“This Level…How is this possible?”

“They are all monsters and can’t?”

For a time, it was not only the explosion of fantasy mythology and the others, but also the opening The silent red star at Teleportation Gate and the others were also dumbfounded.

Currently, the Peak expert level of the major Super Organizations in God’s Domain is generally around 1Level 13, and the very powerful one is 11Level 4. However, the lowest level in the Zero Wing Member is 1Level 17, which is larger than all of them. The Peak Expert Level of Super Organization must be one great length higher.

And this is not as simple as a few levels higher than Common, but a dividing line of Level 115, which can be equipped with Level 115 weapon equipment.

“Blast Sand Team Leader, see that their magic power body has been fully unlocked, and the equipment level is not low, especially those melee Class, it will take a lot of time and time to kill them. Means, if the Violet Sword is freed up, we will be in danger.” A Tier 3 Berserker from the fantasy mythology looked at the Zero Wing Member unlocked by hundreds of magic power bodies and couldn’t help but said to Bakusha.

Although several Team Leaders among them have unlocked the magic power body, but others do not at all unlock the magic power body, but with the assistance of Battle Array, it can surpass Zero Wing in Basic Attribute These people, but definitely not many, and the opposite is all people who unlock magic power.

If they really fight, they won’t have much advantage in one-on-one, let alone there are only more than 30 people on their side. Zero Wing is on the 100-Man side, and they don’t have the advantage at all.

“Damn it! You all retreat!” Bakusha looked at Zero Wing, everyone’s face was slightly dark, then turned to the female Knight aside and said, “Yu Bai, you Team Leaders will kill with me, and you can kill one. It is one, we will withdraw immediately after Silent Akastar and the others open the Teleportation Gate!”

“Okay!” Female Knight Yubai nodded, not at all opposed to this.

These Team Leaders have Tier 4 powers, and with the assistance of Battle Array, the attribute is not comparable to Zero Wing at all, and Shi Feng can cause some trouble. With the five of them, they can be in the crowd. In the middle of the big killing, and for this operation has used the precious Demon Devouring gemstone, if you can’t get something, you will definitely be punished.

As the blasting sand finished speaking, except for the five Team Leaders in the fantasy myth, everyone else turned and retreated without hesitation.

“Want to go? It’s not that easy!”

Suddenly a clear voice echoed in the crowd, I saw Zhao Yueru had already finished chanting Spell, and the Magic Array under his feet was It spread out in an instant, forming a barrier of fire, covering a radius of five hundred yards away, completely sealing everyone in the fantasy myth.

“You are courting death!”

Seeing the formation of the fire barrier, the sand burst was furious, and rushed directly to Zhao Yueru in the crowd. The speed was so fast that the people present Floating light and the others can’t help but be speechless.

Too fast!

This is more than twice as fast as the previous Team Leader Assassin, like a ghost, appearing outside the fifty-sixty yard in the blink of an eye.

“Be careful, everyone! He has completely integrated the Advanced pace and the mobile skill, never confront him directly!” Wildfire looked at Speed’s astonishing blasting sand, his eyes became serious. Minute.

The most difficult thing to integrate in Combat Technique is the pace, especially the integration of Combat Technique’s pace and mobile skill is even more difficult. The only thing that can do this is their Violet Sword. not much.

And once such a skill integration is successful, it can be said to come and go freely among the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses.

Not to mention that the sand explosion at this time still has Tier 4 attribute, speed plus Strength, no one can stop it…

I saw it took two or three seconds for sand explosion Time easily passed through the Zero Wing’s crowd and arrived behind Zhao Yueru. The dagger in his hand was like a silver crescent moon and moved towards Zhao Yueru’s back.

“Something in the way! die for me!”

With the sand bursting out in a low voice, the short sword in your hand is condense a magic power giant sword, wherever you go The space of Zhang is directly turned into darkness, and Zhao Yueru must be given to Devour.

Seeing the darkness is going to be Devour Zhao Yueru, a beautiful shadow suddenly appeared beside Zhao Yueru, and a sword light immediately greeted the darkness from Devour.


A loud bang reverberates in an instant, and the space created by the collision is directly transformed into Nothingness, and everyone within a radius of ten yards is shocked to fly away. go with.

“Blocked? How could this be possible!”

The female Knight Yubai in the distance looked at Blasting Sand and Gentle Snow, who were unwilling on both sides, and couldn’t believe it for a moment. Own eyes.

Although Explosive Sand is an Assassin, after the increase of Demon Devouring gemstone and Battle Array, Strength is not comparable to the Common Legendary monster at all. With Tier 3’s Skill bonus, it is the real Tier 4 Legendary monsters will all be repelled, but Gentle Snow of the Tier 3 profession hasn’t fallen behind at all. How dare you believe this?

“A special skill?” Blasting sand looked at Gentle Snow, who did not fall into the wind at all. Although surprised, he quickly discovered the reason why Gentle Snow could withstand his attack. Then he said with a smile, ” Although I don’t know what skill you used to resist, the player’s skill is after all a skill, not a Combat Technique. You can resist it once, I don’t believe you can resist it forever!”

Prepare to start after the sand burst Another wave of offensive, but Gentle Snow also seemed to have guessed it a long time ago, and immediately launched a counterattack. The Broadsword in his hand swung four strikes directly.

Light of Will!

sword light four poles cut!

hōng hōng hōng!

Burst sand also reacted quickly, and the short sword in his hand also resisted continuously.

However, with every resistance, the sand burst also takes a step back involuntarily, and it takes four steps to stabilize the body.

“Have you used up your Skill?” Although Bakusha took four steps in a row, he looked at Gentle Snow with a sneer, “Then it’s me!”

However, as soon as the sand broke, Gentle Snow suddenly raised the Radiant Will in his hand, and the whole body burst into a holy radiance, as if even all around the space could be suppressed.

“Vanish!” Gentle Snow waved Radiant Will down as he watched the sand burst.

Suddenly watch the endless rays of light and completely devour the sand.

Myth of Light!

Just because of Gentle Snow’s blow, the hundred yards in front of Gentle Snow have become nothingness, and the space is completely shattered.

As for the explosion of sand, it flew out a hundred yards away, and the HP fell below half, smashing into a big hole, and injured many places throughout the body.

And this scene made everyone in the room dumbfounded, and the mouth was about to close, especially the Violet Sword and the member of the fantasy myth, the shock in the heart was no more.

“How much is this Zero Wing hidden?” Silent Akastar couldn’t help looking towards Gentle Snow.

A Shi Feng is already scary, and now another one emerges…

It is clear that Gentle Snow’s combat level is only Realm of Vacuum, and it is even more harmonious in attributes. The sand explosion is a great length, and the sand explosion also unlocks the body of magic power. The only advantage is that the level reaches 1Level 18. However, no matter how you look at it, Gentle Snow is impossible to be the opponent of the sand explosion.

But the final result is that Gentle Snow turned over the sandstorm with a few moves, especially the formidable power of the last blow, which is simply comparable to Shi Feng’s sword against the Chieftain of the two regions.

“Yubai Team Leader, what do you do now? The sand has been seriously injured, and the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce is still guilty. With the four of us, it may be difficult to fight against…” Tier 3 Elementalist Team Leader on the side Seeing Sandburst who was seriously injured and finally got up, couldn’t help but say.

Among the five Team Leaders, they were not at all Healer. Without Healer, they couldn’t restore the peak battle strength of the sand on their hands. Now they are seriously injured by the sand, and the four Team Leaders have battle strength. The highest is the Team Leader who has been unlocked by Yu Bai, the body of magic power.

“We also withdraw! Zero Wing’s strength has completely exceeded our expectations. We must report this matter to the Vice-Group Leader as soon as possible.” Yu Bai clenching one’s teeth and said.

“What about the fire barrier?” Tier 3 Elementalist glanced at the fire barrier in the distance.

“If I use my hole card, I should be able to break it, and then you will try to escape!” Yu Bai said.

“Okay, then I will let them spread out now.” Tier 3 Elementalist Team Leader nodded.

Then I saw that Yu Bai broke the fire barrier unfolded by Zhao Yueru with one blow. The people who led the fantasy myth were fleeing wildly, while the Zero Wing’s member was chasing and killing all the way, not only killing the fantasy myth. More than twenty Peak experts, and also killed three Team Leaders such as Bakusha, causing heavy losses to the silver light Legion of the fantasy myth.

The news of this battle also spread to Purple Light City very quickly, causing Purple Light City to shake for a while.

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