After Fire Dance finished speaking, Shi Feng was silent for a long time.

What’s the situation?


Or Tier 5 NPC and two Tier 4 NPCs?

According to the news he knew, there was never this thing in the city of poison and evil, it was a dead city, a city built by dead souls, and there was no living thing at all.

“Guild Master, shall we withdraw?” Fire Dance asked.

Never mind the Tier 4 NPC. At present, with the number of people and the hard work of the Ring of Gospel, there may still be a fight, but Tier 5 Sword Saint is cracking a joke, it is completely standing on God’s Domain Peak The existence of, even if a Kingdom don’t dare provoke, Execution Tier 3 player is as easy as cutting vegetables.

Because NPCs are not as good as monsters. Monster’s Magic Skills and combat levels are not very good. It’s just to prevent high blood pressure that’s all. The NPC combat level of the Tier 5 profession is not cracking a joke. You can complete the abuse of the micro expert and compete with Peak’s expert.

She couldn’t see it before, but now she has a much higher level. It can be clearly seen that Tier 5 NPC is like Combat Technique in every move, plus the absolute advantage of attribute, it really kills Tier 3 player. It’s not much harder than killing a chicken.

If you want to deal with Tier 5 NPCs, without dozens of Tier 4 experts armed to the teeth, it can be said that there is simply no chance.

“No, where are you waiting first, I will take someone over.” Shi Feng shook the head.

The fragments of Sword of Solomon can be said to be the easiest fragment for him to obtain. If it is replaced with other fragments, there is no clue. It is absolutely impossible to give up without looking at it.

You must know that the fragments of Sword of Solomon have not been obtained by the player. It is good to find them. As long as the fragments of Sword of Solomon are obtained by the player, you can find the needle in the haystack if you want to get it. There is no mutual induction between the fragments. If the player gets it and does not publicize it, no one will find it.

This is why he rushed to collect the Sword of Solomon fragments.

It’s still simple now. As the player Level gets higher, it becomes more difficult to collect them later. This is why the Former Life Legendary Item is so rare, especially the weapon, it’s really too difficult. It’s no longer something human can get, it’s entirely by luck.

Of course, there is also an exception, that is, the ancient book, the lost ancient book.

You can search for clues through consumables such as ancient books, but the lost ancient books are also scarce. It takes luck to get them…

Less than two hours Shi Feng led everyone to clean up in front of a small square in the city of poison. The central fountain in this small square was dry and overgrown with weeds, but the weak rays of light of the Magic Array on the ground could be seen. Insert the dark gray long sword into it, turning the earth all around into a place of dead silence.

It can be seen that if it were not for the seal of Magic Array, this dark gray long sword might have a greater impact.

And three NPCs stood quietly in front of the fountain, headed by a one-eyed red haired man wearing a white cloak, just looking at the long sword in the fountain pond in a daze.

Elvozer (Sword Saint with red eyes), Human race, Sword Saint, Level? ? ? , HP? ? ? ? ? ?

“Crap! Titled Sword Saint!” Shi Feng looked at the one-eyed red haired man, feeling bad.

The Tier 5 profession has already allowed the existence of God’s Domain Peak, and the NPC that can obtain the title in the Tier 5 profession exists like a king, and it is also a character who has completed some miraculous deeds. Even monster-level experts in the same Tier 5 profession don’t want to provoke them.

Only the Hero of the same level can fight with the title Sword Saint, but unlike Hero’s super attribute, it is completely based on the battle strength achieved by terrifying Skill, which can be said to be compared to the Tier 5 title. Powerhouse, the player is more willing to deal with Tier 5 Hero.

And such an influential figure, at this time it is in a Level 120 Secret Realm like the city of poison and evil……

Don’t say that Shi Feng feels bad at this time, everyone present each and Everyone is also sucked in a breath of cold air, so the influential figure is not visible even in Empire. If it is the enemy, it is definitely dead, and it may even be deleted and replayed.

However, when Shi Feng was hesitating whether to obtain the Sword of Solomon fragment, the stark-eyed Sword Saint in a daze turned his head and looked towards Shi Feng and hidden in the corner of the wall. the others.

“You have been watching where you are for a long time, come out!” Elvozer said flatly.

As Elvozer spoke, everyone in the audience felt unprecedented pressure, and even Qinghong, Jin Lao and the others were ready to turn around and run.

Because they know how terrifying these NPCs are.

It can be said that as long as the influential figure is unhappy, you can directly start the player from the beginning. This kind of thing has happened more than once in the dark Great World, so no player in the dark Great World dare to provoke or NPCs that approach Tier 5 casually, and even Tier 4 NPCs are afraid to contact.

“Don’t move!” Shi Feng suddenly shouted in the group chat.

“Guild Master Black Flame, this is Tier 5 NPC…” Old Jin couldn’t help but said.

This is not an NPC city. The NPCs that appear in the wild are unpredictable. It is not surprising that accidentally leads to consigned to eternal damnation.

“I know, but we have been discovered by him. Even if we want to run, I’m afraid we can’t run away.” Shi Feng looked at the impatient Jin Lao said with a bitter smile, “We only have the past. The most correct choice, don’t think about provoking a Tier 5 titled powerhouse.”

In God’s Domain, it can be said that no one knows the powerhouse of Tier 5 title better than him. Don’t even think about it as long as you are discovered. If you run away, you can’t escape at all. Even the Tier 5 Peak expert may not be able to escape.

After all, the Tier 5 title NPC is not what Demon God Phantom can only move in one place, and all aspects are subject to many restrictions and suppression.

This is a pure Human race NPC, there is no restriction and suppression at all, as long as you think, at this distance, I am afraid that he will be killed directly before he opens the Teleportation Gate.

“I see.” When Mr. Jin heard this, he had to give up the idea of ​​running away.

Because all of this is indeed as Shi Feng said, the speed of Tier 5 NPC is not cracking a joke, Tier 4 profession can be used for Imperial Flight, and their Tier 3 players can run as fast as they can. fast?

And not listening to Elvozer’s words and turned and fled, the equivalent to is to provoke the authority of this Tier 5 Sword Saint, and the final result may not be better than they came directly.

After that, Shi Feng led the crowd slowly out of the alleys of the city and came to Elvorze.

“Hello, respected Sword Saint, we are exploring this Secret Realm. We came here by accident. Please forgive us for any interruption.” Shi Feng looked at El sitting quietly in front of the fountain. Warzer said respectfully.

“Explore this Secret Realm?” Elvozer smiled suddenly, and his tone became cold suddenly, “You are here specifically for this sword, right? Let’s talk, who is instigated by you? Here? If you don’t tell me, you know what will end!”

murderous aura!

True murderous aura from the Tier 5 title NPC!

As Elvoser’s tone became cold, both Shi Feng and everyone present felt an unprecedented oppression hit, making everyone feel as heavy as if they were filled with lead. The cold murderous aura makes everyone’s breathing extremely difficult, as if being in a cold Hell.

At the same time, Shi Feng’s ears also sounded the System prompt tone, or the system prompt sounded in the ears of everyone present.

System: Warning! caveat!

System: The player triggers the Epic Level special event Red Eye Fury!

System: The player has 30 seconds to choose to defeat the Sword Saint Elvoze or accept death.

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