Silver wing, as the Great Influence and Tier 3 experts of the major Adventure Group each and everyone entered the city, the silver wing street with a lot of vacancies gradually became lively.

“The consequences of being promoted to the city have been great, and the magic power has also been improved a lot. Unfortunately, the entrance fee is too high. If you change to five silver coins, it is estimated that players from several surrounding countries will flood in. “Mad Cow Former Life looked at the busy street after entering the city and couldn’t help sighing.

If possible, he really doesn’t want to leave the city of silver wing to develop elsewhere, but the entrance fee for ten silver coins is too high for the Common Tier 2 expert.

Know that the silver wing city is just a transit point. Many players may enter and leave the silver wing city several times a day. After all, the players of Tier 2 are extremely difficult to fight against the erosion of different energy. How long does the map above level survive? Fortunately, Tier 2 player’s heterogeneous energy erodes quickly and restores quickly. Therefore, it is possible for a general Tier 2 expert player to go back and forth to maps above level 100 two or three times a day.

Ten silver coins once, twenty silver coins twice, and thirty silver coins three times.

In the activity area of ​​Sacred Plastic Monster, there is not much material money originally made. There is a great length less in income. The expenditure of twenty-thirty silver coins a day has to be said for Tier 2 player. It is a heavy burden. After all, Tier 2 player needs excellent equipment and powerful Tier 2 Magic Skill to support Tier 3 profession, plus daily training in Fighting Arena, as well as various repair fees, food and drink rest expenses. Wait, the places that need money are hard to count.

In order to make money, some Tier 2 players even spend a lot of time on low-level maps, farm Rare Material, or low-level farm wild monsters, which are gradually moving away from the level of large units.

At present, if you want to support the entrance fee of ten silver coins in the silver wing city, there is no burden for Tier 3 experts, but how rare are Tier 3 experts? Not to mention there are many places where Tier 3 experts can go to level up, and there is no need to be attached to the Beastman Empire.

Several other Tier 3 experts in this blood covenant are also slightly nodded. It feels that Zero Wing simply drives the player out. When the time comes, it’s beautiful in the Guild towns of Beastman Empire. And Zero Wing just has a Guild city empty.

While the few people in the blood covenant were chatting quietly, they came to the transportation and trade line unconsciously, preparing to return the previous Quest.

However, in Mad Cow Former Life, several people were stunned for a while when they saw a transportation and trade company the size of four football fields and a height of more than 30 meters.

“What the hell is going on?”

“What the hell did Zero Wing do?”

Compared with the previous ones, simply Not to mention a heaven and a earth, the number of NPCs entering and leaving the transportation and trade line is even more unimaginable.

In the past, the transportation and trading houses usually only had dozens of NPCs in and out, but at this time the number of NPCs entering and leaving the transportation and trading houses exceeded two 100-Man. Not to mention, there are many noble and neutral NPCs. , This is something that is usually extremely difficult to encounter.

And before the mad cow former life and the others react, it’s just that a few teams of more than a dozen Tier 3 experts came out of the transportation and trade trade, each and everyone’s faces The expression was extremely excited and excited, and in addition to these Tier 3 experts, there was also a gorgeously dressed noble NPC, otherwise it was a neutral race NPC, obviously these teams have been commissioned by these NPCs Quest.

“I’m not dreaming! How come there are so many noble NPCs and neutral race NPCs commissioned Quest?” Mad Bull former life looked at a great noble NPC surrounded by Tier 3 experts. With the neutral race NPC, I couldn’t help rubbing his two eyes, and couldn’t believe it was true.

It is important to know that the previous transportation and trading houses will only have such a commission for a day or even a few days, and such commissions are all Quest that has made major Adventure Groups and even Big Guild jealous.

Because such commissions are at least 3-Star Advanced Quest, it will not only give players rich gold coins and contribution values, but also have a certain chance of getting Top Grade weapon equipment of more than 100 levels, or It is the Magic Skill Book of Tier 3.

And even if you don’t get Top Grade weapon equipment, as long as they can complete the commission, they can make a member of a team at least get a very good 100-level equipment. For this reason, many Adventure Groups are robbed of Quest like this secretly shot.

But at this time, several teams have accepted such Quest. How dare he believe it?

“Quick! Let’s go in and take a look!” Ningfeng said immediately after the reaction.

As the wind is over, the blood covenants present are nodded and the others rushed into the transportation and trade houses, wanting to know what happened in the transportation and trade houses, there will be so many 3 -Commissioned by Star Advanced Quest.

After Ningfeng and the others rushed into the transportation and trade shop, each and everyone was completely dumbfounded.

I saw a stadium-sized hall full of NPC Merchants queuing at the reception counter. There were four to five thousand people, including NPCs of great nobles and neutral races.

As for the huge translucent Quest crystal that originally towered in the lobby, the column of delegated Quest displayed at this time was full of 3-Star Advanced delegated Quests, and the few delegated Quests at the top of the list were even more popular. 4-Star commissioned Quest, which I have never seen before.

Transport to the Black Dragon Empire border fortress Fleet, difficulty 4-Star, requires Tier 3 profession, and rare people in the team have completed 10-Star Advanced Quest and 20 3-Star Quest , Other people have completed 3-Star Quest at least ten times, and the reward is fifty gold, the contribution is worth 3,000 points, the reward is unknown, and fifty people are recruited.

Transport to the city of quiet speech in the neutral area, difficulty 4-Star, Tier 3 profession is required. Rare members in the team have completed twelve 3-Star Advanced Quest, and others have completed at least five times 3. -Star Advanced Quest, the remuneration is 60 gold, the contribution value is 2,000 points, the reward of Elf’s gift (15% chance of getting the Dark Gold Level Item of the same level, 25% chance of getting the Adamantite Rank Item of the same level), Recruit a 100-Man.


For the appearance of 4-Star Quest, whether it is the wind or the other people of the blood covenant, each and everyone has two eyes shined, and I can’t wait to rush up now Take these Quests.

Let’s not talk about what kind of rewards you get, the gold coins and contribution points you get are enough to drive Tier 3 experts crazy.

“Crazy bull, please log out and contact the Group Leader, so that the Group Leader can talk to other Adventure Group people immediately. We must rush to entrust the 4-Star to Quest before other Adventure Groups. That’s okay! Must come!” Ning Feng said quickly.

4-Star entrusted Quest is not enough for a single Adventure Group. At least two Adventure Groups are required. If they can complete one of the 4-Star entrusted Quest, it will allow them The overall strength of the Blood Covenant has improved.

“Okay, I will log out now.” Mad Cow Former Life immediately clicked the log out button.

As for Ningfeng, he immediately contacted the members of the blood covenant outside the city, and asked these members to enter the city and rush to the transportation and trade company. The excitement even the players all around can clearly feel .

But the players all around don’t dare to be surprised by this, because in the entire hall not only Ningfeng wants to snatch 4-Star Quest, other Adventure Groups even come to explore the silver wing city. Big Guild Members couldn’t help contacting the above, and asked their own Adventure Group and their own Guild Member to come to the transportation and trade company.

Seeing the large number of Tier 2 players originally waiting outside the city of silver wing seems to be crazy. Each and everyone two eyes rushed to the gate with red, it can be said that the silver wing city was instantly The gates of the people are surrounded by water. If it weren’t for the NPCPersonal Guard that everyone feared, each and everyone would probably be fighting.

The black robe female Summoner and the others who just entered the city of silver wing looked at the scene of almost fighting outside the gate, she was shocked for a while.

“What is going on?”

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