Beastman Empire, Silver Wing Small Town.

With the victory of Zero Wing’s, not only the Free players wandering in the Beastman Empire began to gather towards Silver Wing Small Town, many surrounding forces and members of the Super Organization also came to Silver Wing Small Town to see what happened. Time makes Silver Wing Small Town lively.

And among the many players who entered Silver Wing Small Town, a team of twenty people also walked into Silver Wing Small Town in an orderly manner.

After these players walked into Small Town, the surrounding players couldn’t help but look sideways.

“No way! Are they planning to come to Silver Wing Small Town for development?”

The lowest level of each of these twenty people is Tier 3 expert of Level 115. In other words, the equipment in one suit is even more gorgeous, the worst is the Adamantite Rank equipment of Level 110, and the two leading them are wearing Epic Equipment, which is extremely rare in the expert of Super Organization.

But compared to the level and equipment of these players, what really surprised everyone was the identity of these people.

Because these people are not others, it is currently one of the Super Organizations that dominate the surrounding Kingdoms and rises from the Great World in the permafrost. The Sword of Frost is ranked top in the newly emerging Super Organization. -10, plus the special bloodline inheritance of the Frozen Great World, many expert players want to join this Guild, but the Sword of Frost has high requirements for choosing a player. There are many other conditions, which lead to many players who want to join. Be eliminated.

Now that the Frostsky Sword member, who has never been active in Beastman Empire, suddenly came here, how can we not surprise everyone?

And when the players all around whispered to these people, the players of the Sword of Frost Sky didn’t care at all, walking quietly on the street, observing the entire Silver Wing Small Town.

“Is this the Silver Wing Small Town?” A black robe female Summoner with Level 11 and Level 6 looked around and said flatly, “The entire Small Town defense is pretty good. However, the town is still a lot worse than the other Guild towns that have formed a coalition. It is completely supported by those NPCPersonal Guards.”

“This is already very good, at least it can block the offensive of the Plastic Army. , It’s worthy of us to join forces.” Tier 3 female Cursemancer, who also reached 11Level 6, looked at the black robe female Summoner said with a bitter smile.

The Strength of the Plastic Army can be said to be unstoppable even by the Common NPC cities, let alone the Guild Town. The fact that solely can block or even defeat the Plastic Army is very current. It’s a rare thing, after all, not every Guild town has their special means of Frozen Great World.

“Those NPC Personal Guards are powerful, but those Sacred Plastic Monsters are not to be trifled with. With those Sacred Plastic Monsters covering more than a dozen Kingdom and Black Dragon Empire growth speeds, I am afraid it will not take many days. There will be a lot of Tier 4 sacred Devourers in time. When the time comes, it’s hard to resist with those NPC Personal Guards, let alone take the initiative to deal with those Sacred Plastic Monsters.” black robe female Summoner shook the head slowly said, “The purpose of our visit this time is to see if Zero Wing has the ability to deal with Sacred Plastic Monster with us?”

Relying on NPCPersonal Guard is only a foreign object after all. One is because NPCPersonal Guard is very rare. The second is that NPC death and resurrection are troublesome. The third is that NPCPersonal Guard is difficult to actively go to the outside world to clean up the Sacred Plastic Monster like a player.

At present, there may be a lot of players in the entire Silver Wing Small Town, but the number of Tier 3 experts is really poor, let alone Zero Wing Member on the street.

“That’s right, the current situation of Zero Wing’s is superficially beautiful, but in the dark it is wind and rain shaking. I don’t know that the Hand of the Sacred Heart has reached cooperation with many major Super Organizations. Afterwards, even if the Sacred Plastic Monsters don’t take action, they can only use the Sacred Heart’s hand to provide the auxiliary items of the major Super Organizations, so that the major Super Organizations can be mixed in the Sacred Plastic Monster’s sphere of influence. The major Super Organizations are trying to suppress Zero Wing’s members secretly. If Zero Wing’s does not have enough players to fight against, Zero Wing can only guard the personal guards in Guild town, and nothing can be done.” Tier 3 gray robe female Cursemancer Also nodded.

For a Guild who can only hold fast but cannot fight back, he is indeed not qualified to join their alliance and become their collaborator.

And just as the two of Frostsky Sword whispered, a System alert sound suddenly sounded in their ears.

System: Silver Wing Small Town is promoted to a Basic Grade city, and the player will teleport out of Silver Wing Small Town after thirty seconds.

“What’s the situation?”

“Is this promoted?”

As the System prompt sounded, the event was in Silver Wing Small Town for a while The players were stunned, each and everyone looked at the prompts in the System column for a long time without came back to his senses, especially Zero Wing’s member, each and everyone couldn’t help showing ecstasy.

The former Silver Wing Small Town can easily block the offensive of the Plastic Army. Now if it is promoted to a city, it will be more difficult for the latter to deal with the Silver Wing Small Town.

However, before everyone can react, it’s just that the players of Silver Wing Small Town were sent out of Silver Wing Small Town by each and everyone, and the entire Silver Wing Small Town was completely wrapped by Magic Array.

“How is this possible?!” The black robe female Summoner who was sent out of Silver Wing Small Town looked at the Silver Wing Small Town wrapped in Magic Array incredibly, “Guild Town wants to be promoted to Basic Grade The city is easier said than done. Let’s not talk about the prosperity of Silver Wing Small Town. The number of players is quite big. It takes at least a month to be promoted to a city. How can it be promoted so quickly?”

For the promotion of Guild town, their Frost Sky Sword has very rich experience.

Currently, the towns that can be promoted to Guild city are all Guild towns managed by the major Super Organizations. Among them, the various resources that are not solely invested, and the long-term inherent number of players are also the key to promotion.

The current Silver Wing Small Town is indeed up to the standard in Town Defense, but it is far from the inherent number of players and can only rely on long-term accumulation of popularity.

Now you have been promoted so suddenly?

At this time, let alone the black robe female Cursemancer of the Sword of Frost, the major Super Organization members lurking in Silver Wing Small Town are also silly.

The third Guild city!

You must know that some Super Organizations currently do not have three Guild cities, but Zero Wing now has more than three Guild cities, and all three Guild cities are located in very key geographical locations, especially the current Silver Wing Small Town.

Be aware that more than a dozen Kingdom and Black Dragon Empire around are already in the Sacred Plastic Monster’s range of activities. Because of the emergence of Sacred Plastic Monster, the map environment has also undergone a lot of changes. It has become an Advanced map, and even maps above Level 120. In addition, there are Kingdom and Empire to deal with Sacred Plastic Monster. In the future, a large number of Kingdom and Empire Quest will definitely be released.

It can be said that more than a dozen Kingdom and Black Dragon Empire players around will definitely develop in the Sacred Plastic Monster activity area in the future, but there is almost no place for players to rest in these areas.

If a Guild city appears at this time, even if you don’t have to think about it, you will know how terrifying the future development of this Guild city will be.

In Silver Wing Small Town, it didn’t take long for the player to be sent out. The news spread like a virus like is also like a virus. It quickly reached the ears of the Great Influence, and it suddenly stirred up. Frenzy.

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