As more and more Tier 3 NPCs appeared behind Shi Feng, both the Dark Player and Zero Wing’s members were stunned.

Tier 3 NPCs are placed in the Kingdom and Empire cities of God’s Domain. They are powerful, and some are even Magicstrate in Small City, which can guard the existence of one party.

There are thousands of Tier 3 profession NPCs in front of you, and there are no shortage of NPCs from other races, simply incredible.

“Has there been so many?”

Gentle Snow looked at the Knight group that appeared, and couldn’t help but be surprised.

Although it has long been known that Shi Feng invested a lot of gold coins in the Knight regiment, it takes a lot of time to gather and cultivate a large number of Tier 3 Knights.

In her opinion, at this point in time, it would be good to have more than two or three hundred Tier 3 Knights.

Didn’t expect there are more than a thousand Tier 3 NPCs now. This number of Tier 3 NPCs is far more powerful than the Tier 3 player army, let alone five-six thousand expert players of the Tier 3 profession. Even the tens of thousands of expert players in the Tier 3 profession are no match.

The reason is very simple. The attributes of the same-level NPC are originally stronger than the player, and they have a lot of Magic Skills. The completion of the Magic Skill is even more complete than the player, and the level of intelligent combat is high because of God’s Domain The constant update of the micro-experts has not lost much to those micro experts, and some are even stronger.

Because of this, even if many expert players are promoted to the Tier 3 profession, they are still beaten by the Tier 3 NPC.

In addition to these gaps, the biggest gap is weapon equipment!

Adamantite Rank equipment above 100 is too Rare for players, but the worst for Tier 3 profession NPCs is probably a dark gold equipment, which is a complete explosion of current players on weapon equipment.

Not to mention the Zero Wing’s Knight group in front of them, each and everyone wears Epic Level equipment special effects, not to mention the micro Tier 3 experts, even those Peak Tier 3 experts. run.

The appearance of thousands of Tier 3 NPC Knights also made the surrounding five-six thousand Tier 3 expert retreat. The senior leaders of the dark Great World forces looked more solemnly, each and everyone unbelievably looked towards Shi Feng.

didn’t expect Zero Wing’s strength to be so terrifying!

The nearly six hundred Tier 3 NPC guards investigated before have caused headaches for their Great Influences in the Dark Great World. If they want to take Stone Forest City, they can only join forces with the major Super Organizations. Zero Wing is slow to kill.

Now the number of Tier 3 NPCs has doubled, plus five Chilong airships, this is a fart!

“So this is the reason why he surrendered the 70% of the resource area without the slightest hesitation?” The dark Fantasy female Knight looked at Shi Feng, her eyes flashed with a trace of surprise.

I felt that Zero Wing was crazy before, and even directly abandoned a large amount of resource treasure land, so that Zero Wing competed with the Great Influence and Dark Player of the dark Great World more inspiring. Now it seems that simply is wrong.

With such a battle strength, I am afraid that there is really no dark Great World power and Dark Player. They dare to compete with Zero Wing for the 30% of the resource area. On the contrary, the 70% of their domain will change. The competition is fierce. After all, their dark Fantasy influence is more in the dark Great World. After the dark Great World, their suppression of Dark Player is greatly reduced.

In the case of not gnawing on the 30% of the Zero Wing resource area, it is normal to directly work on the remaining 70% of the area.

“Damn! How could this happen!” Angrily looked at the thousands of Tier 3 NPCs standing behind Shi Feng, feeling that the whole person was going crazy.

I don’t understand how Zero Wing has so many Tier 3 NPCs, and each and everyone weapon equipment is so good, let alone five-six thousand Tier 3 experts, it’s tens of thousands of Tier 3 experts. Rushing up is also thankless, and these Tier 3 experts are from Great Influence and Adventure Group, it is difficult to conduct unified command, after all, no one wants to die and become other people’s cannon fodder.

Previously, there was an absolute advantage. Everyone on the scene could defeat everyone. But when the strength gap is not so desperate, the Tier 3 experts of Great Influence and Adventure Group will not be so easy to do.

I watched Shi Feng for a while. Waiting for more than a thousand NPCs directly made the millions of players in the dark Great World dare not act. Each and everyone watched Shi Feng and the others quietly. The scene was spectacular. Cyan Frost and the others were dumbfounded.

At this time, let alone Cyan Frost and the others, it is Hell who screams and the others are dumbfounded.

Before this, they had made plans for everyone to stay here. After all, the difference between the strength and the number of the two sides was too great, and they would not be able to kill so many people if they were exhausted, but they did not expect It would become such a situation, millions of expert troops entered the cold spring forest, but no one dared to advance half a step, so each and everyone stood in front of the Teleportation Gate.

And when the audience fell into silence, the domineering Guild Master Liming Hegemony once again walked out of the crowd to face Shi Feng.

But this time, Liming Hegemony no longer has the color of disdain before, and instead has a little more caution on his face.

“Guild Master Black Flame is really amazing! No wonder you can create a Stone Forest City in the cold spring forest.” Liming Baye looked at Shi Feng and clapped his hands in admiration, “Since the Guild Master Black Flame, you have shown The strength recognized by everyone, then I also represent the Great Influence and Adventure Group of the entire dark Great World, that is, we will not participate in the battle between your Zero Wing and the major Super Organizations. I don’t know how Guild Master Black Flame feels. “

As Liming Hegemony finished speaking, all the Great Influence and Adventure Group Group Leaders present also deeply agreed.

If Zero Wing didn’t have enough strength before, it’s fine. Now that Zero Wing has proven their strength, they are naturally reluctant to participate in this kind of battle. After all, they want to bite down the current Stone Forest City. , Almost impossible thing.

“Damn Dawn Domination! How could he be like this!” An angry Elder watched without the slightest hesitation giving up dealing with Zero Wing’s Dawn Domination, and couldn’t help being angry with Fire Dao.

In the past, in order to guide the Great Influences of the Dark Great World, their Heart of Demon gave a lot of benefits to the domineering world, but now that the situation is unmanageable, they even give up and give up.

Now the leading domineering world has voluntarily announced to give up, and other forces are even more impossible to deal with Zero Wing.

However, before the angry Elder cursed for a while, just look at what Shi Feng said to Liming Baye, shook the head.

“Dawn Guild Master, you have to ask me to repeat it several times to understand. I am here only to inform you that the Teleportation Gate of the Dark Great World will be managed by Zero Wing in the future. Anyone will enter and exit the Teleportation Gate in the future. We at Zero Wing all charge fees. I don’t know if I can tell you in detail.” Shi Feng looked at the Liming Hegemony who gave up participating in the battle, and said slowly, “As for you guys, do you want to participate in the competition for Stone Forest City with those Super Organizations? Don’t care.”

As Shi Feng finished speaking, Liming Hegemon, who wanted to say something for a while, was completely stunned.

And Elder, who was raging in the distance, also looked at the mouth wide, and looked at Shi Feng with unbelievable expression.

“He is crazy? Liming Baye has taken the lead to give up joining forces with the major Super Organizations to deal with Stone Forest City. He even plans to take over Teleportation Gate. He really wants to be the enemy of the entire dark Great World. Is it?” Mo Shan looked at Shi Feng in the distance, he didn’t know what to say anymore.

Be aware that the current situation is the best ending for Zero Wing.

Don’t have a great ending, but I have to point out Teleportation Gate, simply crazy.

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