With the red-eyed Sword Saint Eyre Warzer finished speaking in the small square, the audience fell into silence.

“Is this all okay?” Cola couldn’t help but said as he looked at Crodia, who had even worse Death Qi.

A Level 120 upper Legendary monster is already strong and suffocating. Whether it can be killed or not is unknown. Now after getting the sword in the fountain pool, Crodia’s power is obvious and strong. For a while, even the data has changed significantly.

Crodia (City Lord), a living creature of an undead, a legendary, Level Level 120, HP 540,000 million.

The HP simply 5.4 billion is desperate.

You must know that the battle restore restores 54 million HP every five seconds. Equivalent to restore more than 10 million HP in one second……

Forget the sole battle restore. With a dark gray long sword, Death Qi surrounded by BOSS has formed a Domain, covering the distance of the surrounding twenty-thirty yards, and this rich Death Qi can clearly feel the formidable power of Death Qi even if it is not close.

Because the area covered by Death Qi is really barren, the hard flagstone on the ground turned out to be naked eye visible and becomes rotten, directly turning into sand, without a trace of Life Aura, even a trace of magic power I can’t even feel it. If the player is inside, the situation can be imagined.

Don’t talk about Cola at this time, the Hell and the others who are present are all silly. Didn’t expect BOSS to have such a trick.

The average monster does not have any weapon equipment, that is, there is no bonus of weapon equipment. It is just enough to make the player headache. Now BOSSequipment is on weapon equipment, what else? hit?

“I really don’t give any chance.” Shi Feng looked at Crodia with a wry smile.

Originally killing the normal Crodia, he had some certainty with the Ring of Gospel, but facing the current Crodia, even he was not sure.

The upper Legendary BOSS is not as good as the Common Legendary monster. It is not only for preventing high blood pressure. This kind of Humanoid BOSS generally masters the domain, which will weaken the player’s battle strength, and the combat level is still very high.

Generally, you have to deal with the upper Legendary BOSS. Without grasping the weaknesses and using special items, the Tier 3 team players generally have to be five to ten levels higher to fight.

In Secret Realm, they cannot summon Personal Guard, and the Level is generally lower than the BOSS Fifth Level, let alone kill the BOSS, I am afraid that even the BOSS’s Tier 1 stage will be completely destroyed.

When everyone fell silent and didn’t know how to deal with the Crodia who held the real weapon in front of them, Qinghong and Jin Lao in the team suddenly became complexion ashen.

“Have an accident?” Shi Feng couldn’t help asking when looking at the strange expressions of Qinghong and Jin Lao.

“We Guild just received the news that the alliance team led by Heart of Demon has killed the second boss of the Ancient God Tower, and now only the last two BOSS can open the Ancient God Tower 1st floor The Magic Array became the controller on the 1st floor of the Ancient God Tower.” Qinghong said with a bad expression looking at Shi Feng.

Now because their two Big Guilds cooperate with Zero Wing, the players of the Dark Great World can only go to God’s Domain continent through the Teleportation Gate. This allows the two Big Guilds to develop rapidly in the Dark Great World. The Great Influence and Dark Great World players dare not do anything.

But if the alliance of Heart of Demon opens the Tower of Ancient God, then it’s over.

And this is not a simple matter of ending. Zero Wing controls the Teleportation Gate, but the Great Influence and players of the Dark Great World hate it very much. If the Alliance of Heart of Demon controls the Tower of Ancient God, then It is conceivable to wait for the results of their two Big Guilds.

Know that they don’t have Zero Wing’s means, they can use NPC army to sweep, as long as the Great Influence and expert player of the Dark Great World target the members of their two Big Guilds, then wait for their two Big Guilds. There is only one way to destroy.

“Have you started preparing to attack the No. 3 BOSS?” Shi Feng was also slightly surprised.

The strategy for the Tower of Ancient God is not as easy as that of the ultra-large dungeon team of more than 100 levels. According to the player level and strength of the Dark Great World, I am afraid it will take at least two weeks to be possible, but now Only three short days have passed, and two bosses have already been pushed, and the progress is beyond expectation.

“Guild Master Black Flame, what do we do now? According to this speed, I am afraid that it does not take two or three days for the alliance team of Heart of Demon to complete the strategy of the Tower of Ancient God…” Jin The old man asked anxiously.

They didn’t expect Heart of Demon to be so powerful. It stands to reason that even if there is a Heart of Demon linking it, it’s impossible to have such a background. After all, if you want to attack the Tower of Ancient God, you not only need a lot of Tier 3 expert is so simple, but also need corresponding weapon equipment.

Although they are trapped in the city of poison and evil now, it can be said that two weeks will not be able to go out, and even if they can go out now, I am afraid they will not be able to keep up with the progress of the Heart of Demon alliance team.

“It seems I can only try it now.” Shi Feng turned his head and looked towards Crodia and said.

“Guild Master, do you have a way?” Aqua Rose asked curiously.

Facing the enhanced Crodia, let alone their current team, even the Level 120 Tier 3 expert unlocked by hundreds of magic power bodies is probably not an opponent.

Because only a battle restore 10 million HP per second this card will not survive.

Their group is only more than 700 people, and when there are less than 1,000 people, the output requirement is that each person has to hurt at least 15 thousand per second.

Be aware that this is a high-level Legendary monster. Normal Tier 3 experts can cause tens of thousands of damage per second. After the enhancement, the domain is further enhanced, and the damage they can cause may be lower. As for relying on them It may be okay to make up for the damage of dozens of people, but the damage of 100-Man is simply cracking a joke, even if Shi Feng joins it, it is impossible, because this is not something that can be done with a few or a dozen players. .

“Well, this BOSS has a weakness, but you can only try it. As for whether it can succeed, I don’t know.” Shi Feng nodded.

Normally, he will not be eager to fight, but will first take everyone to level up. After all, Sword Saint just said to kill the BOSS, but not at all restricts them to kill now, they are completely Can free activities and promotion in the city of poisonous evil.

But now it seems to be impossible.

Heart of Demon’s progress has exceeded his expectations too much. If he can’t kill the BOSS in a short time, waiting until Heart of Demon occupies the Tower of Ancient God is not solely bad for the two Dark Guilds, and it is also very bad for Zero Wing. .

Before, he could rely on Teleportation Gate to greatly limit the number of Dark Players entering the God’s Domain continent, but without this limitation, the Dark Great World players may not be able to do anything in the Cold Spring Forest, but But he can act wilfully outside the cold spring forest, which is why he wants to occupy the Teleportation Gate. After all, he has only one Knight group, and the scope of Guard is quite limited.

Immediately, Shi Feng began to arrange everyone and let Cola stay near the BOSS. Everyone else hid in the alleys of the city. All melee Classes set various traps in the alleys, and all remote All professions are output on the roof.

“Everyone remembers that within the two hundred yards of the BOSS, there can only be 100-Man at most. All Close Combats are far away from the BOSS. Healer will give the anti-BOSS MTrestore, regardless of the output, MTDeath If Qi accumulates to the third level, replace it!” Shi Feng saw that everyone was already in place, and slowly said, “If there is no problem, just open the blame!”

Normally, those who want to attack the poisonous city In the end, BOSS needs a Tier 3 team of 1,000 people, but now that there is not a 1,000 people, it can only fight with 100-man, and BOSSHP in Secret Realm is determined based on the number of Perception players.

And a 100-Man is a card. Of course, this is also the ultimate battle strength. The requirements for 100-Man are very, very high. When the power of everyone is generally insufficient, it can only be done.

With Shi Feng’s order, Cola also rushed directly to the BOSS.

After Cola approached the BOSS 100 yards, everyone was stupid, because the HP of the BOSS dropped to 2.1 billion in an instant, and the HP dropped by more than half.

But the problem is also coming, that is, instead of outputting 5.4 billion HP in the seven 100-Man, it is 100-Man to deal with the boss with 2.1 billion HP. The difficulty can be said to increase instead of decreasing.

However, before everyone can react, Crodia just stepped forward and appeared in front of Cola. The speed was so fast that even the Peak expert present could not react, simply It’s like a ghost.

I saw the sword in Crodia’s hand with a wave.

A black glow pierced the space and left a black seam, and then Cola flew out more than 20 yards like a cannonball, even if Cola used a shield to block the blow, HP would be like I don’t want to lose money, and HP dropped to half in the blink of an eye…

Fortunately, it was cut off, so that Cola had time to get away from the BOSS, and immediately turned on the Shield Wall life-saving skill. Can directly turn around and run into the alley, and the three Healers who are more than fifty yards apart are crazy to add blood to Cola, one after another Holy Light and the healing drop make Cola’s HP barely restore to 2/3 of the HP.

Without a lapse of two seconds, Cola was smashed by a sword and hit the wall directly. HP fell below one third, and the three Healers managed to pull back more than half.

While Cola was constantly being chopped off, Crodia also rushed into the alley to chase Cola. Because the terrain of the alley was complicated, the frequency of attacks on Cola decreased for a while.

I saw Crodia stepping directly into the pre-arranged mine trap during the hunt.


A loud bang directly echoed the entire city of poison and evil, and a damage of more than one million points appeared on Crodia’s head. Afterwards, Crodia took a few steps and another Magic trap burst, and a damage of over 700,000 points appeared.

Seeing that Crodia was about to turn around to look for the person who set the trap, Cola rushed up at this moment, a Tier 3 justice anger hit Crodia’s body, and a five came out. Ten thousand points of damage.

“Okay! There’s a play! Long-range full attack! Everyone pays attention to move! Melee Class then arrange traps!” Shi Feng looked at the pulled Crodia and directly turned on the Ring of Gospel.

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