In front of the ancient and sacred Teleportation Gate, as the silent red star and the others continued to chant spells, the Teleportation Gate gradually condensed a space channel.

At the moment the space channel appeared, everyone present also felt an unprecedented ancient aura pouring out of the space channel, as if awakening the sleeping Great Dragon from the abyss, making everyone present feel a sense An unprecedented oppression.

“powerful! Is this the Hero Level trial?” Shi Feng felt the pressure from the space channel, and was secretly surprised. “The momentary pressure is probably not weaker than Demigod. If you go in, it’s probably very difficult for an expert of the Tier 3 profession to play Tier 2 battle strength.”

Although this thing is not fatal to the player, it will affect the player’s battle strength. Play.

The coercion from this Space-Time channel is not the Peak expert of Tier 3. It is very uncomfortable to change to him. If you change to another Tier 3 profession to fight in it, you simply dare not dare Imagine what will happen.

“The Teleportation Gate will be fully opened in forty seconds. When the time comes, there will be a magic power impact. You start to build a magic power barrier!” The silent red star looked more and more stable. space channel, could not help but say in the group chat.


For the Silent Red Star’s command, Floating Light is also the first to start commanding the Tier 3 Magic based Class in the team to start building Tier 3 Defense Magic Barrier.

Although magic power impact has no damage to the player, if the player is hit by the magic power impact, no matter its own magic power, or the magic power’s Perception and control power within the time Significantly reduced, some even cannot use Magic Skill.

Before, when their Violet Sword was exploring the Common trial, they accidentally caught the move, leaving their Violet Sword exploration team in a state of out of control of magic power for a full day.

However, when the members of the Violet Sword were building the Magic Barrier, they heard shouted in a low voice from a distance.

“Good chance, everyone will give it to me! Interrupt their unlocking of the Teleportation Gate!” Bakusha looked at the floating light and the others that built the Magic Barrier and waved suddenly.

For a while, I saw a group of silhouettes rushing towards the silent red star and the others.

“Silver’s light Legion?” The silent red star looked at the blasting sand and the others rushing in the distance, and immediately recognized the identity of the blasting sand and the others, and his face suddenly sank. Explosive sand! Do you want to break the agreement in fantasy mythology?”

If you usually face blasted sand and the others, they simply don’t care.

But at this time, the Peak expert of their Violet Sword was opening the Teleportation Gate while preparing to resist the magic power, and could no longer draw out who hand.

And the blasting sand and the others are all Peak experts, especially the blasting sand, if an expert who has already Control of Domain launches an attack, the consequences are simply unimaginable, let alone the blasting sand and the others use it at this time Battle Array, each and everyone Basic Attribute is not comparable to Common Tier 3 profession.

“Promise?” Bakusha couldn’t help but said with a smile, “I don’t remember what our fantasy mythology had with your Violet Sword in the ancient Secret Realm, and I blame you for fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness, dare to cooperate with Zero Wing, let’s be buried with them now!”

Speaking of the sand burst, the speed of the others is also a bit faster.

“Damn it! They dare to do it!” Silent Red Star looked at the blasting sand and the others getting closer and could not help but looked towards Fu Guang and said, “Floating light, you guys cooperate with Guild Master Black Flame They acted together, must delay forty seconds, if the casting of the Teleportation Gate is interrupted, the trial challenge will also be invalidated!”

“Yes!” Nodded floating, watching the explosion sand And the others’ eyes also carry a trace of solemnity.

Although they have an absolute advantage in the number of people, there are even monsters like Shi Feng, but the number of Peak experts that can fight now is far less than the sand and the others, let alone the sand. And the others have the Battle Array bonus, and the attribute is even greater than their great length. If you break through the sand and the others and interrupt the cast of the red star Instructor and the others, all your previous efforts will be lost.

“You have to be careful, the Team Leaders of Bursting Sand don’t know what means they used. The coercion exuding from their body is no different from Tier 4 Legendary monster. Never direct confrontation.” Kuangzhan looked at Fuguang and reminded them cautiously, “All you need to do is containment. As long as we can persist for forty seconds, we can free ourselves to deal with them together!”

” No need, just leave these people to us, you just need to concentrate on opening the Teleportation Gate.” Shi Feng said suddenly.

“Guild Master Black Flame is not that we question your strength, but that we can’t take risks. The trump card of the fantasy myth, Legion silver, has the support of Battle Array. Even Peak experts can follow Control of Domain’s experts competed, let alone the team Leader’s sand-blasting team, the worst combat level is probably only half a step away from Control of Domain. In addition to their current weird Strength, the battle strength is simply not unusual. The Peak expert team is comparable.” Silent Chi Xing looked at Shi Feng, who was not letting them participate in the battle, and could not help but persuaded them quickly. “Although there are few of them, they are all absolute Peak experts, and they can help a little bit. ”

She has confidence in Shi Feng. It’s definitely not a problem to defeat Explosive Sand and the others, but it’s not a question of whether or not to defeat Explosive Sand and the others plan their spells. It is possible to reduce the loss of personnel.

There is a saying that two fists are hard to beat four hands. Shi Feng is only one person, and there are more than 30 people on the sandy side. How many can Shi Feng hold?

The wild wars on the side are also nodded, and I feel that Shi Feng is too much to save face.

“You have misunderstood, this level of battle strength can be completely blocked. If you feel uneasy, join the battle together, I will not object.” Shi Feng looked at the two anxious expressions. becomes silent to laugh.

Shi Feng’s voice is not loud, but for the Tier 3 expert, who has five senses, he can hear clearly even if it is hundreds of yards apart.

“It can be completely blocked, can you?” Bursah suddenly smiled, and a chill in his eyes, “Then let me see how you block it! You guys give me a hand!”

Just after the sand burst, I saw six 1Level 13 Assassin who were less than fifty yards apart from the Silent Red Star and the others suddenly burst out.

The head of the masked Assassin is even more powerful than the Legendary monster. The speed is so fast that he appeared in the silent red star less than 30 yards in the blink of an eye. ‘S dagger was thrown directly, turning into dozens of streams of light, piercing the space, and piercing the silent red star and more than a dozen people who host Magic Array.

“How come! Did their people conceal here long ago?” After a glance, the complexion was ashen suddenly.

For such a quick blow, they have no time to resist. Even Shi Feng can only block a few people. After all, the positions of the silent red star and the others are very scattered, relying on the Close Combat attack The distance is too late.

Seeing that dozens of streamers pierced through the space would hit the Silent Red Star and more than a dozen people, just as in midair suddenly appeared one after another Ice Wall, directly separating the crowd from the streamers.

And these formidable power amazing streamer strikes on the Ice Wall are like stabs on the Iron Wall, not only causing a certain obstacle, but also giving these streamer attacks a certain attack bias. Moving, dozens of streams of light did not hit the silent red star and the others present.

“Tier 2 Ice Wall turned all the way? How is this possible!” The masked Tier 3 11Level 4 Assassin led by Assassin saw this scene, his eyes straightened.

His Tier 3 Skill formidable power is supported by the Demon Devouring gemstone. It is definitely the power of Tier 4. It is not deflectionable by the trifling Tier 2 Ice Wall. Even the impact is impossible, but it is silent right now. Chi Xing and the others are unscathed, how dare he believe this?

“Who actually did it?” Baosha was also stunned to see this scene, and couldn’t help looking towards Silent Akastar, “Is it her hand?”

At this time, besides the Magic System Elementalist of Silent Akastar, he really didn’t think there was who, with such a great ability, that he could use Tier 2 Ice Wall to deflect Tier 4 attacks.

But at this time, the Silent Akastar is maintaining the teleportation gate’s casting, so it is reasonable to say that it is impossible to estimate the others.

There was not only a blast of sand, and the others were surprised, it was the silent red star and the others were also amazed, but compared to the blast of the melee Class, the magic system like the silent red star is very sensitive to magic power. , Immediately turned his attention to the cast source of Ice Wall magic power.

“Xiaoqian?” Silent Chixing looked at the Pretty little Yuan circulating around the ice Element not far away. It was the proof of the unfolding of Ice Element Magic. He watched for a while, “When did she become So strong?”

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