As the sound came out in the desert woodland, everyone present couldn’t help looking towards the place where the sound came from.

I saw that it was not someone else who said this sentence, it was the man in the black cloak who had previously crushed the Devour and changed the situation on the battlefield with one move.

“He’s not really going to fight against the Sacred Heart, right?”

Silver Wing Small Town’s Super Organizations looked at Shi Feng who spoke in Magic Mirror, each and Everyone’s face was full of consternation, and didn’t expect Shi Feng to challenge the people of the Sacred Heart.

And I still said those things to the Group Leader of Legion, the three ace of the Sacred Heart.

This courage is too fat!

At this time, not only the members of the major Super Organizations, but the Illusionary Speech and the others in the Blue Rose Bar are also incredible.

Although there are not many people in the Hand of the Sacred Heart, there are only more than a hundred people. It is incomparable with the patrol Legion near Silver Wing Small Town, but the hundred people led by Thousand Eyes Many people are extraordinary.

At the beginning, Qianyan forcibly captured the Guild Encampment of Galactic Alliance Guard with more than one hundred people, and even the six hundred Tier 3 experts sent by Heavenly Secret Pavilion were all killed…

It can be said that on the Silver Wing Small Town side, if there is no Zero Wing’s main group member, no one can stop Qianyan and the others.

“But why look at this scene, I have a feeling of deja vu?” Illusionary Speech looked at the Magic Mirror in front of me, I always felt that this scene seemed to have been seen somewhere, but I couldn’t remember it for a while .

In the desert woodland, Purple Eye and the others looked at Shi Feng of the giving tit for tat and became a little anxious for a while.

Others may not quite clear Thousand Eyes and the strength of the others, but she knows it very well because she has seen it with her own eyes.

If it’s a three-four hundred yard range around Silver Wing Small Town at this time, it’s okay, so that Tier 4 Personal Guard of Guard Silver Wing Small Town can help, even if it’s a thousand eyes and the others. Don’t dare to mess around.

But now that the distance is too far apart, even the large troops patrolling Legion are very scattered. Only by virtue of their more than 30 people, they are not the opponents of Thousand Eyes and the others, even if Shi Feng was able to defeat the saint before. The battle strength of the Devour shaper will not change.

Because these people of Thousand Eyes are simply not people, but a group of Humanoid ominous beasts, otherwise it is impossible to capture hundreds of Tier 3 Personal Guards and tens of thousands of expert Guards with more than 100 people. Guild Encampment

It can be said that this is also the reason why Qianyan and the others dare to come to the vicinity of Silver Wing Small Town.

When Purple Eye was nervous, the bald golden pupil man’s eyes also turned to Shi Feng’s.

“Although I don’t know who you are, I advise you brat to not find anything. Your strength and methods are indeed powerful enough to make many Super Organizations jealous, but in the hands of our Sacred Heart, it’s fundamental It’s nothing.” Qianyan looked at Shi Feng’s voice and said coldly, “Since you want to know the consequences of destroying the existing balance of God’s Domain, then I will let you know a little bit.”

As Qianyan finished speaking, five silhouettes suddenly appeared behind Qianyan.

These five people not only have the pressure not inferior to the Peak High Lord, but they also used Tier 3 combined with Skill Purgatory Storm.

In a moment, I watched the five people instantly turn into more than 30 silhouettes surrounding Shi Feng, sealing Shi Feng completely inside, and the more than 30 silhouettes also attacked Shi Feng at the same time. A chop played by a silhouette has the power of Tier 4. More than 30 chops meet Shi Feng from all directions, let alone a dodge, even resistance can not be resisted.

This scene surprised all the major Super Organization experts who were watching the battle.

“Does the Hand of the Sacred Heart even have the Tier 3 combined Magic Skill used by five people?” Illusionary Speech looked at Shi Feng’s five people, and couldn’t help but eyebrow slightly wrinkled.

Tier 3’s Magic Skills are originally very rare, that is, Tier 3 experts of major Super Organizations have not written a few tricks, let alone Tier 3 combined with Magic Skills, it can be said that every Tier 3 is combined Magic Skills are all things of Super Organization yearn for something even in dreams.

Because Tier 3 combined with Magic Skill can play the formidable power of Tier 4 according to the number of users. The powerful Tier 3 combined with Magic Skill can repel the Tier 4 Legendary monster, which is definitely against Legendary. A big trump card of BOSS.

But so far, I have not heard of that Super Organization has mastered the Tier 3 combined Magic Skill used by five people, and at most it is the combined Magic Skill used by three people.

The Tier 3 combined with Magic Skill used by five people can be said to be unstoppable even if the Devour is not suppressed, let alone the player.

“Tier 3 combined with Magic used by five people! The background of the Hand of the Sacred Heart is really extraordinary. Now that kid is going to be dumbfounded.”

All Super Organizations The member of Shi Feng looked at Shi Feng completely surrounded, each and everyone couldn’t help shaking their heads, some laughed, and some sighed. Although Shi Feng’s strength is indeed amazing, but as Qianyan said, this Strength is in the Sacred Heart. There is nothing in front of the hand.

For a time, Chop, who watched more than 30 shattered spaces, fell to Shi Feng at the same time. The terrifying power even felt suffocated by Purple Eye, which was more than 30 yards away.

Seeing that Shi Feng was about to be given to Devour by more than 30 Space Cracks that destroy the heaven and extinguish the earth, I saw Shi Feng also raised the Abyssal Blade in his hand, facing the attacking 30 Chop made a sudden wave.

Divine Extermination warfare light and shadow!

For a moment, a giant sword phantom appear out of thin air, but the light and shadow that Shi Feng used at this time wants to be more solid than the previous condensed giant sword, just because of the appearance of the giant sword It made the all around space become heavier, and even the Chop that made all around attack became much slower.

At this moment, the entire Heaven and Earth is only the giant sword moving, and everything else is just as static.


More than thirty powers of Chop, which are enough to repel the Devour of the sacred plastic, instantly turn into a starlight, and the terrifying impact makes all around space collapse.

Then five black shadows flew out from the collapsed space, hitting like a cannonball and planted on a large tree more than 30 yards apart, breaking several trees two meters in diameter in a row. After a lot of big trees, he steadied his body and fell to the ground. The HP was also rapidly declining visible by naked eye, and it gradually stabilized when it dropped to one third……


Purple Eye looked at the five people who were seriously injured by the hand of the Sacred Heart, and their mouths almost did not close.

Smash the Tier 3 Skill used by five people in just one blow. Not to mention, it makes the five people seriously injured, as if the five people of the Hand of the Sacred Heart are simply not an attribute to reach the Peak High Lord. The Peak expert, just like the passerby players who can be seen everywhere on the roadside, completely impossible to withstand a single blow……

“who the hell are you?” Thousand eyes looked at Shi Feng unscathed. , The original plain eyes were full of surprise and puzzlement.

How strong the purgatory storm used by these five people is, he knows that even a high-level Legendary monster can block a blow. At this time, he was hit hard by a blow, which is simply incredible.

At this time, not only Qianyan is full of curiosity about Shi Feng’s identity, but also the major Super Organizations and all around players who are watching the game are full of curiosity.

“Who?” Shi Feng glanced at a thousand eyes, and said flatly, “You all boldly came to the Silver Wing Small Town to shoot, but you still came to ask me who I am? You don’t think this Is it stupid to ask the question?”

As Shi Feng spoke, all the Super Organizations watching the battle suddenly fell into silence. Each and everyone looked at Shi in the Magic Mirror with a black cloak in disbelief. Feng.

“Black Flame?”

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