Fang Shihan’s words echoed in the quiet top-level reception room, and the whole room suddenly became silent.

“Black Flame?”

“Is he that Black Flame?”

Matt and Yu Bai standing behind Fang Shihan are also unbelievable的looked towards Shi Feng.

Let’s not talk about being a member of one of the five Super-Guilds in God’s Domain, but now the major Super Organizations of God’s Domain are probably known to everyone as the name of Black Flame, and even OK. Said it was jealous.

After all, Black Flame’s personal strength is too amazing, and it has developed Zero Wing to its current scale with one person. It has become a legend on God’s Domain East Continent and is worshipped and awed by countless players. .

But because Black Flame’s identity is too mysterious, no one knows the true identity of Black Flame’s up to now. Many forces and players have speculated that Black Flame’s has a huge background, and the forces behind it are extremely secretive. , Even Black Flame’s age guess should be over thirty-five years old. It is by no means as young as it seems on the surface. After all, God’s Domain has a mediation appearance. It is normal to be ten-twenty young.

But now Fang Shi Han says that Shi Feng, who is just over 20 years old, is the rumored Zero Wing Guild Master Black Flame. How dare you believe this?

Standing on Shi Feng side Liang Jing’s face changed suddenly, and there was a burst of tension in my heart. Shi Feng’s true identity can be said to be Zero Wing’s core secret. The whole Guild knows not many people, and all of them are Zero Wing’s core senior, she was secretly informed because she had to deal with a lot of Zero Wing’s secrets.

Zero Wing can be developed to the present, Black Flame’s mysterious identity can be said to have played a lot of role. Many Super Organizations have speculated that Black Flame is backed by giants, otherwise it is impossible, plus Black Flame itself I couldn’t find out the true identity, and it was extremely difficult to deal with on the surface, or it was impossible to target at all, so each and everyone didn’t really do anything, they were constantly trying.

Now Fang Shihan suddenly said these words, it is simply unimaginable what will happen next.

Although she wants to refute Fang Shi Han, she is very clear when dealing with various matters. If she really shows panic or refutes things like this, it will make the other person feel more certain about this. it is true.

The only thing that can be done is silence and let Shi Feng handle it.

When Matt and Yu Bai watched Shi Feng, Shi Feng couldn’t help but sighed.

“Yes, Young Lady Feng is right. I am Zero Wing’s Guild Master Black Flame.” Shi Feng looked at Fang Shi nodded.

As Shi Feng confessed, Matt and Yu Bai both had two eyes wide open, and the shock in their hearts was like a heaven overflowing giant wave. Didn’t expect this thing to be true.

And Liang Jing on the side is also anxious, didn’t expect Shi Feng to admit that he didn’t say anything further, simply crazy.

“Don’t you even say anything to refute?” Fang Shi Han looked at Shi Feng, who was calm and calm, slightly surprised.

In her opinion, the exposure of Black Flame’s identity has a great impact on Zero Wing. Let’s not talk about the influence in God’s Domain, she just stared at Zero Wing’s in reality. The big Super Organization and consortium are enough to make Zero Wing unable to eat. After all, the exposure of the identity allows Great Influence and consortium to have no fear of Zero Wing.

“Even if I want to refute it, I’m afraid it’s useless. After all, I’ve been in Virtual Reality Capsule for that many days before I can’t be contacted. Those who have been testing in the Zero Wing headquarters building don’t want to be I am afraid it is difficult to doubt.” Shi Feng slowly said.

Since he came out of the Space-Time labyrinth, he has vaguely understood that Black Flame’s identity has probably been exposed. After all, many major events in the Zero Wing real world are controlled by him. Suddenly vanish, whether it is in God’s Domain or the actual Zero Wing headquarters is in a situation where no one is coordinating it, and it is easy to be suspected.

Fang Shi Han suddenly approached him, the Hall Master of the Tiandou Training Hall, in fact, to verify this.

“Guild Master Black Flame is really amazing, you can guess why I suspect you are Black Flame.” Fang Shi Han looked at Shi Feng, lightly said with a smile, “To be honest, if Not because of this sudden occurance, I’m afraid it’s really difficult to confirm that you are Black Flame. After all, who would have thought of an unnamed student who graduated from university not very long, and who has not been trained as a Super Organization System since childhood. It turns out to be one of the top 30 experts in the Wind and Clouds Master List?”

In God’s Domain, all the experts that can be counted are from the major Super-Guild and Half-Super Guild, or an expert who has been in the Virtual Game industry for decades, and now those rookie experts of God’s Domain are also because of the large consortium investing a lot of resources behind them, as well as the major Super-Guild and half-Super Guild’s inheritance, coupled with extraordinary natural talent, has such strength.

And Shi Feng?

At a young age, not only does he have no backing behind him, even the inheritance he gets later is also an incomplete inheritance, but he can forcibly enter the top 30 on the list, and even the current ranking is already It’s not necessarily when you enter Top-10. Who will believe it?

Matt and Yu Bai on the side also agree.

If they didn’t believe in Fang Shihan very much, and knew that Fang Shihan would never do something uncertain, they would not believe it turned out to be true, especially if they had seen Shi Feng’s strength with their own eyes. Feather white.

Because you can know from the Black Flame’s battle, that is definitely not comparable to a newcomer who has entered the Virtual Game for a few years. That old and bold and courageous, plus experienced experience, is to enter the fantasy myth for more than ten years. She may not be able to achieve this, let alone an obscure graduate student in reality?

“Young Lady Feng, you have come here and talked so much. I don’t think it’s just a trivial matter of confirming the identity, right?” Shi Feng looked at Fang Shi Han who was slightly excited, and asked plainly.

“Small things? Guild Master Black Flame, do you know that your identity was discovered by the Great Influence, how bad will your Zero Wing’s situation be?” Yu Bai looked at Shi Feng, who didn’t care, endure I couldn’t help but reminded, “Even if our fantasy myth does nothing at this time, as long as the news is spread, Zero Wing will be wiped out by the Great Influence Devour in an instant, and nothing is left!”

It’s fine if all Great Influences don’t know the true identity of Black Flame’s. Now if they know it, it’s not too simple for all Great Influences to target Zero Wing simply, and Shi Feng is not even taking it seriously. I really think it’s just a little child. Is every family so simple?

“Yubai is all right, I really did not come here for these things.” Fang Shi Han slightly stretched out his hand to stop Yubai, looked at Shi Feng and said, “Since the Guild Master Black Flame is so straight to the point, So let me just say it straight. Now that the identity of Guild Master Black Flame’s is exposed, I am afraid that I am not the only one who knows. I believe it will not be long before it will reach the ears of all Great Influences. What will be faced when the time comes Zero Wing? For the same thing, I don’t say Guild Master Black Flame. You should know it well, don’t you?”

“What do you mean?” Shi Feng couldn’t help but Smile.

“Stone Forest City and the method of mastering Major Perfection!” Fang Shi Han opened the mouth and said, “As long as Zero Wing is handed over, those problems can be avoided after Zero Wing, and we can also give Zero Wing provides some Level S Nutrient Fluid and Life Elixir. I think these potions are the most urgently needed by Zero Wing right now?”

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