“Help us take down the Tower of Ancient God?”

The female Knight and Old Jin both looked at Shi Feng for a moment and were shocked.

“Well, as long as you can win the Tower of Ancient God first, then the Teleportation Array of the Tower of Ancient God will be under your control for a while, right?” Shi Feng said.

The Tower of Ancient God has a total of seventh floor, each floor has several Teleportation Arrays, leading to different worlds, and some even lead to some resources Secret Realm, and the original layer owner is also from the first floor. A level clear player comes and competes only once every other month.

As long as the first one to win the 1st floor of the Ancient God Tower, then the entire 1st floor of the next month will be under the complete control of the layer owner, and no one should be shaken by half.

“Guild Master Black Flame, you may not know the Tower of Ancient God. It is not comparable to the Teleportation Gate of the Dark Great World. Let’s not say that in the Dark Great World, your non-Dark Players will be suppressed when you enter. It is forbidden to use any item in the Tower of Ancient God, and those NPCs can’t step into the half step, and can only level clear with the player’s own strength.” Jin Lao said slowly.

It’s not that he doesn’t believe in Zero Wing’s strength, but the Tower of Ancient God belongs to the Dark Great World. Non-dark players are already suppressed a lot. In addition to prohibiting any item and NPC, Zero Wing even wants to help It can’t be done. Otherwise, Heart of Demon won’t find the Great Influences of the Dark Great World. Just go to the major Super Organizations in God’s Domain. With the strength of the major Super Organizations, simply steamroll those dark Greats. The Great Influence of World.

“Yes, and in the Tower of Ancient God, similar to ultra-large dungeon team and siege warfare, there are strict time requirements, generally two hundred Tier 3 experts are needed, or else they can’t resist at all. The massive monsters living in it, let alone attacking the city, although our two Big Guilds can barely gather two hundred Tier 3 experts, the difficulty of the Ancient God Tower is not as simple as those of the hundred-level ultra-large dungeon team. In terms of weapon equipment and Magic Skill, many of our Big Guild’s Tier 3 experts did not meet the standards.” Female Knight nodded said.

It’s not that they haven’t thought about this kind of thing, but the strategy of the Tower of Ancient God is too difficult, even if it is only the 1st floor, it cannot be done by a certain force in the Dark Great World.

And Heart of Demon is also ruthless. In the dark Great World, it was revealed that their two Big Guilds cooperated with Zero Wing, and they isolated their two Big Guilds. They also had no way to choose to cooperate with Zero Wing. , Or wait until Heart of Demon leads the Tier 3 expert of Great Influence to succeed, when the time comes, they will be miserable.

“Don’t worry, these are not problems.” Shi Feng couldn’t help saying with a smile, “But after it’s done, I have one condition.”

For the Ancient of the Dark Great World The Tower of God, he can be said to be more familiar than any player in the Dark Great World now, and he knows exactly how difficult it is to attack the 1st floor of the Tower of Ancient God.

It can be said that Heart of Demon from Great Influence Tier 3 experts in the Dark Great World has several points of possibility, while Dark Fantasy and Spiritual God will join forces and there is no possibility of a strategy.

Of course, this also only refers to the current darkness Fantasy and Spiritual God will not be possible that’s all.

“Guild Master Black Flame, are you really sure?” The female Knight looked at the confident Shi Feng and couldn’t help asking.

She knows that the Tier 3 experts on Zero Wing are not simple. It would be a great help if they assisted the two Big Guilds, but the suppression of non-Dark Players by the Dark Great World is not small, Common Peak If an expert enters the dark Great World, he can only play the Peak expert level, not to mention other Tier 3 experts.

This is also the reason why the major Super Organization experts in God’s Domain are unable to move a single step in the Dark Great World and can only choose to cooperate with the strength of the Dark Great World.

“Although it is not high, it is 70% to 80% certain.” Shi Feng said.

“Seven or eighty percent?” Jin Lao could not help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

Is this still called high?

If Shi Feng hadn’t really won the Teleportation Gate of the Dark Great World, he would definitely think Shi Feng was a lunatic from that lunatic asylum.

You must know that even if the major Super Organizations in God’s Domain are not suppressed, they may not be able to guarantee the 1st floor of the Tower of Ancient God, and Zero Wing even if the background is deep heaven defying, he thinks it can It is heaven defying if you are 30-40% sure, and 70-80% sure means you will be successful.

“I don’t know what Guild Master Black Flame’s conditions are?” The female Knight took a deep breath and asked inwardly.

Although I don’t know what Shi Feng said about true or false, as long as it succeeds, it will benefit the two Big Guilds without harm. Naturally, there is no reason to refuse.

“It’s very simple. I want 80% of the profits of the Ancient God Tower. At the same time I have the power to manage your two Big Guild’s main group members. Even my order is higher than your Guild Master in an emergency. “Shi Feng thought for a while and said.

“This…” Old Jin suddenly hesitated.

As long as the Tower of Ancient God is controlled, the benefits are definitely needless to say, even if the remaining 20% ​​is acceptable, they are directly required to manage the two Big Guild’s main group members, even sometimes The order is higher than their Guild Master, which is a bit crazy.

Be aware that Guild’s main force is the lifeblood of Guild’s, and it is not easy to lose, let alone listen to others’ orders.

“Don’t worry, I will not interfere with the daily affairs and work of your main Guild team, but your main group member must listen to me when I need it.” Shi Feng slowly said, “Of course this You can go back and think about it, there is no need to give me an answer now.”

“Guild Master Black Flame does not need to think about it. We dark Fantasy can agree, but our dark Fantasy members must be free The teleportation in and out of the dark Great World, of course, we will do our best to help you achieve the Candlelight Trading Company’s entry.” The female Knight said suddenly.

As the female Knight spoke, the old Jin and the others in the hall looked towards the female Knight in disbelief.

“Qinghong, are you crazy? This is the management right of Guild’s main group!” Old Jin couldn’t help but said as he looked at the female Knight.

Accepted such conditions, but equivalent to gave part of Guild’s lifeblood to Shi Feng, and equivalent to Shi Feng became Guild’s half of Guild Master.

“I’m not crazy, I said before Guild Master came, cooperation is necessary, and I don’t think Guild Master Black Flame will really look at the main team of our two Big Guilds.” Female Knight Qinghong whispered to Old Jin.

Lao Jin suddenly felt that it was the same.

Zero Wing is really not short of manpower now, because every moment there are a large number of experts in God’s Domain who want to join Zero Wing, and Zero Wing also masters the Teleportation Gate of the Dark Great World, in Ancient God Before the tower was opened, it controlled the lifeblood of the entire dark Great World.

Shi Feng was also slightly surprised about this. Didn’t expect the female Knight Qinghong to be so decisive. If she was replaced by other Big Guild executives, she would probably turn around and leave, and she wouldn’t be talking at all.

“Okay! Our Spiritual God will also agree, but our conditions are the same as Dark Fantasy.” Old Jin sighed, opened the mouth and said.

Now their two Big Guilds have been marked as Zero Wing’s by the Great Influences of the Dark Great World. What they can do now is to go to the dark, and cooperation with Zero Wing can at least guarantee that Guild’s development speed is absolutely absolute Great Influence beyond the Dark Great World.

“There is no problem at this point. After signing the contract, you two Big Guild members can freely enter and exit the Teleportation Gate of the dark Great World.” Shi Feng nodded.

“Then what are we going to do next?” Jin Lao looked at Shi Feng and asked.

Heart of Demon is already moving around now. As long as you gather enough and powerful Tier 3 experts, you can start the strategy of the Tower of Ancient God. It can be said that time is tight.

“It’s very simple. Now I will inform you two of the main group members of the Big Guild to come over, and Zero Wing will take care of you to improve your strength.” Shi Feng laughed.

Whether it’s dungeon team or Ancient God’s tower, the player’s strength is ultimately determined by the player’s strength. So, if you want to take the Ancient God’s tower, you only need to increase the strength of the two Big Guild’s main team, expert. Up.

“Improve strength?” Female Knight Qinghong was shocked, completely didn’t expect Shi Feng to do so, “Then where do we go to improve?”

“Level 120 Secret Realm, the city of poison!” Shi Feng said flatly.

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