Silver Wing Small Town, the basement 2-Layer of Zero Wing Residence.

At this time, there were rows of old, weak, sick and disabled NPCs standing in the underground hall half the size of a football field. There were more than three hundred people in the hall. Many Zero Wing Tier 3 experts were puzzled for a while.

“Now that the situation outside is so tense, don’t hurry up to prepare for the war, Guild Master has gathered all of us Tier 3 experts here, what are you going to do?” A Level reached Level 115, wearing Tier 3 tall and thin man with Emblem, a member of the Zero Wing main force reserve team, looked at the people waiting in the hall with a puzzled look.

As the Vice-Group Leader of the once-famous Adventure Group, although he joined Zero Wing not long ago, it was after Shi Feng and the others left East Continent that he became a preliminary member of the Zero Wing’s main team. He doesn’t know how strong the background is.

But he knows very well how strong those Sacred Plastic Monsters are, especially when Sacred Plastic Monsters reach a certain scale, the siege is simply as easy as bulldozing.

Now several millions of holy plastic army moved towards Silver Wing Small Town rushed towards Silver Wing Small Town, instead of quickly strengthening the town Defense, instead let them, the main Tier 3 experts who defend the city, gather here, and even let them here. After waiting for so long, I looked at these old, weak and sick NPCs so stupidly.

Simply crazy!

For this, many Zero Wing’s Tier 3 experts were also strange.

Silver Wing Small Town is not small, but there are many places to be guarded. They also need to organize Guild’s other Tier 3 experts and Tier 2 members. Time is already running out, but now they are forcibly wasted here. More than an hour…

They all doubt whether Shi Feng has given up Silver Wing Small Town.

For the core executives of Zero Wing, Silver Wing Small Town may be just a Guild’s residence, but for those players who have lived in Silver Wing Small Town for a long time, this is their home.

As everyone whispered, Nether Orchid and Melancholic Smile in the hall suddenly walked towards the stairs of the hall. They stood on both sides of the stairs and watched quietly from the stairs. The face of a young man who walked away was indescribably respectful.

“Guild Master, all Tier 3 core members with titles above Viscount are here. They have signed a confidential contract. With their Personal Guard quota, they should be able to include all these NPCs.” Melancholic Smile watched Shi Feng, who walked down, whispered the report.

“Okay, let’s start.” Shi Feng nodded.

Water of Life’s matter was originally supposed to be kept secret, because it can better collect those injured NPCs with good potential, but now God’s Domain has become like this, so he can’t even go there. Keep it secret.

As Shi Feng spoke, Melancholic Smile also began to let the neatly lined NPCs each and everyone come to her and distribute Water of Life, which made everyone at Zero Wing bewildered.

“What the hell is this going to do?”

“What a rich life force!”

“Why are these NPCs so excited?”

Many people know this thing about life water, but not many people have met.

Everyone watched Melancholic Smile hand out a bottle full of Life Aura medicine bottles to the NPCs present, and every NPC who received the medicine bottle was sinking from the original Death Qi, each and everyone became all Not to mention full of hope and vitality, but also full of gratitude to Melancholic Smile, each and everyone swore allegiance to everyone, and everyone was amazed.

They can all see that these NPCs are not the guards of the player, they are all Free NPCs, and they will never be grateful to the player, let alone take the initiative to swear allegiance.

However, when the members of the Zero Wing’s main group were completely puzzled, one after another rushing breath also erupted from these NPCs.

Those NPCs who originally didn’t know how weaker than normal Tier 2 NPCs were. At this time, the power of each and everyone broke out, and the weakest one made the Tier 3 expert who reached Realm of Micro palpitations.

The imposing manner of more than three hundred NPCs flooded the hall at the same time, and in an instant, more than one hundred Zero Wing main groups present could prepare member each and everyone and couldn’t help but retreat to the wall, each and Everyone looked at these NPCmotionless nervously, and their faces were unspeakable.

Because they can feel that these NPCs can wipe them out instantly if they think about it.

Especially the strongest auras, simply like an abyss, not comparable to Common Tier 3 NPCs. Facing these people, they have a feeling of being completely caught in swamp, even the surrounding ones The feeling that Magic Element is not under their control.

“Magic Domain?!”

At this time, the beautiful eyes of Nether Orchid on the side were also wide open, and I couldn’t believe it was true.

Although she knew that Shi Feng and Melancholic Smile must do something to gather these old, weak and sick NPCs, she did not expect it to be so amazing.

In an instant, more than three hundred old, weak, sick and disabled NPCs became vigorous. Four of them even possessed Magic Domain, which is simply incredible.

To know that the Magic Domain is naturally generated, it is something that Tier 4 NPC can do. This can also be said to be the huge dividing line of Tier 3 NPC and Tier 4 NPC, and it is also the Tier 4 steamroll Tier 3 NPC. the reason.

Because of this, the talents of the Sacred Heart have not dared to approach Silver Wing Small Town.

Since Silver Wing Small Town has been promoted to Tier 4’s Magic King Katie Derain Guard, Tier 3 player is totally impossible to withstand a single blow in front of Tier 4’s Magic King Katie Delan.

Today, among the more than 300 NPCs, four have Magic Domains, which means that there are four NPCs that are only one line away from Tier 4 profession.

“Awesome! The harvest this time is really great!” Shi Feng was secretly surprised when he watched this scene.

Although there are no Tier 4 NPCs this time, there are four Tier 3 NPCs who master Magic Domain, which is also very rare.

Tier 3 mastering Magic Domain has equivalent to half-footed into Tier 4. As long as the resources are sufficient, stepping into Tier 4 simply is a certainty.

In addition to these four NPCs, the quality of more than 300 NPCs this time is quite good.

There is actually one NPC with Dark Gold Level power. Adamantite Rank power NPC has eleven, Mithril Rank one hundred and five eleven, and the rest are Mysterious-Iron Rank.

In God’s Domain, NPCs with the potential of Adamantite Rank and above can be met but not sought. Aqua Rose has searched once before, and now there are so many Dark Gold Level and Adamantite Rank potentials among more than 300 people. NPC, this gain is not trivial.

Be aware that any Tier 3 NPC with Adamantite Rank can compete with or even suppress the current monster Tier 3 expert. Such Personal Guard can be counted on one’s fingers in all major Super Organizations. One is not a palm treasure.

Now there are fourteen more people at once, three of them master Magic Domain, and one Dark Gold Level potential and Dark Gold Level master Magic Domain NPC, which may make the major Super Organizations murderous It’s all there.

After a brief silence in the hall, Shi Feng also looked towards the Zero Wing main force group present.

“Okay, don’t be in a daze, now you follow the number you arranged before, each and everyone come to me to sign a contract with these NPCs.” Shi Feng patted, said slowly.

As Shi Feng spoke, everyone in Zero Wing in the hall fell into a dead silence again, and after two or three seconds, they became an uproar.

“Crap! Really FALSE!”

“I am afraid that the weakest of these NPCs has Mysterious-Iron Rank or higher…”

“We Can I directly sign the Personal Guard contract with these NPCs?”

Everyone heard Shi Feng’s words and felt like a dream, each and everyone mouth opened, and I couldn’t believe it was true.

Guild is exaggerated enough to attract so many powerful NPCs, and now they still make these NPCs their Personal Guard. Who will believe this?

Be aware that ray of light is the Personal Guard of Mysterious-Iron Rank and is regarded as a treasure by the major First-Rate Guilds. Not to mention the main group member, generally only Guild Elder Level 1 is eligible. As for the Mithril Rank The escort is absolutely exclusive to the Guild Master and Guild Elder. Don’t even think about it.

But these Guild’s main group preparation members can actually sign contracts with the weakest NPCs with Mysterious-Iron Rank potential. This is simply more exaggerated than giving each person an Epic Weapon with a level of 100 or more. .

However, within a short while, the Zero Wing Members present reacted, and each and everyone flew to Shi Feng and queued up, signing contracts with these NPCs.

As for the allocation of NPCs, Shi Feng assigns a Mithril Rank to each of these members. As for the Dark Gold Level NPC, it is given to Melancholic Smile and Nether Orchid, one for each. At the same time, with Liang Jing, each person is receiving a Personal Guard of Adamantite Rank, allowing three people to enter and exit God’s Domain without worrying about safety issues. As for the other Adamantite Rank NPCs, the eleven people who contributed the most to Guild, which makes Zero Wing Others are envious of watching.

Personal Guard of Adamantite Rank!

Even if you meet the Tier 3 team of 100-Man in the wild, this Tier 3 team may have to take a detour…

“very good! With these With the help of the Personal Guard, coupled with the Personal Guard stationed in Stone Forest City, with the Defensive Magic Array and Magic Tower of Silver Wing Small Town, it should be able to support it.” Nether Orchid looked at the Personal Guard that was allocated, and it was also sighed. in relief.

Although the entire Silver Wing Small Town is only an Advanced Small Town, Zero Wing has invested a lot of resources and money. Defense may not be as good as the real Guild city, but it is similar, let alone There are also four Magic Towers and Tier 4 NPC guards. Now that there are so many powerful Tier 3 NPC guards, guarding the Silver Wing Small Town shouldn’t be a big problem.

“Support? It’s too early!” Shi Feng looked at the Nether Orchid sighed in relief, shook the head with a sneer, “They dare to come, then they don’t even think about it. Going back!”

Speaking of Shi Feng, he handed over the issue of Silver Wing Small Town Defense to Nether Orchid and Melancholic Smile, and he himself went directly to the City Lord Mansion of Silver Wing Small Town.

In the control room of the core Magic Array of City Lord Mansion, Shi Feng took out one after another Magic Crystal Stone, which is more than 600, and arranged a new Magic Array on the core Magic Array. .

Mana notes have many powerful items recorded, but the most representative of Mana notes is Mana Magic Array, a special Magic Array that can force Magic Array to a new height.

Of course, this is not without cost, that is, the consumption of Magic Array will be more than three times that of normal, and it will naturally take longer to restore, but compared to the effect obtained, this cost is not unacceptable.

As Shi Feng finished depicting the last Magic Array, a scarlet beam of light emerged from the core Magic Array in Sudden Time’s room straight into the sky.

After that, Shi Feng’s ear suddenly sounded a System prompt.

System: Silver Wing Small Town has reached the criteria to be promoted to Guild city, is the player promoted?

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