As Tier 3 Shield Warrior spoke, Ning Feng looked towards Shi Feng at the scene and felt ashamed.

I patronized the battle before, and there was no time to ask the name, and even thanked me. Fortunately, Mad Cow offered to help me, otherwise their Adventure Group would be too impossible to tell good from bad.

“Black Flame.” Shi Feng said flatly.

“Black Flame?” Tier 3 Shield Warrior mad cow former life laughed suddenly, “brother, your name is too awesome. I am afraid no one would dare not give this in Star-Moon Kingdom Name some face.”

Everyone present was also nodded.

Who knows the name of the Guild Master of Zero Wing Guild?

Don’t talk about the First-Rate Guild Galactic Alliance in Star-Moon Kingdom. Now all major Super Organizations have to give a bit of face. In the entire Star-Moon Kingdom, no one knows the existence.

Shi Feng, who is just wearing a black cloak to hide information and appearance, does not look like a legendary Black Flame no matter what. After all, there is no Leader of a Guild who will come to Desolate Land. Not to mention, I have to face those Sacred Plastic Monsters.

“Well, it’s just a title that’s all. Since he doesn’t want to say it, we don’t need to go into it.” Ningfeng looked at the jokes and couldn’t help but whispered in the group chat.

Everyone is nodded to discuss this. After all, they were saved because of Shi Feng before. Since Shi Feng has hidden his identity and does not want to say his real name, they naturally cannot be so ignorant.

“Brother Black Flame helped us before, and we haven’t had time to thank him. If Brother Black Flame encounters any trouble in Star-Moon Kingdom and Beastman Empire in the future, please feel free to come to us, our blood covenant Adventure Group may not be as good as those Big Guilds, but there is no problem in solving some minor troubles.” Ningfeng walked to Shi Feng and said thankfully.

“Yes, our blood alliance Adventure Group is not a well-known Peak Adventure Group, but it is also an Adventure Group that ranks in the top 20 here in Beastman Empire. If you encounter some wandering Dark Player, Just say the name, those Dark Players will give some face.” The mad cow former life on the side said very confidently.

“Okay.” Shi Feng looked at the condensing wind who did not believe in him and the others, but nodded with a smile.

“Then let’s hurry up on the carriage now. If it comes to night, not only will the activities of the Sacred Plastic Monster be more frequent, but those with the heart of Saint Hand will also attack the surrounding areas of Silver Wing Small Town. Player, with our people, it is impossible to hold these goods.” Ningfeng pointed to the carriage not far away and said.

Speaking of all the people present have also been on the carriage, and dare not have any delay.

“Ningfeng Vice-Group Leader, since those Sacred Plastic Monsters are more active at night, aren’t people with Saint Hand’s heart afraid of being attacked by Sacred Plastic Monster?” Shi Feng sat on the carriage, curious Asked to Ningfeng.

Since the heart of Saint Hand wants to expand and develop, it is normal to confront Zero Wing afterwards, but the strength of those Sacred Plastic Monsters is not cracking a joke, and against Silver Wing at night It is undoubtedly a stupid choice to do things around Small Town.

“We were also weird before, but the heart of Saint Hand developed a special item. Wearing that special item, as long as you don’t actively attack those Sacred Plastic Monsters, those Sacred Plastic Monsters will not attack. Player, because of this, people with the heart of Saint Hand cooperate with Sacred Plastic Monster to deal with Silver Wing Small Town at night, and the recent offensive is getting stronger and stronger. It seems that they intend to get Silver Wing Small Town as soon as possible.” Ning Feng Slowly said, “But those of us Free players don’t want Silver Wing Small Town to be captured.”

“Before, all the towns that were acquired by the heart of Saint Hand can only be entered by those who joined the heart of Saint Hand. And Silver Wing Small Town is currently the economic center of the Beastman Empire. If Silver Wing Small Town is captured by the heart of Saint Hand, then we have nowhere to go.”

“So many of our Adventure Groups Even some Guilds from Star-Moon Kingdom are assisting Zero Wing to fight against the heart of Saint Hand. Guard’s caravans that go to and from Silver Wing Small Town are just getting stronger recently because of the Sacred Plastic Monsters, our side is gradually starting. I’m in a disadvantage, I don’t know how long we can hold on…”

The other players here also hate Saint Hand’s heart deeply.

Now it’s hard enough for major kingdoms and forces to face the threat of Sacred Plastic Monster, but Saint Hand’s heart is profiting from somebody’s misfortune, making it harder and harder for their free players to survive, but on the contrary They still can’t do anything, even those Super Organizations just watched from the sidelines and didn’t dare to go against Saint Hand’s heart.

As Shi Feng chatted with Ningfeng and the others along the way, he gradually learned about the current situation of Star-Moon Kingdom.

Although Star-Moon Kingdom has fallen by nearly half, there has not been a major city-level NPC city fallen, but the situation is not optimistic.

Because the Sacred Plastic Monster is getting stronger and stronger, a large number of players have begun to flee. In the past, White River City had a population of over 10 million players. At this time, the number of players was less than 4 million. Other NPCs Not to mention the city.

The sharp reduction in the number of players has also dropped a thousand zhang in one fall for the entire Star-Moon Kingdom economy. Many forces have to choose to leave Star-Moon Kingdom and go to other places to develop.

The departure of the Great Influences of the Star-Moon Kingdom also allowed the dark forces to take the opportunity to rise, and even developed to the point where players will accidentally breathe one’s last when they leave the NPC town.

In short, it is just one word.


And the most important point is that as Sacred Plastic Monster gets stronger and stronger, everyone can already foresee the capture of the main city-level NPC city. It can be said that the entire Star-Moon Kingdom is over, unless Saint is added. The heart of Hand can avoid being Sacred Plastic Monster Devour in Star-Moon Kingdom……

As the caravan escorted all the way forward, unconsciously Shi Feng and the others also came to the distance of Silver Wing Small A desert woodland not far from Town.

In this desert woodland, you can see that many caravans are escorted by players to the Silver Wing Small Town. There are plenty of twenty-thirty. You can imagine that the current Silver Wing Small Town is How prosperous.

In addition to the escorted Adventure Group, there are also a lot of Legions patrolled by Big Guilds all around, with tens of thousands of people.

“It’s finally safe.” Ningfeng looked at the patrolling Guild Legion, sighed in relief.

Now the sky is getting darker, when the time comes, the Sacred Plastic Monster you have to face is not cracking a joke. If you add the expert Ambush of Saint Hand’s heart, it will definitely disappear.

“Today’s patrol team is really powerful. The Team Leader’s is the Purple Eye Vice-Guild Master of the Galactic Alliance. Now, even if people from the hearts of Sacred Plastic Monster and Saint Hand come to attack, you are not afraid.” Mad Cow Former Life Looking at a glamorous woman wearing a crimson luxurious mage robe headed by Legion patrol, two eyes can’t help but shine.

The other people in the Adventure Group who were present at the blood alliance were also nodded when they looked at Purple Eye.

Today’s Star-Moon Kingdom has many experts, but there are not a few experts that can make it into the top 1,000 of the Wind and Clouds Master List. After all, all players are becoming stronger, and new generations are replacing old ones. It is more difficult to be in the top 1,000 than before. Purple Eye is a big expert who can be ranked in the top 300. According to rumors, because of a special opportunity, the bloodline is simply as strong as a humanoid violent dragon, battle strength. It is even comparable to those rumored monsters.

Not long ago, the body of magic power was unlocked. Star-Moon Kingdom players guessed that Purple Eye’s current strength has surpassed Zero Wing’s Aqua Rose, and is catching up to monsters like Black Flame.

Now that there are such expert guards, how can they not be reassuring.

As everyone was talking about Purple Eye in a whisper, there was a sudden scream and commotion in the distance, accompanied by a deafening roar.

“Escape! Run away! Sacred Plastic Monster is here!”

As the shouting sounded, everyone in the room couldn’t help turning their heads to look towards the place where the roar came from, a thousand apart A cloud of sand was rolled up from a yard away, and it quickly hit them.

In the sand and dust, everyone can vaguely see a Sacred Plastic Monster measuring five or six meters in size. There are thousands of them…

“Everyone quickly retreats To Silver Wing Small Town, our patrol will break the back here!” Purple Eye couldn’t help but yelled when he saw the attacking plastic army.

For a while, watch Legion patrol the Defense position.

I saw that the members who patrolled Legion not only acted in an orderly manner, each and everyone did not panic in the face of the thousands of plastic army, obviously all experienced experts.

However, when Sacred Plastic Monster got closer and closer, and when they were less than 500 yards apart, the faces of the people patrolling Legion also changed suddenly.

“Not good! Legendary Level! Legendary Level Sacred Plastic Monster!”

The sacred plastic monster in Sacred Plastic Monster is only six or seven meters tall, and in this group of Sacred In Plastic Monster, there was a twelve-meter tall one. The pressure was as strong as a mountain topping the top, which made the Tier 2 expert at 1Level 12 feel breathless.

The Peak High Lord-level Sacred Plastic Monster is already very difficult for the Tier 3 expert to deal with. Even the Peak expert will not accidentally breathe one’s last when facing the Peak High Lord-level Sacred Plastic Monster. A Legendary Level Sacred Plastic Monster simply can’t imagine how strong it will be.

Be aware that the stronger the Sacred Plastic Monster, the higher the combat level. Tier 4 and Tier 3 are a huge dividing line.

What’s more, a Tier 4 Legendary Sacred Plastic Monster is now leading hundreds of plastic destroyers and thousands of plastic destroyers…

“Why? Legendary Level How could the Sacred Plastic Monster be born so soon!” Ning Feng looked at the huge Sacred Plastic Monster and was stunned for a while.

“It’s over! This time is really over!” The mad cow former life on the side was also desperate.

Facing the sacred plastic army of Peak High Lord, they can resist together, and even repel the sacred plastic army, but facing the sacred plastic army with the Legendary Level Sacred Plastic Monster, with time As time goes by, Silver Wing Small Town will probably be wiped out soon.

After all, up to now, no team has killed the destroyer of the sacred plastic, let alone killed the Sacred Plastic Monster of Tier 4 Legendary Level, and these Sacred Plastic Monsters will become stronger and stronger. , They simply can’t stop it.

However, with the appearance of the Legendary Level Sacred Plastic Monster, before everyone came back to his senses, the Sacred Army collided with the patrol Legion and fell into a melee.

Faced with Legendary Level’s Sacred Plastic Monster, Tier 3’s TM was made of paper. The long spear flew more than 20 yards away in one sweep, and HP ran away like money.

Even the Tier 3 Forbidden Spell used by the 11Level 4 Magic System expert like Purple Eye can be easily blocked, but it also flashes behind Purple Eye instantly. If it weren’t for Purple Eye, the reaction is fast. , I used the life-saving skill for the first time, and I would definitely be hit by Insta-kill……

“Black Flame brother, let’s go quickly, patrolling Legion won’t last long.” Mad Cow former Seeing Shi Feng who got off the car suddenly, life couldn’t help but said anxiously.

Even Purple Eye, which is like a monster, has fallen into an absolute disadvantage. It is only a matter of time before the plastic army breaks and patrols the Legion defense line.

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