“They are finally here.” Wildfire looked at the flying Chilong airship and several flying mounts, lightly said with a smile, “This battle is not small, but unfortunately they don’t I know how much the test in the ancient Secret Realm suppresses the player who unlocks the magic power body. In the end, it’s just a waste of work that’s all.”

“It’s just a pity that our Hero Level challenge qualification.” Silent Chixing also Can’t help but sighed.

Although their Violet Sword used the Alchemy skill of Soundless Brilliance to complete those special items ahead of time and can keep up with the speed of the fantasy myth, they also lost the chance of striving for high and low with the fantasy myth.

Through their understanding of the trial of Elite Level, they can definitely complete the strategy as long as they are given another ten days or so, but the city treatment received by the trial of Elite Level is much worse than that of Hero Level. One chip.

Be aware that even in the NPC city of Common, the gap between Common citizens and nobles is very large, let alone in the ancient city.

“This matter doesn’t matter anymore. Although it is a Hero Level challenge, the challenge may not be successful on the fantasy myth. When the time comes, our two Guilds are still the same.” Torre took a look at in The airship that slowly descended from the sky said coldly, “On the contrary, if Zero Wing does not succeed in the challenge this time, then the trouble will be really great.”

“Yes, this time Zero I am afraid that Wing has made the worst decision. “Wild Huo Zhan is also nodded.

the tree seems beautiful in a forest, but is easily toppled by the wind!

Zero Wing this time sent hundreds of experts who unlocked the magic power body to challenge the ancient Secret Realm. Although it showed the strength out of the ordinary, it also brought huge Hidden dangers, especially Zero Wing, which is almost comparable to Guild of Super Organization.

Now that God’s Domain resources are becoming more and more tense, the major Super Organizations are fighting with each other more and more seriously, but now suddenly there is a Zero Wing that can cause great danger to all Super Organizations, then the result it goes without saying.

I am afraid that many Super Organizations will join forces to eliminate the biggest threat to rise.

Because the rise of each Super Organization represents the reduction of other Super Organization resources. If the rise of Super Organization is very Common, then forget it. After all, even if you want to grab it, your strength is limited and you can grab it. , Even if you can’t grab it, everyone will turn a blind eye.

But if it is a terrifying Super Organization, when the time comes, it will grab a lot of resources. This is something that Super Organizations would never want to see.

Of course, if Zero Wing can really overcome the Hero Level trial this time, then it should be a lot easier to face these problems, but if you can’t, then you have to face it. Nightmare.

“According to the news received, this time Zero Wing seems to have reached an agreement with the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce. It seems to use the Strength of the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce. The price is to cultivate some of the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce. Newcomers, if you add the Strength of the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce, if Zero Wing asks us to send a large number of Peak experts to help, maybe it really has several points of the possibility of challenging the trial boss.” Silent Red Star said slowly, “Just not I know if this Zero Wing will open this mouth.”

“This Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce is really crazy. Although Zero Wing’s cream of the crop is very powerful, it’s about training. In terms of newcomers, how could it be comparable to our Violet Sword, because of this matter, Guild above is very dissatisfied with the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce. Obviously, he has already obtained a lot of training resources for our Violet Sword, and even let people go. Zero Wing.” The wildfire war hate iron for not becoming steel said, “For this reason, the Guild Master personally ordered, and no newcomers in the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce are allowed to be cultivated. Now the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce is ruined. In the future of Miserly and Pretty little Yuan, simply is extremely stupid!”

The Torre Instructor on the side also has a bad face.

Since the silent red star thought of Miserly and Pretty little Yuan, he couldn’t help shaking his head.

Never mind the others in the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce, but Miserly and Pretty little Yuan can be favored by Torre Instructor, and becoming Guild’s Legendary characters in the future is not impossible, just like the original Group Leader. Similarly, they are now the Legendary characters of their Violet Sword, and they are no less powerful than the older generation of Legendary characters in the top five Super-Guild.

And such an expert can bring the existence of Guild’s rise, and the age is not too old, the future can definitely guarantee that the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce will not decline in the twenty-thirty year, but the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce was cut off by hand…

However, as the wildfires and the others were talking, the Chilong airship and a few flying mounts also slowly landed at the gate of Purple Light City. .

In a short while, I will watch the Red Dragon Airship and the flying mount come down and a player wearing a black cloak, but these players are wearing black cloaks, but they only hide some basics. Data, not at all hide the appearance and Guild Emblem, you can clearly tell who is from it.

“Zero Wing’s face is really not small, and even experts like Sin Yan have come with it. It seems that Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce is really caring.” The silent red star watched from flying. Sin Yan who jumped off the mount couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

Xin Yan is a legendary character in the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce. It can be said that no one knows it on the Western Continent. The skill level is high and the strength is strong, even if it is difficult to find an opponent in their violet sword. , And their Group Leader can barely win.

And such a Legendary character, even Guild is very difficult to dispatch, in Guild’s Free degree is very high, unless Guild encounters a big trouble, which is related to Guild’s future, such a character will be shot.

“That kid Miserly is here. If he knows that Fu Guang has received a special training from the ancient Secret Realm for this, he will improve his combat level, I am afraid he will be envious.” Huang Looking at Miserly who was walking down, Zhan Zhan couldn’t help shaking her head.

In addition to the trials and challenges in the ancient Secret Realm, there are also some special places. Those places have an incomparable training environment, but it is very expensive to enter.

Originally, because of the face of Zeus consortium and the face of their Instructors, Guild has been hesitant to enter the two places, but because of the problem of the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce, this place is now directly given Floating light.

Know that the innate talent of Floating Light is a bit worse than Miserly, but because I went to training this time and got the personal guidance of Torre Instructor, the fighting level is no longer comparable to that before, and it can even be barely enough. The Bronze Rank Combat Technique and Tier 3 Magic Skill are well integrated.

If you change to Miserly, who is a better innate talent, and after such training, I am afraid that you can really beat the unreserved battle strength.

Unfortunately, the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce made Miserly miss this opportunity. With the continuous land clearing of the ancient Secret Realm afterwards, the gap between Miserly and Floating Light may become wider and wider.

“Torre Instructor, I don’t know how well your special item is prepared?” Shi Feng asked while watching Torrey who was welcoming him.

“It’s all ready.” Torre looked at the nearly two 100-Man standing behind Shi Feng, slowly said, “I don’t know if Guild Master Black Flame is going to let us here. How many people will be sent to support?”

“Thirty people don’t know how?” Shi Feng asked.

This time the land clearing of the Ancient Secret Realm is after all a collaboration between Zero Wing and Violet Sword, so he has to be more or less interesting, so he has long wanted to have 30 people out of Violet Sword, this The number of people is neither too much nor too little, so that the outside world will not think that this time the Violet Sword is not related, and this number is also the number that the Violet Sword can easily come up with all Peak Experts.

“Thirty people? It doesn’t matter to us.” Torre touched the white beard slightly, then looked towards Wildfire Kuangzhan and Silent Akastar and said, “Then you two will bring them personally. Let the team go in and assist Guild Master Black Flame with all their strength.”

“Yes!” Wildfire Fighting and Silent Red Star responded repeatedly.

As Torre ordered the two people to go together, the expert in the expert team of Violet Sword was also surprised.

didn’t expect Torre Instructor to send these two Guild Instructors with them.

It would be nice if they wanted to have a Vice-Group Leader from Control of Domain lead the team. Didn’t expect will let the two people lead the team together.

You must know that whenever you become Guild’s Instructor, it is the core executive of Guild’s. Generally, you don’t personally lead your team to do anything. Even if you lead a team to execute some powerful Quest, an Instructor is a big deal. Going together can definitely cause a sensation in the Violet Sword.

“Well, according to the previous arrangement, you can go and prepare.” Huang Huo Zhan looked at the Peak expert team lined up behind him, and opened his mouth instructed.

As the wildfire war spoke up, the twenty-eight Peak and above experts present also each and everyone acted.

“Guild Master Black Flame, please come with me. The entrance of Secret Realm still needs to walk a section of the road to get there.” The silent red star also walked to Shi Feng and said flatly , “When we get there, I believe all the supplies will be ready there.”

“Okay, it’s troublesome.”

Shi Feng nodded, and immediately followed with everyone Silent Red Star walked into Purple Light City behind him.

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