City of Light Casting, Red Silver Inn.

As a hotel in the City of Lightcasting that is only open to nobles, Common player and NPC can’t step into it at all. As for the price of rest, it is beyond the imagination of Common Hotel.

Because any Common room can cost as much as 300 Mana Crystals or ten points of contribution, it is the silent red star of the nobles and the others are unwilling to come to rest.

But at this time Shi Feng walked in without the slightest hesitation, making the Violet Sword and Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce members passing by look astounding.

Whether it’s three hundred Mana Crystals or ten points of contribution, it’s not a small amount. It’s just for rest and restoring. There is no need to be so extravagant. Just go to the Common hotel. Contribution value or 30 Mana Crystals can be done.

“Respected sir, what can I do for you?” A waitress with a level of up to Level 180 looked at Shi Feng who walked into the hall and couldn’t help but walked up to respectfully asked.

“I want to take a break in the Common room here.” Shi Feng said, took out 300 Mana Crystals and gave them directly to the NPC attendant.

“Okay.” After the NPC waitress confirmed Mana Crystal, she immediately took out a crystal key and handed it to Shi Feng, saying, “This is your room key, my lord, the empty room upstairs You can choose whatever you want.”

Shi Feng took the key and didn’t say anything else, and walked directly to the 2nd floor room.

As Shi Feng walked into the 2nd floor guest room, he immediately felt that the magic power in the room began to increase rapidly. In just a short time, the magic power in the room reached more than twice the intensity of the outside world. It also gives people an indescribable sense of ease and calm.

“Sure enough, the richness of magic power here is much higher than that of the Common Hotel.” Shi Feng felt the richness of magic power in the room, slightly nodded.

If he just rests normally, he can go directly to the Common Hotel, but now he is not to rest, but to get the ancient inheritance on the memory crystal, so he can’t be careless.

The noble hotel is safer than the Common hotel. This can be seen solely from the waiters and doormen in the lobby. Each and everyone is Tier 3 profession at Level 180, not at all Players now can provoke them.

In addition, the Magic Array of the entire hotel is also very powerful, equipped with 4-layer Defensive Magic Array. Under normal circumstances, it is not easy to shake this Magic Array for the Tier 5 profession, let alone Tier 3 and Tier 4 professions. Up.

After solving the external environmental problems, Shi Feng immediately took out the memory crystals stored in the inventory, ready to read the information inside.

Because the memory crystal has a time limit, as long as it exceeds two days, then the player wants to inherit all impossible.

In order to improve the level of Vitality, a lot of time has been spent, and the remaining time is less than three hours…

“This time Vitality has reached Tier 4 and should be able to read Take it.” Shi Feng clicked the memory crystal in his hand nervously.

This trip to the Ancient Secret Realm, if you say that the biggest harvest is the memory crystal of the ancient inheritance, it can even be said that all the gains combined are less than half of the ancient inheritance crystal.

If you can’t read the information inside, it will hurt your human’s heart to death.

I saw Shi Feng click on the memory crystal, and the System prompt sounded in his ear.

System warning: The player found large memory. According to the player’s Vitality test, if the memory is read completely, there is a small chance that it will fall into a deep coma. Do you still want to read it?

“Is it still dangerous for Vitality to reach Tier 4 level?” Shi Feng looked at the System prompt, and he couldn’t help but froze, “What’s in it?”

Tier 4 level is not a Peak in God’s Domain, but it is absolutely upstream. Putting it in a Kingdom is an existence that can be treated with caution by the king.

But now Tier 4’s Vitality has risks in reading information. He has never heard of such things.

“Although there is still a certain risk, I want to see what is in it!” Shi Feng looked at the memory crystal in his hand and did not hesitate for too long. He gritted his teeth and chose to read it. Memory crystal.

Originally, the memory crystals of ancient inheritance are extremely rare in God’s Domain. It can even be said that they can be counted on one’s fingers. He did not dare to mess around because of the high probability that he would fall into a deep coma.

But now it is only a small chance, he naturally wants to try it, otherwise he may not have chance in the future.

After Shi Feng chose to read the memory crystal, the memory crystal in Shi Feng’s hand immediately began to frantically absorb the magic power all around, and directly bloomed with dazzling light, illuminating the entire room Of transparency.

Following the memory crystal, a white glow was shot towards Shi Feng’s forehead.

For a while, Shi Feng felt that countless pictures and words came into his mind, and the number simply made people too much for eyes to take in, as if falling into a sea of ​​knowledge general.

Ten minutes…

Twenty minutes…

One hour…

All kinds of pictures and words are crazy In Shi Feng’s mind, the first half an hour was fine. After 40 minutes of Duration, Shi Feng felt a faint tingling in his head, as if someone was piercing himself with a needle. This feeling followed The ebbing of time is getting stronger and stronger.

Seeing that the time has lasted for almost 80 minutes, Shi Feng felt that his brain was about to explode. The rays of light emitted by the memory crystal stopped abruptly, directly turning into countless fragments, and completely dissipating. In the whole room, it seemed like it had never existed before.

And Shi Feng couldn’t help but almost fell to the ground, and the eyes opened turned around, feeling that he was no longer himself.

“That was close! If it takes another two minutes to pass, I’m afraid I will really faint…” Shi Feng thought of System’s warning and felt trapped by System.

Obviously, it is a very small chance, but he is now close to the Vitality protection activated by System.

As long as the breakthrough line, he might really fall into a deep coma for a long time. When the time comes, he might have nowhere to cry.

However, after two or three minutes, Shi Feng finally feels that his body is his own, and the irritation of the brain is also reduced a lot, and all kinds of previously read information It also gradually became clear.

After seeing these gradually clear data, Shi Feng was dumbfounded.

“Let’s lie!”

“Small…Mobile fort design creation?”

Shi Feng looked at the clear pictures and Text, I feel that System simply is cracking a joke with him.

In God’s Domain, this thing about fortresses is more precious than towns, because fortresses are not only for players to rest, but defenses and attacks are far more powerful than towns. They are specially designed for various wars.

Even a small fortress can easily withstand the attack of a large number of Tier 4 professions. In addition, the materials and costs required for production are far lower than those in towns. Therefore, the former life is welcomed by all Great Influences. It can be said that more than 70% of the player gathering places in maps above 100 levels are fortresses.

And the fortress on the design creation in front of him is far above the Common fortress, and even in God’s Domain, he has been fortunate to have seen it several times.

That is the mobile fortress!

A fortress that can make countless forces crazy!

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