As Shi Feng unfolded the Personal Guard’s Summon Scroll on the city wall, everyone around suddenly felt that the magic power of all around suddenly became rich, not to mention, even the entire space became stable, the outside world There is no magic power fluctuation at all.

And then I saw a middle-aged man wearing luxurious clothes and holding a gemstone scepter appeared in front of Shi Feng’s.

Although the appearance of the middle-aged man did not at all bring people some oppression, but after seeing the data displayed by the middle-aged man, everyone was dumbfounded.

Tier 4!

Another Tier 4 NPC!

“Crap! How much Strength does this Zero Wing hide?”

The members of the major Super Organizations looked at the appearance of Van Said, each and everyone almost couldn’t help it. He burst into foul language.

It’s fine if they haven’t seen the strength of Tier 4 NPC before, but after seeing the strength of Katie Derain, they already understand how terrifying the strength of Tier 4 NPC is, it can be said that it’s not at all. Tier 3 NPC is comparable, one person can resist the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, and even reverse the overall situation.

Now Zero Wing not only owns a Katie Delan, but also a Van Side, and is also a Magic System Tier 4 NPC who can leave Silver Wing Small Town……


At this time, all the talents deeply understood why Shi Feng had killed Thousand Eyes and the others not saying anything further.

Such a background is that if they are replaced by them, they may not be afraid of the plastic army. After all, the gap between Tier 3 and Tier 4 is really too big, and it is not a gap that can be made up by quantity.

But the member of the Hand of the Sacred Heart, who was thousands of yards away in the woods, couldn’t help but feel angry when he saw this scene.

“Too arrogant!”

“Yes, but there is one more Tier 4 NPCthat’s all. If you want to keep us all, this Black Flame really dare to think about it! “

“He can only be arrogant now. When the holy plastic army returns and grows for a while, I see how arrogant he is when the time comes!”

Tier 4 They have indeed seen the power of NPCs, but wanting to keep them all is simply a dream. Let alone those thousands of yards away in Silver Wing Small Town, they are the several millions surrounding Silver Wing Small Town. The plastic army let Zero Wing kill one by one without knowing how long it will take.

Want to keep them all, it is simply a foolish dream.

The people in Silver Wing Small Town are also very impressed. I feel that Shi Feng has blown up this bombing, even if the plastic army is defeated and has not captured Silver Wing Small Town, he still has control With absolute initiative, it can be said that one or two Tier 4 NPCs can stop at all.

However, before everyone in the Hand of the Sacred Heart finished speaking, it was as if Standing on the Shi Feng side, Vulside suddenly waved Staff, the space in front of him suddenly shattered into a Space-Time vortex.

Then I watched Shi Feng and Vailside walk into the Space-Time vortex. In a flash, they appeared over the woodland thousands of yards apart, quietly looking down at the woods who were about to retreat. Hands of the Sacred Heart everyone.

“Teleport? How is this possible!”

Everyone in the Hand of the Sacred Heart looked at Shi Feng and Vailside floating above their heads in midair, each and everyone looked Full of surprise.

“Does this work?”

At this time, let alone the members of the Hand of the Sacred Heart, the major Super Organizations of Silver Wing Small Town are also stunned.

The entire Beastman Empire is covered by a special energy, and any teleportation Magic can’t be used. Even summon flying mount can’t do it. Players rely on carriage to move in Beastman Empire at most. It is already a common sense that everyone knows.

This is also the reason why the Hand of the Sacred Heart is not worried about being killed.

A distance of several thousand yards, even Tier 4 NPCs would have to fly for a long time. If thousands of them fled away, they would not be able to chase them.

But now Shi Feng and Vailside are directly transmitted thousands of yards away. How dare you believe this?

“Flee! Everyone quickly disperse and flee!” Shi Feng, who looked at the appearance of Qianyan, reacted for the first time, and shouted with a solemn expression on his face.

Now the entire area is blocked by the 6-layer curse of Destroying Souls. As long as the players who die in the area will be cursed, they are naturally no exception.

In order to win Silver Wing Small Town, the Hand of the Sacred Heart not only sent thousands of Tier 2 Magic System players and 100 Tier 3 experts, but also more than 500 Tier 3 experts. And thousands of Tier 2 experts who can absorb the destruction of the sacred plastic, if these people are all killed, the loss to the Hand of the Sacred Heart is immeasurable.

Just after Qianyan shouted, Qianyan also took out a Tier 3 flying scroll from inventory in the first time. This thing can help the player to fly and glide in a short time. Speed ​​is better than the ground Mount is much faster, and it is also one of his most important life-saving items.

The other members of the Hand of Sacred Heart also reacted to each and everyone after the Thousand Eyes reminder, as if frightened birds turned and fled to all directions.

The death penalty is doubled, plus the fifteen-day period of soul weakness, even Tier 3 experts can’t stand such a punishment. After all, the God’s Domain is changing day by day, and if you don’t improve for a few days, you may be eliminated. Let alone fifteen days…

“It’s all now, do you think you can escape?” Shi Feng looked at the scattered thousands of people in no rush, but said slowly.

As Shi Feng finished speaking, there was also a wave of fluctuations on Van Said’s body, which instantly enveloped all the sacred hand members who had fled.

For a moment, everyone in the Hand of the Sacred Heart stopped, each and everyone was like being casted with a fixation technique, standing still motionless……

“This…how is it possible!”

“Whether the NPC is a human or a ghost?”

Everyone in the Silver Wing Small Town looked at the Magic Mirror in midair, each and everyone is sluggish.

Magic King Katie Delan’s strength has given them a deep understanding of the power of Tier 4 NPC, but what the hell is that in front of Vailside?

Thousands of people are expert players!

Moreover, there are many Tier 3 profession experts. At this time, each and everyone can’t move half a step in the Magic Domain of Verside. Who will believe this?

“Is this really a Tier 4 NPC?”

Illusionary Speech Looking at Verside in midair, the whole person is a little messy.

Magic King Katie Delane is enough to terrifying, and one blow has severely damaged eight sacred Devourers. Now Van Said is even more amazing, doing nothing, just expand the Magic Domain and thousands of players Just like a toy, the life and death are completely controlled by Van Side.

Where is this fighting, simply is a one-sided killing that’s all.

However, Illusionary Speech and the others don’t even know that Verside is not only a Tier 4 Archmage, but also a Tier 4 Archmage who has mastered the world of thoughts. The Magic Domain is a world of its own. , If there is no Tier 4 Strength, it is impossible to fight.

For a while, I saw that after holding all the members of the Sacred Heart, Van Said waved the gemstone scepter in his hand.

In midair, a crimson Magic Array with a radius of two hundred yards appeared in midair. The endless Berserk’s fire elements were frantically converging towards the center of the Magic Array, and it quickly formed a mountain the size of a mountain. Fireball.

As the Fireball continues to condense and grow, it gradually fell to the ground, and whether it was a member of the Sacred Heart or the Silver Wing Small Town observed through Magic Mirror, each and Everyone couldn’t tell the silence, just watching the huge Fireball fall silently, as if everyone’s time had been stopped.

“Black…flaming! Wait! You can’t stop the Plastic Army, the Plastic Army will destroy you Zero Wing sooner or later!”

With With the constant falling of the huge Fireball, thousands of eyes looked at Shi Feng in midair, his eyes were full of madness and curse, and he kept laughing at Shi Feng’s overestimate one’s capabilities.

“Then the sacred plastic army must grow up!” Shi Feng said indifferently at Qianyan’s wild smile.

As Shi Feng finished, the huge Fireball exploded directly on the ground.


The endless flame spreads to the audience in an instant. Thousands of people from the Hand of the Sacred Heart also turn directly into fly ash in the flame…

With the death of the Hand of Sacred Heart member, the plastic army that had been scattered by summon also became frantic, and each and everyone two eyes rushed towards Shi Feng in red.

“Let’s go back, too.” Shi Feng immediately said to Side Van Side.

Valside on the side was also respectfully nodded, and once again turned on the Space-Time vortex, allowing Shi Feng to return directly to Silver Wing Small Town.

When Shi Feng returned to the city wall of Silver Wing Small Town, the players of Silver Wing Small Town came back to his senses, each and everyone looked unbelievably towards Shi Feng.

“Is this solved?”

Looking calmly and calmly, as if it was Shi Feng who had just returned from a meal, everyone couldn’t believe it was true.

Thousands of expert players!

Simply is like going out and trampling an ant to death and wandering back. This is no longer simply surprising and shocking, but fear!

In this way, Strength is no longer what the current players can fight against. Even if all the Tier 3 experts of the major Super Organizations team up, it’s just a cloud that’s all.

Holy Plastic Army?

Simply is a joke!

As Shi Feng returned to Silver Wing Small Town, in addition to the eight severely wounded Devours, the other Sacred Plastic Monsters attacked Silver Wing Small like crazy. Town.

As for the final result, everyone can already see it. However, the Plastic Army will definitely be wiped out by Zero Wing in the end, because the Devour of the Holy Plastic will escape Magic King Katie Delan. The palm of his hand can’t escape the hands of Van Said, and the other Sacred Plastic Monsters are just targets for Magic Tower and Personal Guard, and they can’t beat any storms.

Fire Dragon Empire, Fire Dragon City.

Standing in the Fire Dragon Auction House on the main street of Fire Dragon City, the high-levels of nearly twenty Super Organizations are gathered together, which can be said to be an unimaginable thing for the entire Fire Dragon Empire.

And the entire Auction House is surrounded by these Super Organization Tier 3 experts. Irrelevant people can’t step into it at all. They can only watch quietly from a distance, but this is how the whole street is It was crowded with players. Among these players, there is no shortage of First-Rate Guild’s executives and Peak Adventure Group executives. Each and everyone is full of concern for this Plastic Alliance meeting.

Because this sacred plastic alliance meeting is likely to change the pattern of the entire God’s Domain East Continent, if you don’t pay attention, when the time comes, you don’t know how to vanish from God’s Domain.

In the Conference Hall on the top floor of the Fire Dragon Auction House.

More than a hundred experts from Tier 3 Peak and above sat quietly at the round table. Even if they master Domain Monster, they dare not mess around.

However, the experts present were faintly headed by a pretty and charming woman sitting in the first seat.

“cold glint Vice-Guild Master, all the senior Super Organizations have arrived.” Standing behind this woman, the female Knight Yubai wearing a black gold armor also walked respectfully to her side , Whispered to the woman.

“Okay, then let’s start.” Cold glint nodded silently.

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