In the lobby because of Torre’s stern words, everyone in the room could not help feeling cold. The magic power in the lobby seemed to have felt Torre’s anger and became cold, and all of them were there for a while. Everyone felt as if they were carrying a mountain on their back, and the whole body was unspeakably heavy. Some micro newcomers couldn’t even move them…

And Tier 3 Assassin, who came to report, also felt a burst of pressure. Instinctive fear in my heart, if it is not certain that Torre Instructor is not against him, I am afraid that he will turn around and run for his life.

“Is the old Torre Instructor so optimistic about Miserly and them?” The silent red star on the side looked at the cold Torre Instructor with expression in surprise.

Torre Instructor was already not in teaching people as early as ten years ago. The last batch of newcomers he brought was their Group Leader, and it was also the most proud dísciple of Torre Instructor, even at the beginning. I found the fire spreader at a high price and wanted to let the fire spreader guide the Group Leader.

Now I am suddenly willing to teach Miserly and Pretty little Yuan, but it surprised the entire Guild’s executives.

Originally, she thought it was Torre Instructor because it gave Zeus the face of the consortium. Now it seems that she really wants to teach the two people, otherwise the calm Torre Instructor will never anger others.

“Torre Instructor just drove them away directly, I am afraid that the impact will not be good. Although the Zero Wing has no power in the West Continent, it can compete with many Super Organizations on the East Continent side, and even They also control the Teleportation Gate of the Great World of Darkness. Their Guild Master came here in person. If we don’t see it, it’s hardly justified.” The wildfire furiously looked at the angry Torre Instructor and quickly persuaded.

Although Zero Wing does not develop in the Western Continent, as the old Super-Guild, they have some knowledge of Zero Wing Guild, and even if they don’t want to know it, it’s quite difficult. After all, Zero Wing recently worked on East Continent. The limelight is so high that many Super Organizations are talking about Zero Wing.

“Is the Zero Wing Guild Master alone here?” Silent Akastar asked Tier 3 Assassin who was reporting.

“No, more than ten people came, including Pang Wushang from Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce Pang Family and the others.” Tier 3 Assassin said.

“Pang Family? They came really fast.” The wild fire fights slightly frowned.

Although he knew when he learned that Pang Family’s Soundless Brilliance won the first place, it is difficult to make Pang Family obedient this time. After all, the well-known figure in the younger generation belongs to Pang Family. People, and Zeus consortium is only a shareholder of the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce after all, not an absolute majority shareholder. Other shareholders of the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce see the potential of Pang Family and are estimated to be on the side of Pang Family. It is difficult to shake Pang. Family dominates the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce.

Therefore, Pang Family has the capital to negotiate with their Violet Sword. It is only a matter of time before it comes to negotiate with their Violet Sword.

“It seems that Pang Family is very confident this time, otherwise it would not come so soon.” Silent Akastar said.

“It’s probably because of Zero Wing. After all, Zero Wing has previously cooperated with the Empire of the Underworld, and Zero Wing has allowed Soundless Brilliance to win the first place in the family competition. You can see in terms of cultivating talents. It’s very powerful, so Pang Family feels that it doesn’t matter without the resources of the Zeus Consortium and our Violet Sword.” Aranhuo Kuangzhan thought for a while and said.

The most important thing for a Guild to develop is talents and resources. The Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce has absolutely no problem in terms of talents, but the resources are far behind their established Super-Guild, think To go further, you can only cooperate with them, which is what the Great Family and Guild Elder of the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce expected.

If there are guarantees in terms of cultivating talents, whether it is Pang Family or Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce, I’m afraid they don’t care about cooperating with Violet Sword. After all, cooperating with Violet Sword will cost a lot. They will even become vassals, and there is a lot of pressure on the Zeus consortium, so they have to cooperate with their Violet Sword.

“This is interesting. Let them go to the reception room and wait.” Torre said suddenly, “I want to see what the Zero Wing, who made Soundless Brilliance beat Miserly, have what it is capable of. Pang Family is so emboldened!”


Tier 3 Assassin looked at the calm Torre Instructor, sighed in relief, and hurried to the resident gate. .

At the resident gate of the Violet Sword, there are already a bunch of players onlookers at this time, and the Zero Wing and the others that appeared are discussing spiritedly.

Because in front of the gate of the Violet Sword, Zero Wing and the others are so eye-catching.

A giant eagle simply with a wingspan of more than 20 meters and a body faintly surrounded by electric arcs is so handsome that it explodes, and on the other side is a huge Bone Dragon exuding bursts of coldness. Both have Close to the coercion of the same level Peak High Lord, the two appear together, simply challenging everyone’s optic nerve.

“Crap! Who are they? These two flying mounts are the same as the Nether Fire of the Violet Sword. They actually have two!”

“Look at them The Guild Emblem should be a Guild’s.”

“This Guild is so awesome! I remember that the Violet Sword has only got two extraordinary mounts until now, and they actually have two.”


Flying mounts are still elusive for the current God’s Domain player, even if there are only a few flying mounts in the Big Guild, they are still the best The Common kind, but in this way, it can still become the capital of the Big Guild to show off, because the flying mount represents a Guild’s mobility, which allows Guild’s main group members to save a lot of time on running.

As for the extraordinary mount that can fight the same level Peak High Lord, it can make every Big Guild go crazy. After all, not everyone can fight the same level Peak High Lord. Many Tier 3 experts run when they meet the Peak High Lord and need to form a Tier 3 expert team to deal with them.

If you can have an extraordinary mount, you can not only deal with those in the wild Peak High Lord, but also have a wider range of activities, and you can level up in places that are more dangerous but with more resources.

While the players on the street whispered, Pang Wushang, who was standing at the gate of the Violet Sword, was also nervous, because he did not expect that what Shi Feng said was actually true. After it was over, I immediately ran over to the Violet Sword to talk, and didn’t even give the Violet Sword any time to calm down.

We must know that this time the Zeus consortium and the Violet Sword let the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce change the dominant plan, which must be very angry, especially for the disruptor Zero Wing.

At this time, even if they have some capital to talk to the Zeus consortium and the Violet Sword, they should not come when the other party is angry. When the time comes, it is not only impossible to change the Zeus Consortium and the Violet Sword. The plan is likely to have the opposite effect.

“Soundless, otherwise you would persuade you Guild Master, even if you want to talk to the Violet Sword, it should not be this time.” Pang Wushang whispered to Soundless Brilliance, “when the time comes not only If we fail to talk about it, I am afraid that the Violet Sword will hate us. When the time comes, the great situation that we had in the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce will finally disappear.”

With the Violet Sword The cooperation between the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce and the Elders don’t really care, but if they become enemies with the Violet Sword, then it’s over. After all, the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce has many resources in the Violet. Sword and some Super-Guild’s sphere of influence, as long as the Violet Sword is released, it is said that in the future, regardless of the places in the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce, when the time comes, those Super-Guild will not be polite to those resource treasure land.

“Then I will try my best.” Soundless Brilliance is also nodded, and I think Pang Wushang is right.

Currently, Zero Wing simply has no foundation in the West Continent. Anything the Violet Sword can do can make the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce suffer a big blow, not to mention that Zero Wing will be in the West. The development of the mainland certainly cannot avoid the Violet Sword. At this time, because of her conflict, it is really not what she wants to see.

However, when Soundless Brilliance walked towards Shi Feng, a Tier 3 Assassin walked out of the door of Violet Sword and came directly to Shi Feng’s.

“Guild Master Black Flame has kept you waiting for a long time, please follow me.”


Just say Shi Feng and the others Put away the flying mount, and followed Tier 3 Assassin into the Violet Sword’s resident, leaving Soundless Brilliance without any chance to speak.

In the place of Violet Sword, Pang Wushang and Soundless Brilliance and the others were also surprised when they came in.

The members of the Violet Sword in the entire station not only have a high level of each and everyone, but also the experts of the Tier 3 profession. There are more than 100-Man micro experts on the way, especially in the station. The towering castle, the strength of magic power has reached naked eye, forming a layer of faint white mist, and the entire castle exudes an ancient atmosphere, you can see that this castle is definitely not simple.

Moreover, the Violet Sword members each and everyone in and out of the castle exude amazing power, and there are many youngsters who are stronger than their talented newcomers in the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce.

“Is this the Violet Sword?” Soundless Brilliance looked at the more than a dozen young Tier 3 experts who entered the castle with amazement in his heart.

This is just a casual scene. There are so many young experts of micro and even Realm of Flowing Water, and this is only a resident in the Violet Sword, but there are many more in the Violet Sword. Training ground and training Secret Realm, if all the newcomers of the Violet Sword gather together, simply can’t imagine how many powerful newcomers the Violet Sword has.

“Please here!”

Assassin, who led the way in Tier 3, pointed to the Guild Mansion that was facing him, and looked at Soundless Brilliance and Pang Wushang, who were in awe of their eyes. Cool and proud.

Their Violet Sword is indeed inferior to the five Super-Guild in strength, but it is not inferior to the five Super-Guild in terms of cultivating talents. This is what Guild is proud of. , Is not comparable to Common’s Super-Guild at all.

In a short while, Tier 3 Assassin took Shi Feng and the others to the reception room on the top floor of Guild.

At this time, there are three people sitting in the reception room. They are Torre, Wildfire Fighting, and Silent Akastar. However, the expressions on the faces of the three are awe-inspiring. The power of Zero Wing was not suppressed at all, making the entire room breathless, and it was obvious that he wanted to give Zero Wing a bit of power.

“Sure enough.”

Pang Wushang looked at the three of them and couldn’t help shaking their heads. He knew in his heart that there would be no good results in this conversation, and he didn’t even need to talk about it, because the room The pressure inside is too strong, even Peak experts feel hard to breathe, let alone others.

It can be said that apart from Shi Feng, Soundless Brilliance, and Violet Cloud, no one can easily face this overbearing power.

The Tier 3 Assassin on the side also sneered. Although the Zero Wing Guild is now a Big Guild comparable to the Super Organization, their Violet Sword is not the Common Guild. You can talk by talking.

“This room is really boring, Aqua, take off the cloak, so that it can be cooler.” Shi Feng glanced at the three people in the room and said flatly.

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