’s Domain completely different, not just a virtual reality game, but also completely changing the entire real world.

At this time, it is not only Shi Feng who is deeply puzzled by this, but the majority of players and the senior leaders of Great Influence in God’s Domain are also surprised and puzzled.

“System level up? I have to level up for a day, what’s the situation?”

“Damn! I don’t have Class Change Tier 3 profession yet, so I need to level up. , System simply wants me to die!”


All the players in God’s Domain complained for a while, and they were very speechless about the sudden level up of System.

A day’s update time completely makes everyone feel completely unprepared. I don’t know what to do this whole day, because God’s Domain has already become a part of God’s Domain player’s life. Log in every day. God’s Domain has become an instinctive habit.

The previous System update was generally only a few hours or more than a dozen hours, and this whole day is simply maddening.

On the other side of System Update, all the first players who entered God’s Domain know that after System Update, the difficulty of player leveling and the difficulty of killing monsters have increased by a great length, yes The skill level requirement of the player is also quite high.

This time there is a system big level up suddenly. For players who have not yet been promoted to Tier 3 profession, it is definitely a nightmare.

It is also a big change for the Great Influence of God’s Domain, because it means that there will be fewer players who can be promoted to Tier 3 profession in the future, and the difficulty and resources of Guild’s internal training of experts will also be Further improvement, many prepared development plans have been scrapped, and everything is planned from the beginning…

However, while many forces are dissatisfied and angry with this, many new God’s Domain forces and newly stationed large complexes All overjoyed.

The increase in level up difficulty and the shortage of resources will undoubtedly become a chance for the Great Influence of God’s Domain to reshuffle the cards. As long as you grasp it, it may not be able to replace the old God’s Domain forces.

For a while, the atmosphere of the Great Influences in God’s Domain has become very strange, while ordering crazy digging people to acquire a large amount of resources, while frantically reducing some of the strengths of Guild’s Common and low-potential members, it makes a lot of Guild Member wants to leave Guild to go to other forces.

While God’s Domain’s Great Influence was acting, Liang Jing also quickly contacted Shi Feng.

“Guild Master, now all Great Influences are collecting gold coins and resources on a large scale, shall we also start buying them?” Liang Jing asked anxiously.

“These are unnecessary.” Shi Feng couldn’t help but laugh when he heard it. “Aren’t those Super Organizations always suppressing our inability to obtain a large amount of funds? Now we will put the silver wing in the city. Throw out the gold coins you earned and let the Great Influence acquire them.”

“Guild Master?” Liang Jing was taken aback for a moment, and didn’t understand what Shi Feng was doing.

Now that it is too late for Great Influence to acquire resources and gold coins, they even want to sell them on a large scale. When the System Update is over, they are the ones with bad luck.

“Go and do it.” Shi Feng laughed without explaining.

According to the previous System update, there is nothing wrong with doing so, but this time is different, but the system level up. Not only the resources will not become tight, but on the contrary, it is better to obtain, even level up It will be easier.

But it is not without trouble.

After the system level up, whether externally or internally, players have higher requirements for promotion, especially the changes in magic power, which require players to understand and control magic power Further improvement is required, so the later Peak experts are all Magic Array Masters.

“By the way, after log out, let Melancholic Smile and the others come to the Conference Hall. I have something to discuss with them.” Shi Feng couldn’t help but say.

This time he was promoted to Tier 4, but the benefits were extraordinary. He didn’t exclusively have a new understanding of magic power, and he got the strange metal that expelled magic power in Bottomless Abyss.

This was the first time he saw this metal. As long as this thing is not scrapped, it is possible to refine it into weapon equipment.

The special effect of expelling magic power is very helpful to the player. After all, in God’s Domain, magic power is everything. Without magic power, there is no life, and monsters cannot survive.

If he succeeds, he will have the capital to fight against the major Super Organizations.

In the future, whether he goes to the dangerous life forbidden area, or obtains those resources for promotion to Tier 4, it will be a great help.

In God’s Domain, most of the resources for the promotion of Tier 4 are hidden in those life forbidden places. With his Tier 4 profession alone, he can only protect that’s all in that place, and there is no way to truly. Explore where the major Super Organizations in the former life go to where the three and 50% Tier 4 professions will act together. The single-player action is simply courting death.

“Okay, I will contact them now.” Liang Jing immediately hung up the communication.


The Great World of Frozen Earth, the headquarters of Frost Sword, Frost City.

Because of the sudden level up of God’s Domain, the Sword of Frost Sky also hurriedly held a meeting to deal with the changes in God’s Domain afterwards. There were more than ten people sitting in the center of the magnificent Conference Hall.

Each of these people is an influential figure that can make the Great World quake with a stomping on the outside world, but these people are now in front of the middle-aged man sitting high in the Conference Hall Unspeakable nervousness.

The middle-aged man looked amiable. Although his face was firm, his temperament was like a spring breeze that made people not hostile, but none of the people present felt relaxed.

“The meeting is over here, Muxin and Kerui, you two stay.” After listening to the meeting, the middle-aged man turned his eyes to Muxin and the petite girl not far away and said softly.


Everyone on the scene walked away quickly, as if such as the amnesty. In the huge Conference Hall, Muxin and the petite girl Kerui were left sitting quietly. .

“Uncle Hong, is there anything you are happy about?” Muxin looked at the middle-aged man with a serious expression, pretending to be cute.

“You this girl still pretends, do you think you can keep everyone away from the invitation to Zero Wing?” The middle-aged man said nonchalantly, “You should know that this opportunity How rare, it is a flourishing age where many giants gather. Even those so-called Super Organizations can only wait and see and cannot get started. It is also an opportunity for our Frost Sky Sword to be among the real giant Guild’s, but you let some ignorant outsiders participate. “

Speaking of this, Muxin couldn’t help but look towards Kerui who was on the side, but Kerui talked about his tongue, faintly smiled, saying that what can I do with you?

Muxin also shook her head. For Kerui, a biological younger sister who has always been against her, she has nothing to do.

“Uncle Hong and the others are outsiders, but their strength should not be underestimated, especially their Guild Master Black Flame.” Muxin was not in a hurry, said slowly.

“How strong can it be? It’s just a peerless expert that’s all in the eyes of Common people.” Uncle Hong couldn’t help hooking the head, “You should know that those opponents are who, and those people are real Each and everyone has terrifying innate talent and special bloodline, as well as those large consortiums who devote all their resources to the extraordinary natural talents of Heavenly Secret Pavilion Wind and Clouds List, and the peerless talents of all major Super Organizations. Expert is just the strength of the tip of the iceberg.”

“Uncle Hong is right, it is useless to play among these people.” Kerui nodded with a smile said.

“But that Black Flame is really strong. One person can resist the Tier 4 Legendary sacred plastic. Although you can’t join the main force this time, you can support it on the side.” Muxin explained.

“A person who resists the Legendary sacred plastic?” Uncle Hong was slightly surprised when he heard it, and then said, “It seems that the person is really strong.”

“hmph, resist the Legendary What’s so great about the sacred plastic? Many of my staff can do it.” Ke Rui said indifferently.

For Kerui’s words, Muxin couldn’t help but want to pinch Kerui’s face, but he still resisted and explained: “Uncle Hong, that person has mastered the Magic Domain, for us The future plan will definitely help.”

“Master Magic Domain?” Uncle Hong couldn’t help but be interested, “This is indeed helpful.”

“But that’s probably it. Not enough, you should understand that a person’s Strength in this operation is very limited, not to mention that the place to go this time is unusual. As for whether Zero Wing’s people can join this operation, I have to personally inspect it. .”

“To investigate in person?” Muxin was surprised when he looked at the middle-aged man, with surprise in his voice.

Uncle Hong’s true identity is not trivial. Even the Helmsman of the big consortium should be in awe of three points when they meet, let alone the Guild Master of the Super Organization or Super-Guild. At this time, he ran to the Zero Wing headquarters. Building, if this news spreads out, it will definitely shock the major consortiums.

“Of course.” Uncle Hong said very seriously, “This action is very important, so it’s not sloppy.”

“But the time is coming, now System Update will take another day , I’m afraid the time will be a bit tight to investigate later.” Muxin said.

“Don’t worry, you and I will go directly to the Zero Wing headquarters to take a look. It won’t take long.” Uncle Hong said with a smile.

“Uncle Hong is like this, let me test Zero Wing’s this time.” Kerui said suddenly, “This action is very important, so Zero Wing is another local leader, regardless of Whether they join this operation or not, they must be very proud and arrogant, and the elder sister also praises the strength of that person so much. This time I want to take Libra, one of the ten swords of Frost Sky.”

“One can test whether the person’s strength is as strong as the elder sister said, and the other can let Zero Wing know that the secret operation of the Sword of Frost is not so simple to participate in, when the time comes Zero Wing really passed the inspection, and I would understand some rules in the actions after I came.”

Muxin was speechless at first.

The Ten Swords of Frost Sky are the geniuses cultivated by their giant stone consortium with all the technology and effort. Everyone is a monster among monsters and one of the core battle strengths of their action.

Used to test Zero Wing is completely overkill.

“Muxin, what do you think?” Uncle Hong couldn’t help asking Muxin.

“I have no opinion.” Muxin thought for a while but didn’t object.

In her opinion, there is no problem facing Libra with Shi Feng’s strength.

“That’s good, if Zero Wing is not strong enough, your agreement may be changed.” Hong Shu nodded.

“I see.” Muxin could not help but silently nodded.

As for Uncle Hong’s decision, even her consortium heir cannot object.

“Elder sister, I can be optimistic about you!”

Ke Rui showed a cute smile of trickery and went offline.

“I hope his performance will not disappoint Uncle Hong too much.”

Muxin can’t help but pray silently in her heart as she looks at Kerui who is leaving. This time, she can’t afford to invite Zero Wing. Small, if the contract becomes invalid, it will have to compensate a lot, and then log out and start preparing for this.

In the Conference Hall on the top floor of the Zero Wing Building, Shi Feng, who had just logged out, was also sorting out the information about the unknown metal. He only heard a knock on the door, and the door slowly opened, a clear and pleasant one. The voice came in.

“Guild Master, they are here.”

PS: Thank you Jiang Di for your 50,000 rewards and Zero Wing’s senior executives for 25,000 rewards! ! ! Four changes today, this is the first change of the four thousand-word chapter!

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