As the demon wolves swarmed in, Cola and the others who were preparing to face off were also nervous. These thousands of Ice Snow demon wolves are much higher in level than them, and they are completely comparable to the High Lord at Level 115. , Also in other words, they have to face thousands of High Lords of the same level, and the fighting level of each and everyone is above the Tower of Trial third floor.

Among them, several three-headed demon wolves also rushed up, like a tsunami, which can sweep everything.

Seeing that the demon wolf is getting closer and everyone is ready to face the battle, the demon wolf army suddenly changed into two groups, forming a tendency to encircle Shi Feng and the others, not at all fight Shi Feng and the others for the first time.

As the encirclement gradually formed, the Ice Snow demon wolf in the demon wolf group also gave way to the three demon wolf, letting the three demon wolf rush to the front, and the others The Ice Snow demon wolf followed behind to perform auxiliary attacks.

“Are these monsters refined?” Cola almost fell out of her eyes.

At this time, the demon wolf is still like a magic beast, simply like a well-trained army, and even specifically for their players.

However, before Cola and the others could react, a three-headed demon wolf rushed up first, followed by hundreds of Ice Snow demon wolves to assist.

Faced with the three-headed demon wolf, Cola directly greeted the three-headed demon wolf and smashed the three-headed demon wolf with a righteous roar.

When Cola, who was blooming with dazzling rays of light, was about to hit the three-headed demon wolf, the three-headed demon wolf looked at Cola with a hint of playfulness, which made Cola surprised.

For a while, I saw the three-headed demon wolf next to him, I don’t know where it came from. Two Ice Snow demon wolves ran into Cola directly.


The strong impact directly caused the two Ice Snow demon wolves to fly away, but it also stopped Cola’s offensive abruptly. At this moment, the three-headed demon wolf also fell from the in midair.

The claws of the three-headed demon wolf carry the black Nether Light, forming a huge demon claw Phantom, which hides the clouds and the sun, which is inevitable.

“It’s not that easy to kill me!” Cola reacted quickly, and immediately raised her shield to block it.

However, the moment Cola raised the shield, she was stupid.

Because at this time, three Ice Snow demon wolves appeared from the side……

Double attack!

As a magic beast who is not very intelligent, it will use its companions to carry out double attacks, and the cooperation is seamless. It can be said that this cooperation is both in terms of time and attack mode. It may not be able to cooperate so much, as if it had gone through countless simulation hard trainings against him.

Seeing that Cola was already weak or too late to resist the three Ice Snow demon wolves that were biting up, a layer of ice was formed all over Cola, which directly wrapped Cola completely.


The claws of the three-headed demon wolf and the attacks of the three Ice Snow demon wolves shook the ice wall, but they did not break the ice wall.

This made everyone present could not help looking towards the source of the formation of the magic power of the ice wall.

Be aware that the attacks of the three-headed demon wolf and the ice snow demon wolf completely overwhelm everyone, let alone rescue Cola, and the ice wall is used just right, and the ice The wall is just a Tier 2 Magic, it can completely block the attack of the three demon wolf, which is simply incredible.

I saw that the source of the magic power of the ice wall turned out to be Shi Feng standing back-up and holding a crystal scepter Van Side.

And there is no Magic Array in the whole body of Verside, and it can directly form an ice wall. This speed simply is much faster than Aqua Rose and the others that can use Tier 2 to instantly cast Magic. Up.

Because the general use of Magic will form a Magic Array, but it takes time to form a Magic Array. Even an instant Magic Array will form a Magic Array, but the speed formed by this Magic Array is very fast. It will take time soon, but the Tier 2 ice wall used by Vailside does not have a Magic Array, as if it were formed by a single thought, and the ice wall formed is still so strong.

However, before everyone came back to his senses, the three-headed demon wolf in front of Cola suddenly became angry and stared at Verside, whose Level is only 1 and 12. All wolf heads open their mouths at the same time, and a 2-layer Magic Array is formed at the feet of three demon wolves.

The three wolf heads spit out terrifying storms almost at the same time. A strong storm is simply like a hurricane. It can give Devour to everyone present, and it is inevitable.

But just at this moment, Van Said just raised his hand, and a rock wall separated the three-headed demon wolf from everyone.

The strong storm strikes on the rock wall can hardly shake half a minute, until the strength is exhausted, it only blows off the dust on the rock wall that’s all……

This scene makes Cola and the others are dumbfounded.

The trick of the three-headed demon wolf is definitely Tier 3 Forbidden Spell, plus the level of the three-headed demon wolf’s 1Level 24, there is definitely the formidable power of Level 120 Legendary monster full strength attack, but that’s it Was blocked by casually…

Moreover, it was not only the attack of the three-headed demon wolf. A rocky spur formed at the feet of the other two three-headed demon wolf of Ambush in the distance, which instantly interrupted the two Only the three-headed demon wolf’s coordinated offensive.

“Is the Tier 4 NPC so strong?” Aqua Rose was also dumbfounded.

Before, she thought that Shi Feng was too high to look at 1Level 12 Van Said. Under such a demon wolf army, even if they were with those Personal Guards, they would fight very hard. Not to mention protecting them, this difficulty is much harder than simply fighting together.

But now seeing Van Side, she finally understands something.

In a flash, I released three magics, which is the instant 3-layer casting. Besides the 3-layer casting, the formidable power is so amazing. It’s simply the same as the Tier she encountered before. 4 NPC is not a level at all.

“Everyone should be careful. Although there is a Guard from Van Side here, it is not foolproof. The demon wolf here is not ordinary. It is not only cunning, but also uses various chances. You must always Keep your maximum vigilance and can’t relax for a moment.” Shi Feng looked at the surprised crowd and couldn’t help but become silent and laughed.

In God’s Domain, any NPC that can become Tier 4 profession is a giant amongst men. In God’s Domain, the existence of the oversee side can be weak, and Human is promoted to Tier 4 and monster is promoted to Tier 4. , That’s completely different.

Because Human wants to be promoted to Tier 4, it must be controlled by Skill and magic power to reach a certain level. Unlike monsters, as long as the body and bloodline are strong enough, so even if Human’s Tier 4 profession is Level and Strength are weaker, and they can also be made up for with Skill, not to mention that Mithril Rank’s Tier 4 guard growth is not weak.

As Shi Feng finished speaking, everyone finally came back to his senses, with a fiery look in their eyes.

These demon wolves are indeed extraordinary, as can be seen from Cola’s battles, and the offensive is endless, not to mention various weaknesses against them, and more importantly, Life and Death Battle allows them to fully realize their potential, unlike normal training that always has a trace of relaxation in their hearts.

And such a chance is definitely the battlefield where all experts in God’s Domain are yearn for something even in dreams!

Immediately everyone began to concentrate on fighting the demon wolf, putting all their energy on all around all the demon wolves, not solely paying attention to the demon wolf fighting in front of them, but also always paying attention to all around The demon wolf.

As for Shi Feng, he was not idle, and rushed to the three-headed demon wolf to start practicing the fusion of the basic Combat Technique.

It is very difficult in itself to perfectly integrate Combat Technique into itself. If you fight with the Swordsman in Transcendent Tower, there is no time to be distracted to integrate Combat Technique. After all, in Transcendent Tower He only had the body Constitution of Tier 1, and he couldn’t react to it. If he tried to force a fusion battle, it would only have the opposite effect.

These demon wolves are just right. They not only carry out various attacks against the weaknesses of the player, but also maintain the physique of Tier 3, and can have a lot of effort to integrate the basic Combat Technique.

I saw Shi Feng fighting with two three-headed demon wolves and hundreds of Ice Snow demon wolves. Whenever Shi Feng can focus on three-headed demon wolves, those Ice Snow demon wolves are Being able to block the knife for the first time, and even launch Ambush against Shi Feng, so that Shi Feng has no time to use Magic Skill and can only use the faster Combat Technique to resist.

As the fighting time gets longer and longer, Shi Feng uses the basic Combat Technique to fight more and more experience.

From the beginning, there are more than ten strokes to use Combat Technique properly, and gradually it becomes five or six strokes that can be used once, and the perfect use of Combat Technique also makes Shi Feng and the three-headed demon wolf effective The battle has become easier, the Common attack can be stronger than the three-headed demon wolf of 1Level 24, and even the battle with two three-headed demon wolves and hundreds of Ice Snow demon wolves has gradually gained the upper hand.

Moreover, it is not only Shi Feng who has made a significant improvement, Aqua Rose and the others are also making rapid progress. From the beginning of the tough battle, from time to time, Van Said needed help, and gradually became the use of all around. The environment, every move is more and more connected to the use of Close Combat technology.

And this training lasted for five days. Everyone kept coming and going between the demon wolf lair and the Transcendent Tower 2nd floor. They practiced while quoting. Not only did everyone reach Realm of Truth attain a higher level level, Fire Dance, Violet Cloud, and Aqua Rose even created their own Bronze Combat Technique.

As for everyone’s Level, it has also increased rapidly.

The demon wolf in the demon wolf lair will not drop any Item, but the experience point given is very rich, plus the Personal Guard will clean up the appropriate demon wolf, everyone has also been upgraded by two levels, but Because of the Demon God curse, Shi Feng dropped Level 1 from the two originally promoted levels. Level only reached 1 to Level 18, which is two levels short of the level of 120.

“Sure enough, after fuse the basic Combat Technique into itself, it improves greatly, whether it is attack, dodge, defense, etc., it has all-round improvement. If you can integrate all Advanced Combat Technique into itself, I’m afraid it’s possible to fight at a higher level.” Shi Feng fought three three-headed demon wolves while thinking about how to integrate Advanced Combat Technique into himself.

After five days of crazy training, he finally fuse the basic Combat Technique into himself. Now he can do everything with Combat Technique, and the improvement of this strength is also a qualitative change. Easily passed the 90th floor.

But in the end, it just stopped on the ninetieth fifth floor. On the ninetieth sixth floor, facing three black robe Swordsman, he was directly blown down. There was no suspense at all. I wanted to talk to three black robe Swordsman. Robe Swordsman fought, just like those black robe Swordsman, integrate Advanced Combat Technique into itself.

But it is too difficult. Advanced Combat Technique consumes much more mental power and Stamina than the basic Combat Technique, and it is also more complicated. It is not easy to use exclusively. Every move has Advanced Combat. The power of Technique, the difficulty can be imagined.

“Guild Master, the time is almost up. If we don’t go to the Western Continent again, I’m afraid the family on the Soundless side will be too late.” Aqua Rose looked at Shi Feng who was still fighting wholeheartedly and couldn’t help but speak. Said.

“Is this time already?” Shi Feng heard Aqua Rose’s reminder, feeling that time is passing fast, and then said, “Okay, let’s go back and get ready!”

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