
“That is the Advanced Combat Technique used by the Legendary monster, how could it be…blocked!”

Everyone in the lobby on the third floor of the bar, look The dark walls in Magic Mirror were stunned. Some people couldn’t help rubbing their eyes, feeling that they were dazzled.

The Sacred Plastic Monster of the Legendary Level is amazing in its Basic Attribute, and it can be ranked in the upper middle in the same level of the Legendary monster of the same level. The power of power can easily knock the Legendary monster of the same level into the air.

But facing the rising black wall, it’s like a mayfly shaking a tree, which can’t cause any waves…

And everyone on the battlefield of the desert woodland is also each and everyone looked dumbfounded.

“What’s the situation?”

“What kind of Defense Magic is the dark wall? This is too powerful!”

Facing this sudden rise Everyone present was full of surprise and perplexity.

Because this pitch-black wall not only blocked the attack of Legendary Level Sacred Plastic Monster, but also divided the entire battlefield into two, so that most of the Sacred Plastic Monster’s offensive came to an abrupt halt and watched it quietly. There is nothing to do with the dark walls.

“This is…Space Crack!” The Illusionary Speech in front of the round table looked at the dark wall that was slowly dissipating, suddenly surprised.

“Space Crack? How is this possible! Space Cracks caused by general attacks have at most one big hole of more than ten yards. This dark wall not only spreads over a hundred yards, but also has fifty-sixty yards high. , Simply is about to separate a place, who has such a Strength?” The fierce man on the side felt that the Illusionary Speech was too exaggerated and shook his head in disbelief.

Space Crack this thing is not unfamiliar to the expert players present, after all, whenever you play against Tier 4 Legendary monster, you will encounter Space Crack.

Space Crack is because the Strength is too large, and the space is broken, and this kind of breakage is like glass being broken, the cracks are random and irregular.

But the dark wall in front of me is extremely smooth, without any cracks in the space, it is as smooth and thick as a dark steel falling in midair.

“Yes, even if it is better than that person, I can’t do such a thing.” Illusionary Speech thought for a while and felt that the fierce man was right, and he said with a smile.

“But is that who can save Purple Eye?” The fierce man couldn’t help but carefully look towards the place where the dark wall in Magic Mirror was drawn over, he was full of curiosity, “Don’t talk about that. The defense of the Dark Wall is the point that can see through the actions of the Legendary Level Sacred Plastic Monster. I am afraid that there are not many in the entire Silver Wing Small Town. Could it be that the Old Monster in the Super Organization of the Zero Wing alliance shot?”

I saw a man wearing a black cloak standing near the black wall, holding a black long sword, and no information at all, but the mysterious man’s strength can be vaguely felt. Amazing, at least mastered the domain.

And before everyone could react, the man in the black cloak came directly to the Legendary Level Sacred Plastic Monster before the vanish wall of darkness, and once again blocked the Legendary Level Sacred. A shot of Plastic Monster allowed Purple Eye to pull away.

“Crap! Who the hell is he? Even Legendary Level Sacred Plastic Monster can block it!” The mad cow former life in the distance looked at Shi Feng who suddenly rescued Purple Eye. The eyes are about to stare out.

Don’t say it is a mad cow former life at this time, even the condensing wind on the side is also beautiful eyes wide, I can’t believe this is true.

Before entangled with the two sacred plastic destroyers are strong enough, now it is even one person who has restrained the Legendary Level sacred Devour who even Purple Eye is not an opponent at all…

“It’s amazing! It was able to keep up with the response and speed of the Devourer who was sacred. Now there is no problem for those who want to hold the Devour of the sacred.” Illusionary Speech watched the man in the black cloak set the Legendary Level The attacks of the sacred Devourers all shifted away, and the two eyes that couldn’t help but shined, “If he is in the Silver Wing Small Town later, then we should be able to stay in the Silver Wing Small Town for a while, which can also disrupt the Holy The Hand of the Heart’s plan to attract surrounding Kingdom forces and slow the development of the Hand of the Sacred Heart will give Zero Wing some breathing room. Otherwise, with the Big Guild and War Spirit Uprise, it would be difficult to compete against the Dark Night Empire. Star Ring.”

“This is just a delay of time that’s all. The Devourer will continue to grow stronger over time. The growth speed is not about cracking a joke, let alone dealing with it. On the back of Zero Wing’s there is also a hand of the Sacred Heart with amazing power. The Hand of the Sacred Heart has already let go of the Guild Masters of the major Super Organizations. After that, who is assisting Zero Wing is the enemy of the Hand of their Sacred Heart.” The man shook his head and said, “The Hand of the Sacred Heart has done considerable research on Sacred Plastic Monster. In the future, we will deal with the threats of the Sacred Plastic Monster, and we will have to contact or cooperate with the Hand of the Sacred Heart. It is because of this that Guild Master let us All retreat. After all, Zero Wing is no longer saved. Now that mysterious expert’s rescue is only a drop in the bucket. Maybe it will be found by the Hand of the Sacred Heart soon, to warn the forces behind this mysterious expert. Fan.”

Not only the Crimson Emperor Guild in the Blue Rose Bar, but some of the major Super Organizations hidden in Silver Wing Small Town also sneered.

“This Zero Wing’s luck is so good, it can let an Old Monster help.”

“It is estimated that the Old Monster has not received the news yet, otherwise how could it be possible? Help?”

Although I don’t know that it was the monster of the Super Organization who came to the rescue, but at best it can only save this time. After that, the Super Organization behind the Old Monster will definitely be handed by the Sacred Heart. Warning, after this, I am afraid I will not help Zero Wing to resist those Sacred Plastic Monsters.

Today’s God’s Domain is not only an era of turmoil, but also an era of the rise of Sacred Plastic Monster.

Faced with those Sacred Plastic Monsters, let alone Common’s Super Organization, even those Super-Guilds are extremely troublesome, and they cannot stop the spread of Sacred Plastic Monsters.

If you want to steadily develop in God’s Domain in the future, from Common power to Super-Guild, you must cooperate or trade with the Hand of the Sacred Heart. After all, until now, there is no such power. Developed a special item that can prevent the Sacred Plastic Monster from attacking, and even in the hands of the Sacred Heart, there is a means to prevent an area from being attacked by the Sacred Plastic Monster.

Now the Hand of the Sacred Heart is determined to destroy the Zero Wing. Even the Heavenly Secret Pavilion is unable to stop it, even if the Heavenly Secret Pavilion is unable to prevent the Hand of the Sacred Heart from occupying the headquarters of the Galactic Alliance. .

With the passage of time in the desert woodland, the number of plastic monsters attacking everyone is because Silver Wing Small Town has continuously sent reinforcements, and Legion patrols have completely gained the upper hand, and even the Sacred Plastic Monster killed has exceeded One thousand, so that the Devour of the Sacred Plastic Monster army can not help but worry.

Suddenly, I saw the Devour sacred person loudly roared, making a deafening, sharp cry.

For a moment, the Sacred Plastic Monster army seemed to have received an order to retreat. Each and everyone began to scatter and fled. As for the Devourists, the Devourists also turned around and prepared to move towards the distant desert to escape. .

“Sure enough, I’m going to run away.”

“Zero Wing took a life this time, how can I stop them next time?”

Each and everyone conceal in the Super Organization of Silver Wing Small Town watching the scattered army of sacred plastics, there is no accident, after all, the sacred Devourers are restrained, but the real power of Sacred Plastic Monster is not to die, once It will be better than once, Silver Wing Small Town can block this time, and the next time it can be blocked.

“Escape?” Shi Feng looked at the Devour who was not ready to fight, said with a sneer, “Do you think you can escape?”

Immediately, Shi Feng just Take out the Ring of Gospel from inventory and use Miniature World directly.

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