With the sudden appearance of Jingliang stele in the tunnel, not only Shi Feng was very excited, but everyone present was full of curiosity and surprise at this incomplete stele. Didn’t expect there to be no trials of drops. Monster, unexpectedly drops a stele.

“This stele is amazing! Just putting it there makes the magic power of all around skyrocket, and even the surrounding space becomes heavier.” Silent Red Star felt the space changes brought about by the incomplete stele, Slowly said, “If you switch to a player from the Tier 2 profession, I’m afraid you won’t be able to get close to this stele.”

The member of the Violet Sword is also a pity.

Stele’s out of the ordinary is what fools can see, but this trip of Secret Realm, except for the drops of the trial boss, all other discoveries and drops belong to Zero Wing, these all are agreed in advance, they can only watch from the sidelines.

“What the hell is this stele? Not only can you not read the data, you can’t even touch the stele, as if the stele simply doesn’t exist in this space.” Aqua before the stele Rose’s face was dark, “Is this just a projection?”

So if it’s just a projection, then they would be happy for nothing.

Be aware that such a stele, even if it cannot be read and does not know its purpose, can be taken back as a room decoration to enhance the richness of the magic power in the room, which is quite helpful for player training.

“This is not a projection, but we can’t touch that’s all.” At this time, Shi Feng suddenly said with a smile.

“Guild Master, you are still in the mood to laugh. If we can’t touch it, then we can only watch this stele.” Aqua Rose looked at Shi Feng who was not in a hurry, and said in a hurry.

There is a prerequisite for storing items in God’s Domain, that is, you have to touch the Item. If you can’t touch it, how can you take the stele away?

“We really can only watch.” Shi Feng nodded with a smile, “because this stele is not something that can be taken away, all we can take away is the information inside.”

The ancient inheritance stele is very strange to the current God’s Domain player, because this thing points out that it was produced in Ancient Ruins or Secret Realm.

And every appearance of the ancient inheritance stele is a foul wind and rain of blood.

Because the ancient lost civilization skills are recorded in the ancient inheritance stele, and it is absolutely the only skill. If you can master this skill, Guild will make a qualitative leap.

In the history of God’s Domain, the ancient inheritance stele has appeared five times.

In ten years, the time put in God’s Domain is equivalent to twenty years. It only appeared five times in such a long period of time. The preciousness can be imagined.

This is why he is so excited.

“Take away the information inside?” Aqua Rose looked at stele and was puzzled. She didn’t understand how Shi Feng took away the information inside.

The current stele is completely inaccessible. Even if you use the Master Level Appraisal technique, you can’t read any data. How can you take away the information inside?

“It is normal that the data in the stele cannot be read in the normal way, because the data inside is not only huge but also messy. If you want to extract the information, you can only record the Magic Array on the stele.” Shi Feng slowly explained .

“Record the Magic Array above?” Aqua Rose looked at the mutilated stele and couldn’t help but mouth wide.

At this time, there are totally thirty-forty Magic Arrays on stele. Among them, the simplest Magic Array she can understand is High Grade Magic Array, which is simply cracking a joke to record.

Know that they can only stay in the trial space for five days. It takes half a day to learn a High Grade Magic Array normally, not to mention the Magic Array on top of the High Grade Magic Array. Up.

“Don’t worry, this matter may be difficult for others, but it’s not difficult for me, it just takes some time.” Shi Feng looked at stele and said very positively, “This In a while, it’s up to you to direct the team to continue cleaning up those trial monsters.”

Learning the Magic Array on the ancient inheritance stele is indeed very, very difficult for the High Grade Magic teacher, but he has already It is the Magic Array Master. It is enough to record these Magic Arrays for two or three days.

“I understand.”

Aqua Rose nodded, and immediately took others to clean up the trial monster, while Shi Feng was sitting in front of the stele and quietly recording the stele The Magic Array above, which surprised everyone, but didn’t care too much. After all, stele belongs to Zero Wing’s Item, and how to deal with stele is Zero Wing’s Free.

Before the stele, Shi Feng sat quietly for a while, and then began to fully analyze the Magic Array on the stele.

Magic Array learning is much easier than cracking, but there are many things that need to be memorized. For Shi Feng, whose brain activity is no longer comparable to Common, recording Magic Array is just like reading a book Just as simple.

In less than an hour, Shi Feng recorded a High Grade Magic Array and started to record the second Magic Array.

On the other side, Aqua Rose also led the crowd to clean up the trial monster moved towards the depths of the passage, but as the deeper the tunnel, the density of the trial monster inside became higher and higher, gradually letting Everyone in Zero Wing also feels strenuous, moving more and more slowly, but it is gratifying that in this kind of training, everyone’s combat level is constantly improving, and they have obtained a lot of Experience Points.

In just over two days, everyone present has been upgraded to Level 1 more than Level 1, Aqua Rose and the others’ Level each and everyone have reached Level 119, and Violet Sword and Dark Blue Chamber The lowest level of members of Commerce is at 11Level 4. Silent Red Star and Wildfire Fighting and the others are only less than 30% away from Level 115. The level up speed makes Silent Red Star and the others feel shocked. Endless.

And just as everyone fought the more stronger for the more fought the more stronger, everyone’s ears suddenly heard a System Announcement.

God’s Domain System Announcement: A player triggers the data update “Demon God Chaos”.

God’s Domain System Announcement: data update “Demon God Chaos” will be fully opened in one day, when all non-NPC towns will no longer be protected by Kingdom and Empire NPCs.

As the System Announcement sounded three times in a row, everyone in the trial space couldn’t help being sucked in a breath of cold air.

Although on the surface this System Announcement has no effect on the player, everyone can see that God’s Domain will enter a new era in the future.

Currently, in the Guild town of God’s Domain, except for maps with more than 100 levels without NPC participating in Guard, other Guild towns will have Kingdom and Empire NPCGuards.

Without these Kingdom and Empire NPCGuards, simply can’t imagine what would happen.

Be aware that the safety of those Guild towns mainly relies on the hired NPCs of Kingdom and Empire. Without this layer of suppression, players can take action in Guild towns at will, when the time comes each Big Guild The level of chaos in the town can be imagined, and the apart from this siege will be easier.

Also in other words Demon God’s chaos, the entire God’s Domain structure will be completely changed, especially those forces that want to rise to obtain resources, originally because of the NPC Guard, so there has been no way, now Without restrictions, I am afraid they will all start.

And outside of the ancient Secret Realm, the entire God’s Domain is boiled.

“Okay! Very good! Without those NPC guards that get in the way, I see how their local forces guard the treasure land!”

“Although I don’t know who did it. , But it really helped us these dark forces. Without the limitation of NPC, I think when the time comes, who can stop us!”

There are many conceals in the major kingdoms and Empire at a time. The development of Great Influence can’t help but get excited. As for the major Super Organizations, they have held High Grade meetings to prepare for the start of the Demon God chaos.

When the entire God’s Domain was in boiling and chaos, Shi Feng, who was sitting in front of the stele in the ancient Secret Realm, also slowly stood up.


Shi Feng looked at the gradually vanish stele slightly smiled, and then began to draw each and everyone Magic Array on the ancient inheritance stele, so that the whole body formed a Another Magic Array, amazing power even makes all around the space tremble.

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