After Violet Cloud spoke on the first ring, the audience was silent. Each and everyone looked at Violet Cloud in disbelief.

“Does she want to die?”

The attitude shown by Sin Yan is already obvious. However, it can be said that I am very dissatisfied with this competition. If not as the Azure City Lord at this time People’s attitude, but encountering such things outside, everyone can already see Sin Yan slaughter all sides.

Although the two sides are only a competition, how do you want your opponent to die in the arena is completely determined by Sin Yan. When the time comes, you want to make Zero Wing a shame. too much.

“What the hell does this Black Flame mean? It is sinful. After angering him, it is difficult for Soundless to get support from Free Elders and Elders in the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce. Without these Elders and With Elder’s support, how does Soundless talk to the Zeus consortium?” Pang Wushang looked at Shi Feng who was in motionless in the audience, his expression very anxious.

He was surprised that Soundless Brilliance could reach this step, but if he wants to change the idea of ​​Zeus consortium, those Free Elders and Elders of the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce are absolutely indispensable, and the representative figures are among them. It’s Sin Yan.

Now send a Healer profession to fight Sin Yan. When the time comes, he will not only be cleaned up by Sin Yan, but also offend Sin Yan. Simply stupid.

At this moment, let alone Pang Wushang who looked stupid, even the people in the Great Family were also dumbfounded.

It’s about this time, Zero Wing can clearly let Black Flame play a battle with the cheeks. This will make Sin Yan a happy fight. When the time comes, it will support Soundless Brilliance, but Zero Wing is better. It wasn’t too arrogant and arrogant enough, let a female Cleric come over to provoke, simply don’t know how to write dead words.

And just as everyone sighed for Violet Cloud, Sin Yan on the ring directly separated from Violet Cloud.

“You do it first! I only give you a chance, let me see if you are as strong as Soundless that girl said. If not, I will let you little girl know what It’s Hell!” Sin Yan looked at Violet Cloud with ice-cold saying.

“Can I shoot first?” Violet Cloud surprisedly said.

“Yes, if your performance does not meet my expectations, I will make you regret standing on this ring!” Sin Yan was nodded.

“Then I really did it.” Violet Cloud couldn’t help confirming again.

“Where is that many nonsense? Let you take the first shot is to let you take the first shot. This is your only chance……”

Xin Yan heard Violet Cloud say so The original patience was almost gone, but Sin Yan hadn’t said a few words, I saw that Violet Cloud suddenly took out a scepter and directly started chanting the spell.

For a while, a silver-gray 2-layer Magic Array appeared with Violet Cloud as the center, and the magic power on the venue seemed to be affected by summon, flocking to Violet Cloud. The whole body, just in less than two or three seconds, both the Great Family members under the ring and everyone in the audience felt that the magic power of the entire venue had become much thinner.

Before everyone could react, I saw that one after another Shadow Sword appeared in Violet Cloud. It walked around all around Violet Cloud, like a dark Goddess. The terrifying power is simply comparable to the Legendary monster of the same level, and everyone in the ring feels that their attributes are declining crazily.

“Is she a monster?”

“What kind of Domain Magic is this? Why do I feel that not only the Basic Attribute is falling, but even the body is extremely suppressed, It seemed that the entire space was repelling me.”

Everyone in the room couldn’t help but be stunned when they saw this scene.

Because at this moment Violet Cloud still looks like a sacred Cleric, simply is the dark incarnation, and everyone present can clearly feel it, as if the entire space is centered on Violet Cloud. The birth and death are all within one thought.

And this sudden change made everyone in the audience have not come back to his senses, they just watched Violet Cloud’s gaze looked towards Sin Yan standing 40 yards away.

“Then I’ll be on it.”

Speaking of Violet Cloud, he waved his hand, and suddenly turned the sword of shadow into a void black hole and blasted the sin directly. Yan.

Bronze Combat Technique Space is crushed!

I saw that the space where the black hole passed was turned into a piece of Nothingness. In addition to destruction is destruction, the strength of even the Legendary monster of the same level is not necessarily comparable.

“Bronze Combat Technique? How is this possible!” Duan Han Mountain who was watching the battle in the distance saw this scene, and the mouth almost couldn’t close.

Simple Tier 3 Magic Skill is absolutely impossible to have Tier 4 power, the only possibility is Bronze Combat Technique, and only Bronze Combat Technique can achieve higher-level power.

But it is too difficult to master the Bronze Combat Technique. Even if a lot of Domain Monsters have not mastered one, then a little girl who has only reached Realm of Vacuum used it. Simply incredible.

At this time, Miserly under the ring is also unbelievable.

Bronze Combat Technique!

This is the Combat Technique that he hasn’t mastered yet, but it was mastered by a girl who is younger than him, and it is so perfect that it is inevitable. Can only choose to resist this path.

“Good come!”

Sin Yan looked at the incoming black hole, his eyes were surprised and then a touch of excitement flashed, and he pulled out two long swords directly from behind to synthesize A Broadsword was swiped into the air.

Tier 3 Forbidden Technique: The Blade of Forbidden!

Advanced Combat Technique 4-layer Shadow Transformation!

I saw terrifying magic power burst out on Broadsword, and four Sword Shadows suddenly appeared as they were swung down. The four Sword Shadows were directly integrated into one. At this moment, Skill and Combat Technique have been perfectly integrated. Just look at a black wall rising from the ring, wherever it goes, the space of the ring is divided into two.


The collision between the sword light and the black hole reverberates the entire venue, and even shakes the entire venue. The center of the ring becomes a piece of Nothingness, which is made of magic ore. The made arena even showed a crater with a radius of fifteen-sixteen yards, and the strong impact made the Great Family members under the ring step back several steps to stabilize their bodies.

In the ring, both sides stood unscathed. The blow just now can be said to be irrelevant.

“Crap! Who the hell is she? She can actually block Elder’s full strength attack!”

“Soundless turned out to be true?!”

Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce The members of the Great Family looked at the unharmed Violet Cloud, each and everyone couldn’t help but mouth. At this time, the battle between the two sides is still like a battle between players, simply two Humanoid giants beast is in battle, and the space of a party can be destroyed by just a gesture.

“Why! This Zero Wing is who are you?”

Duan Han Mountain watched the arena with the sword of shadow constantly fighting with Sin Yan, making Sin Yan impossible Violet Cloud was close, and the shock in his heart was beyond the reach.

In his opinion, Zero Wing was just a Guild who wanted to hug the thighs of the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce. Moreover, at this time, whether it is Soundless Brilliance or Violet Cloud, the fighting level is obviously not high, but each and Everyone is as strong as a monster, so I am afraid that even those Super-Guild are not seen.

Especially Violet Cloud just relied on the endless offensive shadow sword, and the continuous frantic attacks made Sin Yan unable to get close to half a step, even close to ten yards, even this kind of thing He can’t do it, but Violet Cloud is just a newcomer to Zero Wing’s…

However, as the battle on the ring gets more and more intense, the Vitality consumption of both parties is also increasing, especially Violet Cloud obviously felt a little sluggish to control the Shadow Sword.

“It’s a pity. Your understanding of the Major Perfection is much higher than mine. It even inspired me a lot. Unfortunately, your Vitality Perception is too weak to be used well after all. Maximize the battle strength, and it cannot minimize the consumption of Vitality. Now you are fighting for more than ten seconds at most, and you will be unable to fight because of the excessive consumption of Vitality.” Sin Yan watched while resisting attacks from all around Violet Cloud said, “And this result is not what I want to see. Originally, I wanted to save a hole card to fight the two. Now let you feel it in advance!”

Speaking of the sudden changes in the footsteps of Sin Yan, it instantly turned into twelve silhouettes, making it impossible for the sword of shadow to attack.

Bronze steps are buried!

I saw that these twelve silhouettes are continuous Blinks, neutralizing all the attacks of Violet Cloud, and I can only watch the approach of Sin Yan.

However, as the sin flame approached, Violet Cloud suddenly let all around the sword of shadow dissipate, as if giving up resistance, quietly watching the arrival of sin flame.

“In what circumstances did you give up?”

“Yes, who can stop such an attack? She can persist until now. It is also one of the younger generation of God’s Domain. Very best exists.”

Everyone looked at Violet Cloud who gave up resistance, and there was no verbal abuse or blame, because Violet Cloud’s defeat was too normal. Don’t talk about Violet Cloud in the face of sin. Few people in the older generation say that it is safe to win over sin.

Seeing that Sin Yan had come to a place less than fifteen yards apart, Violet Cloud couldn’t help but sighed, and directly inserted his scepter into the ground.

“It is true that as Guild Master said, I am more than one thing behind you in terms of skill level. Even with the ability to unlock 100% magic power, this gap cannot be offset. It seems that I can only use it. I’m doing my best. Even our Guild Master doesn’t know this hole card.”

Violet Cloud said, a strong magic power burst out all over his body. The surge of magic power looked like a volcanic eruption from a distance. Generally speaking, I don’t know how much stronger it is than Soundless Brilliance, and the domain coercion formed by Violet Cloud has become more terrifying, even reducing the twelve silhouettes of sin to eight silhouettes.

Everyone was stunned at this moment.

“Isn’t her magic power body unlocked? How can the magic power rise?”

“Isn’t she unlocked the magic power body in the previous battle?”

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